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Hyman Abramovich

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Major Hyman Abramovich
born in: Australia
Military Service: Australia


Australian Doctor, Major Hyman Abramovich refused to join the medical corps because such was his implacable hatred of the Nazis that he wanted to be involved in the front line fighting.

He won his MC at ANZIO and about him it was written by a war correspondent:

“His men and colleagues do not know how he made the jump from Sydney to the British Loyal Regiment which is based in Lancashire but they agree wholeheartedly he was one hell of a soldier who did as much as any man to put the German trip down the Rome-Anzio Road into reverse.”

His ability as a soldier, his leadership and fearlessness took him from being a Private in 1939 to a Major in 1943.

Hyman Abramovich lived in Sydney and graduated in Medicine from Sydney University in 1934. He traveled to London to do post-graduate work and worked as a locum in the East-End slums and as a medical officer at St Nicholas’ Hospital.

(A very substantial donation was made in his name to Masada College in Sydney, which perpetuates his memory.)