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Victor Avigdor Mirkin

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Victor Avigdor Mirkin
son of Jossef and Rachel
born in: Ekaterinoslav,Russia
in: 19/12/1909
Military Service: France
Role: chef de bataillon
Immigrated to Israel in: 01/06/1937
Passed away in 24/11/1944


He was born December 19, 1909 in Ekaterinoslav in Russia.
Emigrated to France with his family because of the Bolshevik Revolution, he won after a brilliant student at the Lycee Pasteur in Neuilly-sur-Seine, a law degree.
Student Saint-Cyr reserve officer in September 1931, he worked after his military service for some time in France as a lawyer. Then he went to Britain where he successfully passes the British law exams tests before actually admitted to the Bar in London.
He chose to live in Palestine and it is in Haifa, where he is co-director of agricultural colonies of Baron de Rothschild, as the war surprises. Syria mobilized as reserve lieutenant, he served in the General Staff of the troops of the Euphrates territory and was demobilized in July 1940.
He joined the Free French Forces in Palestine in October 1940 and was assigned to the 1st Marine Infantry Battalion (1st BIM).
In January 1941, he fought in Bardia and Tobruk in Libya. Promoted to captain, then he takes part in the campaign in which Syria, June 17, 1941, he was wounded by shrapnel to Damascus.
Assigned to the 2nd Free French Brigade in January 1942, he took part in the Libyan campaign from April 1942 as head of the 3rd Office of Staff.
In October 1942, he participated in the battles of El Alamein in Egypt.
In Tunisia, in May 1943, he was mentioned in dispatches corps before being assigned in September to the General Staff of the 1st Free French Division under the command of General Brosset.
He then participated in the Italian Campaign from April 1944, as head of the 3rd Bureau of the 1st Free French division which does not prevent him from meddling in the fighting with the most advanced elements of the Division. Extremely active, his qualities as a soldier and instructor added to his language skills are a key element of its unity.
After the landing in Provence, he took part, 23 August 1944, to the liberation of Toulon and managed the feat, with the support of only two armored, obtain the surrender of 800 Germans, including 17 officers in the neighborhood Saint-Jean-du-Var. By phone, Mirkin Victor manages to reach the German Colonel Commandant Toulon Arsenal and, believing that he and his men were surrounded and artillery fire that will be triggered immediately, gets his surrender.
Promoted battalion chief, he was assigned to the headquarters of the Company and appointed Chief of Staff of the 4th Brigade of the 1st Free French Division during the campaign in France.
On November 20, 1944, the day of the death of General Brosset, Victor Mirkin is hurt by the bursting of a mine at Ronchamp in Haute-Sa?ne. Four days later, on November 24, when he leads the attack on the village of Grosmagny (Territoire de Belfort) an assault company, he is killed by a bullet to the head.
He was buried in the national necropolis in Rougemont in the Doubs, alongside his chief Diego Brosset.
• Knight of the Legion of Honour
• Companion of the Liberation - Decree of July 7, 1945
• Croix de Guerre 39/45 (3 quotes)
• Resistance Medal with rosette
• Colonial Medal Button "Libya"
• Volunteer Services Medal of Free France.