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Zdzislaw Waclaw Hirsz

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 Squadron Leader Zdzislaw Waclaw Hirsz
born in: Warsaw,Poland
in: 17/04/1914
Military Service: Poland, Great Britain
Air Force
Unit: No. 304 Polish Bomber Squadron
Role: Pilot
Decorations: ML, Air Force Medal, MV Class V ,KW, Cross of Valour
Killed on duty in Ferry Flight from Greenland to Iceland
in: 06/02/1945


Pilot of Dakota aircraft KN271 for delivery from Canada to Britain.  

Lost between American Base Blue West 1 (Greenland) and Reykjavik (Iceland).

Decorations: MV Class V (Virtu Militari), Decorations: KW (Krzyż Walecznych) (3) Cross of Valour 

Service Award: ML (Medal Lotniczy za Wojnę ) (3)  Air Force Medal