Joseph J. Schwartz (1899-1975), the Joint’s Director of European Operations from 1940 to 1949. Schwartz as possessed bold leadership skills and someone who was able to convince others of the steps needed to implement the Joint’s program for rescuing Jews in Europe and other troubled areas of the world during the late 1930s and 1940s.
The circumstances facing the JDC, , included (1) Hitler’s rise to power in 1933, (2) the publication of a British White Paper in 1939 which proposed limiting Jewish immigration to Palestine to 75,000 over the following five years, (3) the scarcity of transportation for transporting refugees caused by the demands of the U.S. Army for moving troops during World War II, (4) U.S. government restrictions on transferring money to occupied countries, and (5) Congressional impediments to mass immigration into the United States. Despite the daunting challenges of these restrictions, Dr. Schwartz and his JDC colleagues were able to assist many thousands with financial aid and logistical support in emigrating from dangerous areas.
Joseph J. Schwartz (1899-1975), the Joint’s Director of European Operations from 1940 to 1949. Schwartz as possessed bold leadership skills and someone who was able to convince others of the steps needed to implement the Joint’s program for rescuing Jews in Europe and other troubled areas of the world during the late 1930s and 1940s.
The circumstances facing the JDC, included
(1) Hitler’s rise to power in 1933
(2) the publication of a British White Paper in 1939 which proposed limiting Jewish immigration to Palestine to 75,000 over the following five years
(3) the scarcity of transportation for transporting refugees caused by the demands of the U.S. Army for moving troops during World War II
(4) U.S. government restrictions on transferring money to occupied countries
(5) Congressional impediments to mass immigration into the United States.
Despite the daunting challenges of these restrictions, Dr. Schwartz and his JDC colleagues were able to assist many thousands with financial aid and logistical support in emigrating from dangerous areas.