קצינים יהודים בצבא פולין - בנימין מאיירצ'ק

By Benjamin Meirtchak  
Foreword   By Sir Martin Gilbert
Benjamin Meirtchak has put all historians of the Second World War in his debt. His pionéering volumes on those Polish Jews who fell in action, or were killed as soldiers brings a neglected aspect of the war to our attention with great clarity. As a work of reference his work is indispensable for any understanding of the range of Jewish participation in the battles that marked first the swift rise and then the inexorable fall of Nazism.
Meirtchak has combed the archives in order to bring this material into book form. It is a formidable work of research. In it will be found innumerable examples of Jewish heroism, suffering and achievement. Published by the Association of Jewish War Veterans of the Polish Armies in Israel, it honours those who gave their lives for Poland. They did so as patriotic Polish citizens, and also as Jews, often suffering from the frown of Polish anti-Semitism, but nevertheless seeking to defend Poland's borders, and to help bring to an end the occupation of Poland by an enemy who killed Poles and Jews without thought of humanity or decency.
In this new volume Meirtchak present us with the efforts of Jews officers in the Polish Armed Forces and their devotion to the Polish cause.
In Meirtchak's work, the reader can grasp the scale of Jewish participation and suffering on the battlefield_s- as well as behind enemy lines, and in the prisoner-of-war camps - of the most destructive war in recorded human history.
Martin Gilbert
Merton College, Oxford
23 August 2001
I owe a special debt of gratitude to the Central Military Archives (C.A.W.) in Rembertow-Warsaw, to col. Andrzej Bartniak, l/col. Kazimierz Banaszek, mgr. Tadeusz Wawrzynski, to the Institute Polski - Museum Sikorskiego in London, to Mr. Suchcik, to the Jewish Historical Institute in Warsaw, to mgr. Jan Jagielski, to the Yad-Vashem Archives in Jerusalem, to Dr. Samuel Krakowski for providing me with the important archival documents.
Many thanks to all others, who on my reques_tprovided me with relevant evidences.
I wish to express my sincere thanks to Sir Martin Gilbert for his attention and for his Foreword to this Study.
I gratefully acknowledge my gratitude to Mr. Sami Samoon, to Dr. Richard Prasquier who enabled me to publish the book.
My appreciation to Mrs. Ada Holtzman for editing the revised edition.
Many thanks to Mrs. Shaee Zucker and to Mrs. Alicja Fedenczuk, for their help in proofreading and typing the manuscript of this book, and to Mrs. Revital Aviv for providing the manuscript to the printing house.
September 2004
B. Meirtchak
Author’s Introduction
     Polish Jews made an outstanding contribution to the Polish People’s armed struggle for Poland’s Independence
There were an estimated 180,000 Jews, both officers and non-commissioned soldiers, in the ranks of the Polish Army  They fought in the defending battle of September 1939 and than after the defeat served in the Polish Armed Forces in Exile. 
Polish Jews persecuted by the Nazi’s with a death verdict threatening their existence contributed to the Polish People’s efforts as a mighty military power. 
It presented a glorious page in the history of Polish Jewry.   
Unfortunately the Jews heroic participation in the Polish Armed Forces has not been studied, recorded or published by historians or chroniclers in a proper or respectful manner. 
Therefore it is the Association’s of Jewish War Veterans of Polish Armies in Israel duty to enlighten the Jews’ contribution in obtaining Poland Independence It is also the Association’s duty to commemorate those who served, fought and fell while defending and fighting for Poland’s Independence. 
The Association has already attained certain major achievements: a Memorial Monument has been erected at the Military Cemetery at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem in honor of the fallen, and a five volume study “Jewish Military Casualties in Polish Armies in W.W. II” has been published. It has been translated and published in Poland.  
Scholars, students, and war veterans have received the study with words of praise and blessing. Universities, libraries and numerous museums in many countries have ordered it.  
This extensive reception convinced me to continue my research and publish this study “Jews - Officers in the Polish Armed Forces”. Its purpose is to add a new dimension to our knowledge of the Jewish contribution to the common Allied efforts and specifically to those of the Polish People.
Fifty five years after the final German surrender and the Allied victory only a few veterans of the Polish armies are able to describe the acts of heroism, devotion, suffering and pain. So allow me to be the one, one of the remaining, to report and commemorate the struggle of the Jewish officers and commanders in the Polish Armed Forces.
Through the courtesy of the Centralne Archiwum Wojskowe (Central Military Archives) in Warsaw and the Sikorski Historical Institute in London we were able to collect the relevant documents and to edit for the publication of this study “Jews - Officers in the Polish Armed Forces in World War II”.
This study is dedicated to the memory of the Jews - officers in the Polish armies.
The study consists of:
A concise historical review: “Jews Fighting for Poland’s Independence”. 
Lists of Jews who served as officers in the Polish Armed Forces.
List #1 Jews - Officers in the Polish Army September 1939
List #2 Jews - Officers P.O.W.'s in German Oflags and Internées in Hungary
List #3 Jews - Officers in the Polish Armed Forces in Exile
List #4 Jews - Officers in the Polish People's Army
List #5 Jewesses - Officers in the Polish People's Army
List #6  Jews – Officers in the Polish Resistance Movement.
The lists are arranged according to Polish spelling and alphabetical order.
Names of officers who were killed in action, died of their wounds, missing, murdered in Katyn Crime or in German prisoner of war Stalags and Oflags or died in service are marked with a ‘hexagram’ (Star of David - ?) with a notice of circumstances, date, unit, etc….
The study opens with a Chronological Table “Milestones of the Polish Struggle for Independence”; including short comments about actual involvement and conduct of Jews.
In the study we listed 4,976 Jews - Officers in the Polish Armed Forces.
Despite our efforts the records are incomplete and do not represent the comprehensive amount of Jewish officers in the army; mainly due to the following reasons:
• Incomplete archive records, particularly in regards to professional Jewish officers in the Polish army.
• Jewish origin officers in the Polish Formations in Exile, due to the unfriendly attitude towards Jews in the army, didn’t admit to their origin, declared being Polish and adopted Polish - sounding names.  
However these obstacles did not deter us from publishing this study as a reliable document which presents active Jewish involvement in the Polish People's struggle for independence.
A list of abbreviations and a bibliography list are attached.
 Chronological Table 
Milestones of the Polish Struggle for Independence
Date Events Jewish Reference
1772 First Polish partition
1792 Second Polish partition
March 24th, 1794 Tadeusz Kosciuszko Insurrection
Colonel Berek Joselewich fought with his Jewish regiment for Poland's Independence Jewish regiment in the National Guard in Warsaw.
1795 Third Poland's partition
Poland lost her Independence
November 5th, 1831 Polish November Uprising Jews participated in the uprising.
January 6th, 1863 Polish January Uprising Rabbi Ber Meizels, the orthodox chief Rabbi of Warsaw preached for the Polish uprising. Jews participated in the uprising.
August 7th, 1914 World War I began
August 16th, 1914 Pilsudski Legions set-up Jews in the ranks of the Legion.
25 officers awarded with the
Virtuti Militari Cross. Casualties:
10,000 Jewish military widows
14,000 Jewish military orphans
8,000 Jewish disabled war veterans.
November 1918 Armistice - End of World War I
November 11th, 1918 Poland's Independence proclaimed
August 15th, 1920 "Miracle on the Vistula" Jews joined the ranks of the Army defending Poland
March 3rd, 1921 Poland - USSR peace treaty signed in Riga. Polish eastern border established 1921 census - 2,845,000 Jews lived in Poland
July 25th, 1932 Poland - USSR non-aggression pact signed
September 29th   Munich Conference
October 2nd Poland annexes Teschen
March 31st British Government announces guarantees to Poland
April 27th Hitler denounces non-aggression pact with Poland
August 23rd   Ribbentrop - Molotov non-aggression pact signed 3.5 million Jews lived in Poland in 1939 on the eve of World War II
September 1st   Germany invades Poland
World War II begins Over 150,00 Jews joined the ranks of the Army to defend Poland
September 3rd Britain, France and Australia declared war on Germany
September 17th   USSR invades Poland
September 27th Warsaw falls
Poland surrenders Jewish military casualties in the defensive September war - ca.
September 30th   General W. Sikorski established the Polish Government in Exile in Paris
January 1st Polish Army in France created ca. 14,000 Jews Polish citizens  joined the ranks of the Polish Army in France 
April-May Katyn crime - 11,000 Polish officers, P.O.W.s were murdered by the Soviet N.K.V.D. on Stalin's order 430 Jews Polish officers, P.O.W.s were murdered in the Katyn crime.
April 24th The Independent Mountain Brigade battled in Narvik, Norway Jews fought in the ranks of the Brigade
May 14th   Germany invades France. Polish Army participated in the battles defending France ca. 14,000 Jews fought in the ranks of the Polish Army in France
May 26th   Allied evacuation of Dunkirk
23,000 Polish soldiers evacuated to the U.K. ca. 1,000 Jewish soldiers evacuated to England
June 22nd   Germany invaded the USSR
Operation Barbarossa.
July 30th   USSR and Polish Government in Exile signed an agreement, creating a Polish Army in the USSR
Full amnesty for Polish citizens in P.O.W. camps and Gulags. 90,667 Jews, Polish citizens were released from prisons, P.O.W. camps and Gulags
August 14th   Military pact between the USSR and the P.G. in E. signed
Polish Army in the USSR created
Gen. Anders appointed the Comm. in Chief. Jews volunteered to serve in the Army.
August-December The Independent Carpathian Brigade fought in North Africa against Field-Marshal Rommel's "Africa Corps". Jews in the ranks of the Brigade.
August Evacuation of Polish Army from the USSR to Iran -completed. Ca. 4,000 Jews evacuated with Anders Army.
September P.A.E., 2nd Corps created in Iraq. 4,225 Jews served in the 2nd Corps at the end of 1942.
April 18th   Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.
May 8th   Polish People's Army in the USSR created.
1st Tadeusz Kosciuszko Infantry Division set-up.
Jews released from the camps volunteered for the 1st Division.
July 4th   Gen. Sikorski died in an aircraft crash
September 2nd Polish Corps moved to Palestine
October 12th -13th Lenino Battle -
T. Kosciuszko Division Kosciuszko Division
Casualties: 510 killed,
1736 wounded, 768 missing. Jewish casualties in the Lenin battle: 73 killed/died of wound 42 missing.
Jews decorated: ca. 240, incl. 5.
Virtuti Militari.
November 28th   Teheran Conference of the "Big Three"
Poland's eastern borders (Curzon Line) decided.
November-May 2nd Corps transferred to the Italian Front.
May 18th   Monte-Cassino battle
2nd Polish Corps Casualties: 420 killed, 2931 wounded, 345 missing. Jewish casualties: 28 killed, 62 wounded. 
Jews decorated: 136 incl. 6 Virtuti Militari V class.
June 6th   Overlord Operation"
Normandy landing.
Polish 1st Corps participated in the offensive.
Jews fighting in the ranks of the 1st Corps.
July 23rd   Lublin liberated.
July 31st   Red Army reached the Vistula river (Praga) opposite Warsaw. 
Polish 1st  Army (P.P.A.) participated in the offensive.
Jews fighting in the ranks of the 1st Army.
August 1st   Warsaw Uprising started Jews fighting in the ranks of the Polish Underground in Warsaw Uprising
September 17th   Arnheim battle begins
1st Polish Parachute Brigade suffered heavy causalities.
Jews fighting in the ranks of the Brigade.
January 17th   Warsaw liberated.
January 19th   Cracow liberated.
January 26th   Auschwitz death Camp liberated Over 1 million Jews were exterminated in Auschwitz Death camp by the Nazis.
February 1st  -17th   Pommernstellung Offensive
1st  Polish Army participated.
Jews fighting in the ranks of the 1st Army.
February 4th   Yalta Conference opens
March 18th   Colberg (Kolobrzeg) surrender
March 30th   Danzig (Gdansk) captured
April 7th   1st  Polish Army on the eastern bank of the Oder river
April 20th   2nd Polish Army and the 1st Armored Corps reached the Neisse river. Jews fighting in the ranks of the 2nd Army and the 1st Armored Corps.
April 21st   2nd Polish Corps take Bologna (Italy).
May 2nd   Berlin fell.
1st T. Kosciuszko Division participated in the battle. Ca. 20,000 Jews served in the P.P.A., incl. ca. 2,200 officers. Jewish causalities in the P.P.A.:
1645 killed in action/died of wounds. 432 missing. 
May 3rd   2nd Polish Army reached the Elba river.
May 8th   "V" Day.
May 9th   Victory Day in the Soviet Union. Over 3 million Jews - Polish citizens - perished during WW II (1939-1945), murdered by Nazis
Jews Fighting for Poland’s Independence
A Story of Loyalty
A Concise Historical Review
Preface 15
In the Second Republic 1918 - 1939 16
The Second World War Begins - September 1939 19
In the Polish Armed Forces in Exile 21
- The Polish Army in France 21
- The Independent Mountain Brigade in Norway 22
- The Independent Carpathian Gunners Brigade 22
- Anders Army formed in the USSR 24
- The Polish Army East - Second Polish Corps The Italian Campaign 26
- The Polish Army West - The Polish Army in the United Kingdom 28
The Polish People's Army formed in the USSR 29
- The Total Casualties in the Lenino Battle 30
- The Jewish Casualties in the Lenino Battle                                                      30
- Jewish Military Casualties in the P.P.A.                                                            30 
       -  Epilogue                                                                                                            31
Polish Underground Resistance  Movement 32
Notes 34
Three and one half million (3.5) Jews lived in Poland on the eve of the Second World War. This constituted 10% of Poland’s total population.
They had lived in Poland for centuries under the Piasts, Jagiellonians, elected monarchs in the epoch of Great Poland, and during the years of the Polish National Disaster; while being occupied for 120 years by enemies - the Russian, Prussian and Austrian monarchies.
Jews were loyal Polish citizens. They contributed to Poland’s prosperity with their ability and initiative. When necessary they defended Poland and fought for its independence.  
During King Batory’s reign the Jewish officer and enginéer Mendel Isakowicz from Casimir was the king’s bridges builder in the battles against the Russians. 
In the 17th century the Jewish inhabitants of towns and cities were regularly undergoing military training. They fought in the battles against the Cossack invaders in defense of such cities as Lwow, among others. 
The Jewish community formed and equipped a special regiment of the Warsaw National Guard in 1794.
The legendary Colonel Berek Joselewicz fought with his Jewish regiment in the Tadeusz Kosciuszko Insurrection of 1794.
Jews fought beside their Polish comrades in the 1831 and 1863 Insurrections. The orthodox chief rabbi of Warsaw, Rabbi Ber Meizels, preached support for the Polish uprising in 1863.
In 1886 Jews of Pinsk and other cities in eastern Poland joined the Polish cause.
Jews fought in Josef Pilsudski Legions (1914 - 1918), in the “Miracle of Vistula” battle in 1920 and finally in Warsaw and Poland’s defense battles in September 1939. 
In the Second Republic 1918 - 1939
On November 11th, 1918 Poland’s Independence was declared.
Simultaneously with obtaining Independence the Polish people created the “Wojsko Polskie” (Polish Army).
The Army’s nucleus was based on Commandant Jozef Pilsudski’s Legions. He was later to be the Head of State and Marshal of Poland.
The Legions were formed during World War I, and fought on the Austrian army’s side.
Another element of the army was the units formed in France in 1917 by General Jozef Haller. They arrived in Poland in 1919.
The army’s dominant component was units composed of Poles who had served in World War I in the defeated occupant armies - Russian, Prussian and Austrian.
The amount of Jews in the Legions was considerable and the attitude towards Jews was friendly.
Jews in the Legions were promoted to officer ranks; commanding platoons, companies and even battalions as high-ranking officers.
Five generals of Jewish descent served in the Legions. Two of them, General Bernard Mond and lieutenant - General Norwid Neugebauer served in the September 1939 campaign. (1)     
Jews fought with valor in the Legions. The names of 25 officers who were awarded the highest military orders (the “Virtuti Militari” and the “Cross of Valor”) were published in the ‘Memorial Book’; edited and published by the “Association of Jewish Disabled War Veterans, War Widows and Orphans” in Warsaw in 1936. (2) 
We were unable to determine the number of Jews who fought, or the military casualties in the Polish - Soviet wars of 1918 -1921 due to lack of evidence. Nevertheless, based on the records of the Association of Jewish Disabled War Veterans, Widows and Orphans: 10,000 Jewish military war widows and 14,000 orphans were registered in the Association’s files. Almost 8,000 disabled war veterans were members of the Association.(3)
According to the 1938 census almost 6,750 Jewish war veterans; including ex-legion officers (in reserve) and men were organized in seventy-eight branches of the “Association of Jews, Combatants of the Polish Independence War”. The Association was involved in activities against discrimination of Jews and was fighting for civil rights for the Jewish minority. There were at least 312 officers who were Association members. (4)
In the decisive battles to establish the final eastern borders of Poland many Jews volunteered to serve in the Army, among them officers in reserve. The officers commanded companies, battalions and even regiments of the new Polish Army. (5)
The attitude towards Jews in the army, particularly in General Haller’s units and the officers corps, was unfavorable, even hostile.
The majority of the army’s officers corps was comprised of the defeated Czarist Army officers, who had strong anti-Semitic convictions. They transferred these convictions to the newly formed Polish Army. 
Only a few days after obtaining Independence, on November 22-24, 1918, a pogrom took place in Lwow on the order of the garrison commander. 72 Jews were murdered under the pretext of being disloyal to Poland.
On April 5th, 1919 following the garrison commander’s order a pogrom be committed by troops in Pinsk under the pretext of disloyalty to Poland. Thirty-five Jews were murdered. A special parliamentary commission was formed to investigate the tragic event.
In Wilno on April 19th, 1919 tens' of Jews were murdered by troops acting on the military authorities’ command. They were accused of being disloyal to Poland and supporting the Bolsheviks.
In 1919, very soon after obtaining independence, restrictions against Jews were adopted in the army.
In 1920 a decree was published to revoke the officer’s rank for Jews who served in the Austrian Army. Even the intervention of the Jewish members of parliament (Sejm) did not change the decree.
The most extreme act of anti-Semitism in the army was the internment of over 3,000 Jews, both officers and non-commissioned (enlisted) men, who had fought for Polish independence, in Jablonna camp near Warsaw. This was due to the fear that they might support the enemy and be disloyal to Poland. Only following worldwide public protests and intervention were the men released and exonerated.
On July 29th, 1920 the Polish government, alarmed by the reoccurring anti-Jewish incidents in the army, proposed publishing an order to prevent soldiers’ acts of violence against Jews.
On March 16th, 1920 Marshal Pilsudski won the battle against the Soviet army in the legendary “Miracle on the Vistula”. Many Jews participated in this victorious battle and fought in Poland’s defense within the Polish units’ ranks. Military casualties were significant.  
In March 1921 a treaty between Poland and the Soviet Union was signed. The eastern Polish border was finally established two hundred kilometers east from the Curzon Line - Bug River. 
The new Polish constitution, which was ratified in March 1921, granted full political and civil rights, religious freedom and cultural autonomy to all minorities including the Jewish minority.
Poland entered an era of peace, the building of the Second Republic.
2,845,364 Jews lived in Poland, 10% of the total population, according to the 1921 census. The Jewish minority was represented in the Sejm (the lower chamber) and in the Senate.
However, in the army, Jews were discriminated again. A Numerus Nullus sanction was issued to prevent Jews from serving in the air force, navy, and intelligence corps. A Numerus Clausus to restrict their service in the armored and signal corps, etc....  
74% of the Jewish soldiers served in the infantry. 
In order to prevent educated Jews from being promoted to the rank of officer they were released from service on the pretext of health paragraphs or as ‘quota surpluses’.
The number of Jews promoted to officers’ rank (2nd lieutenant in reserve) was exceptionally low. Even advancing to a non-commissioned officer’s rank was restricted.
Following Marshal Pilsudski’s death in 1936 opportunities for Jews were severely limited. 
In the O.N.Z ruling party the attitude towards Jews was unfavorable, even hostile. Jews were subjected to discrimination, economic boycotts, legal restrictions of their civil rights, bench ghettos and riots at universities, pogroms and restrictions in the army etc....
13,430 Jews served in the Polish army in 1937. This represented 6.6% of the army’s total strength. 
August 1939 was a ‘hot’ month on the European political stage and especially in Poland.
Hitler’s threatening demands from Poland to give up the Free City Danzig (Gdansk) and the Pomeranian Corridor were decisively rejected by Poland.
On August 14th the Soviet government asked if Poland would allow Soviet troops to enter Poland preceding the Germans if Poland shall be attacked by Germany. 
Poland decisively refused.
The threat of war became a reality.
During the last days of August 1939 the attitude of the authorities and the press towards the Jewish minority changed. 
The official government newspaper, the “Gazeta Polska” published editorials concerning the solidarity of all Polish citizens, Poles and Jews, in light of the approaching German invasion.
“Poland is the homeland of all her citizens” and other patriotic slogans were published and broadcast on the radio.
Thousands of Warsaw Jews volunteered to build anti-tank defense trenches on the western outskirts of the city and joined the First Voluntary Warsaw Defenders regiment in the Mostovich Palace. It was reminiscent of Jews forming a Jewish National Guard during the 1831 Insurrection.
The situation became critical with the signing of the infamous Molotov- Ribbentrop non-aggression pact between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union on August 23rd.
The general mobilization of 1,455,000 during the last days of August was declared too late.
Over 150,000 Jews, who were loyal Polish citizens, joined the ranks of the army to defend Poland on the eve of the German aggression. These soldiers accounted for 10% of the mobilized power.
The Second World War Begins -
September 1939
On September 1st, 1939 the Second World War began. At 4:40 a.m. the German air force (Luftwaffe) dropped the first bombs on Warsaw, and other Polish cities, towns and villages in addition to roads and strategically important sites. The destruction was horrible. The panic among the people was great.
At 6:00a.m. the fully motorized German forces invaded Poland, crossing the Polish border with 2 Army Groups which included 60 infantry divisions, 6 armored divisions, 2 air force armies with 2000 aircrafts and 1.5 million men.
Poland, with a population of almost 35,000,000 citizens, was in a desperate and hopeless situation without any hope of stopping the Germans. The famous Polish gallantry and bravery were not enough to stop the German ‘Blitzkrieg’.
On September 3rd Britain and France both jointly declared war on Germany. No military action supported this declaration. 
Poland defended itself heroically. In the battles of Warsaw, Hel, Westerplate, Modlin, and on the Bzura River Jewish soldiers fought side-by-side with their Polish  brothers-in-arms with valor, courage, self-sacrifice and devotion.  
Many distinguished themselves in battles such as Private Anschel Scheinach at Posen, lieutenant Maks Kincler at Bzura River, Corporal Eisenberg defending Warsaw; Major Mieczyslaw Walter awarded postmortem with the Virtuti Militari Cross, and many others.
On September 17th, 1939, as part of the Molotov - Ribbentrop Agreement, the Soviet Union invaded Poland. After a short and bloody fight Poland again lost its independence, and was divided, as in the eighteenth century, by its neighbours from the east and west (the Soviet Union and Germany).
The Polish military casualties were extremely high. According to “Zolnierze Wrzesnia - Volume I” - 200,000 men were killed, died of wounds, missing and wounded, among them 97,000 that were killed in action or died of wounds.(6) 
Also the Jewish combat casualties were extremely high. According to the official communicate published on October 9th, 1959 by the General Staff of the P.P.A., Jewish casualties in the September Campaign were 32,216 men.(7) General Norwid - Neugebauer and Henryk Szaniawski estimated 30,000 Jewish casualties.(8) 
Almost 420,000 Polish soldiers were imprisoned by the Germans. Jewish soldiers, along with their gentile colleagues, were detained in P.O.W. camp (Stalags).
Jewish P.O.W.s were separated from their gentile comrades. The treatment towards the Jewish P.O.W.s was inhuman. They existed under murderous conditions. It is estimated that about 25,000 P.O.W.s of Jewish origin were murdered or died from starvation in the Stalags up to and through the spring of 1940.
 More than 7,000 Jewish origin prisoners of war, mostly those, who were inhabitants of Eastern Poland were transferred to Lublin District, and exterminated by Germans in Lipowa Street camp in Lublin, in Majdanek death camp. (9)
It is estimated that 700-800 or 5% of the Polish officers corps incarcerated in German Oflags were of Jewish origin. They were separated from their gentile comrades. Some 200 Jewish officers, who were prisoners of war, survived the war.
On October 31st, 1939 a statement was presented by Mr. Molotow, the Soviet Foreign Affairs Minister (Commissar) to the Supreme Council of the Soviet Union that almost 230,000 Polish soldiers were taken as P.O.W.s by the Red Army during the short September 1939 Campaign. We estimate that 25,000 of the prisoners were of Jewish origin. 
The majority of Polish P.O.W.s, including Jews, were deported to P.O.W camps in Siberia, Komi S. s.R., Gulags and other remote sites. Around 14,000 P.O.W.s, including 11,000 officers, were deported to the following camps: 
Kozielsk near Smolensk - 4,609 P.O.W. officers
Starobielsk near Kharkov - 3,974 P.O.W. officers.
Ostashkov in the Kalinin District - 6,399 P.O.W.s, almost all of them police officers, frontier and prison guards except 400 Army officers.
Among the officers incarcerated in the camps were Jewish officers, in particular medical doctors, enginéers, lawyers and the Chief Rabbi of the Polish Army - Major Baruch Steinberg. In the Ostashkov camp the number of Jews - officers was low because of the character of the inmates. Jews did not serve in the Polish Police, Frontier and Prison guards. The Jewish officers shared the fate of their Polish comrades.
By the end of 1941, despite the pressing inquires of Polish authorities, no trace could be found of any of the 10,000 P.O.W. officers; except 432 who had been transferred from the three camps to the Pawlischev Bor camp in the spring of 1940.
The disappearance of these Polish officers was solved in April 1943 when the Germans announced that they had discovered mass graves containing bodies of thousands of Polish officers in the Katyn Forest, their skulls perforated with bullets. 
     Only after 50 years, on April 13th, 1990, the Soviet News Agency TASS announced that the crimes against Polish officers in the Katyn Forest had been committed by the Soviets. The NKVD acted on the personal orders of Stalin, Beria and other Politburo members during April and May of 1940. (10)
     Over 430 Jews, officers of the Polish Army, P.O.W.s, among them the chief rabbi Major Baruch Steinberg were murdered in the Katyn Crime. (11)
In the Polish Armed Forces in Exile
The most important decision made by the Polish Government, even before the outbreak of the war, was that Poland should continue to fight even if occupied.
It was assumed that only an important Polish military contribution to the allies could assure political influence upon the allies.
Therefore the creation of a Polish Army in France after September defeat was the main objective of the Polish Government in Exile, which resided in Paris recognized by the allies and neutral countries.   
The Polish Army in France
According to those tenets, a Polish - French military agreement was signed on January 4th, 1940 about forming a Polish Army in France.
The Army was composed of Polish soldiers and officers, among them nearly one thousand Jews, who succeeded in escaping from internment camps in Romania and Hungary to France after the September defeat, and Poles living in France.
Of almost 400,000 Polish citizens living in France about 50,000 of them were Polish Jews, who responded enthusiastically to the call to join the newly forming Polish Army in France.
However, the attitude of the Polish military authorities towards Jews was unfriendly. Jews were turned away by the drafting boards. Only after General Sikorski’s personal intervention, the attitude to towards Jews improved.    
On June 15th, 1940 the Polish Army in France numbered 80,326 men, including 7,661(12) officers.
Nearly 14,000 Jews served in the Army, 49 served as officers.
On June 14th, 1940 the First Grenadiers Division, commanded by general Puch, entered the bloody battles in the Deuse, Legarde, and Marne-Ren Canal regions. 
The Second Grenadiers Division, under the command of general Pruger-Ketling, entered the war on June 10th, defending Belfort, and was pushed in the direction of the Swiss border. On June 20th the division crossed the Swiss border and was interned in Switzerland during the war years.     
Polish units fought with valor defending France in June 1940. The Poles suffered heavy loses, among them Jewish soldiers.
First Grenadiers Division - 900 killed, 2,800 wounded.
Second Grenadiers Division - 41 killed, 134 wounded, 2,549 missing.
Armored Cavalry Brigade - 50 killed, 120 wounded, and 1020 missing.
Jewish officers and soldiers were decorated with the highest Polish and French awards of honor such as: 
Second lieutenant Grinberg Michal - Croix de Guerre
Second lieutenant Salomonowiiz Apolinary - Croix de Guerre
And many others.
On June 13th, 1940 Germans entered Paris, France capitulated. 27,083 Polish soldiers succeeded in reaching England via Dunkirk. They, along with nearly 1,000 Jews, joined up with the Polish Army there too.
Other Polish soldiers escaped to Spain, where they were concentrated detained in P.O.W. camps, such as Miranda. The attitude of Polish colleagues to their Jewish co-inhabitants in the P.O.W. camps was hostile.
Some of the Jewish soldiers that were captured by Germans were later set free. Their fate was the same as their Jewish brethren throughout Nazi occupied Europe.
After the defeat of France a Polish Resistance Military Movement (P.O.W.N.) was created.
The P.O.W.N. cooperated with the French Resistance Movement. Polish Jews in France joined the P.O.W.N. They were brave. Many of them distinguished themselves in combat. Many were decorated with the highest French awards of honor such as:(13) 
Blum Aleksander - Croix de la Legion d’Honneur.
Goldziak Samuel - Croix de la Legion d’Honneur.
And many others.
32 Jews out of 290 in the P.O.W.N. fell in action, among them, author’s first cousin, Majer David Majerczak, decorated Croix de Guerre, Lipszyc Marek and others.
The Independent Mountain Brigade in Norway
On April 9th, 1940 Germany invaded Norway. 
On April 23rd, 1940, on the eve of the German invasion of France, the Polish Independent Mountain Brigade with 4,612 men was designated to participate in the battle of Narvik in Norway in the frame of the Allies Expedition Corps - together with British and French troops. 
The Brigade suffered heavy causalities, 97 killed, 28 missing, 84 wounded.
Among the killed in battles - 7 Jews. Jewish soldiers are among the wounded. The killed soldiers are buried on the military cemetery in Narvik. 
The Independent Carpathian Gunners Brigade
The brigade was formed in the Syrian town of Homsk in 1940 within the framework of the Polish Army in France, under the command of general Kopanski. 
The Brigade was composed of Polish soldiers, who succeeded in escaping after the September defeat, from internment camps. The officers cadre came from France.
 After France’s capitulation in June 1940 the Brigade was taken over by the British Army Command in the Middle East.
The Brigade participated in the battles from August through December 1941, defending Alexandria in the Tobruk stronghold, as part of the 13 British Corps in North Africa. They also took part in the Gazela, Cyrenaika battle against Field-Marshall Rommel’s ‘African Corps’.
Jews served in the Brigade with valor. Heavy casualties were endured while fighting the Germans and Italians. The fallen are buried on British military cemeteries in Tobruk and Alexandria. 
The Brigade losses in the Libyan campaign: 139 men (including 7 officers). Jewish soldiers are among the fallen. 
Following the German’s defeat in North Africa in 1942 the Brigade was transferred to the Middle East to join the Polish Army East under the command of General Anders.
Ultimately the Brigade was transferred to fight on the Italian Front, as the 3rd Carpathian Independent Division within the 2nd Polish Corps.
Anders Army Formed in the USSR
391,000 Polish citizens were kept in detention zones and deportation regional prisons and labor camps (Gulags) in the USSR. 
On June 22nd, 1941 Germany invaded the Soviet Union. The invasion changed the very foundation of forces at work in the world. This new situation required an improvement in the relations between the Polish Government in Exile (P.G. in E.) and the USSR. General Sikorski had come to the conclusion that this was the only way for the Government in Exile to remain in the Allies camp.
The Soviet Union was also eager to improve the relations with the Polish Government in Exile.
Therefore, despite the mutual distrust, an agreement was signed between ambassador Majski, on behalf of the Soviet Union, and General Sikorski, on behalf of the P.G. in E., in London on July 30th, 1941. Within the framework of the agreement, the Soviet Union recognized the Polish Government in London and released all Polish citizens held in prisoner of war camps, Gulags and prisons.
On August 14th, 1941 a military pact was signed in Moscow between J. Stalin and W. Sikorski. The pact determined the arrangements governing the establishment of a Polish Army in the Soviet Union. The Army was to be an integral part of the Polish Armed Forces in the West, and was to fight side by side with the Red Army. 
“On the basis of the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR from August 12th, 1941 concerning amnesty of Polish citizens, 389,041 persons with Polish citizenship, up to November 1st-2nd, 1939 were released from prisons, camps and deportation centers.
Out of this: 
Poles - 200,828 persons.
Jews - 90,667 persons.
Ukrainians - 31,392 persons.
Byelarussian - 27,418 persons.
Others - 5,712 persons.” *
After being released from concentration camps and remote sites in Siberia, Komi ASSR, Jews-Polish citizens enthusiastically volunteered to join the newly formed Polish Army.
General Wladyslaw Anders was nominated by the Polish Government in Exile in London as Commander-in-Chief of the Army. 
The total number of the Army on the USSR’s territory was limited to 30,000 men (officers, non-commissioned officers and men), to include 2 infantry divisions, a training reserve regiment, a military school, an officer academy and the Army headquarters. 
On November 25th, 1942 40,961 men served in the Army’s ranks.
A strong unfriendly, even hostile, attitude towards Jews prevailed in the Army. Even General Anders openly demonstrated his anti-Semitic attitudes.
The recruiting boards turned away Jews from serving in the Army, adopting the “Numerus Clausus” paragraph. By the end of 1941, a full ninety percent (90%) of all Jewish volunteers were disqualified for a so-called “health defect”. Those Jews who served were met with unconcealed hostility by the authorities, officers and soldiers.
The extreme anti-Semitic act was the formation of a Jewish battalion in Koltobanka. (14)
In the newly organized Army there was a shortage of officers. Despite pressing inquiries by the Polish authorities, no trace could be found of close to 10,000 disappeared officers who had been prisoners of war. 
The relations between the London Government and the Soviet Union reached a breaking point.
It was decided, following the intervention of Prime Minister Churchill, that the Polish Army should leave the USSR. The complete evacuation of Polish troops from the USSR to Iran was concluded in August 1942. 114,732 persons, Polish citizens who included 3,588 Jews - 3% - evacuated to Iran in the course of 1942. 
76,110 of the evacuated were soldiers, with ca 3,500 of them being Jewish.
354 Jews, among them 1 officer, died while serving in the Polish Army in the USSR and Iran.
*Kremlin versus Poland 1939-1945 - documents from Soviet archives.
The Polish Army East - The Second Polish Corps
The Italian Campaign
Commanded by General W. Anders the Polish Army East (P.A.E.), renamed and reorganized later to Second Polish Corps, was set up in September 1942 in Iraq. By the end of November 1942 the Polish forces in Iraq numbered ca. 70,000 soldiers. 4,225 Jews, among them 176 officers served in the Second Corps at the end of 1942. (15)
The Army was concentrated in Iraq for training, and to serve as a reserve defense formation, in order to stop the German troops in case they were advancing via Caucasus to the Iraqi oil fields.
During August and September 1943 the Second Corps was transferred to Palestine. The Polish forces comprised of 64,000 soldiers, 3,000 women (A.T. s.) and cadets.
As before in Anders’ Army in the Soviet Union, even now in Palestine, a strong anti-Semitic attitude towards Jewish prevailed in the Army.
On May 11th, 1944 general Sosnkowski, the commander-in-chief of the Polish Army, reported to his Prime Minister that a representation of Polish Jews in Tel-Aviv considered to recall Dr. Schwartzbart from the National Council in London in protest of anti-Semitism in the Army. (16)
Dr. capt., Chaplain Pinchas Rosengarten, rabbi in Anders Army in the USSR, in the P.A.E., and the chief rabbi in the Second Corps in the Monte Cassino battle, declared in his testimony that the general attitude to Jews in the units was unfavorable, abusive and aggressive. 
Dr. Rosengarten, however, praised the decent, correct and even friendly attitude of general Kopanski, colonel Galadek and major Durko towards their Jewish soldiers.
While serving in Palestine, 3085 Jews abandoned their units. Over 2000 of them enlisted in the British Army, including the Jewish Brigade, while the remainder joined Jewish underground military organizations such as the ‘Hagana’, the ‘Irgun’ and the ‘Lechi’ or were in the Palestine settlement police.
“Jews fight for their freedom and I won’t stand in their way, as they have a fight before them” said General Anders, according to evidence given by Romanowski, General Anders’ aide-de-camp. (17)
The following motives led the Jews to abandon the Army. We shall mention only some of them:
The anti-Semitism in the Army.
The tragic news about the fate of Polish Jewry. 
The desire to fight against the Germans in the British Army.
To fight for an independent Jewish state.
They met countrymen, family members in Palestine, who convinced them to stay with them.
The wartime Foreign Minister in the P.G. in E. and ambassador to the United Kingdom Edward Raczynski said that he remembered that it was General Anders’ decision to let the Jewish soldiers in Palestine, and General Sikorski concurred. (18)
In November 1943 the Second Corps was moved to Egypt. From the middle of December 1943 until May 1944 the Corps was shipped to the Italian Front.
On May 18th, 1944 the Second Polish Corps fought in the bloody Monte-Cassino battle.
The Polish causalities in the Monte-Cassino battle were very high: 
420 killed.
2,931 wounded.
345 missing.
1,300 Jews participated in the Monte Cassino battle, including 123 officers. 28 Jews were killed in action, 62 were wounded.
136 Jewish officers and men were decorated with the highest Polish Military awards:
6 received the Virtuti Militari class V,
68 received the Cross of Valor,
29 received the Silver Cross of Merit,
33 received the Bronze Cross of Merit.
Among the decorated we shall mention private Abraham Jakob, heavily wounded in battle, who was awarded the Virtuti Militari Cross.
In October 1944 and later in April 1945 the Second Polish Corps fought liberating Ancona (the Adriatic Campaign), and Bologna. Jews participated in the battles. Almost 20 of them were killed in action.
General Anders, in an interview given to the ‘Der Tag” (No. 10 967), declared “Jews fought with valor on the battlefield, and distinguished themselves in other military services”.  
The Polish Army West - Polish Army in the United Kingdom
The Polish Army in Great Britain was set up of Polish citizens, most of them soldiers from the Dunkirk evacuation in June 1940, after the French defeat.
On July 15th, 1940 the Army numbered ca. 27,000 soldiers and 3,000 civilians.  
On August 5th, 1940 the Polish - British agreement was signed. After France’s defeat the Polish Government in Exile settled in London.
Unfortunately, the task of identifying all Jews serving in the Army, especially those who participated in the Arnheim assault, and the Normandy landing, and were killed in action or were missing is quite impossible.
Many soldiers of Jewish origin, in order to avoid being rejected by the Polish recruiting board, didn’t admit to their Jewish origins. They changed their names and declared themselves of being Poles.
Soldiers and young officers of the units stationed in Scotland had a hostile attitude towards their Jewish colleagues-in-arms.
However, we estimate that ca. 1,000 Jews served in the Polish Army in the United Kingdom.
Due to the anti-Semitism in the Army, a group of Jews expressed the will to be transferred to the British Army.
In 1943 they abandoned their units and volunteered for the British Army.
The 1st Armored Corps, under the command of General Maczek, participated in the Normandy landing, battles to liberate France, Belgium and Holland (the conquest of Breda - October 1944).  
In June 1944, 240 Jews served in the 1st Corps, among them 8 officers with the rank of 2nd lieutenant.
In Polish units stationed in Great Britain 264 Jews served, among them 30 officers -18 of them medical doctors.
28 Jews served with valor in the 1st Polish Independent Parachute Brigade. The brigade suffered heavy casualties in the Arnheim assault on September 21st, 1944. Jews were among those killed.
 95 Jews served in the Polish Air Force in the United Kingdom. The majority of them were officers. 32 of them were killed or missing in action.
Many distinguished themselves in action. They were awarded the highest Polish and British military honors. lieutenant Stanislaw Rappaport and pilot lieutenant Klajner Arnold, who received the “Virtuti Militari”, were among many others. 
The Polish People's Army Formed in the USSR
On May 9th, 1943 it was officially announced that the Soviet Union had agreed to the Union of Polish Patriots’ reques_tin the USSR concerning the formation on Soviet soil of the First Infantry Division named Tadeusz Kosciuszko Division intended to fight against the Germans alongside the Red Army to free Poland.   
Colonel Zygmunt Berling (later promoted to General) was appointed as the commander of the Division, and later of the First Army.
It was a Polish Military Formation, free from any relation and subordination to the Polish Government in Exile in London, and intended to fight alongside the Red Army to free Poland, and politically related strongly to establish a Polish Democratic State in the orbit of the Soviet Union influence after the final victory.
Polish Jews in the remote sites of the Soviet Union, who had been set free from the Gulags, but rejected from the Anders Army, enthusiastically volunteered for the new Polish military formation, and again, as before many of them were rejected by the Polish recruiting authorities. The official pretext given was to “ensure that the Division shall maintain its authentic Polish character” (professor Podgorski).
Jews with commanding abilities were asked to change their names to those with a Polish-Slavic sound, and declare being a Pole by nationality. The majority of those who refused the address were discharged. In some cases, Jews such as medical doctors, enginéers, lawyers etc. were asked to sign a declaration of having been conscripted on a volunteer basis.
In the 1st Division, and afterwards in the Army, a shortage in the officers cadre existed. 
Red Army officers with military and field experience, even decorated, were designated to serve in the P.P.A., some of them were of Polish origin. They accounted for the majority of the officers cadre in the Army. The presence of Red Army officers, although in Polish uniforms, caused a lack of confidence, as to the Army’s character, in the units.
In order to offset the shortage of officers and non-commissioned officers (N.C.O.s), and create a credible commanding cadre of Polish origin officers and (N.C.O.) field schools were opened. After a few weeks of training, the cadets returned to their units as crew or platoon commanders.
With the growth of the Army, the shortage of officers grew.
Officers schools were created based on the Red Army system. 2,300 cadets were promoted to officers ranks, 980 cadets studied at Red Army schools and military academies.    
Jews - cadets were duly represented in the officers schools and academies.
Based on the Red Army model and experience, and in order to ensure loyalty of the units as to the Army’s political character, an educational-political department was created in the Army. Cadets selected from loyal and better-educated men passed special officers’ courses to serve as deputy commanders of units (from companies and up to divisions).
On October 12th and 13th 1943 the 1st Tadeusz Kosciuszko Division fought a bloody battle on Lenino field_sin the district of Mohilov and suffered heavy causalities.
The Total Casualties in the Lenino Battle
Killed in action / Died of wounds: 540
Missing: 768
Total: 1308
The Jewish Casualties in the Lenino Battle
Officers N.C.O and mem Total
Killed in action / Died of wounds: 9 64 73
Missing: 5 37 42
Total : 14 101 115
Among the officers killed were two brothers: Moshe and Leon Halpern.
Jews, both officers and soldiers, distinguished themselves in the Lenino battle. They were awarded with Polish and Red Army honors.   
• “Virtuti Militari” cross: 5
• “Grunwald” cross: 4
• “Cross of Valor”: 48
• “Golden Medal of Field Glory”: 5
• “Silver Medal of Field Glory”: 61
• “Bronze Medal of Field Glory”: 103
• 49 Red Army honors were awarded:
• “Hero of the Soviet Union”: 1 to capt. Juliusz Hibner.
• “Red Banner Order”: 1
• “Red Star Order”: 10
•  Others: 37
The 1st Division formed the nucleus of the Polish People's Army. At its peak the Army numbered 391,410 men, including 38,488 officers. Around 20,000 Jews served in the P.P.A., among them close to 2,000 officers. 
They participated alongside their Polish brothers-in-arms in the liberation of Warsaw on January 17th, 1945, Pomerania, the Baltic Coast in the Berlin campaign and in Dresden-Saxonian front up to the Elba River. 
Jewish Military Casualties in the P.P.A.
Officers N.C.O and men Total
Killed in action / Died of wounds: 239 1406 1645
Missing: 22 410 432
Total: 261 1816 2077
At the Polish National Council meeting held on January 2nd, 1945 the Commander in Chief of the Polish Army, Marshal Rola-Zymierski said “I shall use the opportunity to declare that Jewish soldiers and officers are fighting against Nazi occupant with devotion and heroism. They are courageous and they fought with strength for Poland’s liberation”.      
Not the ideological character of the P.P.A. was the reason of enthusiastic voluntary recruitment of Polish Jews to the 1st T. Kosciuszko Division and to the 1st Army in the U.S.S.R.    
It was the chance given them, after the disillusionment in Anders Army, to fight against the Nazi foe, and even as field commanders and officers. 
It was the slogan “For our freedom and yours”, and the rallying cry “By the shortest way to return to Warsaw” that convinced them to join the Army and to fight as Polish citizens for Poland’s Independence.
Many of them fell on battlefields; many others died of wounds, decorated with the highest Polish and Red Army awards.
On their battle-trail west from Lenino to Berlin, liberating Warsaw and Poland, they passed towns, villages and cities without Jews. Their parents, wives, sisters, brothers, children and friends were exterminated by the Nazis in the Holocaust. 
There were no more Jews in Poland. They did not find their homes.
The eagerness for revenge governed their behaviour on the battlefield_sof Poland and Germany.
When the battles stopped with Germany’s surrender, the majority of them decided to start a new life in a free Jewish state. They took their leave of Poland, which they loved, and went to fight in the Israeli War of Independence. 
Polish Underground Resistance  Movement
In  occupied Poland the following Polish Underground Movements were active:
A. The Home Army ( A.K.)
This was the dominant military organization controlled by the Polish Government in Exile in London. The organization was based on pre-war professional officers with strong anti-Semitic attitudes. All the military provision and arms were supplied by London Government in Exile.
Jews were refused acceptance to the Home Army. We assume that nearly 200 Jews served in the A.K. units Most of them did so by concealing their Jewish origin, declaring themselves of Polish nationality and adopting Polish- Slavic names and changing their personal histories.
Even the attitude of A. K. to the Jewish Resistance was unfavorable and even hostile. It is proved in order no. 116 given by Gen. Bor-Komorowski, Commander-in-Chief of the Home Army on September 15, 1943 with regard to the partisan movement and in particular to Jewish participation in it(19).
Additional evidence is given by Icchak Cukierman ("Antek”) Deputy Commander in Chief of the Fighting Organization (Z.O.B.) in Warsaw Ghetto Uprising(20), by Shmuel Gruber ("Mietek") Commander of the Jewish partisans unit in the Lublin area(21), and in the works of historians(22).
B. The People's Army ( A.L.) previously The People's Guard ( G.L.)
The Organization was rooted on pre-war Communist Polish Party and was generally favorable to  Jews. Jews served in A.L. and in G. L., even as commanding officers. The People's Guard and later the People's Army were the chief ally of the Jewish partisan and underground movement.
The organization suffered from lack of arms and other military provisions. They were active in saving survivors of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising.
Some Jewish partisan units, such as the so-called "Mordechaj Anielewitch" in the Wyszkow Forests, the Jechiel Grinspan unit and others were officially affiliated to the A.L.
C. The National Armed Forces ( N.S.Z.)
The anti-Semitic radical nationalistic military organization.
There is official Polish evidence to confirm N.S.Z. cooperation with the Gestapo in the murder of Jews
D. Peasant Battalions” (B. Ch.)   
A small military partisan detachment generally favorable to Jews. Jews served in “B. Ch.”
E. Other Organizations
There were additional small organizations such as the Socialist Fighting Organization ( S.O.B.), Freedom Equality Independence (W.R.N.) etc.
As noted before, because of the prevailing atmosphere of anti-Semitism, specially in A.K and N.S.Z., Jews  were forced  for their own safety  to conceal their Jewish identity and to adopt polish names and biographies.
It often happened that after identifying themselves as Jews  they were often murdered by their Polish co-combatants.
Therefore we were not able to compile a definite and complete list of Jews officers in the Polish Underground.
1. Zwolinski, Stefan; 1996 Zydzi w obronie Rzeczypospolitej Warsaw. Cyklady.
Gen. Jakub Krzeminski - Supreme Chamber of Control - Chairman
Gen. Bernard Mond - 6th inf. division commander-in September 1939 
Gen. Roman Gorecki - (from 1927) Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego – 
Director General
lieut-gen. Mieczylaw Norwid Neugebauer
Gen. Mieczyslaw-Wyzel Swiezynski - (from 1932) Press  Agency “Iskra” - 
Director General
2. Memorial Book 1939 Ksiega pamiatkowa ku czci Zydom bojownikom slawy 
polskiej 1905 - 1918 Warsaw 1939.
The following officers and soldiers were awarded with the “Virtuti Militari” 
a. Posthumously
2nd lieut. Bronislaw Mansfeld-Haber
Cad. /Off. Wladyslaw Steinhauz
Dr. Adolf Szternfus
2nd lieut. Zygmunt Goldszlag
Sgt. Stanislaw Rajch
2nd lieut. Blauer-Naratowicz
Corp. Zygmunt Rapaport
L/sgt. Natan Motel Lewinson
Officer Ludwik Rottenberg
Pte. Icchak Jungerman
capt. Filip Szmiglowski
b. In the Legions
capt. Leopold Josef Spiro
capt. Zmigrider Konopka
Cad. /off. Adam Lipski
Henryk Berenstejn
Salomon Wajnreb
Nikodem Polak
Leon Holcer
Jakow Kraus
Jerzy Frumer
Juliusz Sterlinger
Jakow Frank
Szmuel Pinkowski
Oswald Rohatyner
3. Ibid.
4. Jablonowski, Marek; 1936 Zwiazek Zydow Uczestnikow 
Walk o Niepodleglosc Polski (1929 -1939) Warsaw Cyklady.   
5. Krakowski, Samuel. Jews in the Polish Army in September 1939 Campaign 
(in Hebrew) The Hebrew University of Jerusalem - citation from the “Memorial 
Book” - see note #2
among many others:
Major Adar - commander 5th regiment
       capt. Elias Bonhard - comp. comm. 11st art. reg.
       Colonel Alfred Fried - dr. med. - chief med. services, Rzeszow Distr.
Major Filip Friedlender - Headquarters 6th Army
capt. Leon Goldberg - batt. comm. 32nd reg.
Major Jgnacy Schragge - armored train “Piast” comm.
capt. Josef Rappaport - comp. comm. in general Haller’s army
capt. Josef Spira - comp. comm. 2nd inf. reg., from 1927 dpt. head at the 
War Ministry 
lieut. Ludwik Taube - adjutant 9th Legions brig.
And many others.
6. Ksiega pochowanych zolnierzy polskich polegtych w II 
Wojnie Swiatowej vol. 1, p. 26.         
-Prof. Col. Eugeniusz Kozlowski estimated the total irretrievable military 
casualities at least 100,000, plus P.O.W.s murdered in the Soviet Union and 
in German captivity (see “Agresia na Polske”, Warsaw 1991).
The Germans estimate that about 100,000 Poles in uniform died in 
September 1939 battles (see Hanson Baldwin “Battles Lost and Won”).
Martin Gilbert in his “World War II” (p. 18) estimated the Polish September 
causalities as: more than 60,000 soldiers killed in action, 25,000 civilians. 
“The World War II Fact Book” by Christy Campbell (p. 49) estimated the 
Polish losses: 66,000 killed in battles, and at least 200,000 wounded.
7. On October 9th 1959 the H.Q. of the Polish People's Army published that the 
Jewish military causalities in the September 1939 defense battles counted 
32,216 men and officers killed in action, died of wounds, missing, died in 
service, and murdered as P.O.W.s in the Katyn crime, and in German 
Stalags. The amount was quoted by Dr. Simon Schochat and published in 
the periodical “Independence” - Jozef Pitsudski Institute in New York 1988.
8. Neugebauer, Norwid M. lieut. Gen.; The Defense of Poland in September 
Szeniawski, Henryk; Zydzi w szeregach Wojska Polskiego.
9. Meirtchak, Benjamin; 1996 Jewish Causalities in the Polish 
Army in W.W.II, vol. III, - based on State Archives in Lublin. Governer des 
Distrikt Lublin 39/44 sygn. 901
Liste des Kriegsgefangenen (23/1/1941).
10. Order No. 794/8 U.S.S.R. Ministry of Interior (N.K.V.D.)
Order signed by Stalin, Woroszylow, Molotov, Mikojan on 5/11/1940. Strictly 
secret p. 13n 144pp.
11. Meirtchak, Benjamin; Jewish Military Causalities in the Polish Army in W.W.II 
vol. IV & V 1997,1999.
12. Cpt. L’Hopitalier 1950 Dzieje Armii Polskiej we Francji 1939-1945 p. 12 Paris.
13. Ibid p. 45.
14. Rosengarten, Pinchas; From the Chaplain Diary - 2nd  
Polish Corps (in Hebrew) capt., Rabbi Rosengarten served as chief rabbi 
in the 3rd Division and participated in the Monte Cassio battle.
15. Collection W.V.A., by courtesy of the Historical Institute Sikorski of London.
16. Yad Vashem Archives - Silberberg Collection 0.25/69
Commander-in-chief L.dz 463/6Nw/44 London 10/5/1944.
17. Sarner Harvey; 1997 General Anders and the Soldiers of The 2nd Polish Army 
18. ibid. 
19.  Polskie Sily Zbrojne Vol. 3; pp. 531-2, quoted by Reuben Ainsztein, "Jewish Resistance in Nazi-         Occupied Eastern Europe", p. 405.
Gen. Bor-Komorowski described all Poles and Jews engaged in guerilla activities as "criminal and subversive elements" – "bandits". The order stressed the néed to liquidate the leaders and entire bands and was intentionally aimed at Jewish partisans and hidden Jews.
20.  "Those Seven Years 1939-1946" by Icchak Cukierman ("Antek"), Dep. Comm.-in-Chief of the Jewish Fighting Organization (Z.O.B.), pp. 306 etc.
21. "Yalkut Moreshet", No. 18, November 1974, Shmuel Gruber ("Mietek") "Jewish Partisans in Lublin Area".
22. Krakowski Shmuel; Jewish Armed Resistance in Poland 1942-1943, pp. 342-344, quoted by Israel Gutman "Struggles in Darkness", 1985, p. 268.
Yehuda Bauer: The Holocaust – Some Historical Aspects, pub. by "Moreshet", 1982, pp. 120-127.
The Statistical Summary 
Jews-Officers in the Polish Army - September 1939
Percentage according to Rank
2nd lieutenant
67.5 lieutenant
20.5 capt.
10.7 Major
1.3 Colonel
Percentage according to Service
Field Service
42.5 Medical Corps
54.3 Legal Service
1.8 Others
Jews - Officers in the P.P.A.
Percentage according to Rank
Warrant Officer
46.8 2nd lieutenant
29.8 lieutenant
18.6 capt.
2.2 Major
1.4 lieut-colonel
Percentage according to Service
Field Service
71.6 H.Q. & Staff
7.9 Medical Corps
10.5 Quarter-Master
3.7 Legal Service
3.3 Others
List No. 1
Remarks To List No. 1
List No. 1 presents a register of Jews-officers in the Polish Army on the eve of September 1st, 1939.
The list consists of 2,483 names of Jewish officers.
The publication of the list was possible through the courtesy of the Central Military Archives in Warsaw and the Sikorski Institute in London.
The List is published in Polish transcription and includes the following details:
? Family and first name, father’s name.
? Date of birth.
? Military rank, service branch.
? Enlisted by region command (RKU).
? Assignments.
? Death circumstances (with a hexagram mark “Star of David”, ?).
We are fully convinced that the list is not an entire, comprehensive presentation of Jews-officers in the Polish Army for the following reasons:
? As the mobilization was proclaimed late, during the last days of August 1939, the registration procedure of reserve officers in units was preformed, if at all, under pressure of events, neglectful.
? The register of Jews, who were professional officers, in the Army is deficient due to a lack of archive resources.
? Lack of proved evidences and testimonies of officers-Jews, P.O.W.'s in the German Oflags.
Let us hope that someone in the future will be able to complete the list.
Abeles Juliusz, s. Abraham & Rachel, b. 1.07.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, res. cadre 4 inf. reg. 
Abend Jozef, s. Izaak & Hinda, b. 24.09.1891, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, res. cadre 10 Distr. Hosp.
Abramowicz Abram, b. 13.10.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Wilno, res. cadre, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Abramowicz Aron Ezril, b. 24.03.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Piotrkow, res. cadre 4 Distr. Hosp.
Abramowicz Ludwik, s. Szymon & Maria, b. 14.01.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, res. cadre 4 Distr. Hosp.
Abramski Jan Miecyzslaw, b. 14.1.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., 362 Field Hosp.
Abusz Samuel, b. 24.12.1890, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Radomsko, res. cadre 4 Distr. Hosp.
Adamaszek Josef Icek, b. 23.12.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Zloczow 52 inf. reg.
Adamowicz Morytz, b. 8.05.1899, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, res. cadr. 9 Distr. Hosp.
Adelfang Dawid, b. 8.02.1898, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, res. cadre 1 Distr. Hosp.
Adelfang Wolf Henryk, b. 26.10.1885, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, res. cadre 1 Distr. Hosp.
Adelsberg Zygfryd, s. Herman & Ernestyna, b. 19.11.1894, capt. (res.), dr. med., Krakow.
Adler Dawid, b. 22.08.1885, lieut. (res.), pharm., Krakow, res. cadre 5 Distr. Hosp.
Adler Emil, s. Szymon & Rozalia, b. 8.08.1894, capt. (res.), inf., dr., Bielsko, 4 inf. reg.
? Adler Herman, s. Leon & Zofia, b. 16.04.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Rzeszow 3 inf. reg. leg., killed in action 09.1939.
Adler Jakub, b. 25.01.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), san. off., Warsaw, res. cadre 2 Distr. Hosp.
? Adler Jerzy, s. Adolf b. 1903, 2/lieut., (res.), dr. med., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
? Adler Jozef, b. 1902, lieut. (res.), p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  died June 1940.
? Adler Jozef, s. Aleksander b. 1894, capt. (res.), 35 inf. reg., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Adler Oskar, s. Karol & Gizela, b. 20.11.1892, 2/lieut. (res.), art., Lodz, 10 l. art. reg.
Adlerhand Leopold, s. Adolf & Amalia, b. 11.12.1891, 2/lieut. (res.), san. off. cadre, Krakow 5 Distr. Hosp.
Adolf Leiba, b. 10.09.1898, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, res. cadre 6 Distr. Hosp.
Aftel Zygmunt, s. Henryk & Ewelin, b. 20.12.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), san. off. cadre, Krakow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Agadstein Moses Wolf, b. 14.10.1907, 2/lieut., inf., Kolomyja, 49 inf. reg.
Ajzensztaadt Aleksander, s. Rubin & Zofia, b. 14.01.1888, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Wolkowysk, res. cadre 3 Distr. Hosp.
Ajzensztat Aleksander, s. Izrael & Fania, b. 14.01.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Wilno, res. cadre 3 Distr. Hosp.
Ajzykow Izaak Giercel, b. 30.10.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Brest/B, res. cadre 9 Distr. Hosp.
Akk Elkana, b. 9.05.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Wilno, res. cadre 3 Distr. Hosp.
? Akselrad Pinkas, s. Kopel & Sara, b. 3.01.1899, Centrum Veterin. Research, Warsaw.
? Akselrod Samuel, s.Mozes, b. 9.11.1893, 2/lieut., dr. med., Wilno, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Akst Juliusz, s. Henryk & Justyna, b. 4.01.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), enginéer, Warsaw, engin. batt. 
Albert Karol (Chuna), s. Jozef, b. 27.08.1888, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, D.O.C. VI.
Allerhand Henryk, s. Adolf & Franciszka b. 27.03.1898, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, res. cadre 2 Distr. Hosp.
Allerhand Joachim, s. Maurycy & Sara, b. 6.05.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), inf. dr., Lwow, D.O.C. VI.
Allerhand Maksymilian, s. Julian & Sabina, b. 12.03.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, r.c. 6 Distr. Hosp; cont. P.A.E., 2 Corps.
Allerhand Stefan Jakub, s. Leon & Ernestyna, b. 20.09.1900, lieut. (res.), inf., Kolomyja, 49 inf. reg.
Altbauer Josef Dawid, b. 17.05.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., enginéer, Przemysl, 6 inf. reg.
? Altman Jacenty, s. Johanan, b. 1902, Lodz, 2/lieut. (res.), engin., p.o.w. Oflag Waldenberg, died 2.5.1945.
? Altman Jerzy, s.Salomon b. 21.4.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), pharmacy., 7 h. art. reg., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
? Altman Tadeusz Dawid, s. Johanan, lieut., p.o.w. Oflag VII A, Murnau.
Alten Maks Juliusz, s. Aron & Bluma, b. 16.02.1893, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, 39 inf. reg.
Alter Alfred, s. Bernard & Anna, b. 18.01.1891, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. law, Lwow, D.O.C. VI.
? Alterman Dawid, b. 7.01.1886, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, res. cadre 4 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  murdered Kharkow, 1940
Alterman Izrael, b. 15.11.1888, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, res. cadre 4 Distr. Hosp., cont. P.A.E., 2 Corps.
Altfeld Mieczyslaw, s. Aleksander & Ita, b. 20.02.1889, capt. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, res. cadre 1 Distr. Hosp.
? Altkaufer Jakub, s. Dawid & Cyrla, b. 5.01.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw 1 Distr. Hosp., died in service 5.4.1944, Scotland.
Altman Chil, b. 30.10.1894, 2/lieut. (res.), Lask, 4 transp. batt.
Altman Dawid, b. 28.09.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Grudziadz, 66 inf. reg.
Altman Henryk, s. Jozef & Rozalia, b. 10.05.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), off. san. cadre, Warsaw, res. cadre 1 Distr. Hosp.
Altman Josef, s. Aron Chaim & Hinda, b. 30.11.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Wilno, 6 inf. reg. 
Altman Saul, b. 1.07.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Grudziadz, 65 inf. reg.
Altman Stanislaw vel Salomon, b. 12.01.1889, 2/lieut. (res.), Warsaw, 6 telegr. batt.
Altscher Bernard, s. 9.05.1888, 2/lieut. (res.), inf. Zloczow, D.O.C. VI.
Altschuler Adolf, s. Maks & Regina, b. 26.07.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), off. san. cadre, Lwow, res. cadre 10 Distr.Hosp.
Altschuler vel Stark Mordche, b. 30.03.1909, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Brzezany, 51 inf. reg.
Ameisen Aleksander, s. Izrael & Emilia, b. 1.01.1891, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, res. cadre 10 Distr. Hosp.
Amster Abraham Roman, b. 1.11.1887, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, D.O.C. V.
Amsterdam Abraham, b. 1.01.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), san. off. cadre, Warsaw, res. cadre 3 Distr. Hosp.
Andelman Leon, s. Izak & Adela, b. 25.12.1899, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med. Krakow, res. cadre 10 Distr. Hosp.
Angstreich Abraham, b. 16.11.1898, lieut. (res.), inf. Lwow, D.O.C. VI.
? Anisfeld Markus, b. 11.04.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., Krakow, 5 Distr. Hosp. p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Antopolski Hersz Lejb, b. 30.05.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Brest/B, 83 inf. reg.
Apfelbaum Chaim Aron, b. 19.03.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), enginéer, Lwow, 51 inf. reg.
? Appelbaum Morris, lieut. comm. Z.Z.W., fell in Warsaw Uprising 1943
Apring Roman, s. Artur & Roza, b. 12.09.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), inf. Krakow, D.O.C. V.
Apt Izajasz, b. 26.06.1907, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 5 inf. reg.
? Apt Rafael, b. 31.12.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), surgoen, Kalisz, 7 Distr. Hosp., died of wounds 15.1.1940.
Aptowicz Nuchem, b. 4.01.1899, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, res. cadre 10 Distr. Hosp.
Aptowitzer Stanislaw, s. Wiktor & Roza, b. 23.03.1892, 2/lieut. (res.), inf. enginéer, Lwow, 26 inf. reg.
? Arcichowski Mieczyslaw Mojzesz, s. Leonard & Zofia, b. 20.04.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr.med., Warsaw, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  murdered Katyn spring 1940.
Ardel Karol Franciszek, s. Wilhelm & Wanda, b. 26.01.1892, 2/lieut. res., off. san. cadre, Przemysl, res. cadre 10 Distr. Hosp.
Arensztein Henryk, b. 13.01.1911, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, res. cadre inf., Wlodzimierz Wol.
Arem Erwin (Chaim), s. Izrael & Regina, lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz.
Armanik Mojzesz, b. 11.11.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), Warsaw, 50 inf. reg.
Arnold Szymon, s. Wilhelm & Genia, b. 5.03.1890, 2/lieut. (res.), inf, dr., Krakow, D.O.C. V.
Arnstein Stanislaw, s. Feliks & Zofia, b. 8.05.1886, lieut. (res.), judge., Warsaw, D.O.C. I.
? Aron Benno, s. Tobiasz & Rachel, b. 12.12.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, p.o.w. U.S.S.R. murdered Kharkov Spring 1940.
Aronowicz Rachmil, b. 29.08.1910, 2/lieut (res.), san. off. cadre, Lodz, res. cadre 3 Distr. Hosp.
Aronson Alfred, s. Abram & Chaja, b. 7.12.1893, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, D.O.C. I.
Aronson Zygmunt, b. 22.12.1894, Major (res.), dr. med., P.A.E., Un. King.
Aschenberg Apolinary, s. Ludwik, b. 31.6.1907, lieut. (proff.), 69 inf. reg.
Aschkenazy Juliusz, s. Dawid & Regina, b. 19.01.1887, capt. (res.), pharm. Lwow, res. cadre 6 Distr. Hosp.
Aschkenazy Marek, s. Feliks & Zofia, b. 19.09.1890, 2/lieut. (res.), inf. Warsaw D.O.C. I.
Askenas Szymon, s. Wiktor b. 1908, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 36 inf. reg.
Askenazy Uszer, b. 2.12.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, res. cadre 4 Distr. Hosp.
Assenhajm Dawid, b. 4.01.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, res. cadre 3 Distr. Hosp.
? Ast Leon, b. 20.5.1894, Major (res.), inf. reg., killed in battle, 1939.
Asterblum Ludwik Bronislaw, s. Chaim & Sura, b. 5.12.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf. Warsaw 30 inf. reg.
? Aszman Jerzy, 2/lieut., 74 inf. reg., killed in action 3.9.1939 Radomsko.
Atlas Henryk, s. Norbert & Paulina, b. 22.12.1887, capt. (res.), dr. med.,Lwow, res. cadre 6 Distr. Hosp.
Atlasberg Abram Izaak, b. 20.05.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, res. cadre 2 Distr. Hosp.
Auderman Peretz, s. Szymon, b. 4.03.1898, capt. (res.), inf., 51 inf. reg.
Auerbach Ignacy Samuel, b. 24.11.1894, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krolewska Huta, res. cadre 5 Distr. Hosp.
Augenfisz Abraham Jozef, b. 16.02.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Plock, res. cadre 1 Distr. Hosp.
Awin Jakub, b. 18.11.1896, Pinczow, D.O.C. X.
Axelrad Leon, s. Sara, b. 3.12.1899, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Luniniec, res. cadre 10 Distr. Hosp.
Axelrand Samuel Leon, b. 11.11.1897, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, res. cadre 10 Distr. Hosp.
? Backerman Adolf, b. 1884, capt. (res.), p.o.w., Oflag VI E, Doreten, died 29.8.1942.
Badner Hersz, b. 15.02.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., dr., Lwow, 19 inf. reg.
Badower Leser, b. 11.08.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Skierniewice, 18 inf. reg.
Bahr Jakub, s. Marek & Antonina, 3.01.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., Przemysl, 10 Distr. Hosp.
? Baier Leon, s. Gedalia, b. 2.10.1897, capt. (res.), 19 inf. reg., dr. med., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov spring 1940.
Bajaskin Jakub, s. Husya & Ruchla, b. 9.05.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 3 inf. reg.
Bakman Maurycy, s. Kiwi & Sala, b. 13.06.1886, capt. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Bakman Mieczyslaw, b. 16.03.1886, capt. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Bakman Perec, b. 10.05.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lublin, 45 inf. reg.
Balaban Emanuel, s. Emanuel & Ernestyna, b. 10.02.1893, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, 31 inf. reg.
? Balaban Karol, b. 24.08.1891, capt. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camps, murdered Katyn 1940.
Bander Elias, b. 30.10.1904, 2/lieut., dr. med., Lublin, res. cadre, 2 Distr. Hosp.
? Banet Jakub, s. Salomon & Cecylia, capt. (res.), inf., Krakow, D.O.C. V, p.o.w. murdered by Ukrainian NKWD.
Bank Arnold Herman, s. Dawid & Fania, b. 8.07.1892, lieut. (res.), off. sanit. cadre, Lwow, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Bank Jakub, s. Salomon & Henia, b. 1.10.1892, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Rowne, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Banner Izaak, b. 17.10.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., pharm., Stanislawow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Baran Hilel, b. 26.06.1907, 2/lieut. (res.), sanit. off. cadre, Kolomyja, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Baran Izaak, b. 18.10.1911, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lida, 77 inf. reg.
? Branowski Tadeusz, s. Adam & Anna, b. 9.2.1895, lieut. (proff.) dr. med., med. educ. Center., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp., murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Bart Jakub, s. Mozes 7 Berta,b. 12.03.1898, lieut. (res.), inf., master, Stryj, 53 inf. reg.
Bart Joachim Emil, s. Mojzesz & Berta, b. 15.10.1888, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Kamionka, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Bartel Saul, b. 2.03.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., dr., Lwow, 39 inf. reg.
Bartman Julian Dagobert, s. Moszek & Fajga, b. 24.04.1910, lieut. (res.), artil., enginéer, Warsaw, 2 h. art. reg.
Bauer Leon, s. Gustaw & Bronislawa, b. 2.10.1897, capt. (res.), dr. law, Stryj, D.O.C. VI.
Baum Chaim Simson, b. 11.02.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, 12 inf. reg.
Baum Izaak, s. Izrael b. 10.01.1889, lieut. (res.), inf., 52 inf. reg.
Baum Juliusz, s. Abram & Bluma, b. 4.03.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Bauman Bernard, s. Izaak & Ettel, b. 12.01.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), artil, Warsaw, 28 l. art. reg.
? Bauman Zygmunt, 2/lieut., killed in action 9.1939, Kazan.
? Baumfeld Gustaw, s. Jakub, b. 16.8.1879, capt. (res.), art., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn Forest, spring 1940.
Baumgarten Maurycy, b. 14.01.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Kolomyja, D.O.C. VI.
Baumohl Izrael, s. Jakub b. 1895, lieut. (res.),inf., Warsaw, doc. 1
Baumritter Pawel, s. Feliks & Anna, b. 15.09.1894, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 3 Distr. Hosp.
? Beatus Henryk, b. 21.4.1896, capt. (res.), 25 l.art. reg., killed in action, Warsaw 1939.
Becher Dawid, b. 17.08.1893, capt. (res.), dr. med., Katowice, res. cadre, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Becher Jakub, s. Henoch & Rachel, b. 15.10.1906, 2/lieut., (res.), inf., Krakow, 20 inf. reg.
? Becher Leon, s Samuel b. 12.12.1893, lieut. (res.), inf., dr. law., Riwno, Perished deported by Ukrainian NKVD, spring 1940.
Becher Maurycy, s. Saul & Sara, b. 12.12.1893, lieut. (res.), inf., dr., Rowne, 50 inf. reg.
Becker Maurycy, s. Jakub & Eugenia, b. 30.05.1899, 2/lieut. (res.), sanit. off. cadre, Stryj, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Becker Rafal, s. Gregor & Helena née Witz, b. 23.03.1891, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Beckman Emanuel, s. Markus & Emiia, b. 4.04.1898, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Begleiter Zygmunt, s. Bronislaw, b. 12.09.1900, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Stryj, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Beigel Julian, s. Kiwi & Bronislawa, b. 25.08.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, 53 inf. reg.
Beigel Juliusz, s. Wolf & Perla, b. 14.03.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Wilno, 1 inf. reg.
Beker Szyja Alter, b. 30.06.1905, 2/lieut., res. inf., Skierniewice, 25 inf. reg., cont.: Anders Army, PAE.
Belzak Maurycy, b. 3.12.1896, lieut. (res.), dr. med., P.A.E.
? Ben Aron, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn spring 1940.
? Bennet Mieczyslaw, s. Aszer (Artur) b. 1901, Warr.Off., (proff.), p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murderd Kharkov, spring 1940.
Berber Herman, s. Ewa née Berber, b. 28.12.1896, lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, D.O.C. VI.
? Berencwajg Dawid, b. 25.02.1908, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  murdered Kharkov spring 1940.
Berendt Pejsach, b. 24.10.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Konin, res. cadre 7 Distr. Hosp.
? Berenson Oskar, s. Stanislaw b. 23.08.1892, Major (proff.) cavalery, 12 uhlan reg., killed in action Wiazownia 9. 1939, bur. Warsaw - Powazki.
Berenstein Chaim, b. 11.12.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., 49 inf. reg.
Berenstein Maurycy, b. 3.05.1888, lieut. (res.), off. auditor, Warsaw, D.O.C. I.
? Berensztejn Fajwisz vel Bernstein Fajwel, s. Jakub, b. 1892, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn forest, spring 1940
Berger Czeslaw, s. Michal & Henrieta
Berger Dawid, b. 15.05.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Wilno, res. cadre, 3 Distr. Hosp.
? Berger Luzer Wolf (Lazarz) , s. Lejb, b. 12.11.1900, lieut. (res.), Krakow, murdered by the Ukrainian NKVD, spring 1940.
Berger Maurycy Efraim, b. 20.07.1892, lieut. (res.), engin. corps, Katowice, D.O.C. V.
Berger Pinkas, b. 8.04.1907, 2/lieut. (res.), sanit. off. cadre, Przemysl, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Bergman Abraham, b. 27.01.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., master law, Kolomyja, 49 inf. reg.
Bergmann Maurycy, b. 3.05.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), enginéer, Bialystok, 16 Inf. Div.
? Bergner Mieczyslaw, b. 1921, lieut. p.o.w. Oflag, died 28.5.1944.
Bergner Samuel, b. 27.03.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Radom, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Bergrun Herman, s. Zofia, b. 2.10.1895, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Stanislawow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Bergson Tomasz, s. Ludwik & Dora, b. 19.10.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), artil., Warsaw, 29 l. art. reg.
Bergstoff Salomon Leib, b. 26.04.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), sanit. off. cadre, Czortkow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Bergsztein Izrael, b.2.10.1909, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Suwalki, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Berhang Hersch, b. 15.03.1908, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Nowy Targ, 1 mount inf. reg.
Berkman Maksymylian, s. Chckiel & Chaja, b. 17.12.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.
? Berkowicz Abraham, b. 1898, lieut. (res.), p.o.w. Oflag Tangenhutte, died 9.3.1940.
Berkowicz Lajb, b. 2.07.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 36 inf. reg.
Berkowicz Lejzer, b. 11.06.1893, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Zawiercie, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Berkowicz Mozes, b. 25.10.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Berkowicz Samuel, b. 4.11.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 18 inf. reg.
Berland Eliasz, s. Grzegorz  b. 1896 , 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
? Berland Juliusz Eliasz, s. Hersz & Eugenia, b. 25.09.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr.med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp. p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Berlin Dawid Wlodzimierz, b. 13.08.1886, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Berlin Josef, b. 7.12.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Berlin Maks, s. Aron & Szprinka, b. 13.02.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), sanit. off. cadre, Czestochowa, 4 Distr. Hosp., cont. Anders Army, P.A.E.
Berlin Norbert Cezary, b. 13.01.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Berliner Julian Juda, b. 4.02.1884, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Berlinerblau Leopold,s. Izaak & Malka, b. 27.12.1901, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Wilno, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Berlinski Arie, b. 18.02.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 28 inf. reg.
Berlis Pawel, s. Salomon & Berta, b. 17.03.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Berman Bunin, b. 25.11.1892, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Berman Lazar, b. 22.07.1899, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, Czortkow, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Berstof Salomon, b. 26.04.1892, 2/lieut. (res.), adm. off. cadre, Czortkow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Berwald Leopold, s. Aron & Anna, b. 6.01.1893, capt. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Bezpojasnik Szaja Lejb, b. 22.03.1908, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Krzemieniec, 43 inf. reg.
Bialski Abraham, b. 27.10.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Radom, 4 inf. reg.
Biber Henryk, s. Marek & Regina, b. 14.07.1899, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Przemysl, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Bibergal Samuel Stanislaw, b. 27.06.1892, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Bibring Jakub, s. Markus, s. 1899, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Stanislawow, 48 inf. reg.
Bibring Julian, s. Maksymilian & Cecylia, 18.04.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Stanislawow, 48 inf. reg.
Bibrowski Mojzesz Aron, b. 27.10.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lask, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Bickels Jozef,  s. Efroim & Zysel, b. 21.08.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), art., Suwalki, 29 l. art. reg.
Biegeleison Leon Wladyslaw, b. 24.05.1885, Major (res.), dr. law., judge. D.O.C. III.
Bielik Baruch Dawid, b. 1.11.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Tarnopol D.O.C. VI.
? Bierer Izaak, b. 23.01.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), sapper, Krakow, 5 eng. batt., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Bincer Henryk, s. Dawid & Eugenia, b. 15.10.1891, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, D.O.C. V.
Bincer Oskar, s. Jakub & Chana, b. 3.04.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Debica, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Bincer Stefan, s. Konrad & Eugenia, b. 28.06.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, D.O.C. VI.
Bindel Bernard Bruno, b. 27.11.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Slonim, 9 Distr. Hosp.
? Binensztok Alfred, s. Daniel & Ewa, b. 26.10.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Pinsk, 9 Distr. Hosp. p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Birenbaum Meilech, b. 4.11.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), inf. Wolkowysk, 80 inf. reg.
? Birencwajg Julian, dr. med., 2/lieut. (res.), 1 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk, murdered Kharkow, spring 1940.
Birencwajg Wolf, b. 2.12.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Piotrkow Trybunalski, 27 inf. reg.
Birensztejn Benedykt, s. Dawid Zalman & Maria Fajga, b. 22.12.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 72 inf. reg.
? Birkenmajer Jozef, lieut. (res.), killed in action 9. 1939.
Birman Pinchas Wolf, b. 30.06.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Wlodzimierz, 20 Distr. Hosp.
? Birnbaum Bronislaw, b. 7.06.1918, 2/lieut. (res.), 10 inf. reg., killed in action 9.09.1939 Tomaszow Mazowiecki.
? Birnbaum Mieczyslaw, b. 10.06.1889, Czestochowa, lieut. (res.), inf., D.O.C. I, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Birnbaum Rubin Feiwel, b. 27.12.1892, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Drohobycz, D.O.C. V.
Blacher Leib vel Leon, b.15.08.1894, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Blank Emil, s. Mojzesz & Helena, b. 1.10.1888, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. law., Lwow, D.O.C. V.
? Blank - Weissberg Stefan, s. Franciszekb. 29.3.1900, lieut. (res.), signal corps., 1 Mil. Distr. Warsaw, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Blankenstein Jakub Wladyslaw, s. Schija & Regina, b. 4.12.1896, lieut. (res.), Rowne, 6 signal batt.
? Blankstein - Sawicki Seweryn Lejbus, s. Chaim b. 15.03.1904, lieut. (res.), 3 eng. batt., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Blat Josele, b. 12.08.1911, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
? Blatt Aleksander, s. Henryk b. 29.11.1897, lieut. (res.), 3 supply column., dr. law., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Blatt Joachim Szymon, s. Dawid & Chaja, b. 8.12.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Katowice, D.O.C. V.
Blatt Oskar Zygmunt Jan, s. Salomon & Eugenia, b. 22.08.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Blau Juliusz, s. Wilhelm & Izi, b. 21.02.1896, lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, D.O.C. VI.
Blaustein Leon, b. 7.02.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Gdynia, D.O.C. VIII.
Blaustein Wilhelm, s. Izydor & Franciszka, b. 27.11.1892, capt. (res.), dr. med., Slonim, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Bleiberg Jakub, s. Hersz & Lana, b. 19.07.1911, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. stomatolog, Stryj, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Bleiberg Jakub, b. 17.09.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., 10 Distr. Hosp.
Bleicher Chaim, b. 21.03.1890, capt. (res.), sanit. off. cadre, Czestochowa, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Bleichfeld Natan, b. 23.06.1896, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, res. cadre 6 Distr. Hosp.
Bleiweiss Bielawski Jozef, s. Izaak & Wanda, b. 9.05.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Blejberg-Mieczyslaw Symson, b. 20.03.1908, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 25 inf. reg.
Blind Maurycy, s. Natan & Frida, b. 11.01.1891, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Bloch Salomon, b. 15.05.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), art., Kalisz, 25 l. art. reg.
Bloksberg Franciszek, b. 24.12.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), sanit. off cadre, Katowice, 5 Distr. Hosp.
? Blumenfeld Gustaw, s. Gustaw, b. 29.05.1890, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Pulawy, 2 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Blumenfeld Maksymilian, b. 19.01.1891, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Pulawy, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Blumenfeld Salomon, b. 6.09.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), inf. Tarnopol, border guard batt. Skalat.
Blumenfeld Wilhelm, s. Nuta & Guta, b. 20.04.1909, 2/lieut. (res.), sanit. off. cadre, Tarnopol, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Blumenfeld Wladyslaw, s. Moses & Sura, b.25.05.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Stanislawow, 48 inf. reg.
? Blumenfeld Zygmunt, b. 21.10.1890, lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, D.O.C. V: p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  murdered Kharkov - spring 1940.
Blumenkranz Wilhelm, s. Mojzesz & Salomea, b. 27.06.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Blumenstrauch Bernard, s. Bejrisz & Chaja, b. 29.08.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 42 inf. reg.
Blumenthal Artur, s. Jakub & Cyla, b. 28.06.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), artil. enginéer, 
Bober Antoni, s. Herman & Gizela, b. 16.01.1899, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Bodek Joachim, s. Szulim & Maria Betta, b. 19.01.1888, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Jaslo, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Bodenstein Zygmunt, s. Ignacy & Dora, b.3.07.1892, lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, D.O.C. VI.
Bogner Georg, s. Mejer & Pepie, b. 5.05.1908, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Zloczow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Bohin Leon, s. Jozef & Maria, b. 1.05.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, 26 inf. reg.
Bohrer Majer, b. 24.12.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., master, Stryj, 53 inf. reg.
Boim Nachman, b. 3.07.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), dr.med., Warsaw, res. cadre, 3 Distr. Hosp.
? Bok Tadeusz, s. Mauryiy, b. 1894, 2/lieut. (res.), med. 4 Distr, Hosp. p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kuziek camp.
? Bokser Edward, s. Ajzyk, b. 1.05.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 10 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
? Bombel Abram Antoni, s. Mojzesz & Ryfka, b. 2.06.1892, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
? Bongard (Bonhard) Lejbus, s. Aszer, b. 30.11.1884, capt. (res.), art., Lwow, murdered by Ukrainian NKVD.
Bonhard Eliasz, b. 30.11.1884, capt. (res.), artil.,Lwow, D.O.C. VI.
? Bor Mojzesz, b. 1897, commissioner police (proff.), p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Pawliszczew, Bor camp.
Borenstein Mojzesz, b. 11.04.1907, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 42 inf. reg.
Borenstein Bernard, s. Markus & Ernestyna, b. 18.01.1911, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, D.O.C. V.
Borenstein Roman, s. Samuel & Rozalia, b. 14.01.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 1 Distr. Hosp.
? Borensztajn, 2/lieut. (res.), 8 inf., 72 inf. reg., killed in action 7.09.1939, Chechlo.
Borgenicht Leon Leib, b. 6.12.1888, lieut. (res.), eng., enginéer,  Warsaw,  D.O.C. I
Boritz Zygmunt Norbert, b. 28.04.1898, lieut. (res.), Lwow, D.O.C.VI.
? Borkowski Aleksander, s. Mojzesz & Chana, b. 26.02.1897, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  murdered Katyn spring 1940.
Borkowski Izaak Ignacy, b. 1.09.1888, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 3 Distr. Hosp.
? Bormajster, 2/lieut., killed in action, Ozorkow, 9.1939.
Bornstein Bernard, s. Markus, b. 1911, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow D.O.C.V.
Bornstein Feliks, s. Izrael & Salomea, b. 15.12.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Bornstein Roman, s. Samuel, b. 1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 1 Distr. Hosp.
? Borowski Jozef, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Brajbrot Chaim Lejbus, b. 19.12.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), sanit. off. cadre, Pinczow, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Bram Arnold, s. Michal & Helena, b. 27.04.1887, capt. (res.), dr. med., Czestochowa, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Brams Szmerko, b. 21.06.1885, capt. (res.), dr. med., Stryj, 8 Distr. Hosp.
? Brandt Salomon, b. 31.07.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), sanit. off. cadre, Katowice, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Brandt Symcha, b. 7.09.1909, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Hrubieszow, 3 Distr. Hosp.
? Brandwajn Hieronim, s. Zukin (Zygmunt) & Fajga, b. 9.10.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 303 field hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Brandys Maurycy, s. Izrael & Regina, b. 25.01.1912, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 80 inf. reg.
Brasiliten Baruch, b. 21.09.1890, lieut. (res.), sanit. off. cadre, Sambor, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Brathspiess Gabriel, s. Herman & Lea, b. 9.11.1893, lieut. (res.), inf., Katowice, D.O.C. V.
Bratspies Ozyasz Herman, b. 30.01.1907, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Stryj, 53 inf. reg.
Braun Bronislaw, s. Salomon & Anna, b. 28.09.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Braun Jerzy, b. 21.09.1911, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 84 inf. reg.
Braun Pinkus Albert, b. 1.05.1886, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
? Braun Zygmunt, capt., mil. audit., p.o.w. Oflag II C Waldenberg, died 25.11.1942.
Brauner Julian, s. Joska, b. 7.02.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Stryj, 53 inf. reg.
Brautigam Hilmar Alfred, b. 10.10.1890, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, Ministry of Military Affairs.
Breitman Henryk Bertold, s. Jakub & Genia, b. 2.09.1893, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, 2 reg. carp. inf.
? Brelau Leon, 2/lieut., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
? Brendel Henryk, s. Szulim b. 8.06.1896, capt. (res.), dr. med., Plock, 2 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp., murdered Katyn Forest, spring 1940.
Brenmuller Mojzesz vel Moszek, b. 5.09.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), inf. Warsaw, D.O.C. I.
Bresler Chaskiel, b. 24.08.1910, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Plock, 1 Distr. Hosp.
? Bretsznajder Ryszard, b. 1919, 2/lieut., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Workut, died 1941.
Brewda Chonia, b. 25.02.1909, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Baranowicze, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Brill Mendel, b. 28.07.1888, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Brill Ruwen, b. 27.10.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Stryj, 53 inf. reg. 
Briskin Jakub, s. Icek & Felicja, b. 8.01.1899, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 3 Distr. Hosp.
? Broch Maurycy, s. Samuel & Sara, b. 31.01.1888, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Broder Izrael Jakub, b, 17.10.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, D.O.C. I.
Brojtman Jozef, s. Ichel & Ruchla Leja, b. 13.05.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Pruzana 78 inf. reg.
Bronsztajn Hersz Ber, b. 17.07.1887, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lublin, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Brudner Izrael, b. 30.03.`907, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Przemysl, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Brukenstein Jozef Ber, b. 6.06.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Stryj, 53 inf. reg.
Brukenstein Jozef Berg, s. Benjamin & Amalia, b. 6.06.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, 20 inf. reg.
Brumberg Moszek, b. 20.01.1899, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 71 inf. reg.
? Bryk Jan, (?), dr. med., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
? Brysz Benjamin vel Boleslaw, s. Leopolda  b. 1886, lieut. (res.), dr. med. Lwow, 9 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, mudeered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Brynberg Mojsze, b. 26.04.1908, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Pinsk, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Bryzman Herman, b. 21.10.1890, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Grodno, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Bryzman Samuel, b. 18.01.1892, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Brest/B., 9 Distr. Hosp.
Brzezinski Izaak, b. 8.12.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 60 inf. reg.
Bucholz Alfred, s. Maurycy & Regina, b. 27.02.1891, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Sanok 10 Distr. Hosp.
Buchsbaum Juda, b. 18.06.1889, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Zloczow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Buchwald Benjamin, s. Benjamin & Eugenia, b. 9.07.1894, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, 20 inf. reg.
Buchwalter Joachim, s. Benjamin & Lipka, b. 27.05.1893, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Miechow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Buks Lipa, s. Nyson & Mariem, b. 12.05.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), enginéer, saper, Lodz, railway bridges constr. 1 batt.
Buksbaum Hirsz Eliezer, b. 10.09.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), artil., Warsaw, 30 l. art. reg.
Buksbaum Julian, s. Henrei & Lea, b. 2.11.1909, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Sosnowiec, 22 inf. reg.
Burak Leon, s. Icek & Gitla, b. 30.01.1912, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Wilno, 3 Distr. Hosp.
? Burbelka Michal, s. Eljasz, b. 1.9.1909, 2/lieut. (res.), Krakow, 22 l. art. reg., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn Forest, spring 1940.
Burstin Eugeniusz, s. Henryk & Anna, b. 21.08.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, D.O.C. VI.
Bursztyn Eizechiel, b. 21.01.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lomza, 33 inf. reg.
? Bursztyn Jakub s. Marek & Frania, b. 13.11.1896, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Bussel Mowsza, b. 24.07.1894, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Buxbaum Adolf Samuel, b. 13.11.1893, capt. (res.), dr. med., Jaroslaw, 10 Distr. Hosp.
? Buzgel Adam, b. 1911, 2/lieut., killed in action 9.1939.
? Bzurowski Dawid, s. Lejzor & Elka, b. 20.01.1890, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lomza, 3 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
? Cajzner, b. 7.10.1899, lieut. (res.), 27 eng. batt., killed in action 9.1939, Stoczek.
Cauzmer Naum, b. 4.10.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
? Ceichner (Ceiszner) Leon, s. Jan, b. 1907, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Celer Mayer Izaak, b. 8.05.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., Lwow, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Celmer Idzi, b. 31.08.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Ostrow Wielkopolski, D.O.C. VII.
Celnikier Zelman, b. 17.07.1898, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp.
? Cemach Samuel, s. Hugo & Samuela, major (proff.), dr. med., 4 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Centerszwer Jozef Henry, s. Szmul & Regina, b. 19.04.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), art. master, Warsaw, 30 l. art. reg.
Ceranka Natan, s. Sana Chaim & Drejzla, b. 8.01.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 1 inf. reg.
Ceytlin Aron Arnold, b. 18.04.1890, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 10 Distr. Hosp.
? Chachanowicz vel Chachanowski Marian, b. 1907, L/Sgt, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
? Chainski Leon, s. Aleksander, b. 20.1.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), 43 inf. reg., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn forest, spring 1940.
? Chajkorn Maks, b. 1915, Bielsko p Biala, cad/off, 3 inf. reg., killed in action 9.1939.
Chajmowicz Chaim Mendel, b. 20.10.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 25 inf. reg.
Chajutin Wolf, s. Szmerek & Basia, b. 5.05.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), art., Czestochowa, 7 l. art. reg.
Chamajdis Dawid, b. 26.11.1890, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Chamajdis Serl, b. 8.11.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. veter., Biala Podlaska, D.O.C. VI.
Chamer Joel, b. 16.12.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), eng. - saper, Rowno, eng. comp. “Hoszcza” batt.
Charasch Mayer Markus, b. 9.05.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Dubna, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Chartan Maurycy, s. Jakub & Marien, b. 21.10.1894, 2/lieut. (res.), art., enginéer, Lodz, D.O.C. IV.
? Choczner Wiktor, s. Maurycy & Salomea, b. 23.3.1893, 2/lieut. (res.), V Mil. Distr., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn Forest, spring 1940.
? Chodenczuk Adolf, s. Rafal, b. 1897, lieut. (res.), p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn Forest, spring 1940.
? Chojaki Wlodzimierz, s. Jozef, b. 20.11.1881, capt. (res.), dr. med., Wolkowysk, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn Forest, spring 1940.
Chorazycki Julian Ilia, s. Julian & Anna, b. 19.08.1885, capt. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Chorec - Brotman Leon, s. Salomon & Paulina, b. 3.06.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), Lodz, 74 inf. reg.
Chuwis Zygfryd, s. Kalman & Sala, b. 29.05.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Chwat Lazarz, b. 9. 06.1907, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp. cont. P.A. France, 1 Grenad. Division.
Chwat Mojzesz, b. 8.06.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 28 inf. reg.
Chwat Salomon, b. 4.01.1907, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 25 inf. reg.
? Chwat Saul, b. 9.06.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Ciolek vel Ciastek Henryk Saba, b. 5.12.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), saper, enginéer, Stanislawow, 1 eng. batt.
Cukierman Jakub Jeszua,
? Cukierman Ludwik, s. Mojzesz, b. 1889, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
? Cwajbaum Lewek, b. 23.10.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 3 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Cwajfus Alfred, s. Abraham & Ester, b. 8.10.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 3 Distr. Hosp.
? Cwiertnia Jozef, s. Szymon Juda, b. 1898, police off., Krakow, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Ostaszkow capm, murdered Miednoje, spring 1940.
Cybulski Izajasz, b. 31.07.1900, lieut. (res.), inf., Plock, 37 inf. reg.
Cygielman Joel Leib, b. 24.02.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 31 inf. reg.
Cygielstreich Jozef, s. Markus, b. 1889, capt. (res.), dr. med. Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Cylberg Dawid, b. 14.1.1918, 2/lieut. (res.), san. off. cadre, P.A.E., UK.
Cymer Jozef, s. Zajwel & Ester, b. 18.10.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
? Cymerman Henryk, s. Chaim, b. 25.11.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), 2 inf. reg., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Cynsztang Seweryn, s. Abram & Cecylia, b. 12.11.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., master, Warsaw, 85 inf. reg.
? Cyper, 2/lieut., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Cytronberg Kazimierz Jekasjel, b. 10.11.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Cytronberg Seweryn, s. Jeremiasz & Leonia, b. 15.01.1892, capt. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Cytryn Nuta Nusym, b. 5.12.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Wloclawek, 14 inf. reg.
Cytrynik Dawid, b. 6.12.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Cyzer Izydor, b. 7.10.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, 20 inf. reg.
Czagacbainian Haig, b. 16.01.1916, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 36 inf. reg.
? Czajkowski Adolf Benon, b. 1886, capt. (res.), dr. med., 5 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
? Czajkowski Emanuel, s. Josef, b. 1909, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Ostaszkow camp, murdered Miednoje, spring 1940.
Czaki Arnold, s. Bernard & Elzbieta, b. 16.09.1886, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., Zywiec, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Czamanski Pinkus, b. 8.11.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 74 inf. reg.
? Czarski Benedykt, s. Emanuel, b. 4.8.1883, capt. (res.), dr. med., Sosnowiec, 10 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn Forest, spring 1940.
? Czarnozyl Marian, s. Izrael, b. 12.2.1890, capt. (res.), dr. med., 4 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
? Czerniak Samuel, s. Sawa, . 1897 Wlodzimierz Wol., p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Ostaszkow camp.,murdered Miednoje spring 1940.
? Czerniakow Leon, s. Jakub, b. 20.11.1894, lieut. (res.), Biala Podlaska, 2 armament dpt., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp,murdered Katyn Forest, spring 1940.
? Czerniawski Aleksander, b. 1897, capt. (res.), dr. med., 3 Distr. Hosp., Starachowice, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
? Czmyr Miron Manuel, b. 25.8.1908, capt. inf., (proff.) 39 inf. reg., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Czortkower (Gerstman) Salomon, b. 14.06.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, 38 inf. reg.
Czwal Benjamin, b. 20.03.1889, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Rzeszow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Dajbog Gutman Noech, b. 3.03.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 23 inf. reg.
Dambrot Jakub, b. 25.09.1890, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Danczes Dom, s. Maksymilian & Anna, b. 24.03.1884, lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, D.O.C. VI.
? Danielak Daniel, s. Majer, b. 1915, police off., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Ostashkov camp, murdered Miednoje, spring 1940.
Dauerman Salomon, b. 22.05.1888, capt. (res.), dr. med., Wilno, 30 Distr. Hosp.
Dawid Berek, b. 1.01.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Sanok, 2 carp. inf. reg.
Dawid Henryk, b. 2.02.1887, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., Krakow, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Dawidow Maksymilian, s. Abram Leib & Brajna, b. 11.05.1884, lieut. (res.), pharm., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.
? Dawidowicz Maksymilian, s. Tobiasz & Anna, b. 14.09.1894, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp., died in service Iraq 1942, Khanagin.
Dawidowicz Samuel, b. 21.1.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), enginéer - saper, Krakow, 1 railway bridges batt.
Dawidsohn Adolf, s. Leon & Perla, b. 29.01.1908, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Kolomyja, 49 inf. reg.
? Delert Zalman, 2/lieut. (res.), 28 l. art. reg., killed in battle, Modlin, 9.1939.
Diamenstein Nachim, b. 11.08.1894, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Dicker Emanuel, s. Herman & Rozalia, b. 13.03.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, 26 inf. reg.
Dicker Jozef, b. 3.08.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Stryj, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Dicker Samuel, b. 28.09.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., Stryj, 6 Distr. Hosp.
? Dienison Jozef, s. Maksym b. 1903, 2/lieut. (res.), Lublin, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn Forest, spring 1940.
? Diensti Franciszek, s. Lubin, b. 1895, 2/lieut. (res.), p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn Forest, spring 1940.
Dienstl Franciszek, s. Lublin, b. 23.04.1895, lieut. (res.), inf., Bedzin, 11. inf. reg.
Dintenfass Marek, b. 18.03.1891, 2/lieut. (res.), off. sanit. cadre, Krakow, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Distel Mendel, b. 23.11.1896, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lublin 2 Distr. Hosp.
Distler Adolf Maks, s. Fajwel & Fani, b. 21.01.1894, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Sanok, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Distler Emanuel, b. 25.11.1883, capt. (res.), dr. med., cont. P.A.W., 2 corps.
? Distenfeld Izaak, b. 15.12.1890, capt. (res.), adm. services, Lwow, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Dlugi Hirsz, b. 8.03.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Wilno, 3 Distr. Hosp.
? Dolert - Zalcman, b. 1916, 2/lieut. (res.), art. 28 l. a. reg., killed in action 29.09.1939 Modlin, bur. Warsaw- Powazki.
Domanski - Dreifach Marek, s. Izaak & Anna,. 22.05.1893, lieut. (res.), master law,Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Dornstrauch Maurycy, s. Alter Chaim & Elka, b. 15.08.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Jaslo, 1 carp. inf. reg.
? Drejman Mikolaj, b. 1916, 2/lieut. (res.), 83 inf. reg., killed in battle, Przylek, 9.1939.
? Dresdner Robert, s. Emanuel & Julia, b. 9.11.1899, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  murdered Katyn spring 1940.
Driks (Welger) Jonasz, b. 1.05.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Drillech Jecheskiel, b. 10.08.1912, 2/lieut. (res.), Stanislawow, 48 inf. reg.
Drucker Chaim, b. 9.09.1894, 2/lieut. (res.), off. san. cadre, Tarnow, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Drucker Maurycy, s. Ignacy & Mina, b. 18.11.1887, lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, D.O.C. III.
Druksberg Nacht Seweryn, b. 10.08.1891, lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, D.O.C. VI.
Ducker Abraham, b. 26.07.1899, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Pruzana, 82 inf. reg.
? Drucker Otto, b. 1898, capt. res., p.o.w. Oflag Germany.
Dumler Artur Jonas, b. 9.03.1891, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Tarnow, D.O.C. V.
? Dunaj Juliusz, s. Bencjon, b. 24.09.1889, capt. (res.), dr. med., Sosnowiec, 10 Distr. Hosp. p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn spring 1940.
Dunaj Salomon Zygmunt, b. 20.12.1892, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Durst Fryderyk, s. Jakub & Amalia, b. 23.08.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Dworecki Izaak, b. 13.01.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Dym Uszer, b. 29.06.1894, lieut. (res.), inf., Luck, D.O.C. II.
Dyment Lejbus Josek, b. 6.10.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Konskie, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Dynes Izaak, b. 2.06.1893, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Brzezany, 6 Distr. Hosp.
? Dywer Wilhelm, s. Jozef & Ruchel, b. 1904, 2/lieut. (res.), Premys, dr. med p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielk camp
? Dzik - Dzikowski Feliks (Fajwel), s. Jozef,. 10.3.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., veterinar., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn Forest, spring 1940.
Dziurkiewicz Izaak, 30.03.1918, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lomza, 71 inf. reg.
Ebin Leopold vel Lejzor, b. 4.12.1892, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
? Edelberg Gustaw, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., 79 inf. reg., fell in action 9.1939 Mlawa.
? Edelman Bernard, s. Wincenty & Salomea, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Nowy Sacz, 2 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  murdered Katyn spring 1940.
? Edelman Henryk Samuel, b. 28.09.1904, Lodz, 2/lieut., died 28.02.1942 Lugowaja U.S.S.R.
Edelman Samuel, b. 10.10.1891, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Edelman Samuel, b. 14.10.1886, capt. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Edelsberg Ejzyk, b. 11.12.1907, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 7 inf. reg. legions.
Edelstejn Jozef, s. Mojzesz Dawid & Salomea, b. 30.08.1899, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Katowice, 3 highland inf. reg.
Edelszein Ignacy, s. Maurycy & Ewa, b. 31.08.1889, 2/lieut. (res.), pharmacy., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Efros Izrael Izaak, b. 14.11.1894, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Slonim, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Egid Moses Leopold, b. 6.05.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), off. sanit. cadre, Lwow, 2
Ehrenreich Szymon s. Jakub & Chana, b. 13.07.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Rzeszow, 10 Distr.Hosp.
? Ehrenkreutz Wlodzimierz Jozef, b. 11.10.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Siedlce, 9 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn Forest, spring 19340.
Ehrlich Albert, s. Jozef & Maria, b. 1.03.1894, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 22 inf. reg.
Ehrlich Jakub, b. 10.12.1897, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lublin, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Ehrlich Seweryn, b. 18.03.1907, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med.,Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Pawliszczew Bor camp. P.A.E..
Ehrlicht Bertold, s. Leopold & Roza, b. 22.08.1888, lieut. (res.), army service column, Krakow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Ehrlicht Jakub, s. Izrael & Tauba, b. 10.12.1897, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Eibenschutz Stanislaw (Izrael), s. Judka & Blina, b. 21.06.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 8 l. art. reg.
Eichel Jozef, s. Eustachy & Berta, b. 5.06.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Eichler Chaim Josef, b. 18.01.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Ciechanow, 67 inf. reg.
Eidelheit Czalek, b. 14.07.1907, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, 19 inf. reg.
? Eiger Antoni Jakub, s. Bronislaw & Shentyk, b. 14.08.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), enginéer, Warsaw, 1 radio reg., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  murdered Katyn Forest spring 1940.
Einhorn Dawid, b. 16.06.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Jaslo, 2 inf. reg. carp.
Einhorn Jozef, s. Leopold & Gizela, b. 23.08.1899, 2/lieut. (res.), pharmacy. Buczac, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Eisen Natan, b. 10.05.1885, Major (res.), dr. med., Jaslo, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Eisen Roman, s. Salomon Izaak, b. 5.02.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), Rzeszow, 10 army service column.
Eisenbach Kazimierz, s. Henryk & Helena, b. 3.01.1911, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., Sanok, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Eisenberg Adam Marek,s. Henryk & Ester, b. 2.03.1896, lieut. (res.), inf. dr. law, Lwow, 39 inf. reg.
Eisenbruch Jozef, s. Henryk & Rebeka, b. 6.01.1892, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Kalusz, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Eisencher Izaak, b. 29.11.1885, capt. (res.), inf., dr., Stryj, D.O.C. VI.
Eisner Arnold, b. 31.03.1890, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Cieszyn, D.O.C. V.
Ejchler Chaim Josef, b. 18.06.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Ciechanow, 32 inf. reg.
Ejdenbaum Chanina Szmul, b. 28.09.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), Lodz, 74 inf. reg.
Ejsenberg Samuel, b. 6.11.1909, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Rzeszow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Ejzbeszyc Abram Johoszua Stefan, b. 24.12.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., enginéer, Torun, 63 inf. reg.
Ejzenberg Abram, b. 29.11.1908, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Ejzenberg Dawid Bencjon, b. 8.10.1901, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Ejzensztahl Moszko Szyja, b. 6.03.1908, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 8 inf. reg. legion.
Ejzensztal Izrael Mordechaj, b. 23.09.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Zamosc, 9 inf. reg., leg.
Ejzensztal Jochil Michel, b. 13.06.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), master law., Przemysl, 38 inf. reg.
Eker Bendit, b. 5.12.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), off. sanit. cadre, Kamionka Strumilowa, 9 Distr. Hosp.
? Eliszanski Icchak, s. Dawid b. 1884, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
? Elmer Jan Wladyslaw, b. 1912, 2/lieut., 4 anti.air. art. reg., killed in battle, Luszyn 9. 1939.
Elster Alfred, s. Aleksander & Regina, b. 12.04.1899, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, 54 inf. reg.
Elster Edward, s. Aleksander & Regina, b. 8.03.1890, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Elster Karol, s. Aleksander & Regina, b. 31.07.1907, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, 26 inf. reg.
Elterman Izaak, b. 13.01.1894, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Elterman Izaak, b. 15.08.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Ende Jozef, s. Samuel & Eugeniusz, b. 2.12.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., dr.,Lwow, 44 inf. reg., intern. in Hungary
? Engel Abraham vel Adolf, s. Isaak & Ester, b. 22.04.1886, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp. p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn spring 1940.
? Engid Nikodem, s. Abram, b. 1.5.1908, 2/lieut. (res.), art. 32 l. art. reg., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn spring 1940.
Engelherdt Dawid, b. 8.03.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), off. sanit. cadre, Drohobycz, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Engelkreis Wilhelm, s. Urasz & Elka, b. 8.03.1895, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Engelman Eljasz, b. 1.01.1895, capt. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Engelman Lajzer, b. 6.09.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Konin, 37 inf. reg.
? Engielkreis Wilhelm, s. Uriasz, b. 8.3.1895, lieut. (res., dr. med. Lwow, 8 Distr. Hosp. Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn spring 1940.
Engler Dawid, b. 9.01.1889, lieut. (res.), dr. med.,Stanislawow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
? Engliszer Aleksander, s. Leon & Ester, b. 23.01.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., 4 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Engliszer Majer, b. 18.01.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., master, Lodz, 25 inf. reg.
Enis Karol, s. Artur, b. 6.01.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Kalusz, D.O.C. VI.
Enoch Ludwik, s. Herman & Adela, b. 4.06.1888, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Wadowice, D.O.C. V.
Enoch Oskar, s. Dawid & Amalia, b. 1.07.1896, lieut. (res.), art. Krolewska Huta, 5 h. art. reg.
Epstein (Epsztejn) Bernard (Berek) , s. Samuel & Salomea, b. 16.07.1898, 2/lieut., dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Epstein Karol, s. Herman & Zofia, b. 21.09.1886, capt. (res.), dr. law. Lwow, D.O.C. V.
? Epstein Maurycy, b. 9.04.1883, capt. (res.), dr. med., 8 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk, murdered Katyn spring 1940.
Epstein Ralph, b. 3.10.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 28 inf. reg.
Epsztein Berek, b. 27.12.1898, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Czestochowa, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Epsztein Ludwik, s. Szlomo & Cyla, b. 4.03.1908, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Epsztein Wolf, s. Motel & Chaja, b. 30.08.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Bialystok, Border Corps.
Epsztein Wolf, b. 30.08.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., master, Bialystok, 42 inf. reg.
Erb Wilhelm, s. Esig & Chrona, b. 15.03.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., Lwow, 7 Distr. Hosp.
Erbsmann Szaja Joel, b. 8.03.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Przemysl, 5 inf. carp. reg.
Erenrajch Leon, s. Judke & Chana, b. 10.02.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 9 inf. reg., legions.
Erenreich Bernard, s. Julian & Anna, b. 2.02.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), off. sanit. cadre, Warsaw, 3 Distr. Hosp.
? Esman Roman, s. Eugeniusz, b. 1910, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Krakhov, spring 1940.
Essigman Arnold, s. Izydor & Rachel, b. 21.03.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw D.O.C. I, cont. Anders Army, PAE.
Essigman Norbert, s. Izydor & Balbina, b. 19.01.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Ettinger Jakub, s. Sacher, b. 3.04.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Ettinger Oskar, s. Dawid & Ernestyna, b. 31.12.1908, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Faigenblatt Ludwik, s. Fajwel & Salomea b. 25.06.1899, 2/lieut. (res.), ass. surgeon, Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.
? Fajering (Feuerung) Salo, s. Dajpy b. 8.1.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Zloczow, murdered by the UkrainianNKVD, spring 1940.
Fajfel Gecja, b. 24.03.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 10 inf. reg.
Fajgenblatt Maksymilian, s. Leon & Maria b. 15.03.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Fajner Izaak Mojzesz, b. 25.04.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Fajnkind Stefan Juliusz, s. Szymon & Ryfka, b. 6.04.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), ifn., Lodz, 74 inf. reg.
Fajnsztajn (Feinstein) Ludwik, b. 2.11.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Fajnsztejn Mojsze, b. 9.12.19082/lieut. (res.), Lida, 77 inf. reg.
Falber Matias (Mates), b. 24.12.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., dr. veter., Hrubieszow.
Falberg Adolf, s. Schmerel & Gabryela, b. 21.09.1888, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm. Czortkow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Falik Dawid, b. 25.03.1889, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Stryj, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Falik Erwin, s. Jozef & Joanna b. 3.12.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Przemysl, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Falk Chaim, b. 14.10.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Falk Leonard Henryk, s. Bernard & Sabina, b. 22.04.1908, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Brzezany, 6 Distr. Hosp.
? Falko Aleksander, s. Mojzesz b. 1914, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn Forest., spring 1940.
? Familier Leon, s. Abram &Liba, b. 4.02.1888, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp., murdered Katyn spring 1940.
Faschler Leon, s. Zelig & Fania, b. 9.07.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Rowne, 50 inf. reg.
Fass Ludwik, s. Maurycy & Anna, b. 3.05.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), off. san. cadre, Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Fast Eljasz, s. Hecheca & Amelia, b. 20.03.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm. Kolomyja, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Fast Jakub, s. Wilhelm & Helena, b. 22.09.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), inf. Krakow, 73 inf. reg.
? Fechtner Edward, s. Jakub b. 10.12.1893, capt. (res.), signal corps., Lwow, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Feder Isaja, b. 25.03.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Grodno, 5 inf. reg.
? Federa Izaak vel Icchak, s. Marek b. 1919, 2/lieut. (res.), p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Federgrun Jakub, b. 8.03.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Zywiec, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Fei Henryk, s. Dawid & Emilia, b. 20.01.1893, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Zywiec, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Feig Uzjasz Szaja, b. 29.05.1889, capt. (res.), dr. med., Zarnow, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Feigin Leon Maksymilian, s. Hirsch & Malka b. 20.02.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Piotrkow, 25 inf. reg.
Fein Herman, s. Aron & Otycja, b. 26.08.1890, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., dr., Brzezany, 50 inf. reg.
? Feinberg Nikodem, s. Izaak & Brana, b. 24.04.1889, 2/lieut. (res.), inf. master of law, Warsaw, 82 inf. reg., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp. murdered Katyn spring 1940.
Feinchel Izaak, b. 3.01.1879, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Inowroclaw D.O.C. VIII.
Feincin Zygmunt, s. Chaskiel & Maria, b. 20.07.1898, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Feinstein Marcus, b. 22.03.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Feinstein Stanislaw, s. Maksymilian & Bronislawa, b. 1.12.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Feintuch Jozef Joachim, s. Anszel & Murze, b. 20.02.1907, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 21 inf. reg.
Feit Henryk, b. 1.11.1890, capt. (res.), dr. med., Tarnopol, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Feiwel Lazarz, b. 1.03.1890, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Tarnow, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Fejgin Mieczyslaw, s. Henryk & Matylda, b. 22.08.1894, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Feld Hirsch, b. 10.09.1888, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, 16 inf. reg.
Feld Mordko, b. 30.06.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), iinf., Krzemionka, 43 inf. reg.
Feldblum Kazimierz Jakub Marian, s. Adolf b. 18.6.1888, capt. (proff.) emer. Milit. Arm. Industry, Warsaw.
Feldhoff Artur, s. Abraham & Hinda, b. 23.01.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw 2 Distr. Hosp.
Feldman Aleksander, s. Dawid & Bluma b. 27.07.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), art., Krakow 6, l.art. reg.
? Feldman Herman, s. Adolf b. 1900, police officer, esterminated by the Ukrainien NKVD, spring 1940.
Feldman Jakow, b. 24.11.1908, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Pinsk, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Feldman Salomon, b. 16.07.1884, capt. (res.), enginéer, saper, Krakow, D.O.C. V.
? Feldman Stanislaw, s. Jozef & Ewa, b. 1907, police off., Rowno, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Ostashkov camp., murdered Miednoje, spring 1940.
Feldman Wolf, b. 7.01.1897, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Feldrajz Dawid, s. Rubin & Gitla, b. 16.08.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw 81 inf. reg.
Felhendler Chaim, b. 18.08.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), art., Warsaw, 30 l. art. reg.
? Fell Leon, s. Izaak s. Syma, b. 18.10.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Wolkowysk, 3 Distr. Hosp. p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp., murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Fell Leon, s. Mozes & Golda, b. 16.05.1898, capt. (res.), dr. med., Stanislawow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Fels Leon Jozef, s. Luzer & Marianna b. 15.06.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw 35 inf. reg.
? Felsenhar - Skalski Janusz, s. Jozef, b. 1893, police over commissioner, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Ostashkov camp, murdered Miednoje, spring 1940.
? Felten, capt. (res.), p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn Forest, spring 1940.
Fenichel Jerzy, b. 17.08.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 6 inf. reg. legions.
Fenichol Zygmunt, b. 6.06.1896, lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow D.O.C. V.
Ferber Jakub, s. Henryk & Anna, b. 28.06.1884, Major (res.), dr. med., Bedzin, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Ferber Mojzesz, b. 25.08.1899, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Tarnopol, 6 Distr. Hosp. Ferstein Ludwik.
Ferenstein Seweryn, s. Abraham & Rachel, b. 9.02.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, 52 inf. reg.
? Fernebok Jozef, s. Izaak, (Szlama), b. 12.7.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), 24 inf. reg., enginner Warsaw, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp., murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
? Ferstenberg, lieut. (res.), dr. med., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk, murdered Katyn spring 1940.
Ferszt Izrael, b. 27.02.1904, 2/lieut. art., Warsaw, 18 l. art. reg.
Ferszt Lajzer, b. 12.02.1909, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Baranowicze, 9 Distr. Hosp.
? Ferszt Samuel, b. 25.05.1892, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp. p.o.w. U.S.S.R. murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Feuerring Maksymilian, s. Salomon & Anna, b. 16.11.1896, lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw D.O.C. I.
Feurstern Ludwik, s. Jakub & Paulina, b. 17.06.188, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 8 Distr. Hosp.
Feuerung Salo, b. 9.01.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), inf, Zloczow, 52 inf. reg.
Feurirn Maurycy, b. 10.12.1896 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Feurstein Leopold, s. Samuel & Anna, b. 23.02.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 8 Distr. Hosp.
Feurstern Ludwik, s. Jakub & Paulina b. 17.06.1888, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 8 Distr. Hosp.
Fichman Joachim Karol, s. Maks & Augusta, b. 22.11.1899, 2/lieut. (res.), cavalry, Buczac, D.O.C. VI.
Fiderer Chaim Wolf, b. 4.05.1904, lieut. (res.), Czortkow, 20 l. Aart. reg.
Filiat Hersz, b. 1.06.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med. stomat., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Fink Abraham, b. 22.07.1894, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Drohobycz, D.O.C. X.
? Fink Izrael, s. Ajzyk, b. 2.09.1912, 2/lieut (res.), inf., Brzezany, 51 inf. reg., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  murdered by Ukrainian NKVD, spring 1940.
Fink Meyer, b. 17.12.1889, 2/lieut. (res.), enginéer, saper, Kalisz, D.O.C. VI.
Finkelkraut Izrael Berek, b. 3.04.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp., intern. in Hungary
? Finkelkraut Jerzy Izydor, s. Adolf & Teofila, b. 15.11.1892, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Finkelstein Ludwik, s. Wolf & Balbina, b. 3.02.1891, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Radom, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Finkelstein Maurycy, b. 12.05.1899 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Kutno, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Finkelsztein Chaim Boruch, b. 21.03.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Biala Podlaska, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Finkielstein Adolf, s. Maks & Szarlota, b. 6.10.1890, 2/lieut. (res.)inf., Low, D.O.C. VI.
Finkielstein Jakub Otto, s. Joachim & Klara, b. 27.09.1898, lieut. (res.), art., Lodz, 3 art. reg.
Finkler Dawid Emanuel, b. 14.12.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, 40 inf. reg.
Finterbusch Otto, s. Maurycy & Gizela née Katz, b. 11.04.1898, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Anders Army PAE.
? Fisch Leon Jozef, s. Herson & Berta, b. 3.11.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., dr. law, Lwow, 40 inf. reg., fell in action 26.9.1939 Warsaw, b. Powazki cem.
Fischbach Marian, s. Joachim & Salomea b. 3.03.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 18 inf. reg.
? Fiszer Karol, s. Jozef b. 1881, lieut. (res.), p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp., murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Fischer Karol, s. Mozes & Anna, b. 3.12.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), off. sanit. cadre, Krakow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Fischer Sale, b. 4.01.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Rzeszow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
? Fischer Zygmunt, s. Jan b. 1898. Major (proff.) cavalry, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Fiszel Jozef Benjamin, b. 14.02.1896, capt., (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 distr. Hosp.
Fiszhaut Stanislaw, s. Jankiel & Sure, b. 14.04.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med. stomat., Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Fiszman Jakub Jozef, b. 17.02.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 8 Distr. Hosp.
Fiszman Kiwa, b. 2.01.1888, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 1 Distr. Hosp.
? Fiszhaut Jozef, s. Jakub & Salomea, b. 25.04.1891, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., Warsaw, 9 distr. Hosp., p.o.w., U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp., murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Fiszow Mordka Anszel, b. 30.07.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 10 inf. reg.
Flaks Ajzyk, b. 27.11.1899, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., master, Wilno, 6 inf. reg., legions.
Flaks Zyskin b. 13.06.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Plock, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Flancman Jozef, s. Judka & Helena, b. 31.03.1891, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Flatto Jehuda, b. 15.10.1903, 2/lieut (res.), art., Lodz, 10 l. art. reg.
Flaumenbaum Sender Mendel, b. 4.05.1907, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw 1 Distr. Hosp.
Fleck Ludwik, s. Izaak & Syma b. 11.07.1896, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Fleischer Herman, s. Mendel & Golde, b. 25.03.1888, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Drohobycz, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Fleischer Salo, b. 31.07.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Drohobycz, 6 inf. corp. reg.
Fleischman Albin, s. Jakub & Regina, b. 10.01.1897, capt. (res.), inf., Warsaw.
Fleischman Oskar, b. 26.10.1899, lieut. (res.), inf., Zloczow, D.O.C. VI.
Fleischmann Juliusz, s. Jakub & Regina, b. 13.03.1895, capt. (res.), dr. med., Kolomyja, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Fler Eliasz Izaak, b. 8.11.1890, lieut. (res.), inf., Bochnia, D.O.C. V.
? Fleszlar Juda, b. 15.02.1893, capt. (res.), dr. med., Kielce, 10 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Fliderblum Szmul Hersz, b. 3.02.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 13 inf. reg.
Fliederbaum Julian, s. Antoni & Rozalia, b. 24.05.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med. Warsaw, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Fliegner Hirsch, b. 4.05.1901, 2/lieut (res.), inf., Sambor, 6 highland, inf. reg.
Fliesser Henryk, s. Joachim & Bronislawa, b. 13.08.1896, lieut. (res.), inf., Stanislawow D.O.C. VI. 
Fligiel Lazarz, s. Jankiel & Pessa, b. 4.02.1908, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw 2 Distr. Hosp.
Flintenstein Maurycy, b. 18.01.1885, 2/lieut. (res.), enginéer, saper, Tarnopol. D.O.C. VI.
Flokstrumpf Mieczyslaw, s. Maksymilian & Franciszka, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw 2 Distr. Hosp.
Fluchr Salezy, b. 10.6.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med. Zamosc, 10 distr. Hosp.
Fluhr Salezy, s. Ignacy & Berta, b. 10.06.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Fluss Izydor, s. Hersch & Dina, b. 4.10.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Stanislawow, 48 inf. reg., intern. in Hungary
Foeller Reinhold Benno, b. 5.02.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Pultusk, 13 inf. reg.
Fogel Adam, s. Chaim & Ruchla, b. 4.08.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), inf. Warsaw, 30 inf. reg.
Fogel Osia, b. 7.07.1893, 2/lieut. (res.), saper, eng., Warsaw 3 railway bridges batt.
? Fogelbaum Jakub Julian, s. Tobiasz, b. 2.01.1900, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., Czestochowa, 1 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  murdered Kharkow, spring 1940.
Fojgiel Chaim Szymon, b. 30.01.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 76 inf. reg.
Forciag Mendel, b. 14.05.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Forst Maurycy, s. Baruch & Laura, b. 28.12.1903, lieut. (res.), inf., Tarnopol 52 inf. reg.
Fraenkiel Jozef Maks, s. Bernarda & Henryka, b. 22.01.1895, lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw D.O.C. I.
Frajer Mauer, b. 13.04.1906, 2/lieut (res.), dr med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Frajtag Szymon, b. 2.03.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Piotrkow, 25 inf. reg.
Frank Zachariasz, s. Izaak & Sawa, b. 15.10.1890 lieut. (res.), dr. med., Minsk Mazowiecki, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Frankel Aleksander, s. Samuel & Bejla b. 20.07.1911, 2/lieut. (res.), inf. Krakow, 12 inf. reg.
Frankenstein Pawel, s. Adolf & Helena, b. 24.11.1887, capt. (res.), dr. med., Wloclawek 8 Distr. Hosp.
Freandlich Henryk, s. Leon & Joanna, b. 4.11.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), signal, dr., Krakow, 10 inf. reg.
Freinfeld Markus, b. 16.08.1886, lieut. (res.), inf., Zloczow, D.O.C. VI.
Freiwillig Maurycy, b. 8.12.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Zloczow, 26 inf. reg.
Frejman Mieczyslaw, s. Nikodem & Ryfka, b.25.08.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.
? Frejnkiel Izaak, b. 23.06.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, Spring 1940.
Frendler Anatol, s. Bernard & Ewa, b. 22.11.1887, capt. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Frendler Izaak, Leizer, b. 28.07.1886, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Hrubieszow, 2 Distr. Hosp.
? Frenikel Jozef, 2 lieut., dr.med., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn Forest, spring 1940.
Frenkel Jakub, s. Samuel & Bejla, b. 20.07.1911, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Bialystok, 76 inf. reg.
Frenkel Szyja, b. 28.12.1905, 2/lieut (res.), Warsaw, 83 inf. reg.
? Frenkiel Jerzy Julian, b. 1913, 2/lieut. (res.), enginéer, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp., murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Frenkiel Chaim Juda, b. 29.12.1888, lieut. (res.), dr., Rzeszow, D.O.C. X.
Frenkiel Chaim Judel, b. 29.12.1888, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Rzeszow D.O.C. X.
? Frenkiel Henryk (Hersz) , b. 19.03.1900 s. Jozef & Helena, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 23 inf. reg., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
? Freund Maurycy Leopold, b. 25.10.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., eng., Drohobycz, 53 inf. reg., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Freundlich Jan Adolf, s. Jozef & Helena, b. 14.05.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Przemysl, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Freundlich Robert, s. Leon & Emilia b. 26.08.1898, 2/lieut. inf., dr., Katowice, 73 inf. reg.
? Fridlender Filip, s. Hersz b. 5.8.1880, Major (res.), Brigidki prison in Lwow, transported to kiev, missing, spring 1940.
? Fridzon Jakub, s. Aron b. 11.02.1909, 2/lieut. (res.), art., Warsaw, 14 h. art. reg., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered in Katyn, spring 1940.
Friedfeld Herman, s. Isaak & Estera b. 18.05.1898, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Kamionka Strum., 6 Distr. Hosp.
Friedhoffer Izaak, b. 12.06.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Kamionka Strumilowa, D.O.C. VI.
? Friedlender, 2/lieut. (res.), 30 l. art. reg., killed in action 2.09.1939, Szczyty.
Friedman Abraham, b. 7.05.1888, lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, D.O.C. V.
Friedman Adolf, s. Eliasz & Fryderyka, b. 25.02.1891, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., Rawa Ruska, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Friedman Dawid, b. 23.05.1889, lieut. (res.), off. sanit. cadre, Stryj, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Friedman Hirsch, b. 14.02.1891, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Friedman Ignacy, b. 28.05.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Friedman Wilhelm, s. Baruch & Fany b. 30.07.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), off. admin. cadre, Sambor 10 Distr. Hosp.
Friesel Jochim Emanuel, s. Szulem & Fejga, b. 8.01.1912, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Sambor, 6 mountain. inf. reg.
Friesel Samuel Zachariasz, b. 8.12.1905, 2/lieut (res.), sanit. off. cadre, Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Fajman Izrael, b. 4.11.1884, capt. (res.), dr. med., Piotrkow Trybunalski, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Frisch Alfred, b. 20.09.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, D.O.C. VI.
Frisch Eugeniusz, s. Dionizy & Ernestyna, b. 10.06.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Frischer Bernard, s. Adolf & Bronislawa, b. 5.12.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Zywiec, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Frischer Jozef, b. 16.09.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr med., Krakow D.O.C. V.
Frischer Maurycy, s. Roman & Maina, b. 1.10.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, D.O.C. V.
From Benjamin, b. 20.12.1899, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Fromm Jakub, s. Sara, b. 25.11.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), sanit. off. cadre, Tarnopol 6 Distr. Hosp.
Fromowitz Hipolit, s. Leopold & Beata, b. 15.05.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Frucht Mieczyslaw, s. Ludwik & Rozalia, b. 26.10.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Piotrkow, 25 inf. reg.
Fruchtman Izaak Lippa, b. 22.12.1898, lieut. (res.), dr. veterin., Hrubieszow, D.O.C. IX.
Fruchtman Robert, b. 22.03.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Fruchtmarn Markus Moses, b. 20.02.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), pharmacy. Krakow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Fruss Mendel, b. 4.12.1892, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Katowice, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Frux Jakub, b. 17.01.1888, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, 40 inf. reg.
Fryd Jakub Majer, b. 3.02.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Radom, 72  inf. reg.
Fryde Franciszek Salezy, s. Henryk vel Channoch & Gabriela b. 23.02.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Czestochowa, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Frydman Emanuel, s. Benjamin & Balbina b. 30.06.1900, 2/lieut., Warsaw, 21 inf. reg.
Frydman Jechiel, b. 17.03.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lininiec, 78 inf. reg.
Frydman Josek (Jozef) Dawid, b. 26.01.1890, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., Minsk Mazowiecki, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Frydman Szlama, b. 28.08.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 76 inf. reg.
? Frym Henryk, s. Mendel & Roza b. 1. 08.1890, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med. stomat., Warsaw, 10 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
? Fryszberg Adam, s. Maciej & Bronislawa, b. 14.10.1882, capt. (res.), dr. med., 10 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Fryszman Wiktor, s. Uszer & Helena, b. 30.01.1893, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Bialystok, 4 sanit. batt. 
Fuchs Izrael, b. 6.02.1888, capt. (res.), dr. veterin., Brzezany, D.O.C. VI.
Fuchs Jozef, b. 13.04.1894, capt. (res.), enginner, sapper, detained in camp U.S.S.R.,  cont. in Anders Army, PAE.
Fuchs Lejba, b. 1.01.1888, capt. (res.), dr. med., Wloclawek, 8 Distr. Hosp., internée Hungary.
? Fuchs Leon, b. 1906, lieut. (res.), dr. med., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp., murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Fuchs Ozyjasz, b. 23.10.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), off. sanit. cadre, Rzeszow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Fuks Dawid, b. 8.03.1894, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 1 Distr. Hosp.
? Fuks Leib, vel Leon, b. 5.03.1896, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 1 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Fullenbaum Abel, b. 15.01.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., dr., Siedlce, 22 inf. reg.
Fullenbaum Ignacy, s. Filip, b. 1889, major (proff.) dr. med., 13 1.art.reg.
Fuss Oziasz, b. 26.12.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Przemysl, 5 inf. mount. reg.
? Gallaj Salomon, b. 11.6.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Grodno, 81 inf. reg., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn Forest, spring 1940.
Gangel Izaak Leon, b. 27.10.1886, 2/lieut. (res.), signal, Lwow, D.O.C. VI.
Gans Mateusz ,s. Hirsch, b. 10.03.1893, capt. (res.), dr. med., 10 Distr. Hosp.
? Gardman Jozef, b. 19.3.1913, 2/lieut., 55 inf. reg., killed in battle 9.1939, Zgierz.
Garfunkel Juda Wolf, b. 27.10.1886, lieut. (res.), inf., Stanislawow, D.O.C. VI.
Garfunkel Maurycy,b. 20.07.1885, Major (res.), inf., Lwow, 4 sapper, bat..
Gedulding Wiktor, s. Jozef, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., Zloczow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Gefall Maurycy, b. 25.12.1893, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Kalusz, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Gefall Maurycy, s. Moszko b. 25.12.1893, lieut. (res.), dr. med.,Kalusz, 2 Distr. Hosp.
? Geisler Hipolit, s. Jozef & Hania, b. 5.5.1886, capt. (res.), dr. med., Czestochowa, 4 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp., murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Geisler Joel, b. 12.02.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, 20 inf. reg.
Geitheim Chaim, b. 1.02.1892, lieut. (res.), art., Krakow, 6 l. art. reg.
Gela Leon, b. 27.09.1909, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Stryj, 5 highland inf. reg.
Gelb Leopold, s. Herman b. 15.2.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), inf.,Lwow, D.O.C. VI.
Gelbard Jakow, s. Wilhelm b. 30.04.1909, lieut. (res.), pharm. Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Gelbart Ada Lucjan, b. 31.8.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Kolomyja, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Gelbart Rudolf, s. Natan b. 28.3.1909, lieut. (res.), off. san. cadre, Tarnopol, 6 Distr. Hosp.
? Gelbart Ludwik vel Lazar Efraim, b. 1897, Piotrkow, capt., dr. med., mil. hosp. Rowno, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  died 2.1.1941.
Gelbfisz Benjamin, b. 20.06.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. veterin., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Gelbfisz Lipa, b. 20.05.1894, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Siedlce, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Gelbfisz Saul Natan, b. 4.6.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Gelbtuch Leon, s. Izrael b. 3.03.1863, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, 38 inf. reg.
Gelehrter Hersch, b. 17.03.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Drohobycz, D.O.C. X.
Gelertner Bernard, s. Matjas, b. 16.08.1895, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
? Geller vel Heller Adam (Abraham) , s. Lazar, b. 1889, capt., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp., murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
? Gelpern Hirsz, b. 1.04.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Wilno, 86 inf. reg., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp., murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Genser Salomon, b. 27.11.1887, lieut., (res.), pharmacy. Lwow, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Gepner Izajasz Zygmunt, b. 21.12.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 80 inf. reg.
Gerstenfeld Dawid, b. 20.07.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Zywiec, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Gerszengorn Szloma, b. 3.06.1888, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lublin, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Gerszonowicz Abraham, b. 1913 Lodz, 2/lieut. 
Gestenfeld Adolf Abraham, b. 18.05.1892, 2/lieut. (res.), art. enginéer, Lwow, 24 l.art. reg.
Getreu Chaim, b. 29.03.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Getter Nisan, b. 5.9.1894, 2/lieut. (res.), off. sanit. cadre, Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Getzler vel Krieger Leon, b. 28.07.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), Buczac, 48 inf. reg.
Gewiss Eliasz, b. 2.07.1886, 2/lieut. (res.), off. sanit. cadre, Kolomyja, 6 Distr. Hosp.
? Gibinski Hipolit, s. Arnold & Michalina, Major (proff.), dr. med., 83 inf. veg., P.O.W. U.S.S.R.,  sfarohidsk camp. murded Kharkov, spring 1940.
Gielb Albin, s. Ihilia & Eidel b. 29.05.1907, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Gieldzinski - Arensztein Henryk, s. Michal, b. 13.1.1911, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw.
Gierszt Jozef,s. Michal b. 5.01.1912, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Giersztein Gustaw, s. Roman b. 24.1.1891, 2/lieut. (res.), Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Gimpel Adolf Boleslaw, s. Szymon b. 17.06.1896, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Gimpel Marek, b. 15.12.1894, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Gimpel Maurycy, s. Samuel, b. 11.07.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, DC VI.
? Ginsberg Pinkas, b. 17.2.1882, capt. (res.), administr., Krakow, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp., murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Gitis Lazarz, s. Boruch, b. 12.9.1912, 2/lieut. (res.), dr med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Gitler Szlama, b. 10.05.1912, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Bedzin, 74 inf. reg.
Gitler Tobias, b. 26.02.1909, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Luniniec, 9 Distr. Hosp.
? Glas Leon, cadet/off., 36 inf. reg., killed in battle 12.9.1939, Parzniewo.
Glase Mieczyslaw, s. Jozef, b. 19.08.1897, (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Glasman Aron, b. 1.8.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Glasman Mojzesz Zelman, b. 10.05.1909, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Glasman Mojzesz Zelman, b. 12.05.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. stomatol., Warsaw, 8 Distr. Hosp.
Glasner Emil, s. Szymon, b. 29.09.1898, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Bielsko, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Glasner Emil, b. 29.9.1890, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Bielsko, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Glasner Ignacy, s. Henryk b. 21.8.1896, lieut. (res.), Krakow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Glasner Juliusz s. Henryk b. 10.11.1892, lieut. (res.), inf., Bielsko, DOC V.
Glass Mieczyslaw, s. Jozef, b. 13.08.1897, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr.Hosp.
Glass Mojzesz Edmund, b. 18.01.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), art., Stanislawow, 6 h. art. reg.
Glater Cafel, b. 11.04.1918, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 28 inf. reg.
Glattstein Szulim, b. 1.02.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., dr., Sambor, D.O.C. X.
Gleicher Bronislaw Baruch, b. 6.06.1891, lieut. (res.), dr., Lwow, D.O.C. VI.
Gleiser Loepold, s. Zygmunt b. 26.1.1886, capt., signal, Warsaw DOC I.
? Gliklich Alfred, s. Jozef b. 1914, police commissioner, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Ostashkow camp, murdered Miednoye, spring 1940.
? Glikman Leon, s. Pinkus, b. 11.03.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Gliksberg Moszek Icek, b. 6.8.1907, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lukow, 22 inf. reg.
Gliksman vel Feliks Jan, b. 9.06.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 10 inf. reg.
Gliksztein Mojzesz Boruch, b. 14.04.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lublin, 45 inf. reg.
Gluba Abram, b. 7.09.1899, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 74 inf. reg.
Gluck Juda Lejba, b. 25.11.1890, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Glucker Leon, s. Meilech b. 16.06.1896, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Stanislawow, 
? Godel Dawid, b. 18.4.1913, 2/lieut. (res.), san. admin. Lodz, 1 Distr. Hosp.,p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Godlbaum Leon, b. 12.07.1907, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Godlberg Jozef Leon, s. Hanoch, b. 24.05.1898, lieut. (res.) instructor, Warsaw DOC I.
Goldberg Leopold, s. Aron b. 20.05.1891, Major (prof..), dr. med., 12 inf. reg.
? Goldberg Ludwik, cad/off., killed in battle 12.9.1939, Letownica.
Goldenberg Jozef, s. Julian b. 7.5.1901, capt. inf. (proff.), 51 inf. div. Headquarter.
Godlbring Abraham Izaak, b. 16.02.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lublin, 45 inf. reg.
Golab Samuel, b. 8.10.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Minsk Mazowiecki, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Gold Dawid, b. 11.02.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), pharmaceut, Warsaw, 8 Distr. Hosp.
Gold Leon, b. 4.01.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., master, Lwow, D.O.C. VI.
Gold Leon, s. Jozef b. 14.01.1889, lieut. (res.), Lwow, DOC VI.
Gold Otton, s. Jozef b. 25.3.1893, lieut. (res.), inf., DOC VI.
Gold Samuel, b. 14.03.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Kielce, 4 inf. reg., legions.
Gold Wolf, b. 26.03.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Wloclawek, 8 Distr. Hosp.
? Golda Antoni, s. Mieczyslaw b. 1899, 2/lieut. (res.), engin., p.o.w. Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn Forest, spring 1940.
Goldach Arie Calel, b. 5.09.1907, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Piotrkow, 25 inf. reg., cont. PAE, 2 Corps. 
Goldbaum Stanislaw, s. Adam, b. 3.11.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw,
Goldbenberg Chaim, b. 15.2.1894, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Zloczow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Goldbenberg Fima, b. 20.06.1908, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Rowne, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Goldberg Abram, b. 15.7.1908, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Rowne, 2 Distr. Hosp. cont. P.A.E.
? Goldberg Albert, s. Berek, b. 31.7.1893, lieut. (res.), Warsaw, dr. veterin., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp., murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Goldberg Eljasz, b. 5.02.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 42 inf. reg.
Goldberg Emanuel, b. 4.04.1893, lieut. (res.), pharm., Stryj, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Goldberg Henryk, s. Abram Icek b. 24.01.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), inf.,36 inf. reg.
Goldberg Henryk, s. Marek b. 10.11.1894, 2/lieut. (res.), sapper eng., Warsaw 
Goldberg Ignacy, s. Maurycy b. 15.04.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Bielsko 
Goldberg Jozef, s. Maurycy b. 30.01.1897, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Goldberg Karol, s. Adam, b. 19.05.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), art., Torun, 31 l. art. reg.
Goldberg Kiwa, b. 2.03.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), art. Warsaw, 18 l. art. reg.
Goldberg Leon, b. 23.04.1888, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Tarnowskie Gory, D.O.C. V.
Goldberg Leon, b. 30.01.1888, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Tarnopol. D.O.C. V.
Goldberg Leon, s. Moszko, b. 22.05.1914, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, 3 hignland. inf. reg.
Goldberg Leopold, s. Aron b. 20.5.1891, Major (proff.) dr. med., 12 inf. reg.
Goldberg Salomon, b. 27.04.1893, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Nowy Sacz, 2 highland inf. reg.
Goldberg Wladyslaw Ludwik, b. 25.09.1896, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Goldberger Izydor, b. 28.02.1891, capt. (res.), inf., dr., Krakow, D.O.C. V.
Goldbinberg Jakub, s. Fajwel b. 21.05.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Suwalki, 
Goldblatt Jakub, b. 27.09.1887, captai (res.), dr. med., Radom, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Goldblum Jakub, s. Eliasz b. 25.12.1893, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Radom, 
Goldbrat Chaim Szyja, b. 10.08.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 79 inf. reg.
Goldbrum Maurycy, b. 30.03.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 22 inf. reg., cont. p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Anders Army, 2 Corps (Italy) Monte Cassino.
Goldcwejg Dawid, b. 26.05.1912, lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, res. cadre inf., Wlodzimierz Wolynski.
? Golde Jan, s. Szulim, b. 1909, 2/lieut. (res.), 205 inf. reg., dr. med., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp., murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Goldenberg Jozef, s. Julian b. 7.5.1901, capt. inf. (proff.) 5 inf. div., headquarter.
Goldfeder Kazimierz, s. Jozef b. 28.08.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Stryj 52 inf. reg.
Goldfiel Jozef, b. 19.01.1894, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Goldfinger Leon, s. Eljasz, b. 19.08.1891, lieut. (res.), Q.M. Krakow, DOC V.
? Goldfrid Hirsz, b. 4.12.1908, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., infant cadre, Wlodzimierz Wolynski, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn 1940.
Goldhammer Aron, b. 20.07.1884, 2/lieut. (res.), pharmacy., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Goldklang Zygmunt (Jerzy) b. 31.1.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Gdynia, D.O.C. VII.
? Goldlust Ignacy, capt. (res.), p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn 1940.
Goldman Jakub, b. 13.08.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), art., Miechow, D.O.C. V.
Goldman Jozef, s. Szymon b. 1.8.1885, capt. (res.), dr. med., Debica, 5 Distr. Hosp.
? Goldman Leon, s. Pawel & Salomea b. 4.4.1894, capt. (res.), dr. med., Czestochowa 4 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn 1940.
Goldman Maurycy, b. 23.4.1908, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Goldman Mieczyslaw, s. Maurycy b. 29.06.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Goldman Mieczyslaw, s. Zygmunt b. 26.12.1897, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp.
? Goldman Schorsch, b. 1.9.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), 2 inf. reg., p.o.w. Germany died 3.9.1939.
Goldner Zachariasz, b. 12.11.1892, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Nowy Targ, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Goldniger Jakub, b. 21.05.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Goldreich Izydor Jakub, s. Dawid, b. 25.10.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, 51 inf. reg.
Goldring Abram, b. 30.12.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), art., Warsaw, 18 l.art. reg.
Goldryng Henryk, s. Maksymilian b. 1.1.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), saper, Lodz, 2 eng. batt.
Goldryng Szymon, s. Maks b. 14.11.1893, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Goldschlag Izrael, b. 4.1.1887, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm. Sanok, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Goldschmied Aleksander, b. 24.06.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Goldschmied Aron Izaak, b. 16.06.1914, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, 20 inf. reg.
? Goldschmied Joel, b. 12.05.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 10 Distr. Hosp., killed in battle, September 1939.
Goldstaub Joachim, b. 7.04.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Stryj 53 inf. reg., intern. in Hungary
Goldstein Abraham, b. 13.07.1890, 2/lieut. (res.), art., Plock, D.O.C. I.
Goldstein Abraham Jozef, b. 9.01.1892, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lubun, D.O.C. II.
? Goldstein Dawid, b. 26.03.1894, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Czortkow, 6 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
? Goldstein Dawid, b. 22.7.1880, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 5 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn 1940.
Goldstein Henryk (Hersz) , b. 9.03.1883, lieut. (res.), mgr of law, Kamionka Strum., D.O.C. VI.
Goldstein Jozef, s. Eliasz b. 13.01.1891, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
? Goldstein Nuchum, b. 8.01.1890, capt. (res.), inf., Krakow, D.O.C. V. cont. Anders Army, died in service U.S.S.R. 7.4.1942.
Goldstein Salomon (Hersz), b. 9.03.1883, lieut. (res.), mgr of law, Kamionka D.O.C. VI.
Goldstein Wolf, s. Jakub,. 29.4.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), off. san. cdre, Rawa Ruska, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Goldsztein Markus, b. 17.08.1890, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Goldsztein Mojzesz, b. 4.12.1910, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Goldsztein Nuta, b. 14.01.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Luban, 8 inf. reg. legions.
Goldsztein Pawe,l s. Kopel, b. 17.8.1894, Major (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Goldsztein Zygmunt, s. Herman b. 20.8.1895, lieut. (res.), sapper, Lwow, 4 saper btt.
Goldwasser Mojzesz, b. 19.11.1887, capt. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.
? Goldwicht Izaak, b. 9.03.1893, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 3 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn Forest, spring 1940.
Goldyk Ignacy, s. Leon b. 26.12.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Wilno, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Golembikier Mieczyslaw, s. Izak, b. 10.8.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. stomat., Kutno, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Goloman Leon, s. Perec b. 4.04.1894, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Czestochowa 
? Golab Wladyslaw, s. Michal, b. 1899, 2/lieut., dr. med., Warsaw, 4 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp., murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Gopenchaim Izaak, b. 20.07.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Bialystok, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Gorber Jakub, s. Maksymilian & Fania b. 29.11.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), off. sanit. cadre.Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Gorfinkiel Jozue Julian, b. 20.09.1883, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Grodzisk, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Gorielow Benjamin, s. Synaj b. 1.12.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 13, inf. reg.
? Gorman Bronislaw, s. Maurycy & Dyna, b. 16.5.1909, 2/lieut. (res.), 14 inf. reg., p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn 1940.
? Gorodecki Adolf, s. Michal, b. 1903, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp., murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Gosztalk Jan, b. 26.09.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), eng., corps - sapper, Lodz, 8 sapper batt.
? Gotfrid Hirsz, b. 4.12.1908, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, infantry res. cadre Wlodzimierz Wolynski, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn 1940.
Gotfried Leiba, b. 1.06.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), admin. off. cadre, Przemysl, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Gotlib Josek, b. 1.11.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), adm. off. cadre, Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Gottfried Jakub, b. 4.07.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., enginéer, Krakow, 16 inf. reg.
Gottfried Ozjasz, b. 10.05.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr.med., Kolomyja, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Gottfriel Ozjaz, b. 7.03.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), off., san. cadre, Przemysl, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Gottlieb Aleksander, s. Fryderyk b. 1.1.1909, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Przemysl, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Gottlieb Dawid, b. 14.10.1893, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 5 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. 527/VIE, Oflag VI B
Gottlieb Gabriel, b. 16.09.1893, capt. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Gottlieb Ignacy Hugo, s. Adolf, b. 2.1.1895, lieut. (res.), inf., Lancut, 3 ing. reg., Legions.
Gottlieb Izydor, s. Abraham, b. 23.12.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Gottlieb Jerzy, s. Kein, b. 11.1.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Bialystok, DOC III.
Gottlieb Natan, b. 7.09.1896, lieut. (res.), inf., Kamionka Strumikowa, D.O.C.VI.
Gottlinger Maks, s. Leon b. 12.3.1892, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Drohobycz, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Gotz Jakub, s. Abe, b. 12.1.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Nowy Sacz, 1 highland inf. reg.
Graber Adam, s. Szaja, b. 8.02.1896, Major (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
? Graf Ignacy, s. Markus b. 4.6.1892, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Zywiec, murdered by Ukrainian NKVD 1940.
? Graf Jonasz, s. Marek b. 15.04.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., enginéer, Lwow, 42 inf. reg., p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov spring 1940.
Granowitter Emanuel, s. Nachman b. 31.01.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), sanit. off. cadres, Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Grass Mojzesz, b. 18.05.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), art. Stanislawow, 6 h. art. reg.
Grenberg Abram Moszek, b. 20.01.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Piotrkow Tryb. 4 Distr. Hosp.
Gricman Ignacy, s. Moszko, b. 8.1.1916, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Griffel (Tuch Maurycy) , b. 17.08.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. law., Lwow, D.O.C. VI.
Griffel Majer, b. 14.12.1898, lieut. (res.), ass. auregon, Luck, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Griffer Henryk, s. Maurycy, b. 2.02.1898, lieut. (res.), sapper eng., Katowice DOC V.
Grin Szaja, b. 8.01.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Pultusk, 1 Distr. Hosp.
? Grinhut Maurycy, s. Adolf b. 1896, 2/lieut. (res.), pharmacy., Krakow, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn 1940.
Grinwald Lejb, b. 9.06.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., Stonim, 9 Distr. Hosp.
? Grochowski Jan, s. Roman, b. 1910, dr. Med., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp., murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
? Grodzinski Henryk Grzegorz, b. 15.12.1882, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn Forest, spring 1940.
Grodzinski Hieronim, s. Lejzor b. 12.06.1901, L:ieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Grojnowski Szyja Zelik, b. 20.06.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., Kowel, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Gronowetter Leon, b. 15.05.1895, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Groskopf Natan, b. 31.3.1899, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Piotrkow Tryb., 4 Distr. Hosp.
Groslik Jozef, s. Szaja, b. 24.10.1897, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
? Gross Aleksander, s. Salomon b. 1905, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp., murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Gross Baruch, b. 16.03.1891, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., dr., Bielsko, Slask, D.O.C. V.
Gross Henryk, s. Tina (née Hausmann) b. 22.05.1886, capt. (res.), med. off. cadre, Drohobycz, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Gross Stefan Adolf, b. 25.09.1908, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., Radomsko, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Grossfeld Albert Ludwik, b. 12.06.1893, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Wlodzimierz Wolynski.
Grossfeld Henryk, s. Salomon b. 2.02.1887, capt. (res.), dr. med., Warsawa, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Grossman Arnold, b. 18.01.1894, capt. (res.), sanit. off. cadre, Bydgoszcz, 8 Distr. Hosp.
Grossman Henryk,, b. 1895, capt. (proff.), dr. med., Hosp. Modlin
Grossman Izrael, b. 8.10.1902, lieut. (res.), inf. dr., Stryj, 53 inf. reg.
Gruber Nikodem, s. Robert b. 5.09.1896, lieut. (res.), sanit. off. cadres, Tarnopol, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Grubsztein Szyja Stanislaw, b. 6.04.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. md., Suwalki, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Gruder Salomon Henryk, b. 24.02.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., dr. Lwow, 19 inf. reg.
? Gruenhut Berel, 2/lieut. (res.), san. cadr., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
? Gruman Julian, b. 13.10.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Kalisz, 7 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp., murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Grunberg Abraham, b. 20.10.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Piotrkow, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Grunberg Bernard s. Phobus, b. 10.10.1894, 2/lieut. (res.), pharmacy., Lwow, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Grund Fryderyk, s. Dawid b. 9.07.1888, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Gruner Aleksander Markus, b. 12.7.1891, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Gruner Maurycy, , b.8.01.1892, lieut. (res.), art., Warsaw, D.O.C. IV.
Grunfeld Arnold Tobiasz s. Adolf b. 15.03.1899, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Przemysl, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Grunfeld Bernard, b. 4.12.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Brzezany, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Grunhut Jozef, s. Bernard b. 8.02.1900, lieut. (res.), dr. med., 10 Distr. Hosp.
Grunspan Henryk, s. Jakub b. 1.01.1913, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Zywiec, 3 highland inf. reg.
Grunwald Henryk, s. Wolf b. 15.05.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), enginéer, Krakow, D.O.C. V.
Gruss Bernard, s. Samuel b. 1.03.1898, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Grylak Pinchas, b. 27.8.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, D.O.C. IV.
Grynberg Abram Majer, b. 25.1.1903, lieut., (res.), art., Warsaw,
Grynberg Zygmunt, s. Icek, b. 25.12.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), surgoen, Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.
? Grynglas Bronislaw, s. Ludwik b. 1890, p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Ostashkow camp, murdered Miednoje, spring 1940.
Grynoch Lajb, b. 20.10.1917, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 37 inf. reg.
Grynsztein Izaak, b. 25.10.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 35 inf. reg.
Grynsztejn Jakub, b. 16.6.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.
? Grynwaser Jozef, s. Chaim, b. 5.10.1900, 2/lieut.(res.), administr., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starbielsk camp, murdered, Kharkov, spring 1940.
? Grynwasser Henryk, 2/lieut., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp., murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Gryszpan Abraham, b. 15.01.1890, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Hrubieszow, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Guberman Jakub, s. Mojsze b. 21.03.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Kowel, 50 inf. reg.
Guchner Juliusz, s. Jozef, b. 29.11.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Bielsko, D.O.C. X.
Gurewicz Akiwa, b. 13. 07.1890, capt. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Gurewicz Lejba, b. 13.03.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), caval., Warsaw, 2 ulan reg.
Gutentag Albert, s. Juliusz, b. 8.12.1908, 2/lieut.(res.), surgeon. Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Guterman Samuel, b. 30.09.1899, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, D.O.C. I.
Gutfreund Anatol, b. 14.12.1891, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Gutmacher Ludwik, s. Jakub, b. 9.08.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), administr. Wilno, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Gutman Elizer, b. 21.08.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 28 inf. reg.
? Gutman Izaak, b. 14.01.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., enginéer, Lodz, D.O.C. IV, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp., murdered, Katyn spring 1940.
Gutman Izaak Icek, b. 9.12.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), off., sanit. cadre, Warsaw, 10 Distr. Hosp.
? Gutman Izaak, b. 14.01.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., enginéer, Lodz, D.O.C. VI, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn spring 1940.
Gutsztat Chaim Chaskiel, b. 25.04.1891, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Gutt Adolf, b. 15.12.1888, 2/lieut. (res.), enginéer, Przemysl, D.O.C. IX.
Guttman Juliusz Abraham, b. 24.12.1893, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Rawa Ruska 6 Distr. Hosp.
Guttman Leon, b. 28.05.1893, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Czestochowa, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Guzman Samuel, b. 11.6.1909, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp.
? Guzman Sulkiewicz Konstanty, s. Dawid & Felicja, b. 9.9.1888, Suwalki, 2/lieut. (res.), cavalry, lawyer, Warsaw, arrested 17.9.1939 in Luck by Ukrainian NKVD, perished.
Haber Josef, s. Abraham & Frida, b. 27.06.1909, 2/lieut. (res.), dr med., Buczacz, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Habersfeld Ludwik, s. Emil & Fania, b. 24.12.1908, 2/lieut. (res.), dr med., Zywiec, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Hackstok Arnold, s. Zygfryd & Klara b. 16.12.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm. Zloczow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Hahn Rudolf, s. Abraham & Adela, b. 8.04.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Stanislawow, 48 inf. reg.
Hahn Samuel Maksymilian, b. 30.01.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), dr med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
? Hajdenberg Jozef, s. Herman, b. 27.08.1901, lieut. (res.), pharmacy., Warsaw, 3 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Hajman Jakub, s. Zygmunt & Genia, b. 8.04.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Nowy Sacz, D.O.C. V.
Hajneman vel Haneman Izrael Wiktor, b. 3.03.1912, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 74 inf. reg.
Halbersztadt Stanislaw Maurycy, s. Dawid & Pessa, b. 4.02.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., master, Lodz, 74 inf. reg.
Hallaj Salomon, b. 11.06.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., border corps. batt. Sejny.
Halper Zygfryd, s. Maksymilian & Ernestyna, b. 25.07.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., enginéer, Czestochowa, 74 nf. reg.
Halpern - Wieliczanski Izrael Hersz, b. 21.11.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 5 Distr. Hosp.
? Halpern Lucjan, s. Jakub b. 1894, lieut. (res.), p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp. murdered Katyn Forest, spring 1940.
Halpern Samuel, b. 11.11.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 50 inf. reg.
Halpern Wladyslaw, s. Stanislaw & Berta, b. 1.05.1887, capt. (res.), dr med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
? Hamerman Aron, b. 3.05.1893, lieut. (res.), master law., Bielsko, D.O.C. V., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp., murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
? Hammer Herman (Hersz) , b. 27.05.1887, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp. cont P.A.E., died in service 13.4.1945.
Hammer Salomon, b. 25.01.1889, capt. (res.), dr. med., Grodno 3 Distr. Hosp.
? Hammerling Adam (Emil Marian), b. 1904, 2/lieut. (res.), lawyer, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp. murdered Katyn Forest, spring 1940.
Hammerman Aleksander, s. Maks & Rozalia, b. 6.08.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Kalusz D.O.C. VI.
? Hammersztajn Henryk, s. Moszek Herszek & Maryla, b. 15.09.1908, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Radom, 72 inf. reg., killed in action, September 1939.
? Hanak vel Hanac Bloch Feliks, b. 11.9.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., dentist, Vilna, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Handel Izak, b. 13.12.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow 53 inf. reg.
Hanna Eluzor, b. 19.03.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Harkavi Gerszon, b. 11.09.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Kielce, 10 Distr. Hosp.
? Hauptman Feliks, capt., p.o.w. Oflag Murnau VII A, perishad.
Hechler Ignacy, b. 1893, capt. (proff.), dr. med.
Heichman Owsza, b. 5.05.1896, lieut. (res.), pharmacy., Grodno, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Heimberg Feiwel, b. 19.10.1891, lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, D.O.C. VI.
Heit Leiser, b. 17.03.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow D.O.C. VI.
Helfgott Abraham, b. 30.03.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Samor, 10 Distr. Hosp., cont. P.A.E. Middle East.
? Hellman Wilhelm, s. Dawid b. 1894, lieut. (proff.), 54 inf. reg., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Helman Dawid, b. 8.06.1911, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 36 inf. reg.
Helman Zygmunt, b. 10.10.1884, capt. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Helwing Abraham Mojzesz, b. 13.10.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Kolomyja 49 inf. reg.
Hencheles Izydor, b. 6.12.1899, lieut. (res.), dr med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
? Henner (Genner) Emil, s. Jakub b. 20.7.1888, lieut. (res.), judge, Buczac, arrested by Ukrainian NKVD 21.9.1939, spring 1940 perished.
Herbt Maks, b. 1912, lieut. (proff.), dr. med.
? Hercenberg Stanislaw, b. 27.12.1899, lieut. (res.), dr. med., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn spring 1940.
Herman Eisik, b. 22.01.1900, lieut. (res.), inf., Drohobycz, 49 inf. reg.
Herman Eliasz, b. 3.11.1899, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 30 inf. reg.
Herman Zyskind, b. 8.01.1909, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Hermelin Henryk Adolf, s. Zygmunt & Bila, 3.03.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr med., Sambor, D.O.C. VI.
Herold Leon, s. Antoni & Mina, b. 22.12.1888, capt. (res.), signal dr., Lwow, D.O.C. VI.
Herschdorfer Ozjasz, b. 28.04.1889, lieut. (res.), dr med., Krakow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Herschdorfer Zygmunt, s. Mendel & Elka, b. 11.11.1893, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Stryj, highland. inf. reg.
Herschendorfer Schoil Aron, b. 20.12.1889, capt. (res.), dr med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Herszberg Anszel, b. 12.02.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 30 inf. reg.
Herszlik Emil, s. Maurycy & Lucja, b. 1.06.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr med., Katowice, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Herszon Benjamin, b. 19.05.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Gdynia, 64 inf. reg.
Hertz Alfred Gabriel, s. Szlama & Estera, b. 13.10.1898, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Hertz Jozef Izrael, b. 18.05.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), 4 army serv. column., Lodz. 
Hertz Leon Ignacy, s. Moryc, 2/lieut. (res.), 1 armour. bat.
Herzog Izaak, b. 28.01.1888, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm. Krakow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Hescheles Bronislaw, s. Dawid b. 15.01.1893, 2/lieut. (res.), off. sanit cadre, Lwow, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Hescheles Izydor, s. Ernestyn, b. 6.12.1889, lieut. (res.), dermat., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Hessel Bernard, s. Awner & Ester, b. 26.09.1909, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Kolomyja, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Hessel Manfred, s. Artur & Gissel, b. 5.01.1912, 2/lieut. (res.), pharmacy., Lwow, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Hibel Rudolf, s. Ludwik & Franciszka, b. 24.11.1890, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, D.O.C. VII.
Hilberg Jakub, s. Joachim & Fanny, capt. (res.), off. sanit. cadre, Krakow, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Hilcz Izaak Koppel, b. 2.04.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), art. master., 22 l. art. reg.
? Hildebrant Wladyslaw, s. Samuel & Natalia, b. 26.4.1900, Warsaw, 2/lieut. art. (res.), deported by Ukrainian NKVD, Spring 1940, perished.
Hilfer Ozjasz, b. 20.02.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), Lwow, 54 inf. reg.
Hilfestein Izrael, b. 7.04.1888, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Bielsko/Slask, D.O.C. V.
Hilsenrad Fryderyk, s. Isaak, b. 4.01.1908, lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, 6 highland, int. reg.
Himmelblau Jerzy, s. Fabian & Salomea, b. 5.08.1898, lieut. (res.), art., Warsaw, 1 a. air. art. reg.
Hirsch Antoni Marcin, s. Antoni & Salomea, b. 17.5.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Koscielna, 7 Distr. Hosp.
Hirsch Izydor, b. 11.08.1900, lieut. (res.), off. sanit. cadre., Krakow, 50 Distr. Hosp.
Hirsch Leon, b. 17.07.1889, 2/lieut. (res.), dr med., Krakow, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Hirschaut Nachman, b. 12.06.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Drohobycz, 6 highland inf. reg.
Hirschaut Szulim, b. 24.03.1886, capt. (res.), dr med., Stanislawow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Hirschberg Gerson, b. 7.07.1899, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., master, Tarnopol, 49 inf. reg.
? Hirschberg Karol, s. Julian b. 1907, p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Hirschfeld Ignacy, s. Michal & Ewelina, b. 1.2.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), art., Lodz, D.O.C. VI.
Hirschorn Mendel Emanuel, b. 2.2.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Bielsko, 4 highland inf. reg.
? Hirschritt Izrael, b. 31.07.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., Krakow, 10 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk comp., murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Hirschritt Rubin, b. 22.07.1884, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., Przemysl, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Hirsz Szymon, s. Rafal & Dresla, b. 7.1.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), art., Krakow, 10 l. art. reg.
Hirszbajn Daniel (Dawid) , s. Izrael & Bajla, b. 29.12.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Hirszbajn Dawid Daniel, s. Izabel & Bajla, b. 29.12.1895, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krynica, 2 Distr. Hosp.
? Hirszberg Seweryn (Stefan), b. 7.12.1894, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R. - Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn spring 1940.
Hirszberg Wolf, b. 14.04.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, 73 inf. reg.
? Hirszel Ignacy, b. 27.3.1898, lieut., killed in battle 9.1939, Krasnobrod.
Hirszowicz Chaim, b. 3.10.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Kolomyja, 49 inf. reg.
Hirt Izrael, b. 4.12.1891, 2/lieut. (res.), dr med., Przemysl, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Hiszberg Waclaw Julian, b. 4.12.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Luck, 24 inf. reg.
Hochbaum Ignacy, s. Oskar & Regina b. 16.4.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Hochhauser Dawid, b. 27.12.1893, lieut. (res.), inf. Krakow, D.O.C. V.
Hochman Bernard, s. Salomon & Hendi, b. 7.1.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Drohobycz, 5 highland inf. reg., intern. in Hungary
Hoffman Eliasz, b. 27.01.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr med., Drohobycz, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Hoffman Herman, s. Abraham & Estera, b. 26.07.1892, 2/lieut. (res.), off. sanit. cadre, Tarnow, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Hoffman Marian Marceli, b. 1895, capt. (proff.) inf.
Hoffman Moritz, b. 18.09.1885, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Zywiec, D.O.C. V.
Hofman Samuel, b. 24.01.1887, capt. (res.), dr. veterin., Krakow, D.O.C. V.
Hofmann Stefan, s. Chaim & Fejga b. 11.9.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Kalisz, 29 inf. reg.
? Hoffman Szymon (Stanislaw), lieut., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp. murdered Katyn Forest, spring 1940.
Holc vel Hamburgier Boleslaw, s. Samuel & Rajzla b. 11.5.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Kalisz, 29 inf. reg.
Holcberg Symcha Binem, b. 10.06.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), dr med., Lublin, 8 Distr. Hosp.
Holz Juda Leib, b. 7.03.1893, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Brest/B., D.O.C. IX.
Holzberger Henryk, s. Bernard & Jozefa, b. 3.11.1893, 2/lieut. (res.), saper eng., Krakow, 5 saper batt.
Holzberger Ignacy, s. Benjamin b. 1899, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Jaroslaw, 10 distr. Hosp.
Holzef Jozef Marian, b. 21.07.1891, capt. (res.), inf., dr., Lwow, D.O.C. V.
Holzer Leon, s. Ignacy & Anna, b. 23.03.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), off., sanit. cadre, Krakow, D.O.C. V, cont. P.A. France 1940.
Holzer Mendel, b. 3.10.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Holzman Joel, b. 14.08.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Drohobycz, 6 highland inf. reg.
Honikman Wolf, b. 2.03.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), dr med., 9 Distr. Hosp.
? Hopensztadt Szymon, b. 20.09.1899, 2/lieut. (res.), dr med., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. USRR, Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Hopper Linus, b. 22.12.1879, lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, D.O.C.V.
Hornik Maurycy, s. Jozef & Teresa, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., dr., Lwow, 3 inf. reg., legions.
? Horowicz Mieczyslaw, s. Maks & Anna, b. 7.12.1895, capt. (res.), dr. lawyer, p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Horowitz Izydor, s. Jakub & Maria, 2/lieut. (res.), inf.,  dr. Krakow, 12, inf. reg.
Horowitz Peilet, b. 17.04.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr med., Sosnowiec, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Hubner Szymon, s. Ignacy & Franciszka, b. 4.05.1891, 2/lieut. (res.), dr med., Krakow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
? Hulles Leopold, s. Leon b. 1910 Lwow, lieut., dr. med., missing, September 1939.
Huppert Maurycy, b. 6.05.1893, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., dr., Wadowice, D.O.C. V.
? Hurman Herman Miron, b. 17.10.1892, 2/lieut. (res.), dr med., Lukow, 9 Distr. Hosp. p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered in Katyn, spring 1940.
Huss Ludwik, s. Jakub & Fanny, b. 27.02.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr med., Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Huttner Maksymilian, s. Zygmunt & Paulina b. 14.8.1899, 2/lieut. (res.), pharmacy., Warsaw 3 Distr. Hosp.
? Hwat Samue,l s. Mteusz b. 1910, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Idrian Szymon, b. 7.2.1908, 2/lieut. (res.), engin-saper, Wadowice, 1 bridges batt.
Ingster Noach, b. 29.3.1908, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 86 inf. reg.
Igel Izaak Leika, b. 28.11.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), pharmacy., Przemysl, 10 Distr. Hosp.
? Inwentarz Chaim Baruch, b. 8.12.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, Spring 1940.
Igel Leib Izak, b. 20.2.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), off. san. cadre, Przemysl, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Igel Ozjasz Mendel, b. 5.2.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), dr.med., Przemysl, 6 Distr. Hosp.
? Ilinski Aleksander, s. Konstanty b. 1889, lieut. (res.), dr. Med., 4 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Immergluck Izaak, b. 12.6.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., master, Krakow, 17 inf. reg.
Immergluck Jozef, s. Rozalia, b. 19.3.1894, lieut. (res.), art., Krakow, 22 l.art.reg.
Ingster Adol,f s. Tobiasz & Ewa, b. 12.5.1891, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Sosnowiec, 5 Distr. Hosp.
? Irlicht Bronislaw, s. Aleksander, b. 18.4.1898, lieut. (res.), 2 armament div. Enginéer, Warsaw, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn Forest, spring 1940.
Irlicht Adolf, b. 23.12.1899, 2/lieut. (res.),army service column, Warsaw, 3 batt.
Isod Michel, s. Chaim & Genia, b. 13.1.908, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Luck, 44 inf. reg.
Itelson Jozef, s. Zelman & Teofila, b. 25.5.1895, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Iwaniuch Eliasz, b. 27.7.1894, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lask, 32 inf. reg.
Izbicki Naftule, b. 2.1.1911, 2/lieut. (res.), off. san. cadre, Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Izgur Abel, b. 5.3.1889, 2/lieut., dr. med., Rowne, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Izraelowicz Juliusz, s. Leon & Emma, b. 25.2.1900, 2/lieut. (res.),pharmacy., Lwow, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Izraelowicz Leon, b. 18.4.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Tarnopol, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Izygson Izaak Izydor, b. 30.10.1888, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 1 Distr. Hosp., cont Anders Army U.S.S.R.,  P.A.E. - 2 Corps.
Jaegerman Antoni Abgar, b. 7.01.1891, lieut. (res.), army service column, Kolomyja, D.O.C. VI.
Jakober Jozef Michal, s. Aron & Rachel, b. 5.07.1907, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Bochnia 5 Distr. Hosp.
? Jakobsze Leopold, s. Jakub, lieut. 1 inf. reg., killed in battle 9.1939.
? Jakubowicz, 2/lieut., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Janiszewski Melchior, b. 1900, 2/lieut. (res.), inf.
? Janowicz Abram, b. 13.03.1909, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Wilejka, 85 inf. reg., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp., murdered in Katyn, spring 1940.
? Janowski Dawid, b. 24.12.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Sosnowiec, 5 Distr. Hosp., cont Anders Army, 2 Corps, died of wounds Casa Massima, 6.06.1946.
? Jarecki Jozef, s. Abram, b. 25.4.1889, capt. (res.), dr. med., 4 Distr. Hosp. Lodz, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Jasinowski Markiel, b. 20.7.1907, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 31 inf. reg.
Jaszunski Michal, s. Jozef & Zofia, b. 28.08.1914, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Jawecki Marian Mojzesz, b. 10.9.1900, lieut. (res.), armour.unit. Lwow, 6 arm. batt.
Jaworski Fajwel, b. 7.3.1909, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Jefe Ilia Eliasz, s. Dawid & Liza, b. 10.07.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), art., Warsaw, 8 l. art. reg.
? Jelen Kazimierz Abram, b. 27.1.1889, Major (res.), dr. med., Ostrowice, 9 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
? Jelenkiewicz Natan, b. 20.08.1895, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murderd Kharkow, spring 1940.
Jelin Mojzesz, b. 13.03.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
? Jeliszanski Izrael, b. 1.07.1884, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkow, spring 1940.
Jersawet Juliusz Marian, s. Srul & Serla, b. 30.03.1899, 2/lieut. (res.), Krakow 3 inf. reg. legions.
? Jezierski Izrael Juda vel Jerzy, b. 3.08.1886, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 4 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkow, spring 1940.
Jochelson Nikodem, s. Leopold b. 1885, major (res.), dr. med., warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Jochwed Benjamin, b. 21.10.1898, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Jonas Berthold, b. 12.07.1902, lieut. (res.), art. 11, l. art. reg.
Jones Mojzesz, b. 9.12.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 74 inf. reg.
Josef Mojzesz, b. 13.10.1893, 2/lieut. (res.), art., Pulawy, 15 inf. reg.
? Josefberg Emil, b. 1.11.1896, lieut. (res.), inf., Drohobycz, D.O.C. X., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Josefberg Lischa, b. 26.07.1901, lieut. (res.), inf., Sambor, 6 higland inf. reg.
Josefberg Nuchem, b. 26.02.1890, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Josem Michal, s. Abram & Szejka, b. 28.09.1886, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 3 Distr. Hosp., cont., 1 Grenad. Division, France 1940.
? Juchman Norbert, b. 27.3.1914, 2/lieut., 15 eng. batt., killed in battle, 9.1939.
Jucht Hersz, b. 2.04.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, D.O.C. I. 
Juda Gabriel, b. 7.2.1909, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Wolkowysk, 41 inf. reg.
? Judelman Berna, s. Izaak, b. 1887, 2/lieut. (res.), p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Jugendorf Izrael, b. 30.3.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Czortkow, 48 inf. reg.
Jugenfein Walerian Julian, b. 22.02.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), engin. & saper off., cadre, Drohobycz, D.O.C. VI.
? Jurkiewicz Dawid, b. 1885, capt. (res.), dr. med., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  missing.
? Jurkowicz Dawid, b. 19.04.1895, Major (res.), dr. med., Sosnowiec, 10 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp., murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Jurkowicz Izaak, b. 9.1.1888, capt. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Jurowicz Szymon, s. Leopold & Salomea, b. 18.02.1892, lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, D.O.C. V.
? Jurkowski Konrad, b. 19.2.1898, capt. (proff), dr. med., 81 inf. reg., Grodno, p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Juwiler Edward, s. Hersz & Maria, b. 18.03.1886, capt., (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Kac Eljasz, b. 1910, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Wilno, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Kacinel vel Katzinel Maurycy, b. 29.01.1888, capt. (res.), dr. auditor Kalisz D.O.C. 7
? Kaczer Mendel, b. 1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Tarnopol, 54 inf. reg.:p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov spring 1940
? Kadyszewicz Henryk, (Chaim, Wolf) s. Mojzesz & Irka, b. 6.4.1887, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Radom, 4 Disr. Hosp., cont. Anders Army, P.A.E. died in service 22.8.1945 Tel Aviv
? Kafal Witold Roman, s. Zygmunt & Helena, b. 14.1.1905, 2/lieut (res.), 21 inf. reg.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn Forest, spring 1940
? Kagan Leon,  s. Wolf & Chaya, b. 12.05.1893, lieut (res.) dr. med., Lublin, 2 Distr. Hosp. Died in service Anders Army. 27.4.1942,U.S.S.R.
? Kahan Jakub,  b. 1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Kahan Zyndel, b. 1892 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Konskie, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Kahane Alfred, b. 1890, capt. (res.) inf., Lwow
Kahane Arnold, s. Jakub & Maria b. 17.08.1899, 2/lieut (res.), sanit. cadre, Lwow, 6 Dist. Hosp.
Kahane Dawid, b. 1883, lieut. (res.), dr., Lwow, D.O.C.VI
Kahane Majer, b. 1885, lieut. (res.) inf., Tarnopol, D.O.C.VI
Kahane Maurycy, b.1886, lieut. (res.), pharm., Warsaw 10 Distr.Hosp.
Kahane Maurycy, b. 1902, 2/lieut.(res.), inf., Lwow, 50 inf. reg.
Kahane Natan, b. 1903, 2/lieut. (res.), art., Stanislawow ,11 l.art. reg.
Kahane Salo, b. 1907, 2/lieut. (res.) army sev. columne, 2 columne
Kahane Salomon, b. 1903, 2/lieut, (res.) inf., Warsaw, 71 inf. reg.
Kahanowicz Chaim, b. 1890, capt., dr. med., Rowne, 2 Distr. Hosp.
? Kaizer Mendel, s. Emanuel b. 15.8.1901, 2/lieut (res.), 54 inf. reg.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkow spring 1940
? Kalf Selig, s. Chaim & Amalia, b. 24.12.1894, 2/lieut (res.), inf. Lwow, 24 inf. reg.
Kalinski Izaak, b.1892, 2/lieut., inf, Lodz, 10 inf. reg.
Kalmus Abraham, b.1890, 2/lieut. (res.), inf. Warsaw D.O.C.I
Kaltman Henryk, s. Adolf & Cecylia, b. 21.12. 1899, 2 lieut(res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Dist. Hosp, intern. in Hungary
? Kamieniecki Pinkus, s. David b. 16.3.1906,  2/lieut (res.), dr.med. Lodz, 4 Dist Hosp.; p.o.w U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn Forest spring 1940
? Kaminer Stanislaw, s. Lipman & Liba, b. 22.07.1898, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Krakow 1 Dist. Hosp. cont. P.A.W., died in service 1.07.1946, White Church, England.
? Kamiski Jakub, s. Mark b. 1897, capt. (res.), dr. med.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn Forest spring 1940
Kalmus Izaak Srul, b. 1889, 2/lieut. (res.) inf., lawyer, Warsaw, D.O.C.1
? Kalwary Samuel, b. 1900, 2/lieut, (res.), Warsaw, 85 inf. reg. p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn spring 1940
Kamieniecki Pinkus, b. 1906, 2/lieut. (res.) ,dr. med., Lodz., 3 Distr. Hosp.
Kammerman Emil, b.1889, 2/lieut. (res.), army serv. col., Siedlce, 9 column
Kanarinstein Samuel, b. 1890, lieut. (res.) ,dr. med., Stanislawow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Kandel Aron, b.1909, 2/lieut. (res.) san. admin., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Kandel Jakob, s. Icek& Regina, b. 21.03.1898, 2 lieut(res.) inf. Lwow, 19 inf. reg.
Kanengasser Chaim, b. 1892, 2/lieut (res.) inf. ,Bochnia, D.O.C.V
? Kanter Szymon b. 1897, capt. (res.), dr. med., Sniatyn; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kosielsk camp. murdered Katyn Forest spring 1940
? Kantor Michal Miron, s. Mojzesz & Matylda, b. 23.03.1882, major (res.), dr. med., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  - Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn spring 1940
Kantorowicz-Perelman Aron, b. 1906, 2/lieut., off. san. cadre, Wlodzimierz, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Kaplan Awadja, b. 1886, capt. (res.), dr. med., Bialystok, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Kaplan Baruch, b. 1908, 2/lieut. (res.) art. Rowne, 13 l.art. reg.
? Kaplanski Henryk Leopold, s. Mojzesz, 2/lieut (res.), Grodno; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn Forest, spring 1940
? Kaplanski Seweryn, s. Samuel, b. 1907, 2/lieut (res.), el. techn.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov spring 1940
? Kaplinski Leon, s. Kuszel & Rajzy b. 27..08.1908, 2/lieut (res.), Lida, 5 Dist. Hosp. p.o.w U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp- murdered Katyn spring 1940
Karbowski Berek, b. 1884, major (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Karbowski Henryk Chemia, s. Lejb b & Ester b. 22.07.1891  lieut (res.), dr.med., mil. hosp. Grodno
Karczynski Salo Aleksander, s. Joachim, b. 16.01.1903, 2/lieut(res.), dr. med. mil hosp. Lwow
Karfiol Zygmunt, s. Emanuel & Regina, b. 21.07.1899, lieut(res.), dr. med. Bielsko, 5 Dist. Hosp.
? Kargan Jozef, officer, killed in action 12.9.1939 Ksawerow
Karl (Kisiew) Saul Jakub, b. 1897, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, D.O.C.VI
? Karlsbad Alfred, s. Maksymilian & Roza, b. 18.04.1899 2/lieut (res.) signal off, Warsaw, D.O.C 1 ; p.o.w. U.S.S.R. - Starobielsk camp- murdered Kharkow spring 1940
? Karmer Henryk, s. Bernard & Helen b. 8.03.1892; capt. (res.), dr. med. Warsaw,11 Dist. Hosp.
Karnowski Lazarz, s. Fiszel & Lowa, b. 22.11.1904, 2/lieut (res.), eng&sap. corps. Lodz,7 sapers batt.
Karpe Ludwik, s. Pawla& Eugenia, b. 28.04.1888, 2/lieut (res.) inf. Lodz, D.O.C 4
Karpinski Benjamin, b. 1905, 2/lieut (res.) inf.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Pawlischew Bar camp.
Karpfen Mordche Leib, b. 1902, 2/lieut. (res.) inf., Brzezany, 51 inf. reg.
? Karsz Maks, s. Jsrael, b. 1905, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., 11b. art. div., Warsaw ; p.o.w U.S.S.R. Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov spring 1940
Kassern Norbert, s. Maurycy & Anna b. 24.4.1899 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Czestochowa, 4 Dist. Hosp.
Kastrowski Samuel, ,b. 1902 major (res.) saper
Karsz Maks, b.1905 ,2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., warsaw ,1 Distr. Hosp.
Karszenberg Zelik, b. 1907, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Kaszka Benjamin, b. 1905, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Katz Benjamin, b. 1898, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., dr., Krakow, 4  highl. inf. div.
Katz Bertold, b. 1907, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Tarnopol, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Katz Dawek, s. Jakaba & Roza b. 28.08.1893, lieut (res.), dr. med. Lwow, 6 Dist. Hosp., cont: Andres Army, P.A.E.
Katz Jakob, s. Selig &Maria b. 1.03.1894  2/lieut (res.), pharm. Przemysl, 10 Dist. Hosp. 
? Katz Karol, s. Mateus, b. 15.02.1896, capt. (res.) inf, 4 bridges batt.; p.o.w U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp murdered Katyn Forest spring 1940
Katz Majer Leon, b. 1902, 2/lieut. (res.) inf., Przemysl, 6 highland inf. reg.
Katz Mendel, b. 1892, capt. (res.), dr. med., Wlodzimierz, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Katz Ozjasz, b. 1888, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 2 Distr. Hosp.
? Katzenelbogen Oskar, b. 1920, 2/lieut; p.o.w. Stalag 2, died 19.11.1939
Katzner Leon, s. Ozjasza & Sara b. 13.12.1884, capt. (res.) dr.med. Lwow, 6 Dist. Hosp.
Kaufer Efraim, b. 1885 ,capt. (res.), dr .med., Nowy Sacz, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Kaufman Aron Hersz, b. 1886, lieut. (res.), pharm., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Kaufman Baruch, b. 1904, 2/lieut. (res.), med. serv., Stanislawow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
? Kaufman Jzydor, s. Jakub & Rachel b. 20 05 1897, 2/lieut (res.) dr. med. Warsaw, 10 Dist. Hosp. p.o.w. U.S.S.R. -Starobielsk camp- murdered Kharkov spring 1940
Kaweberg Abram, b. 1908, 2/lieut (res.), Brest/B., 83 inf. reg.
? Keilson Stefan, s. Szimel, b. 8.10.1890, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 40 Distr. Hosp.,p.o.w.U.S.S.R., -Stavobielsk camp- murdered Kharkov spring 1940
Kelhofer Adolf, s. Marceli & Seldy b. 13.02.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med. Izbica, 5 Dist. Hosp., intern. in Hungary
Kelcz Maurycy, s. Jakub & Bejli b. 1.10.1910, 2/lieut (res.) inf. Warsaw, 2 batt. 
Kellner Szymon Zygmant, s. Jzaak & Agata b. 9.11.1886, capt. (res.) dr. med., Lwow, 6 Dist. Hosp.
Kelson Gabriel, b. 17.06.1909 2/lieut (res.) inf. Warsaw, 36 inf. reg.
? Kempner Jerzy Lucjan, s. Aleksandra &Flora, b. 12.03.1886, capt. (res.). dr. med. Warsaw, 1 Dist. Hosp; p.o.w. U.S.S.R. - Starobielsk camp, murdered in Katyn -spring 1940
? Kepinski Witold, s. Michael b. 1884, major (res.), dr. med. 1 Dist. Hosp.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov spring 1940
? Kerner Jakub, s. Herman, b. 1896 p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Kozeilsk camp, murdered Katyn Forest spring 1940
Kerszman Jozef, s. Jakub & Rebeka b. 1.08.1897,  lieut (res.), dr. med, Bialistok, 39 mil. Hosp. 
Kestenbaum Mendel, b. 24.03.1889, lieut (res.), saper, Lwow, D.O.C.6
? Kierbel Stanislaw, b. Maurycy, b. 1898 lieut (res.); p.o.w U.S.S.R. Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
? Kierstein Bernard, b. 1911, 2/lieut (res.), 2 inf. reg. killed in action 15.9.1939 Dachnowo
? Kijak Natan, s. Kipa, b. 27.12.1895, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., 4Dist. Hosp.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn Forest spring 1940
Kimelman Bronislaw, s. Efraim & Ernestyna, b. 15.04.1895, lieut (res.),dr. med., Lwow, 6 Dist. Hosp.
? Kincler Maks, 2/lieut, (res.), killed in action, 9.1939 Kutno
Kindler Henryk, s. Jakob &Rozalja, b. 30.03.1900, 2/lieut(res.), dr. med. Stryj, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Kipman Jerzy, s. Jakub & Maria, b. 7.07.1904 2/lieut, dr. med. Warsaw, 1Dist. Hosp.
Kirschbaum Ignacy, , s. Leon b. 1898, capt. (res.), med. cadre, Lwow, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Kirschner Jozef b. 20.08.1898, lieut (res.),dr. med. Krakow, 10 Dist. Hosp. 
Kirszbaum Lubwik, s. Boruch, b. 1904, lieut (res.), inf., eng., Lodz, 49 inf. reg.
? Kirszner, capt. (res.), 12 inf. reg. killed in action, 26.9.1939 Terespol
? Kirsztenstejn Kazimiez, b. 2. 1916, 2/lieut, 26 L.art. reg. killed in action 18.9.1939
Klaczkin Aron Mojzesz, b. 1894 , 2/ lieut. (res.), dr. med., Malkinia, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Klahr Jozef, s. Sebastian & Regina b. 21.11.1893, lieut (res.) art., Radom 28 l. art reg. 
Klajnan Dawid, b. 1899, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lublin, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Klajncwajg Zygmunt, s. Jankiel & Elka, b. 18.05.1908,2/lieut (res.) dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Klamkin Maksymiljan, s. Aron &Cipa, b. 7.04.1991 2/lieut (res.) dr.med., Warsaw, 9 dist. Hosp.
? Klarner Jozef, s. Szymon b. 2.7.1890, lieut (res.), dr. med. Lublin, 2 Dist. Hosp.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn Forest, spring 1940
? Klausner Emil, s. Maurycy, b. 28.12.1892, lieut (res.) art, Przemysl, 10 h. art. reg., p.o.w. U.S.S.R. - Starobielsk camp- murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
? Klauzner Emil, b. 13.2.1893, capt. art. (res.) 10 h. art. reg. p.o.w.- murdered by the Ukrainian NKVD, spring 1940
? Klawitter Leonard, b. 1912, 2/lieut (res.), 5 eng. batt., killed in action 18.9.1939 Gdynia
Klayer Rubin, b. 1897, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Kleiman Mendel, b. 6.9.05 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Nowy Sacz, 10 Distr. Hosp.
? Klein Edward, s. Aleksander, b. 3.6.1894, lieut.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn Forest spreig 1940
Klein Jakub Leib, b. 1891, capt. (res.), dr. med., Nisko, 10 Distr. Hosp.
? Klein Jerzy, b. 1917, dr. med., 135 inf. reg., killed in action sep. 1939
? Klein Juliusz Ludwik, s. Wilhelm & Rozy, 2/lieut (res.) dr. stomat, Warsaw, 1Dist. Hosp.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R. -Kozielsk camp-murdered Katyn spring 1940
? Klein Kiwa (Akiba,) s. Abram b. 1909, police chief inspector; p.o.w. U.S.S.R.  Ostashkov camp, murdered Miednoye spring 1940
Klein Markus, b. 2.03.1901, 2/lieut (res.), inf. Stryj, 53 inf. reg.
Kleinberg Ignacy, s. Jakub & Saloma, b. 9.06.1894, 2/lieut (res.) art. dr. Krakow D.O.C.5
Kleinberg Roman, s. Wilhelm, b. 1893, capt., dr. stomat, sanator, Rabka
Kleinberger Israel, b. 1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Radom, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Kleinberger Oskat, s. Zygmunt & Klara, b. 10.18.1900, 2/lieut (res.) int. Krakow 16 inf. reg.
Kleiner Emil, b. 25.06.1899, 2 /lieut, dr. med., Chorzow, 10 Dist. Hosp. 
? Kleinert Mieczyslaw Edward, b. 21.5.1898, lieut art. (res.) 1Dist Corps; p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Kozielsk camp murdered Katyn Forest, spring 1940
Kleinerman Josef Izaak, b. 6.1.1891, lieut (res.),dr. med., Kutno, 4 Distr. Hosp. 
Klienfeld Marek, b. 27.07.1890, lieut (res.), Warsaw, D.O.C.I
Klingbeil Eliezer, b. 1.12.1901 2/lieut (res.), Warsaw, 18 inf. reg.
? Klinger Jerzy vel Przytycki Jozef, b. 1916  Husiatyn, dr.med., officer AK - Warsaw uprising August 1944 1 field hospital, executed by Germans 24.04.1944
Klinghoffer Josef, b. 14.01.1903, 2/lieut (res.) inf., Hruhieszow, 23 inf. reg. 
Klinghoffer Josef ,b. 5.05.1893, capt. (res.) inf. Kolomyja, D.O.C.6
? Klozenberg Sebastjan, s. Fabian, b. 16.04.1910, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. 10 art. reg., p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp- murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Klozenberg Seweryn Aleksander, b. 1.01.1908, 2/lieut (res.),dr. med., Warsaw,4 Distr. Hosp.
? Kluczynski Jerzy Marcel, b. 1893, major, dr. med. killed in action 4.9.1939
Klug Seweryn Leonard, s. Marek &Laura, b. 29.01.1910 2/lieut (res.) dr. med., Lwow, 10 D.O.C.
Knaul Maksymilian, s. Dawid &Betta b. 19.04.1907, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Krakow, 9 Distr. Hosp. 
Kneller Henrik,s. Fajwel & Regina  b. 4.05.1894 2/lieut dr. law. Czestochowa, D.O.C. 8
Kobryk Mojzesz, b. 1910, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. veter., Warsaw, in disposition ministry of milit.affairs.
Knobelman Maurycy, s. Jakub & Maria, b. 1.09.1886, lieut (res.) art. Warsaw D.O.C 10
? Knobloch Stanistaw Jgnacy, b. 1910, 2/lieut (res.) 15 inf. div., killed in action 2.9.1939
Kocen Mieczyslaw, b. 16.08.1896, lieut (res.) dr. med., Lodz, 4 Dist. Hosp. 
? Kochleffel Rudolf, b.1891, capt. (res.), dr med., Tarnow, 5 Dist. Hosp.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp. -murdered Katyn spring 1940
Kofler Markus, b. 1892, 2/ lieut. (res.), pharm., Buczac, 6 Distr. Hosp.
? Kogan Jakub, b. 16.02.1907, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., Minsk, 9 Dist. Hosp.
Kohan David, b. 25.12.1888, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Warsaw. 1 Distr. Hosp.
Kohen Abraham, b. 1889, capt. (res.), dr. med., Bialystok, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Kohane Bernard, b. 6.04.1891, capt. (res.), ass. surgeon, Rzeszow, 10 Dist. Hosp.
Kohn Abraham, b. 28.01.1904, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Lwow., 7 Distr. Hosp.
Kohn Eljasz, b. 1885, 2 lieut. (res.),  phamac., Rzeszow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Kohn Jgnacy, b. 1.11.1901, 2/lieut (res.) inf. Lwow 38 inf. reg. 
Kohn Leon, s. Fajwel &Mina b. 14.03.1898, capt. (res.), dr. med. Kotomyja, 6 Dist. Hosp.
Kohn Samuel, b. 14.04.1895 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Dist. Hosp.
? Kok Izydor, s. Zygmunt, b. 16.4.1895 Buczac, 2/lieut, inf. (res.), judge D.O.C 6 arrested by Ukrainian NKVD - perished
Kolber Dawid, b. 2.04.1894, 2/lieut (res.) inf. Drohobylz. 2 Highland. inf.reg.
Kon Abram Lejb, b. 13.11.1891, lieut (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Kon Aleksander, s. Anna, b. 7.07.1894, 2/lieut (res.), dr.med. Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Kon Chayman, b. 6.12.1891, capt. (res.),dr. med. Piotrkow, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Kon Daniel Hipolit, s. Szalom &Helena b. 5.12.1887, lieut (res.), dr. stomat., Konska, 4 Dist. Hosp.
Kon Jakob Jozef, s. Mowsza &Leja b.11.01.1901, lieut (res.), inf. Warsaw, 1 highland inf. reg. 
Kon Joachim, b. 5. 7. 1900,cad/off, dr. med.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Pawlischew Bor camp.; P.A.E.- 2. Corps. Italy
Kon Jozef, s. Szymon &Karola b. 5.12.1894, 2/lieut (res.) dr. med. Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Kon Mieczyslaw, s. Samuel, 1894, major (proff.), dr. med., 31 inf. reg.
? Kon Rachim Dawid, b. 1911, lieut; p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Kon Stanistaw, b. 13.12.1893, 2 /lieut (res.) inf. Warsaw. Signal educ. center
Kon Symcha Mordchaj, b. 1903, 2/ lieut. (res.), san. cadre, Lodz ,4 Distr. Hosp.
Kon Szymon, s. Stanistaw & Helena, b. 21.08.1885, capt. (res.), dr. med Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
? Konarski Abram Hersz, b. 12.01.1892,2/lieut (res.), dr.med. Czestochowa Distr. Hosp., p.o.w U.S.S.R. - Starobielsk camp- murdered Kharkov- spring 1940
Koner Pinkas, b. 1908, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 18 inf. reg.
Konigsberg Izaak, b 1885 , capt. (res.), dr. veter., Pila, D.O.C.2
? Konigstein Dawid, b. 1904, capt. (res.), dr. med., died in Warsaw uprise 3.8.1944
Konigstein Ludwik, s. Marek, b. 12.02.1904, lieut., dr. med. Warsaw 1 Dist. Hosp.
Konn Mieczyslaw, s. Samuel, b. 1894, major, dr. med., 31 inf. reg.
? Kontorowicz Jakub, s. Oizer, b. 1893; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., perished
Kopelman Mendel, b. 1907, 2/ lieut. (res.), dr. med., Stanislawow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Korenstein Mayer Maksymilian, s. Hersch &Feiga, b. 15.03.1886, 2/lieut (res.) inf., Krakow
Korn Albert, b. 24.01.1892, 2/lieut (res.) sanit cadra Warsaw, 9 Dist. Hosp
Korn Eliezer, b. 28.11.1911, 2/ lieut (res.) inf., Warsaw, 36 inf. reg.
Kornelsztajn Jozef, s. Szmul & Sara b. 24.06.1885, lieut (res.), dr. med. Pulawy, 2 Dist. Hosp.
Korner Jakub, b. 28.03.1896, Drohohycz,2/ lieut (res.) surgeon assist., 10 Dist. Hosp.
Korneweitz Oser, b. 5.04.1892, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Brzezany, 6 Distr. Hosp.
? Kornfeld Izydor, b. 1910, lieut. killed in action 23.9.1939 
Kornhauser Otokar, s. Otokar &Aniela née Welfeld, b. 7.12.1894, 2/lieut (res.) pharm. Krakow, 5 Dist. Hosp.
Kornmehl Esziel, b. 4.02. 1891 lieut. (res.),dr. med., Sanok, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Kornsberg Izaak, b. 11.06.1892 lieut (res.), dr.med., Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Kosman Ezra, b. 26.08. 1910, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Dist. Hosp.
? Kotbara Benjamin, b. 1893, lieut-col., 24 inf. div., killed in action 12.9.1939
Kotlar Dawid, b. 3.09.1901, 2/lieut.(res.) inf., Wilno, 85 inf. reg.
? Kotler Joachim, s. Izaak, b. 28.04.1890, lieut (res.), pharm. Brzezany, 10 Distr. Hosp. p.o.w U.S.S.R. -Starobielsk camp-murdered Kharkov Spring 19441
Kottler Abraham, b. 11.05.1887, lieut (res.), pharmac, Tarnopol, 6 Dist. Hosp.
? Kowalski Szmul, b. 3.02.1901, 2/lieut.(res.) inf.,Kalisz, 29 inf. reg., killed in action september 1939
Kozes Izaak, b. 3.04.1918 2/lieut (res.), sanit. cadre, Lukow, 9 Dist. Hosp.
Kragen Siegfried, b. 13.10.1891, lieut (res.), saper, dr. eng. Rowne, 1 motors batt.
Krajterkraft Adam, s. Zelman, b. 1899, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., eng., Warsaw D.O.C. 1
Krajterkraft Zygmunt, b. 1.03.1897 lieut (res.) Warsaw, 8 Dist. Hosp.
Krakawiak- Krakowski Jzaak, b. 15.08. 1900, 2/lieut (res.) inf., Wilno 85 inf.
Krakiwer Jakub Eliasz, b. 13..08.1900, 2/lieut (res.) inf. Nowy Targ., 1 High. inf. reg. 
? Krakow Jerzy, s. Kazimierz, b. 2.10.1899, capt. (res.), dr. med., 1 Dist. Hosp., Warsaw; p.o.w. Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Krakowiki Mordka, s. Mieczyslaw, b. 17.05.1892 2/lieut dr, med. Lodz, 4 Dist. Hosp.
Krakowski Szamuel, b. 12.11 1886, capt. (res.), dr. med., Wilno, 3 Dist. Hosp.
Kranc Mendel, b. 1896, 2/lieut. (res.) ,dr. med.,  Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp
Krampner Leon, s. Henryk &Wanda b. 4.06.1898, lieut,(res.) inf. Lwow, 40 inf. reg. 
Kranz Jakub, s. Edmund & Helena, b. 21.08.1895, capt.,(res.) dr. med. Krakow, 10 Dist. Hosp.
Krasucki Bolestaw, b. 1896, lieut (res.) inf.
Krasucki Jzaak, b. 6.10.1901, 2/lieut, (res.) saper, Lodz. 7 saper. batt. 
? Krasuski Aleksander, s. Alojzy b. 1890, 2/lieut (res.); p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Starobielsk  camp, murdered Kharkov spring 1940
Kratka Maurycy, b. 5.06.1902, 2/lieut, (res.) saper, Krolewska Huta, 1 railway bridges batt.
Kratz Joachim, s. Herman & Karoline, b. 19.12.1895, lieut, (res.) art. Lwow, 11 L art. reg.
Krause Chaim, b. 26.08.1894, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Kielce, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Krausmar Markus, b. 17.11.1890, lieut (res.), dr. med. Wloclawek, 8 Dist. Hosp.
Krautler Henryk, b. 28.07.1889, 2/lieut, (res.), army service column Katowice, D.O.C.5
Krautman Isak, b. 22.12.1901, 2/lieut (res.) inf. Lwow, 32 inf. reg.
Krauzkopf Herszlik, b. 1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz ,4 Distr.Hosp
Kreisberg Wiktor, s. Samuel &Anna b. 10.03.1886, capt.,(res.), dr. med. Drohobycz 10 Dist. Hosp.
Krieger Natan, s. Adolf, b. 1892, lieut (res.), inf, Siedlce, D.O.C. 1
? Krieger (Kriger) Natan, s. Adolf, b. 13.2.1892, lieut. (res.), inf, Siedlce, D.O.C. 1, 9 Mil. Dist. Corps; p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkow spring 1940
Krol Jzrael, b. 30.5.1901, 2/lieut (res.) inf,. Warsaw, 13 inf. reg. 
Kronberg Jakub, s. Herscha & Chaya, b. 14.11.1899, lieut,(res.), dr. med., Tarnopol, 6 Dist. Hosp.
? Kronenblum Jozef, s. Szaja & Rajze b. 1.12.1897, 2/lieut (res.) inf., p.o.w. arrested by Ukrainian NKVD - perished
Kroner Chaskiel, b. 15.02.1898, 2/lieut, (res.), dr. med. Konin, 7 Distr. Hosp.
Krongold Jakub, s. Szlama Merdik & Hinde b. 7.07.1907, 2/lieut (res.) dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.; p.o.w..  U.S.S.R., Pawlische Bor camp,P.A.E.
? Kronz (Krenz) Rudolf, s. Gotlieb, b. 1905, 2/lieut.; p.o.w. Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn Forest spring 1940
? Krukowski Henryk, s. Leon, b. 3.6.1901, 2/lieut (res.), 70 inf. reg.; p.o.w U.S.S.R. Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn Forest spring 1940
? Krumholz Nachum, b. 27.02.1890, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Bochnia, 10 Dist. Hosp. ;p.o.w. U.S.S.R. ; Starobielsk camp- murdered Kharkov- spring 1940
Krumholz Nusyn, b. 7.08.1892, capt. (res.),dr. med., Kolomyja, 5 Dist. Hosp.
Krygier Aba, b. 1903 , 2/ lieut.(res.) ,pharm., Warsaw, 3 Distr. Hosp.
? Krygler Jerzy, b. 1899, 2/lieut (res.), 10 uhlans reg., killed in action 21.9.1939
? Krynski Benjamin, s. Samuela b. 25.11.1888, capt. (res.), dr. med.,Warsaw, 1Distr. Hosp.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R. -Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov spring 1940
? Krzemien Roman, s. Michal, b. 1911, 2/lieut (res.) 51 inf. reg., Brzezany ;p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov spring 1940
? Krzywicki Leon Jerzy, s. Ludwik, b. 1896, lieut. (res.), dr. law.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Starobielsk camp., murdered Khrakov spring 1940
? Kuba- Piernik (?), p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov spring 1940
? Kudysz (Kudish) Ozjasz, s. Dawid, b. 30.7.1908 Stryj 2/lieut. inf. (res.) deported by Ukrainian NKVD1939- perished
Kuhlbett Szymon, s. Leopold & Ernestina, b. 1.09.1885, capt. (res.), inf. Gdynia, Q.M.
? Kulpinski Adam, s. Movdedchaj,  b. 18.12.1894, Major (proff), enginering corps, 8 Mil. Dist. Torun; p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Kupferschmidt Zygmunt, b. 1896 , lieut. (res.), dr. med., .Lodz , 4Distr. Hosp.
Kupferman Dawid, b. 1.06.1904, 2/lieut (res.) art., Wadowice, 5h art. reg.
Kupferstein Aleksander, s. Rubin & Zelda, b. 13.09.1894, 2/lieut.(res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Kupterman Leon, s. Eugeniusz  & Paulina, b. 22.06.1896, lieut (res.), signal corps, Krakow, D.O.C.5
Kurchin Jzaak,  b. 17.08.1899, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Dist. Hosp.
Kurtz Henryk,  s. Ber & Chadasa, b. 7.09.1898, 2/lieut (res.) inf., Warsaw, 15 inf. reg. 
Kurtz Suskind, b. 23.03.1896, lieut (res.) dr. med., Krakow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Kurzman Jzydor Jozef, b. 15.03.1891, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 10 Dist. Hosp.
Kurzrok Meyer Maurycy, b. 12.12.1895, 2/lieut (res.), pharm., Lwow, 6Dist. Hosp.
Kurzuk Jzydor, s. Natan & Anna, b. 28.04.1893, capt. (res.), dr. med.,Lwow, 1 Dist. Hosp.
Kusher Oskar, s. Jakub & Emilia, b. 27.07.1898, 2/lieut (res.), san. cadre, Lwow, 6 Dist. Hosp.
Kutscher Ludwik, s. Feliks & Eleonora, b. 7.10.1896, lieut. (res.), pharm. Krakow, 10 Dist. Hosp.
Kuttin Edwin, b. 21.10.1885, capt. (res.), dr.med., Kamionka Strumik, 10 Dist. Hosp.
? Kutzner Ignacy, s. Gotlieb, b. 1894 police officer, p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Ostashikov camp, murdered Miednoye, spring 1940
? Kurz Abram, 2/lieut (res.), 18 inf. reg., killed in action, Sochaczew 13.9.1939
Kuszelewicz Jydel, b.1900, 2/ lieut. (res.), dr.med., Ostrowiec, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Kwasfel Israel, b.1888, lieut. (res.) inf., eng., Warsaw ,D.O.C.I
Labedz Dawid, b. 14.02.1897, 2/lieut (res.) Katowice, 5 Dist. Hosp.
? Lachowicz, dr. med. (?); p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn spring 1940 
Ladre Bernard, s. Wilhelm, b. 1889, lieut (res.), dr. med. Lwow 6 Dist. Hosp.
Lak Zygmunt,  b. Maurycy, b. 1901, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Lwow, 9Dist. Hosp.
? Laks Jozef Eliasz, b. 2.1.1885, major (res.), lawyer-murdered by Ukrainian N.K.V.D
? Laks Leonard, s. Israel, b. 1912, 2/lieut (res.); p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov-spring 1940
Lakser Jzaak, b. 18.10.1903, 2/lieut (res.), art. eng., 3. l. art. reg. Legions
Lamensdorf Szyja, b. 6.07.1884, 2/lieut (res.), Bochnia, 5 Dist. Hosp.
Lampel Izaak, b. 4.09.1907, lieut (res.), med. services, Nowy Targ. 5. Dist. Hosp.
Lamperl Dawid, b. 27.08.1898, 2/lieut (res.), dr. Lwow, 5 Dist. Hosp.
Landau Abraham, b. 27.02.1891, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Dist. Hosp.
? Landau Bernard Salo, b. 1902, 2/lieut (res.) inf., p.o.w.;U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
? Landau Fabjan (vel Zapolski Jerzy), s. Joachim, b. 1892, lieut. col. (ret), enginéer; p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Landau Henryk, s. Izaak, b. 1898, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1Dist. Hosp.
Landau Jakub, s. Saul b. 1896, 2/lieut (res.), ass. dr. med., Krakow, res. cadre. 5 Dist. Hosp.
Landau Ludwik ,s. Kavol, b. 1889, lieut (res.), dr. med., Tarnopol, 6 Dist. Hosp.
Landau Maurycy Mendel, b. 4.05.1903, 2/lieut (res.) inf., Warsaw, 7 inf. reg. Legions
? Landau Mojzesz Berysz, b. 8.04.1902, 2/lieut (res.), inf., Warsaw, 24 inf. reg.; p.o.w.U.S.S.R. Kosielsk camp, murdered Katyn spring 1940
Landau Stanislaw, b. Wincenty, b. 1895, 2/lieut (res.), med. adm. serv. Sosnowiec 5 Dist. Hosp.
Landau Stefan, s. Rafal, b. 1898, 2/lieut (res.), art., Krakow, 6 l.art. reg. 
? Landaw Henryk, s. Leon, b. 1.3.1875, lieut (res.), dr. med., Lwow; murdered by Ukrainian N.K.V.D.
Landensberg Jakub, s. Maurycy & Fryderyka  b. 1899, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., Kutno, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Landensman Herman, s. Moses, b. 1892, 2/lieut (res.), pharm., Lwow, 2 Dist. Hosp.
Landes Robert,  s. Stanislaw, b. 1892, capt. (res.), dr. med., Tarnopol, 2 Dist. Hosp.
? Landesberg Jakub, s. Mojzesz, b. 9.6.1899, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., 10Dist. Hosp., Kutno; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn spring 1940
Landesberg Juliusz, s. Adolf, b. 1892, lieut (res.), dr. med. Lwow, 6 Dist. Hosp.
Landesberg Kiwa Josef, b. 7.05.1900, 2/lieut (res.), inf., Tarnopol, 52 inf. reg. 
? Landy Jan, 2/lieut, p.o.w. Oflag Waldenberg, died 15.6.1941
? Lange Oskar, b. 1893, capt., dr. med., 4 p.a.c.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
? Langenfeld Michal Jakub, b. 1891, major art., 29 1. art. reg: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Langman Wolf,  b. 23.05.1900, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Dist. Hosp.
Langman Wolf, s. Chaim, b. 1900, lieut (res.), med. admin, Warsaw, 10 Dist. Hosp.
? Lapidus Abram vel Abraham, b. 29.05.1885, capt. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Dist. Hosp.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk canp, murdered Kharkow, spring 1940
Larter Abraham Jakub, b. 16.08.1906, 2/lieut (res.) inf., Lwow, 38 inf. reg.
? Laszcz Feliks, s. Stanislaw, b. 1907, lieut (res.), dr. med., p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,   Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Lau Edward Eljasz, b. 29.01.1898, 2/lieut (res.) inf., Warsaw D.O.C. 10
Laub Mojzesz, b. 10.10.1907 2. lieut (res.), Przemysl, 38 inf reg-
? Lauterbach Artur, s. Dawid &Amalia, 1899, lieut (res.) art., 22. art. reg; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn spring 1940
Lautner Dawid, b. 6.05.1892, major (res.), dr. med. Tarnaw, 5 Dist. Hosp.
? Lax Leonard, s. Jsrael &Hasze, b. 22.9.1892, 2/lieut inf. (res.), p.o.w. U.S.S.R. murdered Katyn spring 1940
Lax Zygmunt Bernard, s. Maurycy, b. 1901, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lowow, 9 Distr. Hosp.
? Laxenburg Henryk, lieut, p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
? Lebenbaum Dawid b. 22.05.1908, 2/lieut (res.) inf., Lublin, 45 inf. reg.;p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkow, spring 1940 
Leder Maurycy, b. 1895, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Lwow, 6 Dist. Hosp. 
? Lehrhaft Dawid, b. 26.07.1893, capt. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 5 Dist. Hosp.; p.o.w U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyin spring 1940
Leibel Anzelm, s. Jakub, b. 1892, capt. (res.), dr. med, Tarnow, 5 Dist. Hosp.
? Leibel Anzelm, b. 26.01.1889, capt. (res.), dr. med., intern. Romenia Kraswikole camp, died 17.08.1943
Leibel Anzelm, s. Jakub. b. 1899, capt. (res.), dr. med. Tarnow, 5 Distr. Hosp., intern. in Hungary
Leibel Karol, s. Markusa, b. 1887, capt. (res.), dr. med. Krakow, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Leichtfried Marian, s. Leopold, b. 1897, lieut (res.) art. Rowne, 13 l.art. reg. 
Leider Joachim, b. 1896, lieut (res.), dr. med., Zloczow, 6 Dist. Hosp.
? Leifer Adolf, s. Dawid, b. 1900, 2/lieut (res.), eng. Tarnopol,; p.o.w., U.S.S.R. Kozielsk camp., murdered Katyn, spring 1940
? Leinweber, lieut, p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn spring 1940
? Leitgeber Marian, 2/lieut (res.) killed in action 5/10/1939
Lejbowicz Abo, b. 7.09.1910, 2lieut (res.), dr. med.,Wilno, 3 Dist. Hosp.
Lejpuner Michal Mojzesz, b. 23.11.1909, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Warsaw, 8 Distr. Hosp., intern. in Hungary
Lejtman Samuel Lejb, b. 23.12.1910, 2/lieut (res.), san.off., Wilno, 3 Dist. Hosp.
? Lejtman Samuel, 2/lieut (res.), Wilno, murdered by A.K. gang Marcikowice village 1943
Lemberg Jakub, b. 11.03.1899, 2/liieut (res.), dr. med. Sieradz; 9 Dist. Hosp.
Lerchenfeld Tomasz, b. 1912, 2/lieut, reconnaiss. off
? Lermer Jan Jakub, b. 1899, capt. inf., 134 res. reg.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Lerner Herman, s. Chaim, b. 1906, 2/lieut (res.) inf. Lwow, 54 inf. reg. 
Lerner Markus, b. 26.098.1897, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Lodz, 4Dist. Hosp.
? Lerner-Steinberg Borys, s. Zachariasz, b. 23.2.1904, 2/lieut art. (res.), 27.l.art. reg., p.o.w.U.S.S.R., murdered Katyn spring 1940 
Leser Karol, s. Abraham, b. 1905, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Rzeszow, 5 Dist. Hosp.
Leser Mojzesz, b. 7.11.1908, 2/lieut (res.) dr. med. Jaslo 5. Dist. Hosp.
? Lesenkin Szmuel, p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn spring 1940
Leszczynski Ajzyk, b. 11.04.1912, 2/lieut (res.) inf., Konin, 68 inf. reg. 
Leszczynski Majer, b. 24.08.1904, 2/lieut (res.) inf., Konin, 68 inf. reg.
Leuchter Wolf Hirsch, b. 24.05.1875, capt. (res.), dr. med. Krakow,5 Dist. Hosp.
Levy Leo, b. 8.07.1904, 2/lieut (res.) inf., Zywiec, 3 inf. reg. 
Lew Jakub, s. Mark, b. 1907, 2/lieut (res.) inf., Warsaw, 6 inf. reg. Leg. 
? Lewenfisz Henryk, 1891, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Warsaw, 1 Dist. Hosp.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Lewenfisz Marek, s. rubin, b. 1894, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Lodz, 4 Dist. Hosp.
? Lewenfisz Marek, s. rubin, b. 1894, 2/lieut, dr. med. Warsaw, 1 Dist. Hosp.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Lewensztajn Leon, s. Ludwik, b. 1891, lieut (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Dist. Hosp.
? Lewentner Markus Hirsh, b. 12.07.1906, 2/lieut (res.), pharm. Grudziadz, 6 Dist. Hosp.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered in Katyn, spring 1940
Lewi Jgnacy, s. Paula, b. 1887, lieut (res.), dr. med., Radom, 2 Dist. Hosp.
Lewin Gabriel Naum, b. 10.02.1901, 2/lieut (res.) inf., Warsaw, 84 inf. reg. 
Lewin Henryk, b. 1892, capt. (res.), dr. med.
Lewin Izaak, b. 11.4.1897, 2/lieut (res.) dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Dist. Hosp.
Lewin Leon, s Emanuela, b. 1898, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., Warsaw; 3 Dist. Hosp.
Lewin Leon, b. 21.02.1908, 2/lieut (res.), dr.med., Warsaw, 3 Dist. Hosp.
Lewin Maurycy Moszko Josko, b. 29.07.1888, lieut (res.), dr. med., Lublin 2 Dist. Hosp.
Lewin Michael, b. 1913, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., 5 inf. reg.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Pawlischew Bor camp.
Lewin Mieczyslaw, s. Bernard, b. 1895, 2/lieut(res.), dr. med., Czesto chowa; 4 Dist. Hosp.
Lewin Mojsze, b. 1.05.1909, 2/lieut (res.), inf., Konin, 68 inf. reg.
Lewin Semion, b. 4.03.1893, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 10 Dist. Hosp.
Lewinger Mendel, b. 10.11.1906, lieut (res.) inf., Krakow, 17 inf. reg. 
? Lewiciki Adam, s. Jakub, b. 23.10.1903, capt. (prof.), dr. med. Suwalki, 11 med. corps, p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Lewin Maksymilian Stanislaw, b. 1896, major inf., chief railway trans. army “Modlin”
? Lewinion Jozef, s. Maksym, b. 21.1.1903, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., 10 Dist. Hosp.; p.o.w.U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
? Lewinsan Szymon, b. 04.1895, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Warsaw, 10 Dist. Hosp.; p.ow. U.S.S.R. Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Lewinson Szymon, s. Maksymilian, b. 1895, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1Dist. Hosp.
Lewinson Zygfryd, s. Juliusz, b. 1887, lieut (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4Dist. Hosp.
Lewit Tuwie, b. 18.01.1911, 2/lieut (res.), sanit. cadre, Warsaw, 1Dist. Hosp.
Lewites Henryk, b. 1884, pharm., lieut(res.), Lwow, 9 Dist. Hosp.
Lewkowicz Henryk, b. 1907, 2/lieut (res.) inf. ;p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Pawlischew Bor camp
Lewkowicz Herman, s. Zygmunt, b. 1901, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med, Lodz, 5 Dist. Hosp.
Lib Szymon, b. 1898, capt. inf., 35 inf. reg.
Liberman Mozes, b. 13.10.1891, lieut (res.), dr. med., Brest/B, 9 Dist. Hosp.
Licher Dawid, b. 8.02.1911, 2/lieut (res.)inf., Krakow, 11 inf. reg. 
Lichtenbaum Naftali, b. 16.04.1908, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Warsaw, 1 Dist. Hosp.
Lichtenberg Michael, b. 23.01.1912, 2/lieut (res.), pharmac, Warsaw, 1 Dist. Hosp.
Lichtenstein Maksymilian Benjamin, b. 22.10.1896, 2/lieut (res.) inf., Drohobycz, 2 inf. reg.
? Lichtensztein Majzesz Miczystaw, b. 10.06.1888, capt. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Dist. Hosp., cont in partisans formations, died in service 1944
Lichtensztein Pawel, s. Izydor, b. 1894, 2/lieut. (res.), med. serv., Warsaw, 4 Distr. Hosp.
? Lichtensztein Wiktor, b. 10.09.1893, lieut (res.), dr. med. ; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkow, spring 1940
Lichtensztul Pawel, s. Izydor, b. 1894, 2/lieut (res.), ass. dr. med, Warsaw, 4 Dist. Hosp.
Lichtig Dawid, b. 27.02.1892, 2/lieut (res.) inf., Bochnia, D.O.C. 5
? Liebe Henryk, s. Maksymilian, b. 1907, 2/lieut, lawyer; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
? Liebel Jozef, s. Benjamin, b. 1895, 2/lieut (res.), inf. 12 inf. reg., died in service, 14.7.1944, Palestine
? Lieber Jakub, b. 1900, 2/lieut (res.), admin, sanit., Katowice, 5 Dist. Hosp.
Liebeskind Markus, b. 30,07.1885, 2/lieut (res.) inf., Krakow, D.O.C.5
Liebeskind Salo, b. 5.03.1898, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Lodz, 5 Dist. Hosp.
Liebesman Fryderk, s. Bogumil b. 1894, lieut (res.), ass. Surgeon, Stanislawow, 6 Dist. Hosp.
Liebesmann Abraham, b. 27.01.1898, 2/lieut (res.) sanit cadur, Stanislawov,10 Dist. Hosp.
Lifszyc Henryk, 2/lieut.
Liker Abraham, b. 16.08.1897, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 10 Dist. Hosp.
Lilienfeld-Karzewski, Szymon s. Herman, b. 1891, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1Dist. Hosp.
? Lilienthal Antoni Tadeusz, s. Natan, b. 26.10.1908, 2/lieut (res.), enginéer, 4 armour batt.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Liljenfeld Natan, b. 9.03.1895, 2/lieut (res.), Stamislawow, 5 Dist. Hosp.
Limier Salamon, b. 30.12.1898, 2/liuet (res.) inf., Krakow, D.O.C.1
Limon Zalman, b. 28.02.1905, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., Baranowicze, 8 Dist. Hosp.
? Linbeiger (Limberger) Wilhelm, s. Bernard, b. 9.12.1891, capt. (res.) enginéer, murdered by Ukrainian N.K.V.D.
Lind Jakub, b. 1897, lieut (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4Dist. Hosp.
Lind Jgnacy, s. Leon, b. 1893, lieut (res.), dr. med., Kamioaka Strumilowa 6Distr. Hosp.
Lind Salo Henryk, b. 19.09.1895, 2/lieut (res.) inf., dr. Lwow, 26 inf. reg.
Linden Tobias, s. Jzaak, b. 1910, 2/lieut (res.), inf., Zloczow, 52 inf. reg. 
? Lindenszat Srul Julian vel Majer, b. 16.11.1888, capt. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1Dist. Hosp. ; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn spring 1940
? Lindenszat Srul Julian (Majer), b. 6.11.1888, capt. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Dist. Hosp. ; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
? Lipes Mordechej, b. 9.11.1892, lieut (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 3 Dist. Hosp. ; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn spring 1940
Lipinski Idel vel Julian, b. 4.01.1888, capt. (res.), dr. med., Czsetochova, 10 Dist. Hosp.
Lippel Jozef, s. Jakub, b. 1894, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Stryj, 6 Dist. Hosp.
? Lipszyc-Lipski Waclaw, b. 27.02.1888, capt. (res.), dr. med. 5 Dist. Hosp.,; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp- murdered Kharkov spring 1940
? Lisiecki Benjamin, b. 1909, 2/lieut (res.), 23 inf. reg., killed in action 12.9.1939.Garwolin
Lisiecki Herman, s. Tobiasz, b. 1897, lieut (res.), inf. Warsaw, 36 inf. eg. 
Littman Zygfryd, s. Samuela, 1899, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Krolewska Huta, 10 Dist. Hosp.
Litwin Alfred, s. Rafal, b. 1899, 2/lieut(res.), dr. med., Lodz 5 Dist. Hosp.
? Liwin Mejer, s. Izaak &Maria b. 27.12.1906, 2/lieut (res.) inf., Wilno, 1 inf. reg. Legions ; p.o.w. U.S.S.R.- Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov -spring 1940
Liwin Moszek Josek, b. 23.04.1888, lieut (res.), dr. med., Lublin, 2Dist. Hosp.
Liwin Nachum, b. 22.02. 1888, lieut (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Dist. Hosp.
Lochel Henryk, b. Leopold b. 1901, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., Kowel, 6 Dist. Hosp.
Loebel Henryk, s. Zygmunt, b. 1896, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., Przemysl, 10 Dist. Hosp.
Loewenstamm Staislaw, b. 1886, major inf., 21 inf. reg.
Loffel Leopold ,s. Jozef, b. 1903s, 2/lieut (res.), inf., Sanok, 2 inf. reg. 
Lorber Fryderyk, s. Emanuel, b. 1899, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Lwow, 6 Dist. Hosp.
Losch Jzydor,s. Rubin, b. 1896, 2/lieut (res.), Warsaw, 6 transp. Unit Warsaw
? Lothe Noe, b. 19.06.1896, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 3 Dist. Hosp.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkow, spring 1940
Lothringer Dawid, b. 13.12.1888, lieut (res.), dr. med.,Lancut, 10 Dist. Hosp.
Lothringer Jozef Noe, b. 19.03.1890, lieut (res.) inf. Lwow, D.O.C.6
Low Abraham, b. 12.06.1904, 2/lieut (res.) art., Warsaw, 32 l.art. reg.
Low Juliusz, s. Jakub, b. 1898, capt. (res0, dr. med. Czortkow  6 Dist. Hosp.
? Lowenfisch (Lewenfisz) Henryk, b. 31.05.1891, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. 1 Dist. Hosp.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Starobielsk camp-murdered Kharkow spring 1940
Lowenkeck Ignacy, s. Jakub 1890, capt. (res.), dr. med. Lwow, 6 Dist. Hosp.
Lubelski Samuel, b. 19.07.1888, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., Radomsko, 4 Dist. Hosp.
Lubelski Wolf, b. 1906, lieut (res.) pharm. 
Lubetski Wolf Hersz, b. 7.09.1908, 2/lieut (res.) pharmac, Katowice, 8 Dist. Hosp.
Luft Sachar, b. 1.08.1899, 2/lieut (res.) inf., Buczacz, 48 inf. reg.
Luftspringer Samuel, b. 14.12.1887, lieut (res.), dr. med., Sosnowiec,10 Dist. Hosp.
Lustig Baruch, b. 20.09.1891, 2/lieut (res.) inf., dr, Nowy Targ., D. O.C. 5
Luszczyk Mansfeld Boleslaw, b. 21.07 1912, 2/lieut (res.) inf. Jnoworclaw, 59 inf. Reg.
Lutwak Salo, b. 25.09.1893, lieut (res.), dr. med. Kzemieniec, 2 Dist. Hosp.
? Luxemburg Jerzy Edward, b. 14.03.1902, s. Jozef & Eugenia, 2/lieut (res.), dr. stomat. res. cadre,3 Dist. Hosp.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn spring 1940
? Luxenburg (Luxemburg) Stanislaw Leopold, b. 17.02.1903, lieut (res.), dr. med.; 09.1939 intern. Lithuania, shoot dead by Germans in Warsaw 2.02.1943
Machauf Edward, s. Zygmunt b. 20.06.1895, lieut (res.), dr. med., Krakow, res. 5. Dist. Hosp.
? Machauf Marceli, b. 1906, lieut. (res.), dr. med. fell in action 11.09.1939, Felsztyn
? Machenbaum Maks, s. Zelman b. 1906, 2/lieut. (res.), eng., 8 l. art. reg.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov,spring 1940
? Machler Jakub, capt. (res.), fell in action 19.09.1939, Lwow.
Machler Mendel, b. 12.10.1890, capt., (res.) inf. Lodz, 31 inf. reg.
Madel Maurycy, b. 1902, lieut. (res.), eng.
Maffel Mieczyslaw, b. 1897, 2/lieut. (res.), Majer,2/lieut,: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Pawlischew Bor camp. cont: P.A.E.
Magalit Grzegorz, s. Daniel & Laba , b. 31.12.1901, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. 10 Dist. Hosp.
Mager Rafael, b. 10.06.1897, 2/lieut (res.), pharm., Stanislawow, 6 Dist. Hosp.
Mahl Gustaw, s. Maksymilian , b. 11.08.1899, capt. (res.), dr. med. Lwow, 6 Dist. Hosp.
Majblum Jakub, b. 13.10.1910, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., Rawa Ruska, 6 Dist. Hosp.
Majer Antoni, b. 1890, lieut/col., 61 art. reg.
Majtlis Lajzer, b. 16.10.1909, 2/lieut (res.) inf., Bejdzin , 10 inf. reg.
Majzner Nikodem, s. Aleksander b. 1896, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
? Makowski Chaim Henryk, b. 9.09.1888, capt. (res.), dr. med. Kalisz, 2 Dist. Hosp.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kazielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Malawer Salomon, b. 24.10.1896, 2/lieut (res.), dr. Debica; 17 inf. reg. D.O.C.
? Mamelok Adolf Karol, s. Leon b.1909, dr. med.,Warsaw,: p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
? Mandel Samuel Ber, b. 1892, Major, dr. med., 32 inf. reg.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Mandelbaum Jakub, b. 24.01.1897, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., Pinsk , 9 Dist. Hosp.
Manela Jakub, s. Jzrael , b. 28.11.1896, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. admin., Kielce, 10 Dist. Hosp.
Manheimer Abraham, b. 5.10.1891, capt. (res.), dr. med. Stanislawow, 6 Dist. Hosp.
Mantin Josef Izrael Majer, b. 15.08.1888, capt.  (res.), dr. med. , Warsaw, 4 Dist. Hosp.
Mardensztras Wilhelm, s. Mojzesz b.1897, lieut (res.), dr.med, Warsaw 4 Distr. Hosp.
? Marenholc Marian, 2/lieut., O.W.P.P. s.,fell in battle,Warsaw Uprise 30.07. 1944
Margel Maurycy,  s. Leon , b. 29.06.1898, 2/lieut (res.), Lwow, 2 Dist. Hosp.
Margolis Ignacy, s. Izrael b. 1899, lieut (res.), dr. med.,Lodz 4 Distr. Hosp.
Margulies Joachim Markus, b. 11.08.1891, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Grodek Jagielonski, 10 Dist. Hosp.
Margulies Ozyasz, b. 14.07.1898, lieut (res.), dr. med. Lwow, 6 Dist. Hosp.
Margulies Rachmiel, b. 14.05.1883, 2/lieut (res.), pharm., Lwow, 9 Dist. Hosp.
? Margulis Lewi vel Leon, b. 1896 lieut. (res.), cadr. 7 Distr. Hosp.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
? Marjensztein Zdzislaw, s. Ludwik b. 1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dentist, Luck.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov,spring 1940
? Marks Jakub, b. 1900, 2/lieut. (res.), 26 inf. reg.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Markus Waldemer, s. Szymon b. 1913, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 25 inf. reg.
Markusfeld Szyja Abram, b. 1.10.1894, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Warsaw, 2 Dist. Hosp.
Martin Jozef Israel, s. Majer, b. 1888, capt. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Mastbaum Stanislaw, s. Mare k b.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Maszkatenblit Maurycy Jerzy, b. 20.03.1887, lieut (res.), dr. med. Warsaw, 9 Dist. Hosp.
Matfus Izrael, b. 21.02.1877, capt.  (res.), dr. Lwow, D.O.C. 6
Mauer Izydor, s. Jakub b.1994, 2/lieut. (res.), surgeon, Warsaw, 2 Disyr. Hosp
Maybaum Ignacy, s. Gabriela, b. 5.12.1885, lieut (res.), dr. med. Lodz, 4 Dist. Hosp.
Mayer Aloyzy, s. Jakub. b.1894, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 44 inf. reg.
Mayer Dawid, b. 25.03.1898, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Sosnowiec, 10 Dist. Hosp.
Mayer Edmund, s. Jozef b.1891, capt. (res.), dr. med., Jaroslsw, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Mayer Salomon, b. 7.10.1898, lieut (res.), dr. med. Przenysl, 10 Dist. Hosp.
? Medynski (Finkelstein) Wladyslaw, Napoleon, b. 2.08.1892, major (res.), dr.med., inter. Hungery, died in prison Cukuerkvicy 1942
? Medynski vel Finkelstein, s. Izydor b.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Mehlman Joel, b. 11.12.1889, capt. (res.), dr. med. , Lwow, 9 Dist. Hosp.
Mehrer Joachim Jakub, b. 9.12.1887, 2/lieut (res.), inf. Lwow, D.O.C.6
Mehrer Natan, b. 16.03.1899, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 10 Dist. Hosp.
? Meir, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, missing in action 09.1939
Meisel Henryk, s. Mojzesz b. 1894, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, Distr. Hosp.
Meisel Herman, b. 17. 12.1888, lieut (res.), Q.M., D.O.C.1
Meisels Jgnacy (Jzaak Efraim), b. 6.04.1877, 2/lieut (res.), Krakow,  D.O.C. 5
? Meissner Roman, s. Adolf b. 1888, dr. med., Kalisz,: p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Koziels k camp, died 19.02.1939
Melamed Lejb, b. 23.04.1910, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Wilno, 3 Dist. Hosp.
Melcer Ela, b. 24.09.1901, 2/lieut (res.) inf. Barnaowicze, 78 inf. reg.
Meller Jozef, s. Michal b.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., Kolomyja, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Meller Jzrael, b. 28.09.1902, 2/lieut (res.) Lodz, 25 inf. reg.
Meller Natan, b. 28. 07. 1898, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 10 Dist. Hosp., intern. in Hungary
Melodysta Szyja, b. 2.06.1901, 2/lieut (res.) inf. Warsaw,9 inf. reg.  Legions
Melzak Jzrael, b. 22.02.1903, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Warsaw, 8 Dist. Hosp. ,cont. P. A.E., 2 Corps Italy, dÈcor. S. Cr. Merit
Melzak Naftali, b. 1.01.1906, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Warsaw, 4. Dist. Hosp.
Mendelcwajg  Wolf, b. 6.11.1902, lieut (res.), dr. veterin. Swieciany, D.O.C 3
Mendler Feiwel, b. 13.06.1896, lieut (res.), inf., dr. Krakow, D.O.C.5
Menkes Abraham, b. 1.09.1896, capt. (res.), dr. med. Lomza, 3 Dist. Hosp.
Meppen Albert, b.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), med, sevices, Warsaw, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Merlender Jerzy Izydor, b. 1897, lieut. (res.), dr. med., p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Pawlischew Bor camp, cont: P.A.E.
Merlender Michal, s. Majer b.1896 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med, Plock, 20 Distr. Hosp.
? Meryn Henryk, s. Aron Artur b. 1910, 2/lieut. (res.), Czestochowa, p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Mesner Chaim Leib, b. 30.06.1893, capt. (res.),dr. med. Lodz, 4 Dist. Hosp.
Messinger Szamaj Zygmunt, b. 23.11.1892, lieut (res.), dr. med., Wadowivce, 2 Dist. Hosp.
Mesuse Henryk Emanuel, b. 1896, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr Hosp. 
Mesz Dawid (Daniel), b. 16.03.1882, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Warsaw, 1 Dist. Hosp.
Metzger Natan Jozef, b. 11.02.1910, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Lwow, 6 Dist. Hosp.
Miabel Herman, s. Boruch b.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dentist, Warsaw 4 Distr. Hosp.
? Midler Michal, s. Lazar b.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med. Pabjanice.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdere Kharkov, spring 1940
? Mikicinski Miron, b. 4.05.1889, major (res.), Hosp. Olyce, executed by bialorusian police 28.02.1942
Milberg Mojzesz, b. 2.09.1911, 2/lieut (res.) inf. , Warsaw, 76 inf. reg. 
Milejkowski Abraham, b. 25.01.1882, capt. (res.), dr. med. Warsaw, 2 Dist. Hosp.
Miler Mendel, b. 22.08.1900, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Dist. Hosp.
Miller Mojsze, b. 7.08.1898, 2/lieut (res.), admin., san. off., Warsaw, 9Dist. Hosp.
? Milmajer Jakub, s. Dawid b.1892.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Ostaszkov camp, murdered Miednoje, spring 1940
Mincberg Izaak, b. 14.04.1900, lieut (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Dist. Hosp.
Mirabel Hersz Icchak, b. 23.03.1898, lieut (res.), dr. med. Warsaw, 4 Dist. Hosp.
Mirecki Rubin, b. 1909, 2/lieut. (res.), inf. 55 inf.reg.
Mischel Samuel, b. 30.09.1899, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., Drohobycz, 10 Dist. Hosp.
Mises Oskar, b. 1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf, Lwow, 53 inf. reg.
Mitterlstedt Daniel Maurycy, b. 21.04.1899, 2/lieut (res.) inf. Konske, 4 inf. reg.Legions 
Mizrachi Fajwel, b. 1.06.1908, 2/lieut (res.), inf. Lomza, D.O.C.1
Mlot Chaim, b. 10.17.1912, 2/lieut (res.) inf., Wilejka, D.O.C. 3
Modlinger Jerzy Maurycy, 2/lieut. (res.), inf.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Pawlischew Bor camp, cont: P.A.E.
? Mogielnicki Tadeusz, b. 1979, capt. (res.), dr. med. Lodz.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Mohr Bronislaw, s. Dawid b. 1889, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Nowy Sacz, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Mohr Marian, s. Dawid b. 1895. lieut. (res.), dr, med., Nowy Sacz,5 Distr. Hosp
Moldau Samuel, b. 17.10.1886, capt. (res.), dr. med. Lwow, 6 Dist. Hosp.
Moldauer Izydor, s. Bernard b. 1895, 2/lieut. (res.), inf, Stryj, 6 inf. reg.
Molkner Wladyslaw, s. Becher b. 1899, capt. (res.), dr. med., Bochnia, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Mond Bernard, s. Maurycy major general, b. 1887, command. 6 inf. div., Krakow, p.o.w. German-Oflag
Monis Juliusz, s. Jozef b. 1891, lieut (res.), Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Monwez Markus, s. Gabriel b. 1897. 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Konin, 7 Distr. Hosp.
? Morgulis, Lewi Leon, s. Pejsach & Jeni, lieut (res.); p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Kozielsk camp, murdered in Katyn spring 1940
Mosenkis Moses, b. 14. 01, 1898, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Warsaw, 9 Dist. Hosp. cont., P.A.E., 2 Corps, Italy
? Moser Leopold, b. 1898, lieut. inf., 2 highl. inf. reg.,: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murfered Katyn, spring 1940
? Moszkowicz Julian Izydor, s. Mojzesz .b.1889, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med. p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov,spring 1940
Motteches Jozef, b. 1892, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Przemysl, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Mozelman Chuna, b. 5.11.1896, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Warsaw 9 Dist. Hosp.
Mozes Mojzesz, b. 3.12.1909, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Warsaw, 1 Dist. Hosp. cont., P.A.E., 2 Corps.
Muhlberg Leib, b. 12.04.1901, 2/lieut (res.) inf., Nisko, 3 inf. reg. legions
Munwicz Markus, b. 18.17.1897, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Konin, 4 Dist. Hosp.
Muskatenblit Wolf Leib, b. 22.03.1896, 2/lieut (res.) dr. med. Tarnow 10 Dist. Hosp., intern. in Hungary
Muskatenbluth Fiszel, b. 1.09.1894, 2/lieut (res.) inf., Lwow, D.O.C. 6
Muszkat Salomon, b. 19.09.1904, 2/lieut (res.), inf., Warsaw, 71 inf. reg.
Muszkat Samuel, b. 11.02.1902, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Warsaw, 9 Dist. Hosp.
Muszkatenblit Maurycy Jerzy, b. 1897, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.
? Mutermilch Jan, lieut (res.), dr. med.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov spring 1940
Mutz Juliusz Aleksander, s. Eljasz b. 1901, 2/lieut. (res.), med. admin., 6 Distr. Hosp. 
Nachman Pinkas, b.1907, 2/lieut. (res.), Lwow
Nachtman Zygmunt, 1890, lieut. (res.), dr. med, Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Nadel Chaim Jechezkiel, b. 1892, lieut. (res.), dr. med.,Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Nadel Ignacy, b.1907, 2/lieut. (res.)., dr. med.,Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp. 
Nadel Rudolf, b.1892, lieut. (res.), med. ass., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Nadel Zygmunt, s. Sanit b. 1888, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Nagiel Samuel, b. 1901, 2/lieut. (res.), Przemysl, 38 inf. reg.
Nagler Mojzesz, b. 1902, 2/lieut.(res.), inf., Stryj, 53 inf. reg.
? Najburg Rubin Mojzesz,  p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp,murdered Katyn, spring 1940
? Nanczynski Eugenjusz, s. Edmund. b. 1903, lieut. (res.), dr. med.: p.o.w U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, mrdered Katyn,spring 1940.
Narzissenfeld Jakub, b. 1893, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, 49 inf. reg
Nasielsk Szaja Abram, b. 1907, 2/lieut., san. cadre, Malkinia, 7 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Pawlischew Bor camp. cont: Anders Army, P.A.E., 2 Corps-Italy
Nass Salomon, b.1890, lieut. (res.), dr. med. 6 Distr. Hosp.
Natanson Wladyslaw, b. 1898, 2/lieut. (res.)., med. ass., Warsaw, 10 Distr. Hosp,
Nathanson Maurycy, b .1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Przemysl, 10 Distr. Hosp.
? Nelken Jan Wladislaw, b. 1878, colonel (ret.), dr. med.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
? Nelken Samuel, b. 1906, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 27 inf. reg,: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
? Neugebauer Kazimierz, s. Edmund b. 1903, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Neuman Henryk, s. Leon b. 1885, capt. (res.), dr. med., Tarnow, 5 Distr. Hosp.
? Neumann Juliusz, s. Zygmunt b. 1903, lieut. (res.),: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov,spring 1940
Neumann Kuno Artur, b.1886, 2/lieut (res.), inf., Lodz, 31 inf. reg
Nikielburg Abram, b.1910, 2/lieut (res.), inf., Lodz, 25 inf. reg.
Nikielburg Aron, b.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Norwid Neugebauer Mieczyslaw Feliks, b. 1889, lieut general (prof.)
Nurflus Berek, b.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 15 inf. reg.
? Nusbaum Jozef, s. Jankiel b.1891, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp
? Nusbaum Maksymiljan, s. Jakub b. 1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med, Warsaw.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn,sprimg 1940
Nuss Efraim, b.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), inf. Kamionka Strum., 23 inf. reg  Lwow
Nussbaum Mojzesz, b. 1885, 2/lieut (res.), pharm. 6 Distr. Hosp.
Nussbaum Nachman, b. 1904, 2/lieut. (res.), sapper, Warsaw, electr. t. bat.
Nussdorf Emanuel, s. Fischel b.1905, 2/lieut. (res.) inf., Lwow, 38 inf. reg.
? Nussenbaum Markus, b. 1902, lieut (res.), inf.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Starobielsk camp,murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Nussenblat Leon Izaak, b. 191?, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Kolomyja, 6 Distr. Hosp.
? Oberlender Aleksander, s. Markus, b. 1894, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Tarnow : p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Ochs Bernard, s. Nuchim, b. 1890, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm. Tarnopol, 10 Distr. Hosp., intern. in Hungary
Ochsenberg Joachim, s. Lazar, b. 1894, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Przemysl, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Olejnik Jozef Leib, b. 1900, 2/lieut. (res.), Rowno, 45 inf. reg.
Opalowski Eliezer, b.1908, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Radom, 72 inf. reg.
Opatowski Ezwiel, b. 1908, 2/lieut, (res.), Nowy Sacz, 1 highland inf. reg.
? Oppenheim Benjamin, b. 1897, dr. dentist, field hosp.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp,murdrerd Katyn, spring 1940
? Oppenheim Benjamin, b. 1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, fell in action, 09.1939.
Orlowski Samuel Ber, .b.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), Lomza, 33 inf. reg.
Orstman Mojzesz, b. 1900, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Tarnow, D.O.C. 5
Ortner Szymon, b. 1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Grodek Jagielonski,10 Distr. Hosp.
? Osnos Zalman Jakub, b. 1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Grodzisk, 1 Distr. Hosp: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Ost Emanuel, s. Szulim b. 1909. 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., Lwow, 53 inf. reg.
? Ostrajch Marian, s. Karol b. 1909, lieut.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov,spring 1940
Ottenbreit Heenryk, b. 1895, major, dr. med., 16 Inf. Division 
? Owczarek Aleksander, s. Mordek 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., 9 Distr. Hosp.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Pacanower Samuel, b. 1891, lieut. (res.), art., Krakow, D.O.C 5
Pacanower Samuel, b. 1894, lieut, (res.), inf., Warsaw, 15 inf. reg.
Pain Efraim, b.1885, lieut.(res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
? Pajchel Mieczyslaw, Leon s.Jan b.1890, lieut (res.), Dr. med., 5 Distr. Hosp., Sosnowiec, 27 inf. reg.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
? Pajewski Zygmunt, (Zelig), vel Mozes, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Palek Izaak Wolf, b. 1902, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 10 Distr. Hosp
Panzer Maurycy Bernard, b.1899, 3/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Kalusz, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Pap Izaak, b.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 7 inf. reg. legions
? Papp Leon, s. Mendel b. 1901, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., 3 Distr. Hosp.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Passenstejn Mojsze, b. 1900, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 82 inf. reg.
Pasternak Abraham, b. 1887, lieut. (res.), signal, Stanislawow, D.O.C.6
Pastor Szymon, b. 1897, 2/lieut. (res.), surgeon, Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp
Pawliger Leon, b. 1886, capt. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 5 Distr. Hosp.
? Pecha Henryk, s. Karol b. 1892, major (prof.), dr. med., Warsaw, ;p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Peisach Mendel, b. 1923, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, 51 inf. reg.
Peisser Ryszard, s. Jerzy b.1899, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Poznan, 7 Distr. Hosp,
Peitrer Zygmunt, s. Maurycy b. 1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Rzeszow, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Pelc Mojzesz, b. 1888, capt. (res.), dr. med., Kielce. 10 Distr. Hosp.
Peller Maurycy Ludwik, b. 1894, lieut. (res.), surgeon, Lwow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
? Peltys Jerzy, s. Adolf b. 1901, 2/lieut.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Penner Izydor, b. 1896, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Penzor Israel, 1897, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
? Perec Hilary, s. Zisiej b. 1909, lieut, (res.), laweyr, 7 inf. reg.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Perelman Benjamin, b. 1904, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Perelman Chanam, b.1910, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Wilno, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Perelman Elja, b. 1899, 2/lieut, (res.), dr. med. Warsaw, 10 Distr, Hosp.
Perelmuter Janusz Szyja, b. 1893, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Zamosc,; p.o.w. U.S.S.R.; cont. P.A.E.-2 Corps.
Perelmuter Mordechaj, b. 1908, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Zamosc, 2 Distr. Hosp,
Perelsztein Jakub, b.1908, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Wilno, 1 inf. reg. legions
Perlis Efim, b. 1887, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Brest/B, 9 Distr. Hosp.
? Perlitz Zygmunt, s. Ignacy b. 1903, capt. (res.). p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
? Pess David, b. 1890, capt., dr. med., 201 art. reg.,: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Pfister Sergiusz Julian, b. 1894, capt., 3 bat. 4 Highland inf. reg.
? Piatnicki Dawid, s. Michal b. 1889, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lomza, 9 Distr. Hoso.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Pilpel Mozes, b. 1905, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Kolomyja 49 inf. reg.
Pineles Herman, b.1898, 2/lieut, (res,) inf., Lwow, 44 inf. reg.
Pineles Markus, b. 1894, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Stanislawow, 51 inf. reg
Pineles Michal, s. Tobiasz b.1894, lieut. (res.), ass. dr. med., Stryj, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Pines Ignacy, s. Neach b.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med.,Warsaw, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Pinskier Aleksander, s. Szymon b. 1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Stanislawow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Piorko Pinchus, 1906, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz,31 inf. reg. 
? Pircel Mieczyslaw, 2/lieut., dr. med., p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Pliskin Berek, b.1908, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Wilno, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Plockier Leon, b.1888, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Plonskier Moryc Markus, b.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Distr.Hosp.
Pomeranz Filip, s. Jozef b. 1890, capt. (res.), dr. med. Brzezany, 9 Distr. Hosp
Pomper Jakub Janusz, s. Michal b. 1895, capt. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
? Ponarski Mojzesz, sgt. cad/off.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
? Poswolski (Pozwolski) Jakub, s. Mordechaj b. 1897, 2 lieut. (res.).: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
? Potascher Ignacy, s. Eliasz b. 1892, lieut.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
? Poznanski Leon, s. Fryderyk, b.1889, lieut. (res.), 31 inf. reg.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp,murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Praszower Wladyslaw, s. Adolf b. 1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 3 Distr. Hosp.
? Press Dawid, s. Herman b. 1890 Lwow, capt. (prof.), dr. veter., 20 l. art. reg. ., disp. Ministry mil. affairs; p.o.w U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Pressman Izaak, b. 1889, capt. (res.), dr. med., Suwalki, 3 Distr.Hosp.
? Proner Mieczyslaw, Julian s. Maurycy, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Prower Emanuel Karol, b. 1911, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Katowice, 73 inf. reg.
Prutman Salomon, b. 1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Pruzanski Bunim, b. 1911, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Pawlischew Bor camp
Prywes Judka Lejb, b.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 6 inf. reg.leg.
Przedborski Samuel, s. Henryk, b. 1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., eng., Warsaw, 71 inf.reg., p.o.w. 49178, Offlag II C
Puterman Abram Lejb, b. 1900, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 1 inf. reg. leg.
? Puterman Lejb, s. Aron Majer b. 1903, 2/lieut (res.): p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Qual Abraham, b. 1890, lieut. (res.), sapper, Jaroslaw, 5 sap. bat., intern. in Hungary
Rabach Mojzesz, b. 1890, capt. (res.), dr. med., Sambor, 10 Distr. Hosp., intern. in Hungary
? Rabiner Emanuel Emil, b. 1907, 2/lieut. (res.), eng., Warsaw; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Rabinowicz Mejer, b. 1906, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Nowogrodek, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Rabinowicz Bronislaw, b. 1907, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, Distr.Hosp.,
Rabinowicz Icchok, b. 1911, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Konin, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Rabinowicz Izaak, b. 1881, capt. (res.), dr. med. Ostrowiec, 10 Distr. Hosp.
? Rabinowicz Jerzy, cad./off, killed in action 17.09.1939 Warsaw, bur Stare Babice
Rabinzon Ruwi, b. 1908, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
? Radzyminski Luba, 2/lieut. (res.), 2 caval, div., killed in action, september 1939
Raiport Zelman, b. 1888, capt. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
? Rafalowski Leopols, s. Hersz, b. 1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Rajche lIsaj, b. 1905, 2/lieut (res.), inf.,Wilno, 86 inf. reg.
Rajchnudel Majer Nojech, b.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), art., eng., Piotrkow 1 h. art. reg.
? Rajgrodzki Norbert, s. Maria b.1899, capt. (res.), dr. med., san. train: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Rajman Pesach, b. 1895, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Rajnold Artur, b. 1908, 2/lieut. (res.), inf.,Warsaw, 81 inf. reg.
? Rajszys (Reischys) Ryszard, s. Boleslaw, b. 1901, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Rajzman Abram, b.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Czestochowa, 3 Distr. Hosp.
? Rak Aleksander, b. 1914, 2/lieut. (res.), 86 inf. reg., killed in action september 1939
Rakow Abraham, b.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), dr.med., Brest/B, 9 Distr. Hosp
Rakow Hirsz, b.1909, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Brest/B, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Rakower Jozef Israel, b. 1913, 2/lieut.(res.), inf., Krakow,17 inf.reg.
Rakowski Herszko, b. 1889, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 29 inf. reg.
Rakowski Zygmunt Simcha, s. Jakub .1896, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp
Rapaport Bernard, b. 1892, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Rapaport Jakub, b.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, D.O.C. 6
? Rapoport Mejer, b. 1910, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 29 inf. reg., killed in action 10.09.1939
Rapaport Salo, b.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), M.P.,Lwow
Rapaport Zelman, b.1888, capt. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Rath Menasze, b. 1888, lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, D.O.C.5
Ratz Jozef, b. 1899, lieut. (res.), dr. med, Przemysl, 10 Distr. Hosp.
? Rauch Herman Cyryl, b. 1908, lieut. (res.), killed in action 12.0.1939
Rauchberger Fryderyk, b.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 9 Distr. Hosp.
? Raw (Rab) Stanislaw, s. David b. 1900, capt., border guard; p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Ostaszkow camp, murdered Meidnoje, spring 1940
? Rawicki Benedykt Benjamin, b. 1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 31 inf. reg.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Rawicz Dawid, b.1886, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Rayman Pejsach, b. 1895, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med.,Warsaw,10 Distr. Hosp.
? Rebhan Izaak Jakub, b. 1891, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Rebhun Izaak, b. 1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Rechtszaft Ozjasz, b. 1891, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Bedzin, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Redel Dawid, b. 1885, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Redkowski Menasze Karol, b. 1887, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, D.O.C. 5
Redner Marek, b. 1898, lieut. (res.)., Lwow, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Regensteif Leon, b. 1899, lieut. (res.), inf.
Regirer Aleksander, b. 188, capt. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Reich Bronislaw, s. Bernard b.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
? Reich Karol, b. 1892, lieut. (res.), dr. med. 5 distr. Hosp.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Reich Ryszard Izydor, s. Samuel b.1887, capt. (res.), dr. med., 4 Distr. Hosp
? Reich Zdzislaw, s. Samuel b. 1880, capt. (res.), dr. med. Warsaw, 10 Distr. Hosp.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Reich Zygmunt, s. Herman b. 1885, capt. (res.), dr. med., Bielsko, 10 Distr. Hosp.
? Reichenberg Gwido Arnold, b. 1892, major art., 51 art. reg.:p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Reichman Pinkus, b. 1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 10 Distr. Hosp.
? Reimann Edmund, b. 1919. 2/lieut., 39 inf. reg., killed in action 18.09.1939
Reincharz Chaim, b.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 28 inf. reg.
Reisner Dawid, b. 1895, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Reiss Ernst, s. Oskar b. 1895, lieut. (res.) inf., Warsaw, 34 inf. reg.
? Reiss (Reise) Jozef, s. Samuel, b. 1907. 2/lieut., eng.,  Zloczow.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Reitman Meszulim, b. 1907, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, 19 inf. reg.
Rejder Icek, b. 1907, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 8 Distr. Hosp.
? Rettinger Stefan, b. 1894, lieut. dr. med., 12 uhlan reg.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Richtman Dawid, b. 1896, lieut. (res.), inf., Bielsko, D.O.C. 5
Rinel Maurycy, b. 1893, lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, 39 inf. reg
Ringelblum Salomon, b. 1898, 2/lieut.(res.), inf., Kolomyja, 49 inf. reg. 
Ritter Samuel, b. 1899, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., 5 Distr. Hosp.
Robinson Samuel Bernard, b. 1891, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
? Rogatyner (Rohatyner) Oskar (Oswald Leo), b. 1897, lieut. inf. (res.), Dobromil, murdered by Ukrainian N.K.V.D.
? Rogozinski Jerzy, s. Jozef, b. 1884, major, dr. med., Warsaw; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
? Rogozinski Mieczyslaw s. Roman, b. 1910, lieut (res.); p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Rohatiger Oswald Leo, b. 1897, capt. (res.), inf., Lwow, D.O.C. 6
Rojzen Boruch, b. 1906, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Kowel, 50 inf. reg.
? Romajski Zygmunt, s. Zachariass b. 1912, 2/lieut.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Roman Israel, b. 1892, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med.,Warsaw, 9 Distr.Hosp.
Romer Majet, b .1903, 2/lieut. (res.), army serv, column, Wloclawek
Rosch Zygmunt, s. Jozef b. 1904, 2/lieut. (res.), dr . med., Lwow, 4 Distr. Hosp. 
Rosemberg Ludwik Bruno, s. Filip,b.1892, capt. (res.), Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Rosen Jakub, s. Stanislawa b.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dentist, Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Rosen Samuel, b.1885, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lublin,2 Distr.Hosp.
Rosenbaum Karol, b. 1897, lieut. (res.), med. admin., Krakow, 10 Distr. Hosp. 
? Rosenbaum Ludwik, s. Icek, b. 1900, 2/lieut. (res.); p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Rosenbaum Tauchen Benjamin, b. 1906, 2/lieut, (res.), inf., Kalisz,29 inf. reg.
Rosenberg Abraham, b. 1904, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Sanok, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Rosenberg Aleksander, s. Maurycy b. 1895, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
? Rosenberg Herman, b. 1883, capt. inf. (res.), V Mil. Distr.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Rosenberg Icek, b. 1903, 2/lieut (res.), sapper., Kalisz, 7 sapper. bat
? Rosenberg Jozef, b. 1897, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., Rawa Ruska, 6 Distr. Hosp.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
? Rosenberg (Rozenberg) Jozef Marceli, s. Ester b. 1898, 2/lieut. art. (res.), 1 1.art.reg.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
? Rosenberg (Rozenberg) Jozef, b. 1891, lieut. (res.), dr. med., 6 Distr. Hosp.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Srarobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Rosenberg Pinkus, b. 1894, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
? Rosenberg Rudolf Jozef, b. 1895, capt. art., 8 h. art. reg., p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
? Rosenberg Stanislaw Zygmunt, b. 1887; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Rosenblat Jona Baruch, b.1896, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Rosenblatt Izak Salomon, b. 1892, lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, D.O.C.6
Rosenblatt Leon, b. 1892, lieut. (res.), art., Lodz, 4 l. art. reg.
Rosenbluth Zygmunt, s. Edward .1893, capt. (res.), dr. med., Czortkow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Rosenfeld Hugo, s. Ignacy b. 1893, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Zywiec, 5 Distr. Hosp.
? Rosengart Aleksander, s. Leon b. 1889, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, Distr. Hosp.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Rosenman Abraham, b. 1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, dr. 20 inf. reg
Rosenman Lejba, b. 1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krasnik, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Rosenman Wilhelm, b. 1897, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Stanislawow, 43 inf. reg.
Rosental Otton, s. Karol b. 1887, capt. (res.), dr. med. Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Rosenzweig Abraham Marek, b. 1897, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., dr., D.O.C. 6
Rosenzweig Feiwel, b. 1898, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, D.O.C. 5
Rosenzweig Henryk Naftali, b. 1882, capt. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Rosner Abraham Jakub, b.11898, lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, D.O.C. 5
Rosner Henryk, b. 1913, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., enginéer
Rosner Samuel, b. 1894, lieut. (res.), commissar., Krakow, ministry
Rosyner Chaim, b. 1892, 2/lieut, (res.), dr. med., Lublin, 2 Distr.
? Roszkowski Jerzy Jozef, b. 1895, capt. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Rotbalsam Izrael, b. 1909, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw,1 Distr. Hosp.
Rotberg Samuel, b. 1882, ma jor, (res.), dr. med., Bialystok, 3 Distr. Hosp.
? Rotenberg Mieczyslaw Jan, s. Szlomo b. 1909, s/lieut. (res.), 2 inf. reg.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
? Roth Naftali, b. 1895, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Stanislawow, 10 Distr. Hosp.: cont. Anders Army, died in sevice 20. 08. 1942, Pahlevi, Iraq.
Rothaub Zygmunt, s. Maurycy b. 1886, capt. (res.), dr. med., Wloclawek, 8 Distr. Hosp.
Rothbach Arnold Edward, b. 1891, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Kamionka Strumilowa, 2 Distr .Hosp.
Rothenberg Aron, b. 1897, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., Drohobycz, D.O.C.8
Rothenberg Salomon, b. 1887, capt. (res.), sapper, Bielsko, 5 sapp. bat.
Rothfeld Jakub, b. 1884, major (res.), dr. med.,Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Rothfeld Wiktor Dawid, b. 1893, lieut. (res.), inf., Drohobycz, 5 h. inf. reg.
Rothman Samuel, b.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Nowy Sacz, 10 Distr Hosp.
Rothstein Jakub, b.1899, lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, 48 inf. reg.
Rottenstreich Kalman, b. 1893, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, D.O.C 5
Rozaner Hersz, b.1887, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, D.O.C. 6
? Rozanski Edward, s. Jakub b. 1906, 2/lieut.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Rozen Aron, b. 1902, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 31 inf. reg.
Rozen Mordka, b. 1891, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Czestochowa, 4 Distr. Hosp.
? Rozen Samuel vel Stanislaw, b. 1885, caotain (res.), dr. med., Lublin, 2 Distr. Hosp.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Rozenbaum Benjamin, b. 1904, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Kolomyja, 49 inf. reg.
Rozenbaum Benjamin, b.1908, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Jaslo, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Rozenbaum Natan Feliks, b. 1905, 2/lieut. (res.) inf., Warsaw, 34 inf. reg.
? Rozenberg (Rosenberg) Herman Szymon, b. 1883, capt. inf. (res.) Zywiec, murdered by Ukrainian N.K.V.D.  1940
? Rozenberg Izydor, s. Wolf b. 1900, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., 9 Distr. Hosp.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Rozenberg Jerzy, s. Wladyslaw b. 1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Rozenberg Mojzesz, Aron b. 1907, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lublin, 44 inf. reg.
Rozenberg Natan, b. 1901, 2/lieut. (res.) inf., Warsaw, 7 inf. reg. Legions
Rozenberg Stanislaw s. Zygmunt, b.1897, lieut.(res.), art.,Warsaw,26 l. art. reg.
Rozenberg Wolf, b. 1903, 2/lieut. (res.), art., eng., Warsaw, 3 l. art. reg.
Rozenberg Zelik, b. 1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Piotrkow, 7 Distr. Hosp.
Rozenberger Ksyel Zalman, b. 1908, 2/lieut. (res.), inf.,Warsaw, 83 inf. reg.
? Rozenblat Ernst, 2/lieut, 60 inf. reg., killen in action 17.09.1939 Krzywagora
Rozenblatt Markus, b. 1903, 2/lieut.(res.), art., Lodz, 16 l. art. reg.
? Rozental Salomon, cad/off, killed in action 28.09.1939, Minsk Maz
Rozenfeld Izaak, b. 1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 3 Distr. Hosp.
? Rozenfeld Izaak, s. Eliasz b. 1897, 2/lieut. (res.),: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Rozenfeld Szyja, b. 1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 18 inf. reg.
? Rozengarten Samuel, b. 1902, 2/lieut. (res.), art., Warsaw,18 l. art. reg.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940 
Rozenowicz Eleazar, b. 1906, 2/lieut. (res.), inf, Warsaw, 18 inf. reg.
Rozental Benjamin, b. 1889, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp
Rozental Dawid Szymon, b. 1893, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Kalisz, 7 Distr. Hosp.
Rozental Izaak, b. 1898, lieut, (res.), dr. med. Warsaw., 2 Distr. Hosp.
? Rozental Izaak Ignacy, s. Ezjasz b. 1897, lieut. (res.),: p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
? Rozental Michal Mojzesz, s. Mendel, capt. (res.), dr. med., killed in action september 1939
? Rozental Salomon, cad/off, killed in action 16.9.1939, Minsk Maz.
Rozental Temor, s. Eliasz b. 1902, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 34 inf. reg.
Rozenwein Dawid Tadeusz, b. 1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med.,Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Rozenwein Tadeusz Dawid, b. 1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dentist, Pinczow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
? Rozenzweig Alexsander, b. 1890, lieut inf. (res.), 4 mil. Distr., Lodz; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Rozenzwaig Dawid ,b. 1885, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Rozin Abraham, b. 1902, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Krzemieniec, 43 inf. reg.
? Rubiner Emanuel, s. Maurycy b. 1907, 2/lieut. (res.), eng.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
? Rubinfeld Maurycy, s. Adolf b. 1886, lieut. (res.), admin. services, Warsaw; p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Rubinfeld Mojzsz, b. 1888, capt. (res.), dr. med., Sanok, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Rubinrot Mieczyslaw, s. Jan b. 1896, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Rubinstein Feliks, b. 1898, 2/lieut. (res.), med. ass., Lwow, 6. Distr. Hosp.
? Rubinstein Israel Michal (Chaim), b. 1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Rubinsztajn Benedykt Borys, b. 1889, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med. Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Rubinsztein Izrael Chaim, b. 1903, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Bialystok, 3 Distr. Hosp.
? Rubinsztein Jerzy, b. 1891, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med. Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.: p.o.w. U,S. s.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Rubinsztein Jozef, b.1891, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Grodno, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Rubinsztein Mojzesz Mordka, b. 1899, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med. Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Rubinsztejn Szmul, b. 1907, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 36 inf. reg.
? Rubisch Jozef, s. Szymon b. 1895, lieut. (res.), dentist, Rzeszow, 10 Distr. Hosp.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Rudner Zachariasz, b. 1897, capt. (res.), dr. med., Nisko, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Rumeld Karol, s. Herman b. 1899, 2/lieut. (res/), dr. med. Warsaw, 10 Distr. Hosp.
? Rybus Mieczyslaw Jozef, b. 1894, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lodz; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Ryczke Ajzyk, b. 1905, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 7 inf. reg Legions.
? Rylski Czeslaw, s. Edward & Rachel b. 1912, 2/lieut. art. (proff.0, 22 1.art. reg.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
? Ryngras (Ringak) Wolf, s. Mojzesz b. 1896, 2/lieut.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Ryszka Emanuel Ludwik, b.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Katowice, 73 inf. reg.
Rywlin Jakub, b.1895, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Rzeczynski Fiszel, b.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), art.,Warsaw, 1 l. art. reg.
Sacharuk Mojsiej, b.4.09.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, 20 inf. reg.
? Sachs Alfred, b. 1910, lieut. (res.), 29 inf. reg., killed in action 09.1039, Warsaw
Sachs Dawid, b.11. 06. 1898, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, D.O.C. 5
Sack Edward, s. Gerszon b. 1891, capt. (res.), dr. med., Przemysl,10 Distr. Hosp.
? Sadokierski Izaak Jakub Jerzy, b. 1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Anders Army, died 4.12.1944 Palestine.
Safier Jaroslaw, s. Israel b.1890, surgeon, Stryj, 6 Distr. Hosp.
? Safira (Schapira) Mozes, s. Jona 1912, 2/lieut. (res.) inf.; p.o.w.,murdered by Ukrainian N.K.V.D.
Salamon Frydekin, b. 20. 2. 1905, 2/lieut. (res.), inf, Lwow, 40 inf. reg.
Salamon Jan, b. 1910, pharm. Central san. stores
Salomon Samson, b.1. 06 1896, lieut. (res.), dr., Krakow, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Salzman Henryk, s .Joachim b.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
? Sandauer Aleksander, s. Otto b.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Sandhaus Izrael, 14. 02. 1892, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Debica, 10 Distr. Hosp. 
Sandhaus Samuel, b. 21.12.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 76 inf. reg.
Sandmejer (Zandmejer) Mieczyslaw, s. Leon b. 1896, 2/lieut. (res.), surgeon, Lodz, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Saper Abram Leon, b. 23.07.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), Sosnowiec, 11 inf. reg.
Sapira Efraim, b.10.09.1911, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 42 inf. reg.
Sattler Joachim, s. Abraham b. 1884, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw. 9 Distr. Hosp.
Sawczyc Fiszel, b. 1909, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Brest/Bug, 9 Distr. Hosp
? Sawicki Witold, s. Julian b. 1905, 2/lieut. (res.),; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Schachter Henryk, s. Haiim b. 1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Pinsk,9 Distr. Hosp.
Schachter Juda Leib, b. 21.01.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), sapper, Lwow, D.O.C.6
Schaffer Emanuel, b. 12.12.1895, lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, 40 inf. reg.
? Schalenberg Eliasz, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med.,: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camo, murdered Katyn,spring 1940
Schapira Moses, b. 1.04.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 7 inf. reg. Leg.
Schapp Salomon, b. 20.01.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), art., Drohobycz, 24 l. art.
? Scharchaft Dawid(?), p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Schargel Dawid Herman, b. 21.06.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), dr., Lwow, 40 inf. reg.
Schargel Nachman, b. 16.11.1892, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, D.O.C. 6
Schargel Zygmunt, s. Samuel b.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Swieciany, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Scheer Abraham, b. 1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow., 10 Distr. Hosp.
Scheer Dawid Marek, b. 7.02. 1893, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, 38 inf. reg.
Scheer Mojzesz, b. 1897, lieut. (res.), dr.med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp, intern. in Hungary
Scheeweiss Izaak, b. 1895, 2/lieut. (res.), san. admin., Rzeszow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Schein Izaak, b. 24.11.1894, lieut. (res.), Krakow,20 inf. reg.
Scheinman Maurycy, s. Benjamin b. 1889, lieut. (res.), admin., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Schenkel Ecechel, b. 18.08.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf. Lwow,18 inf. reg.
Schenker Emanuel, s. Mojzesz b. 1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Grodek Jagiellonski, 10 Distr Hosp.
Schenker Izaak, b. 1886, capt. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Schenker Seweryn, s. Salomon b. 1898, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lask, 5 Distr, Hosp.
Scheps Maurycy, s. Jakub, 05.03.1891 Lwow,  capt. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 2 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w. 06.10.1939, Ofllag II a
Scher Karol, s. Szymon b. 1902, 2/lieut. (res.), inf, Tarnopol,54 inf. reg.
Scherman Benedykt, s. Marek b.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Wilno, 3 Distr. Hosp.
? Scherman Ludwik, b.1904, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., died in service 09.1939
? Schimel Szymon, s. Ozjasz b. 25.03.1891, 2/lieut.(res.), dr. med., 6 Distr. Hosp.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Schimmer Seweryn, s. Leon b.1893, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Wadowice, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Schlachet Herman, s. Dawid b. 1906, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., Nowy Sacz, 5 Distr. Hosp.
? Schlafenberg Maurycv Henryk, s. Filip b. 1893, major (res.), Lwow.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Schlager Leon, s. Israel b. 1891, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Schleicher Maksymilian, s. Bernard, b. 1891, capt. (res.), dr. med., Siedlce, 9 Distr. Hosp.
? Schliesberg Juliusz, s. Ilia b. 1907, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Schmelkes Leo, b. 15.06.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm. Krakow, 5 Distr. Hosp. 
Schnaper Samuel, b. 21.02.1909, 2/lieut. (res.), art., Lwow, 5 l. art. reg.
Schnéebaum Maurycy, s. Juliusz b. 1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med, Jaroslaw, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Schnéebaum Jozef, b. 1894, lieut. (res.), inf., Jaroslaw, 3 h. land inf. reg.
Schnéeweiss Maurycy, s. Szymon b. 1896, 2/lieut. (res.), Rzeszow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Schneider Lazarz, b. 09.11.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Kolomyja, 6 Distr.Hosp.
Schnitzer Samuel, b.11.05.1898, lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, D.O.C. 5.
Schnitzer Samuel, b. 11.05.1898, lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, 12 inf. reg
Schnur Samuel, b. 8.03.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Katowice, D.O.C. 5.
Schoenman Hipolit, s. Henryk b. 1889, lieut. (res.), dr. med. Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Schonfeld Norbert, s. Aleksander b. 1886, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lublin, 2 Distr. Hosp,
Schongut Szymon, s. Joachim b.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Wadowice, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Schonhaut Jozef, b. 1899, 2/lieut. (res.), eng., 12 inf. div.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Pawlisczew Bor camp,: P.A.E.
Schor Kalman, b. 20.07.1896, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Piotrkow,5 Distr. Hosp.
Schor Leon, s. Maurycy b. 1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Bochnia, 9 Distr. Hosp.
? Schor Otto, b. 20.03.1894, lieut. (res.), dr. med., perished Getto Pruchnik
Schorr Otto, s. Leon, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Zloczow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
? Schrage Ignacy, s. Leon 1898, major, 2 h. art. reg., arrested in Lwow, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Schrager Abraham, b. 7.02.1894, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Kaaowice, 3 inf. reg.
Schreier Dawid, b. 28.09.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, D.O.C.6.
Schrejer Izrael, b. 9.09.1893, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Rowne, 50 inf. reg.
Schrenzel Ludwik, s. Samuel b. 1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Stryj, 10 Distr Hosp.
Schrenzel Oskar, s. Marek b. 14.04.1896, lieut. (res.), inf., Tarnow, 1 inf. reg.
? Schrenzel Stanislaw Alfred, s. Herman b. 1908, 2/lieut, pharm., perished in action
? Schulman Jozef Mozes, s. Israel, b. 3.02.1893, capt. (res.), surgeon, Hrubieszow, 2 Distr. Hosp. p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Schuster vel Szuster Zygmunt, b. 1898, 2/lieut. (res.), inf.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Pawlischew Bor camp.: P.A.E.
Schutz Maks, s. Sydonia b. 1895, capt. (res.)., dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Schutzer Mordko, b. 18.04.1881. lieut. (res.), Stryj, D.O.C. 7.
Schutzer Mordko Marceli, b. 1887, 2/lieut, dr. med., 406 field hosp.
Schwadron Maurycy, s. Salomon b. 1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 8 Distr. Hosp.
Schwalbe Henryk, s. Gustaw b. 1893, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Wielun. 4 Distr. Hosp.
Schwalbendorf Emanuel, b. 1895, lieut. (res.), inf. Warsaw, 36 inf. reg.
? Schwarsinger Jozef, b. 1912, 2/lieut. (res.), 24 l. art. reg., killed in action 15.09.1939            
Schwartz Henryk, s. Rachmiel b. 1895, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Rowne, 2 Distr, Hosp.
Schwartz Marek, b. 1890, capt. (res.), dr. med., Przemysl, 10 Distr. Hosp., intern. in Hungary
Schwartz Ozjasz, b. 24.12.1887, lieut. (res.), Krakow, D.O.C. 5
Schwartz Zygfryd, b. 1890, capt. (res.), dr. med. Krakow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Schwartzbard Adol, b. 1882, capt. (res.), dr. med.
Schwarz Aron Samuel, b. 26.05.1888, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Przemysl, D.O.C. 10
? Schweig Rubin Leib, b. 15.11.1898. 2/lieut. (res.), inf., D.O.C 6., Zloczow, 52 inf. reg.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R. 
Schwieger Julian, s. Mateusz b. 1894, lieut. (res.), Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Schyfman Leyb, b. 21.11.1891, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Seeman Oskar, s. Ignac b. 1885, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., Sambor, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Seeman Oszer, 24.07.1897, lieut (res.), dr. med., Piotrkow, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Seeman Salomon Jakub, b. 1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, 2 h. land, inf. reg.
Segal Dawid Eisig, b. 25.01.1896, lieut. (res.), inf., Stryj, 5 h. land inf. reg.
Segal Herman Henryk, b. 1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., p.o.w. W.S.S.R., Pawlischew Bor camp.: P.A.E.
Segal Herman, s. Samuela b. 1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Sosnowiec, 10 Distr. Hosp.
? Segal Maurycy, s. Jozef b. 1900, cadet/off.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Segal Mojzesz, b. 1.05.1898. lieut. (res.), dr. med. Bochnia, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Segal Motel, b. 31.12.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 2. Distr. Hosp.
Segal Sindel, b.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Tarnopol, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Segal Zygmunt, s. Albert b. 1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Seidner Jozef, s. Roza b. 1892, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Konskie, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Sekler Lazarz, b. 2.08.1891, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Sekler Jakub Zygmunt, s. Chajem b. 1900, 2/lieut. (res.), Lwow, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Sekler Oskar, s. Kalman b. 23.07.1893, lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 33 inf. reg.
Sellig Leopold, s. Dawid b. 1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Selzer Hirsz, b. 18.07.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Wielun, 27 inf. reg.
Semel Samuel Jozef, b.22.11.1894, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Nowy Sacz, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Semerlowski Abram Josef, b. 1.06.1896, lieut. (res.), Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Sessler Salomon, b.15.01.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Grodek Jagilonski, 5 h. land inf, reg.
? Siemiatek Abram, s. Marcin b. 1907, 2/lieut. (res.): p.o.w. Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
? Sieruczewski Mieczyslaw, s. Mojzesz b. 1895, 2/lieut. (prof.) navy, 2 division Pinsk rivsr flotilla.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
? Sigalin Roman Jakub, s. Israel b.1901, lieut (res.), art., eng,; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Silber Adolf, s. Majer b.1893, lieut. (res.), dr.med., Sambor, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Silberberg Leon, s. Herman b. 1892, capt. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Silberberg Henryk, s. Naftali b.1893, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, 12 inf.
Silberherz Chaim Owadje, b. 1896, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Stanislawow, 48 inf. reg.
? Silberstein Karol, s. Marcel b. 13.11.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., 10 Distr. Hosp.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
? Silberstein Otton, b. 1887, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 194.
? Simchowicz Anatol, s. Szepsel b. 1910, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med.,4 Distr. Hosp.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Singer Izydor, b. 3.04.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, 40 inf. reg.
Singer Ludwik, s. Emanuel b.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 10 Distr. Hosp,
? Singer Ludwik, s. Samuel b. 20.12.1894, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med.,: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Singer Michal, s. Izydor b. 1900. 2/lieut. (res.), dr.med., Bielsk Podlaski, 9 Distr. Hosp.
? Singer Zdzislaw, s. Israel b. 1904, 2/lieut. (res.),: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
? Sliosberg Juliusz, s. Ilia 1907, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn,spring 1940.
? Slonimski Antoni, (?), 2/lieut. (res.).: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Snidorynia vel Kon Szlama, b. 1902, 2. lieut. (res.) inf. Warsaw, 77 inf. reg.
Sobel Herman, b. 11.11.1897, lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, 52 inf. reg
Sobol Jerzy, b.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), inf
? Sobol Wladyslaw, s. Szia, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med. 6 Distr. Hosp, :p.o.w. U.S.S.R.. Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Sohn Izaak, 1886, capt. (res.), dr.med., Przemysl, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Soldinger Simche, b. 20.09. 1905, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, 20 inf.reg.
Solomianski Mojzesz, b. 1.04.1907, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Baranowicze, 78 inf. reg.
Sonnenberg-Bergson Henryk, s. Jakub b.1888, capt. (res.), Lodz, 4 Distr.Hosp.
? Sopenhejm I. , 2/lieut (res.), dr. med.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Spanaf Emil, s. Abraham b. 1900, 2/lieut. (res.), dentist, Krakow, 5 Distr. Hosp.
? Spiczak Wolf (Waclaw) Ludwik, b. 1912, lieut.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Spindel Maurycy, s. Konrad b. 1890, capt. (res.), dr. med., Buczac, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Spira Israel Jerzy, b. 27.07.1898, 2/lieut. (res.) inf., eng. Warsaw, 36 inf. reg.
Spira Jozef, s. Rafal b. 1891, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 5 Distr. Hosp.
? Spira Jozef, b. 1891, capt. (res.)., dr. med., killed in action September 1939 
Spiro Mariom s. Saul b. 1995, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Pinsk, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Spiro Andrzej, s. Jakub, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Spiro Bernard, s. Saul b. 1893, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr/Hosp.
? Spitz Jozef Ludwik, s. Ajzyk b. 1907, 2/lieut. (res.), med. admin.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov,spring 1940
? Spitzer Bernard, b. 1892, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. veterin., Lwow, : p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
? Stajnman (Henryk) Mordchaj, s. Isaak b. 1902, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lublin.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Stalmeister Maurycy, s. Zygmunt b. 1900, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Stapp Emanuel, b. 1889, capt. (res.), dr. med., Przemysl, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Starer Markus, b.28. 08. 1834, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., dr. Dubno, 43 inf, reg., 
? Starkopf Bernard Maurycy, b. 1902, 2/lieut., killed in action 27.09.1939, bur. Warsaw
Statter Jozef, s. Markus b. 1899, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 5 Distr. Hosp.
? Stecki Leonard, s. Jan b. 1907, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., :p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn,spring 1940 
Stefanowski Eljasz, b.11.12.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), art., Brest/B., 20 l. art. reg.
Stein Jonas, b. 18.03.1893, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Steinbach Emanuel, b. 1898, 2/lieut. (res.) inf. Nowy Sacz, 1 h. land inf. reg
? Steinberg Baruch, s. Szmaja b. 1897, major, chief rabbi of the Polish Army.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
? Steinberg Henryk, b. 1912, 2/lieut., 29 inf. reg., killed in action 12.09.1939, Warsaw
Steinberg Izaak, b. 23.04.1892, 2/lieut. (res.), inf.,Bedzin, D.O.C. 5.
Steinberg Leon, b. 1889, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Steinberg Maurycy, s. Pinkus b. 1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Steinfelsen Ludwik, s. Hersch,1904, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, 5 inf. reg.
Stejbenis Adam, b. 1995, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 7 inf. reg. Legions
Sterberg Isachar, b. 1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Rawa Ruska, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Stern Filip, s. Israel b.1891, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Sternbach Maks, s. Herman b. 1896, 2/lieut. (res.), Drohobycz, 53 inf. reg.
Sternberg Jakub, s. Markus b. 1896, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., 5 Distr. Hosp.
Sternstein Helcel Antoni, b. 26.08.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., dr., Warsaw, 82 inf. reg. 
Stieglitz Izydor, s. Naftali b.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), art., Krakow, 4 l. art. reg.
Stiehl Jonas, s. Markus b. 1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Bielsko, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Stiel Roman, s. Zygmunt b. 1890, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Bochnia, 5 Distr. Hosp, intern. in Hungary
Stiller Abraham, b. 23.09.1892, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, D.O.C.5
Stimm Maks, s. Aron 1893, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, inf. reg. legions 
Stockel Emil, s. Oziasz b. 1896, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., Grodek Jagielonski, 10 Distr. Hosp.
? Storch Szymon, s. Herman b. 1892, capt. art. (res.), 9 l. art. reg., Jaslo p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
? Strassman Henryk, s. Adolf/Abram b. 1903, lieut art. (res.), 8 l. art. reg.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Strassman Leon, b. 1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krasnik, 5 Distr. Hosp.
? Streit Leon Marian, p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Strerlinger Eugeniusz, b. 20.07.1893, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Bialystok, 42 inf. reg
Stricker Karol, b. 1902, lieut. 3 uhlans reg.
Stron Eisig, b. 22.02.1887, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Kielce, D.O.C. 8.
Strumpfner Aleksander, s. Gutman b. 1885, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Suchowolski Mojzesz, b. 1907, 2/lieut. (res.), admin., Bialystok. 10 Distr. Hosp.
Sudja Jerzy, s. Abram b.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
? Sussman Ezechiel, b., lieut. (res.), pharm., Lwow, 2 Distr. Hosp.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Sussman Sendler Majer, b. 31.08.1880, major (res.), dr. med. Drohobycz, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Sxhenker Emanuel, b.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Stryj, 6 Distr. Hosp
Sydranski Mojzesz, b. 19.11.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), Lodz, 31 inf. reg.
Sylbersztajn Karol, s. Emanuel b.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Kielce, 2 Distr. Hosp.
? Sylbersztein Karol, s. Emanuel b. 1897,2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Kielce,; p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
? Syrotkin Syrgin Samuel Elia, b. 1902, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz,14 inf. reg.
Sytner Lajb, b. 5.121908, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Kalisz, 29 inf. reg. 
? Szaferman Julian vel Juda, s. Abram b. 1892, lieut. (res.), dentist, Pinczow,: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
? Szajbach Bernard, officer,: p.o.w. Stalag 2E, perished
? Szalenberg, 2/lieut. (res.), inf.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Szalit Edward, b.1878, major (res.), dr. med., Lwow
Szancer Hirsz Henryk b. 1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
? Szancer Maksymilian, s. Leopold b. 1894, 2/lieut. (res.); p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
? Szapiro Fajwel, 2/lieut. (res.): p.o.w. Oflag 2C, Waldenburg, died 9.02.1940,
Szapiro Izaak, b. 30.11.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), san. cadre, Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Szapiro Izaak, b. 12.10.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Wilno, 84 inf. reg.
Szapiro Josif, b. 24.10.1909, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med. Nowogrodek 9 Distr. Hosp.
Szapiro Mojzesz, b. 12.10.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), inf. Wilno, 1 inf. reg., Leg.
? Szapiro Samuel, b. 1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp. :p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Szatz Jankiel, b. 2.02.1892, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Kielce,10 Distr. Hosp. 
Szejman Mojsze, b. 25.03.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Wloclawek, 14 inf. reg.
Szejnberg Hersz, b. 2.04.1905. lieut. (res.), dr. med. Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Szejnberg Jakub Aron, b. 1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp
Szelenbaum Leon, b. 19.02.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), Warsaw, 82 inf. reg.
? Szenberg Leon, s. Zygmunt,1899, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Szenicki Aron, b. 2.06.1900, 2/l ieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 36 inf. reg.
Szenker Dawid, b. 1886, capt. (res.), dr. med.,Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Szenkiel Ezechiel, b. 1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf.
Szenkier Nosen, b.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Szeps Bernard, s. Samuel b. 1894, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Baranowicze, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Szeps Icchak, b. 10.05.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 18 inf. reg.
? Szeps Jozef Jehuda, b. 1898, lieut. (res.), dr. med. Lodz, 4. Distr. Hosp.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Szerer Hersz, b. 28.12.1907, 2/lieut (res.), inf., Zamosc, 1 highland inf. reg.
Szerman Ludwik, s. Icek b. 1902, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Wilno, 3 Distr. Hosp.
? Szerszen Jerzy, s. Laza b. 1895, 2/lieut. (res.), 3 transport .reg., Bialystok,; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdred Katyn, spring 1940
? Szlaferman Maurycy, b. 1887, capt. (res.), dr. med., Radom, 10 Distr. Hosp.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Anders Army, died in service 6.07.1942.
Szlamowicz Dawid, s. Israel b. 1902, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Grudziadz, 65 inf. reg.
Szlezinger Kazimierz Aleksander, b. 1903, capt. 3 inf. reg., Border corps
Szlichiger Bronislaw, b. 1900, major inf., 80 inf. reg.
Szlosberg Jerachmiel, b. 25.09.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), Warsaw, 71 inf. reg. 
? Szmalewicz Baruch, 2/lieut. (res.), :p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
? Szmastych Jozef, b. 1910, 2/lieut. (res.), art., 13 l. art. reg.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Szmerlowski Jozef, b. 21.10.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med.
Szmerner Samuel Hersz, b. 24.08.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.
? Szmerner Szymon, s. Szaja b. 17.01.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., dr. med, Warsaw. :p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Szmutz. Jonasz, b. 28.11.1887, capt. (res.), dr. veterin., Wolkowysk, D.O.C. 1
Sznajberg Naftali, b. 1.01.1889, 2/lieut. (res.), Warsaw, 10 Distr. Hosp.
? Sznajder Ozjasz, s. Mark b. 1889, capt. (res.), Lwow, perished 9.12.1939 (by Ukrainian N.K.V.D.)
Sznajder Szymon, b. 10.11.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), admin., Luck, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Sznajderman Abram, b. 24.02.1909, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Ostrowiec, 2 inf. reg. Leg.
Sznajderman Dawid, b. 4.11.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), art.,eng., Bedzin, D.O.C. 5
? Sznajderman Icek (Icchok) , s. Mojsze b. 1896, 2/lieut, (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp. perished in Warsaw Getto Uprise 1943.
Sznapper Ignacy, s. Abram b.1892, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Grodek Jagielonski, 10 distr. Hosp.
Szoka Izrael, b. 30.03.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 5 Distr. Hosp.
? Szostak Wlodzimierz, s. Daniel b. 1912,: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Ostaszkow camp, murdered Miednoje, spring 1940
? Szostkiewicz Leon Dawid, s. Henryk b. 1906, 2/lieut. (res.), eng.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940 
? Szper Izaak, s. Jozef b. 1900, p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Szpilman Jakub Konrad, b. 1891, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Szpinman Maks, s. Wolf b. 1898, 2/lieut. (res.), admin, Lodz, 4. Distr. Hosp.
Szpiro Jehuda, b. 16.09.1896, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lublin, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Szpiro Wladyslaw, s. Nuta b. 1905, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 4 Distr. Hosp. 
? Szpiro, capt. (res.), dr. med., killed in action, Zloczow, 16.09.1939
Szrajbman Lejzor, b. 25.12.1905, 2/lieut. (res.), art., Siedlce, 9 l. art. reg.
Szreyer Juliusz, b.1883, major (res.), administr.
? Sztabholz (Stabholc) Aleksander, s. Zachar b. 1887, 2/lieut., police commis, Lwow, deported, murdred by Ukrainian N.K.V.D. after 5.04.1940
Sztajn Salomon Leon, b. 1897, 2/lieut. (res.), surgeon, Warsaw, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Sztajnberg Natan, b. 31.03.1893, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Piotrkow, 4 Distr. Hosp
? Sztamler Benjamin, b .1915, 2/lieut., missing, Deblin battle, september 1939
Sztark Daniel, b. 20.06.1897, lieut. (res.) inf., Kalisz, 29 inf. reg.
? Sztein (Stein) Leon, s. Bernard b. 1895, lieut.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,  Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Sztejman Izrael Mordka, b. 1897, 2/lieut. (res.)., dr. med.,Warsaw,1 Distr. Hosp.
? Sztern Manuel Edward, s. Szefer b. 1890, 2/lieut., dr. med.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940 U.S.S.R.
Sztrajgold Chaim Baruch, b. 1909., 2/lieut. (res.), art., Warsaw, 18 l. art. reg.
Sztulman Dawid, b. 1899, 2/lieut. (res.), Sosnowiec
Sztywelman Boruch, b. 6.03.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), san. cadre., Wloclawek, 8 Distr. Hosp.
? Szwajle Leon, b. 1907, lieut. (res.), 10 l. art. reg., killed in action 5.09.1939
Szwarc Adolf Abraham, b. 9.11.1889, major (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Szylit Samuel Hersz, b. 1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., eng., Warsaw, 32 inf. reg.
Taflowicz Izaak, b. 26.07.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), art., Lodz, 4 h. art. reg.
Taflowicz Szlomo, b. 19.11.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Zywiec, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Tajchner Mordko Kiwa, b. 14.01.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Sosnowiec, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Tajgman Hersz, b. 14.11.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), sanit. group, Lukow, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Tajtejbaum Mendel Wolf, b. 30.01.1889, 2/ lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 25 inf. reg.
Tandler Edward, s. Abraham b. 1889, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Tanenbaum Markus Armin, b. 9.06.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Tannenbaum Jakub, b.6.03.1897, lieut. (res.), inf., Drohobycz, 53 inf. reg.
Tannenenbaum Abraham, b.18.04.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), art., Rzeszow, 4 h. art. reg.
Taub Szaja, s. Enoch, b. 18.02.1904 Lowicz, lieut. 37 inf. reg., Kutno, 1047, p.o.w. Oflag VII a
Tauber Nechemja, b. 21 02.1893, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Przemysl, 5 highland inf. reg.
Taustein Benjamin, b. 18.08.1896, 2 /lieut. (res.), inf., Sambor, 6 highland inf. reg.
Teibels Bronislaw, s. Franciszka b. 1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Krolewska Huta, Distr. Hosp.
Teibels Leon, b. 1893, capt. (res.), dr. med., Czortkow, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Teibels Oskar, b. 23.12.1888, lieut (res.), Q. M.,Sambor, D.O.C. 6.
Teichner Izydor, s. Jakub b.1889, lieut., dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp.
? Tellernan Jozef Jakub, s. Marek b. 1893, 2/lieut (res.), 3 a. air, art. reg.: p.o.w. U.S/S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Tempelhof Juda, b. 03.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med. Konin, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Tendler Maksymilian, s. Samuel b. 1895, 2/lieut. (res.), dr.med, Warsaw, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Tenenbaum Abraham, b. 18.04.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), art., Pultusk, 8 l. art. reg
Tenenbaum Abram Symcha, b. 30.11.1884, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
? Tenenbaum Jakub vel Jan, s. Wolf b. 1906, 2/lieut (res.),; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkow, spring 1940
Tenenbaum Markus, b. 25.03.1892, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., Lwow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Tenenbaum Szlama, b. 25.01.1891, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Siedlce, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Tenenbaum Szymon s. Abram b.1886, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Tennenbaum Salomon, b. 6.03.1886, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lwow 6 Distr. Hosp.
Tennenbaum Telezaw Leopold, b. 29.05.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, 39 inf. reg.
Thaller Abraham, b. 3.11.1897, capt. (res.), dr. med., Nisko, D.O.C. 10.
Thau Samuel, b. 14.05.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Kolomyja, D.O.C. 6
Theuer Alfred Julian, b. 1892 capt. M. P., “Modlin” army
Thieberberger Beno, b. 15.02.1897, lieut, (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Thon Samuel, b.10.10.1895, lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, 50 inf. reg.
Thursz Dawid, b.14.01.1883, capt. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Tiefenbrunn Beno, b.14.02.1891, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Bielsko, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Tierberger Beno, b. 1897, lieut. (res.), surgeon, Warsaw, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Tilleman Naftali, b. 22.03.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Sambor, 6 highland inf. reg.
? Tittenbrum Antoni, b. 1897, 1 eng. batt., killed in action 2.09.1939
Tornheim Dawid, b. 28.08.1891, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Jaroslaw,10 Distr. Hosp.
Toronczyk Herman, s. Izaak b. 1884, capt. (res.), dr. med. Warsaw, 1 Distr Hosp.
Towbin Icchak Joe,l b. 24.09.1889, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 56 inf. reg.
Trachtenberg Marek, s. Jozef b. 1899, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med. Kalisz, 7 Distr. Hosp.
Trajstman Wolf, b. 18.11.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 31 inf. reg.
Trau Kalman, b. 21.12.1891, 2/lieut. (res.), dr med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Trauenstein Mojzesz, b. 24.12.1899, 2/lieut. (res.), art., Nisko, D.O.C. X
Trepper Salomon, b. 9.09.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Nowy Sacz 10 Distr. Hosp.
Tropp Dawid, b. 23.07.1889, 2 /lieut. (res.), sanit. cadre, Wolkowysk, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Troppauer Kalman, b. 22.12.1896, capt. (res.), dr. med., Sosnowiec, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Tunis Chaim Benzion, b. 27.10.1902, lieut (res.), dr. med., Buczac, 6 Distr Hosp.
Turk Norbert, s. Stanislaw b. 1890, capt. (res.), dr. med., Drohobycz, 10 Distr. Hosp. 
Turnheim Dawid, b.12.04.1886, capt. (res.), dr. med., Jaroslaw, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Turyn Efraim, b. 28.02.1889, 2/lieut. (res.), Lodz, 1 Distr Hosp.
? Urbach Mieczyslaw, s. Adam (Aron) b. 1910, dr. med.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkow, spring 1940
? Urlik Markus, s. Aron b.17.05.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
? Verstanding Zygmunt, s. Adolf b. 6.01.1900, Warsaw, dr. med., 1 Distr. Hosp.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Wajcman Julian, b. 1888, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.
? Wajdelman Adam, b. 1906, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Wajdenfeld Filip, s. Marek b. 1897, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 32 inf. reg.
Wajdenfeld Wolf, s. Maurycy b. 1890, capt. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 4 Distr. Hosp.
? Wajkselfisz Pawel, s. Abram b. 1907, lieut. inf. (res.), Lodz, 14 inf. reg. p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
? Wajmer Eugenjusz, s. Leon b. 1885, lieut. (res.), pharm.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
? Wajnberg (Weinberg), s. Iser b. 1909, 2/lieut. (res.), eng., Lodz: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Wajnberg Mojzesz, b. 8.01.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), art., Warsaw, 32 l. art. reg.,
Wajnsztajn Dawid, b. 19.07.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), cavalry, Lask, 1. cav. reg.
Wajnsztok Jozef, s. Izak b. 1896, lieut. (res.) inf., dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Wajnsztok Samuel Szloma, b. 12.02.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med. Warsaw 2 Distr. Hosp.
Wajs Hejman, s. Maurycy b.1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Wajsbaum Marek, b. 1903, lieut. (res.), dr. med.
? Wajsflajsz Szmul Stanislaw, s. Hilary b. 1891, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Wajsflasz Szamuel, b. 20.12.1891, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Wajskopf Daniel Ananiusz, b. 26.04.1899, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Wajskoph Hersz Majer, b. 3.01.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), eng, Czestochowa, D.O.C. 4
Wajsman Jozef, s. Hersz b. 1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med. dent., Warsaw, 10 Distr. Hosp.
? Wajsman Salomon, s. Majer b. 1900, 2/lieut. (res.), art., dr. law, arrested by Ukrainian N.K.V.D. 1940, perished.
Waksman Dawid, b. 30.11.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), art., Lublin., 27 l. art. reg
Waldman Albert, s. Filip b. 1890, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Waldman Jakub Fajwel, b. 27.11.1894, 2/lieut. (res.), admin. san., Stryj, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Waldman Jozef Ber, b. 27.05.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, 5 highland inf. reg.
Waldman Leib Leo, b. 7.12.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, 39 inf. reg.
Walker Abraham, b. 25 11.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), Stryj, 10 Distr. Hosp., intern. in Hungary
Wallach Dawid, b. 3/04.1899, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Stanislawow, 9 Distr. Hosp
? Walter Jakub, b. 1890, capt. (res.), p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Konotop prison, died 25.07.1946.
? Walter Mieczyslaw, major, eng. killed in action, Warsaw, 09.1939
Waltman Machel, b. 1.07.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Sosnowiec,11 inf. reg.
? Wamcer Jan Jakub, s. Salomon b. 1908, 2/lieut. (res.), p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn,s pring 1940
Wandstein Samuel, b. 14.12.1894, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, D.O.C.5.
Warbaum Israel, b. 14.03.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Konin, 3 inf. reg.
Warm Abraham Mojzes, b. 14.01.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), Warsaw, 76 inf. reg. Warsaw,1 Distr. Hosp.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., cont. Anders Army.
? Warszawski Stefan Leon, s. Mieczyslaw b. 1897; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Warszawski Stefan, s. Julian b. 1897, lieut. (res.), dr.med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
? Waschkowitzer Jerzy, s. Szymon b. 1880, 2/lieut. (res.),; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Wasser Efraim, b. 4.12.1896, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Ostrowiec, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Wasserman Henryk, s. Filip b. 1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 2 Distr. Hosp.
? Wasserman Jakub, s. Natan b. 1912, p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Wasserman Jozef, s. Israel b. 1888, capt. (res.), dr. med., Krakow, 8 Distr. Hosp.
Wasserman Natan, b. 6.08.1891, lieut. (res.), pharm., Bielsko, 11 inf. reg.
Wassernan Israel Zundel, b 3.02.1893., 2/lieut. (res.), pharmac, Lukow, 9 Distr. Hosp.
? Wattenberg Adolf vel Abram Efraim, s. Bernard b. 1889, capt. (res.), dr. med. Rohatyn: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov,spring 1940.
? Wec Michal, s. Sacher (Zachariasz) b. 1904, police off. H.Q. Warsaw p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Ostashkow camp, murdered Miednoje, spring 1940.
? Weg Herman, s. Mojzesz b. 1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz : p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940
Wegemajster Izaak, b. 14.06.1911, 2/lieut, (res.), inf., Lodz, 18 inf. reg.
Weichselbaum Henryk, s. Dawid b. 1894, lieut. (res.), surgeon, Drohobycz, 2 Distr, Hosp.
? Weidenfeld Abram Majlech, b. 27.10.188, capt. (res.), dr. med. Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp,murdered Katyn spring 1940
Weinbach Eljasz Majer, b. 30.10.1901, lieut. (res.), inf., Stryj, D.O.C.6
? Weinbach Salomom (Stanislaw), b. 8.03.1891, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., 10 Distr. Hosp.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Weinbach vel Erchenbaum Salomon, b. 5.05.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Bedzin, 11 Distr. Hosp.
Weinberg Icyk, b. 24.04.1888, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp
Weinberg Perec, b. 12.05.1899, 2/lieut. (res.), Plock, 10 Distr. Hosp.
? Weinberg, police officer, p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Ostashkov camp, murderd Miednoje, spring 1940.
Weinberger Artur, s. Samuel b. 1899, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med. Lwow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Weinberger Filip, s. Jakub b. 1886, lieut. (res.), pharm., Nowy Sacz, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Weinelling Artur, s. Gustaw b. 1897, 2/lieut. (res.), admin., Krakow, 5 Dist. Hosp. 
Weiner Jozef, s. Izaak b.1891, lieut. (res.), surgeon, Rowne, 2 Distr. Hosp
? Weinfeld (Weidenfeld) Abram, s. Moryc, capt. (res.): p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Weingarten Julian, s. Zygmunt b.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Stryj, 33 inf. reg.
Weingarten Salo, b. 23.05.1907, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Chelm, 3 Distr. Hosp.
? Weingarten Witold, s. Leon b. 1897, lieut. (res.), p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940 
Weingott Lucjan, s. Zygmunt b. 1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Wasaw, 1 Distr. Hosp., intern. in Hungary
Weinlos Jozef, s. Feiwel b. 1901, 2lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Weinreb Joachim, b. 1897,lieut. (res.), dr. med., Kutno, 5 Distr. Hosp.
? Weinsztok, 2/lieut.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
? Weinzieher Jan Jakub, s. Salomon b. 11.03.1908, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., 6 air-force reg.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Weis Ignacy Szymon, b. 1893, capt. (res.), dr. med., Rawa Ruska, 2 Distr. Hosp.
? Weis Walter, s. Daniel b. 1913: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Ostashkov camp, murdered Miednoje, spring 1940
Weiss Jan Tymoteusz, b. 1900, 91 armament store
Weiss Leon, s. Ludwik b. 1888, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Czestochowa, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Weiss Schmarje, b. 9.02.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), art., Tarnopol, 12 l. art. reg.
Weiss Wilhelm Jozef, b. 1896, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, 26 inf. reg.
Weissberg Tadeusz, s. Adolf b. 1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Przemysl, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Weissglas Kuba, b. 5.03.1888, lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, D.O.C. 6
Weisshoft Henryk, s. Israel b.1886, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Weissman Salomon, b. 18.11.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), art., Sambor, 22 l. art. reg.
Weit Leon, b. 1897, lieut. (res.), med. serv., Warsaw, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Weitz Samuel, b. 8.05.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lublin, 10 Distr Hosp.
Weitz Zygmunt, s. Icchak b. 1899, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lwow, 26 inf. reg.
Wejnberg Ajzyk, b. 17.02.1894, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med, Wolkowysk, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Wejnberg Jozef, s. Moska b. 1904, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Czestochowa, 25 inf. reg.
Wejneimer Boruch, b. 12.01.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Bialystok, 42 inf, reg.
Weksler Izaak Jakub, b. 23.07.1893, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med. surgeon, 
? Weller Jakub Jozef, b. 29.07.1895, lieut (prof.), 4 h. art. reg. ; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Welt Roman, b. 1900, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med.,Warsaw, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Weltman Markus, b. 17.01.1890, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Wielun, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Werksztel Aron, b. 2.01.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Wess Herman Izydor, b. 3.07.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), Zloczow, 19 inf. reg.
Widenfeld Abraham, b.15.10.1888, capt. (res.), dr. med, Plock, 1 Distr. Hosp.
? Widerszal Marceli, s. Maurycy b. 1896, lieut. (capt.?): p.o.w. U.S.S.R. murdered Katyn, spring 1940. 
Wieliczkier Norbert, s. Henryk b. 1896, lieut. (res.), admin. services Poznan, 7 Distr. Hosp.
Wiesenfeld Penner Mendel, b. 1.03.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med. Wilno, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Wiesnsr Ignacy, s. Marek b. 1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Katowice, 5 Distr. Hosp.
? Wigdorowicz Eliasz Hersz, s. Oskar b. 1891, capt. (res.), dr. med., p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Wilczer Izrael, b. 19.10.1888, capt., dr. med., Przemysl, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Wildfeuer Mojzesz, b. 1.04.1891, 2/lieut. (res.), inf, Katowice, D.O.C.5
Wilf Juda Hersz, b. 10.10.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), eng-sapper, Drohobycz, 4 sapper batt.
Wilner Janusz, b. 12.03.1894, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Tarnopol, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Wilner Samuel, b. 3.10/1887, lieut. (res.)., dr. med., Lodz, D.O.C. 8 
Windberg Benjamin, s. Mowsza b. 1901, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Windish Saul, b. 22.12.1880, lieut. (res.), inf. Krakow, D.O.C. 5
? Windman, 2/lieut. (res.), dr.med.: p.o.w. W.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp,murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Winer Szyja, b. 20.06.1896, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med.,Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Winkelhaken Leon, s. Icek b. 1899, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw. 1 Distr. Hosp.
Winkelhaker Maurycy, b. 1898, 2/lieut. (res.), med. services, Warsaw, 8 Distr. Hosp.
? Winograd Henryk, s. Dawid b. 30.10.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), dentist; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Winograd Markus, b. 18.05.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 31 inf. reg.
? Winter Ignacy, s. Marek b.1899, capt. (res.), 7 inf. reg., killed in action 22.09.1939.
Wistreich Artur, b. 28.04.1896, lieut. (res.), Q. M., dr., Krakow, D.O.C. 5.
Wistreich Dawid, b. 31.10.1887, 2/lieut. (res.), army service column, Krakow, D.O.C. 10
Wittin Dawid, b. 28.04.1890., 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Brzezany, D.O.C. 6
Wittlin Abraham, b. 5.06.1900, capt. (res.), dr. med., Bochnia, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Wizenblit Dawid, b. 13.04.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Chelm, 2 inf. reg. Legions
Wlodawer Julian, s. Leib b. 1889, capt. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
? Wnuk Jakub, s. Piotr, capt. (prof),; p.o.w. U.S.S.R.,Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Wohl Tadeusz, s. Henryk b. 1894, lieut., dr.med., Przemysl, 10 Distr. Hosp. , intern. in Hungary
Wohlfeiler Chaskiel, b. 9.01.1899, 2/lieut. (res.), art. Krakow, 6 l. art. reg.
Wohlmann Benedykt, s. Juliusz b. 1889, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., Lwow, 2 Distr. Hosp.
? Wolberg Adam (Ajzyk), b. 1894, capt., 27 inf. reg., killed in action Szydlowice 22.09.1939
Wolberg Ayzik, b. 1894, capt., dr. med., 7 I. art. reg.
Wolberg Hank, b. 10.09.1888, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lublin, 2 Distr, Hosp.
? Wolczyniewicz Karol, s. Samuel b. 1895, 2/lieut. (res.), p o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940 .
Wolf Geza, b. 10.06.1893, 2/lieut (res.) inf., Bielsko, D.O.C. 5
? Wolf Mojsiej, b. 30.09.1900, lieut, (res.), dr. med., surgeon 30 bat. sapers, perished Warsaw uprise 1944.
Wolf vel Lindner Nachum, b. 15.10.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), art. Stanislawow 10 h. art. reg.
Wolff Telesta, b. 1895, lieut. (res.), inf. Kalisz, 29 inf. reg.
? Wolfram Jozef, s. Natan b. 1897, capt. (res.), inf.; p.o.w. Ukrainian N.K.V.D., perished 1939
? Wolfson Henryk, vel Hersz, s. Albert , b. 9.11.1895, lieut. (res.), inf., 58 inf. reg., p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Wolfson Meszel, b. 13.07.1911, 2/lieut. (res.), laborant, Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Wolfstein Szulim, b. 13.09.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med. Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Wollenberg Henryk Andrzej, s. Maksymilian b. 1887, capt. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
? Wolman Bernard, b.1886, capt. (res.), dr. veterin., Wloclawek: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkov, spring 1940.
Wolowski Mantel, b. 29/05/1885, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med. Warsaw, 9 inf. reg. Legions.
Wolteger Zygmunt, s. Izydor b. 1893, 2/lieut (res.), med. serv., Warsaw, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Wurgaft Szapsa, b. 1.10.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 1 Distr. Hosp.
? Wysocki Stanislaw Zachariasz, s. Aleksander b. 1912, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., lawyer, Stalowa Wola: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
? Wyszogrod Dawid, b. 21.05.1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 3 Distr. Hosp.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, muredered Kharkow, spring 1940
? Wyszogrod Stanislaw, s. Chaim b. 7.08.1900, dr. med.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940.
Zaghauser Alfred, b. 1917, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Brzezany, 6 distr. Hosp.
Zajdenbajtel Szloma, b. 13.12.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), Warsaw, 3 Distr. Hosp. Cont. P.A.E.
Zajdler Seweryn, s. Jankiel b. 1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
? Zajdman Mieczyslaw (Mordka), s. Michal b. 1907, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., murdered Kharkow, spring 1940
Zak Samuel, b. 14.06.1910 2/lieut. (res.), inf. Eng. Czestochowa, 25 inf. Reg., intern. in Hungary
Zak Wolf, b. 23.10.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Wilno, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Zakin Adam, s. Abram b. 1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Zaks Mojzesz, b. 22.05.1900, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. stomatol., Bialystok, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Zalc Leopold, s. Ajzyk b. 1885, major (res.), dr. med., Sosnowiec, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Zalcber Lejzer, b. 16.03.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), pharmacy., Plock, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Zalcman Henry, s. Wolf b. 1904, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 9 Distr. Hosp.
? Zaleski Szymon, s. Ludwik b. 28.10.1904, 2/lieut. (res.), inf. 14 inf. Reg., p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Zand Jakub, s. Jozef b. 1900, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Czestochowa, 44 Distr. Hosp.
Zand Kalman, b. 14.12.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., eng., Czestochowa, 25 inf. Reg.
? Zandman Mieczyslaw, s. Levi b. 1896, dr. med.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered Kharkow, spring 1940
Zauberman Alfred, b. 1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Lodz, 23 inf. Reg.
? Zauch Leon, b. 1907, lieut. (res.), inf., killed in action 09.1939
Zaurman Stanislaw, s. Pejsach b. 1900, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Zausmer Stanislaw, b. 1905, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Grodek Jagielonski, 10 Distr. Hosp.
? Zehngut Henryk, s. Jakub b. 1902, 2/lieut. (res.), inf.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Starobielsk camp, murdered spring 1940
Zeiger Filip, b. 1890, lieut (res.), ass. Dr. med., Kolomyja, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Zeiger Juliusz, b. 1890, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Kolomyja, 10 Distr. Hosp.
Zeiger vel Zeuger Fiszel, b. 29.12.1891 lieut. (res.), dr. med., Kolomyja, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Zeimer Bernnard, b. 1895, lieut. (res.), pharmacy., Krakow, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Zeimer Leon, s. Wolf b. 1900, lieut. (res.), pharmacy., Kracow, 9 Distr. Hosp.
Zeimer Natan, b. 22.01.1891, 2/lieut. (res.), pharmacy. Krakow, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Zejfert Witold, s. Aleksander b. 1899, lieut. (res.), dr. med. Warsaw
Zeldowicz Chaim, b. 14.04.1906 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 3 Distr. Hosp.
Zelechowski Naftali Uszer, b. 7.07.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Kutno, 1 Distr. Hosp.
Zeligman Israel, b. 25.11.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw, 13 inf. Reg.
Zelnikier Adam, b. 8.01.1899, 2/lieut. (res.), Q.M., Nowy Sacz, D.O.C. 5
Zen Onisim, b. 13.02.1907, 2/lieut. (res.), Kowel, 50 inf. Reg.
? Zenkner Jan, b. 1889, lieut/col. dr. veter., Lwow: p.o.w. U.S.S.R. Kpzielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Zimand Henryk Abraham, b. 27.09.1906, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Krakow, 1 highland inf. Reg.
Zimmer Morotz, b. 7.12.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med. Lodz, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Zimmering Adolf Abraham ,b. 9.03.1882, 2/lieut. (res.), Stanislawow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Zimmerman Adolf, b. 1894, 2/lieut. (res.), Lwowo, 6 inf. Reg.
Zimmerman Leon, s. Izzak b. 1892, lieut. (res.), ass med. Cadre., Przemysl 10 Distr. Hosp.
Zimmerman Zygmunt, s. Karol b. 1897, 2/lieut. (res.), inf. Lwow, 38 inf. Reg.
Zinner Leon, b. 1895, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lwow
Zipper Emanuel, b. 11.11.1901, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Warsaw
Zipper Eugeniusz, b. 1900, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lublin, 2 Distr. Hosp.
Zirleg Mojzesz, b. 11.01.1895, capt. (res.), dr. med., Stanislawow, 6 Distr. Hosp.
Zlotnik Dawid, b. 9.07.1895, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Piotrkow, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Zlotnik Israel, b. 18.08.1910, 2/lieut (res.), dr. veterin., Warsaw, M.O.N.
Zobel Israel Ber, b. 10.02.1909, lieut. (res.), dr. med., Nowy Trag, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Zolman Benjamin, b. 18.12.1894, lieut. (res.), dr. med. Nowy Targ, 5 Distr. Hosp.
Zuckerkandel Markus, b. 13.04.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Skierniewice, 4 Distr. Hosp.
Zuk Hirsz, b. 2.02.1898, 2/lieut.  (res.), inf., Wilno, 85 inf. Reg.
? Zusman Zygmunt (Ezechiel) , s. Mojzesz b. 1897, p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Zwerdling Mojzesz, b. 10.07.1899, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Kalusz, 53 inf. Reg.
? Zwikelson, lieut. (res.), dr. med., p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp. Murdered Katyn 1940
Zwilling Gerson, b. 7.04.1888, lieut. (res.), pharmacy., Tarnopol, 6 Distr. Hosp.
? Zwykielski Maurycy (Mojzesz), s. Gerzon b. 27.10.1883, major (res.), dr. med., Warsaw, 8 Distr. Hosp.; p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Zyberblat Oszer (Oskar) , b. 11.06.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), eng. -saper, Lodz, 1 railway bridges bat.
Zygelman Jakub, b. 9.06.1910, 2/lieut. (res.), inf. Wilno, 1 inf. Reg. Legions
Zygiel Szyja, b. 22.03.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., Rowno, 49 inf. Reg.
Zylberberg Mojzesz Joel, b. 25.1.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), inf. Wloclawek, 14 inf. Reg.
Zylberman Dawid, b. 17.05.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Lodz, 9 Distr. Hosp.
? Zymcha (Symcha) Roch, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med.: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Kozielsk camp, murdered Katyn, spring 1940
Zyntak Chuna, b. 1907, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. veter., Warsaw: p.o.w. U.S.S.R., Pawliszczew Bor camp, cont.
List No. 2
Remarks To List No. 2
This  List of Jews–officers in the Polish Army was not included in the first English edition, due to lack of reliable and relevant information , names of  Jews p.o.w.’s in German Oflags, and Jews officers in Hungary internées camp Vamosmikola. We mentioned it in our introduction.
By the courtesy of the Centralne Muzeum Jencow Wojennych in Lambinowice-Opole, Deutsche Dienstelle (WASt) in Berlin and International  Committee Red Cross in Geneve, we received Lists of Polish Officers p.o.w.’s in German Oflags.
Jewish officers were identified and we are able to publish now a list of Jews  officers, p.o.w.’s in German Oflags.
The List of Jewish-Officers internéed in Hungary was received by the courtesy of Mrs. Jean Stimm, and we publish it now.
By exception, we inser_tin the List some Jews-officers from the p.o.w.’s  camp Pawliszczew Bor in U.S.S.R.
All the 577 Jews-officers in the Polish Army who are notified in List no. 2, participated in the September 1939 Campaign.
The list includes the following details for purposes of identification (if known) in the following order:
? Family and first name.
? Parents name, née.
? Date and place of birth.
? Military rank and unit.
? Date and site of capture.
? Prisoner's number.
? Oflag (Stalag)number.
Abraham Roman, lieut., Oflag VII A
Abramowicz Edward, b. 1911, cadet-off., 84 inf. reg. 378, Oflag IV C
Acht Bernard, 2/lieut., 30 I, art. reg., Warszawa, Oflag VI B
Albrecht Zygmunt, 2/lieut., judiciary corps, Oflag VI B
Adler Fryderyk s. Emil, b. 5.03.1902, 2/lieut., p.o.w.  Oflag Xl e
Allerhand Leopold, lieut., p.o.w. Oflag ll c
Alter Alfred, lieut., dr. med.,  p.o.w. Oflag Vl e
Altman Saul, s. Juda, b. 1.07.1900 Lodz, capt. 65 inf. reg., 728/IXA, Oflag IIC
? Altman Stanislaw, s. Johanan, b. 1893, major, died 1939 Lwow
Altman Tadeusz Dawid, s. Johanan, lieut., Oflag VII A
Altschuler Adolf, lieut., Oflag VII A
Amanski Wladyslaw, lieut., dr. med.,  intern.,  Hungary
Amon Stanislaw, major, p.o.w.  Oflag Vll a
Apt Izajasz, s. Maurycy, b. 26.06.1907 Turek, capt., 30.09.1939 Warszawa, 9/18 B, Oflag VIIA
Arendt Henryk, 2/lieut., 747, p.o.w. Oflag ll e
Askanas Stefan vel Szymon, s. Wiktor née Lipszyc, b. 7.04.1908 Warszawa, lieut. 1 inf. reg., 48804, Oflag II C
Asler Tadeusz, 2/lieut. 19 inf. reg., Oflag VI B
Ast Gwidon, lieut., 649, Oflag VII A
Auster Henryk s. Abraham & Zofia, b. 26.07.1903 Skoll, 2/lieut. 1 l.art. reg., 11.09.1939 Kaluszyn, 9/18C, Oflag II C  
Bachman Karol, capt., dr. med., intern. Hungary
Bajler Henryk, 2/lieut., p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Balder Henryk, 2/lieut., 326/XI B, Oflag VI b
Baldinger Michal, lieut. eng., intern. Hungary
Balsam Edmund, 2/lieut., 16516, p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Balsam Zygmund, 2/lieut., dr. med., 851/VI E, Oflag VI b
Banach Leon, lieut., 16516, p.o.w. Oflag Vlla  
Baran Hilel, 2/lieut., dr. med., intern. Hungary
Bardach Wojciech Major (res.), intern. Hungary
Barski Jozef, s. Leon & Golda, b. 9.11.1917 Lodz, 2/lieut., 54 l. art. reg., p.o.w.,  released from Oflag XVIII c
Baum Tadeusz, 2/lieut., p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Baumann Josef , 2/lieut., 16518, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Baumgart Franciszek, 2/lieut., p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Baumgart  Franz s. Leon, b. 08.10.1914, 2/lieut., 21.09.1939 Tomaszow, escaped 
Baumgart Jan, capt., 67 inf. reg., 69046/XXI A, p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Baumgart Jan, capt., 64046/XI, p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Beckerman Lucjan, b. 1884, capt., Oflag VIE
Berch Mojzesz, b.1897, police commisar, H.Q., Warszawa, p.o.w. in Pawliszczew Bor, U.S.S.R.
Berendt Pejsach, b. 1903 Konin, lieut., dr. med., Oflag VIIa
Berger Aleksander , lieut., p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Berger Maurycy, lieut., 848/VI e,   Oflag VI b
Bergman Antoni vel Abraham, 2/lieut., 64 inf. reg.,  389/XIIa, Oflag  VIb
Berger Maurycy, s. Markus & Joanna, b. 3.05.1900 Bialystok, 2/lieut., 48 inf. reg., eng., Oflag  II c, 
Bergman Rudolf, 2/lieut., art., p.o.w. Oflag Vl B
? Bergner Mieczyslaw, b. 1921, lieut., died 25.11.1942
Berkowicz Emil (Leib), 2/lieut., 882/VI E, Oflag  VIb
Berson Jerzy ,2/lieut., 1 l. art. reg. 943/II B, p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Bierzwinski Adam, 2/lieut., Oflag  VI b
Binder Leopold, 2/lieut.,11 inf. reg.,  p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Binder Zygfryd, lieut. (res.), dr. med.,  intern, Hungary
Birnbaum Srul s. Moszek, b.15.03.1898 ,2/lieut., p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Birencwajg Wladyslaw, lieut., 16591, Oflag  VII a
Birencwajg Wladyslaw  (Wolf), b. 1901 Piotrkow, 2/lieut., 15691 VII a
Birenbaum Srul, s. Moszek, b. 15.04.1898 Krzepiec, 2/lieut., navy, 2.10.1939 hel, Oflag VI b 
Bleicher Michal, major (res.), dr. med, intern Hungary
Bloch Boleslaw, 2/lieut., 2321/II E,  p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Bloch Boleslaw, 2/lieut., Home Army (A.K.), Oflag  XI b
Bloch Jerzy, cad/off, Oflag  II b
Bloch Salomon, s. Mordka & Salomea, b. 15.05.1905 Kalisz, 2/lieut., 25 inf. reg.,  4518 C, Oflag  II c
Bloch Tadeusz, 2/lieut., dr. med.,  Home Army (A.K.), Oflag  XI b
Bloeder Heinrich, s. Mendel, b.14.12.1913 Krakow., cad/off, p.o.w., Oflag Vl b
Blum Fryderyk, lieut., 15776, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Blumenfrucht Seweryn s, Szymon née Altman, 26.04.1904 Czestochowa, 2/lieut., 26 inf. reg., p.o.w. Oflag ll c 
Blutreich Otton, major, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Bochenek Jerzy, 2/lieut., 15336, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Borek Maciej, s. Edward, b. 24.12.1901, 2/lieut., 53 inf. reg., 62, p.o.w. Oflag ll c
Borman Jerzy, lieut., dr. med., 32621,  p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Bornsted  Franciszek, capt., 41, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Bornstaedt Lucjan, Lt./colonel, Oflag VI b
Borenstein Bernard, s. Markus, b. 18.01.1911 Tarnow, 2/lieut., 16, escaped 18.08.1940. Oflag  VII a
Brand Edward, lieut., dr. med.,  Oflag  VI b
Brand Zbigniew, 2/lieut., armoured corps, Oflag  VI b
Brandys Marian (Maurycy), s. israel née Landau, b. 25.01.1912 Lodz, 2/lieut., 80 inf. reg.,  202 IV C, Oflag  II c
Branicki Boleslaw s. Adam, b.16.08.1906 Staszow, lieut., p.o.w. Oflag Xll a
Braun Jerzy, b. 17.08.1919, lieut.., Home Army (A.K.), Oflag X C
Braun Siegfried (Zygmunt), s. David, b. 22.08.1890 Lwow, 2/lieut., 14 inf.reg., dr. med., 3.09.1939 Melno, 599, Oflag II C
Braun Zbigniew, b. 19.01.1916, 2/lieut.., Home Army (A.K.), Oflag X c
Brenneisen Erwin, 2/lieut., Home Army (A.K.), Oflag X c
Broda Jozef, 2/lieut., inf., Oflag VI b
Brokman Stefan, 2/lieut.. int.,Oflag VI b
Buchholz Henryk, 2/lieut.. Home Army (A.K.), Oflag XI b
Burg Bernard, lieut., pilot , p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Burg Joachim, 2/lieut., p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Burghard Adam, capt., p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Buttner Leon,  2/lieut., p.o.w.  Oflag Vll a
Cajzner Ludwik, lieut., Home Army (A.K.), Oflag XI b
Chamer Joel, s. Moses, b. 16.12.1914 Rowne, 2/lieut., 03.03.1939 Swecz, 225 X A, Oflag II c.
Chmiel Mieczyslaw, 2/lieut., 96/IV C, p.o.w. OflagVl b
Cmiel Adam, lieut., 1094, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Cohn Ludwik, s. Filip & Zofia, b. 22.12.1908 Lida, 2/lieut. 22 inf.reg., 10.09.1939 Przysucha, 48878, Oflag II c
Cybulski Izajasz, s. Herman, b.31.07.1900 Plock, lieut. 37 inf. reg., 18.09.1939 Warsaw, 819, Oflag II c
Cyranka Natan, s. Chaim née Perniker, b. 08.01.1901 Warsaw, lieut. 5 inf.reg., 11.09.1939 Kaluszyn, 7420, Oflag II c
Cytryn Nusim, 2/lieut., 186/VII A, Oflag VII a
Cyzer Izydor, 2/Iieut.,15840, Oflag VII a
Czaki Arnold, 2/lieut. Oflag VI b
Czarnecki Ludwik, 2/Iieut.,16291, Oflag VII a
Czaszka Stanislaw, capt., intern. Hungary
Dawidowicz Emil, capt., 49, p.o.w. Oflag ll c
Dekler Kazimierz s. Gustaw née Neuding, b. 10.03.1905 Warszawa,  20. 09 1939 Tomaszow, p.o.w. Oflag ll c
Dietel Ludwig, Iieut., Oflag VI b
Domb Adolf s. Jozef, b. 22.10.1907 Warszawa, capt. 35 inf. reg., 19.09.1939 Zolkiew, p.o.w. Oflag ll c
Dordas Zygfryd, lieut., Home Army (A.K.), Oflag XI b
Dresel Wilhelm, 2/Iieut., 920, Oflag VI b
Dresser Wilhelm, 2/lieut. inf., Oflag VI b
Driks Jonasz, 2/lieut.(res.), pharm., intern  Hungary
Edelsztein Ignacy, s. Maurycy & Ewa, b.25.07.1889 Warsaw, 2/Ijeut., pharm., 12.09.1939 Stoczek, 7427, Oflag VI B
Ehrlich Aron, major, 15042, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Einhorn Juliusz, lieut., pharm., intern. Hungary
Eisen Alfred, 2/lieut., 1118, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Ejbeszyc Stefan, s. Herman, b. 1914, 2/lieut., 17, Oflag VII a
Englender Zygmunt, 2/lieut., eng., intern. Hungary
Engelman Lajzer, s. Szyja, b. 15.09.1910 Konin, 2/Iieut inf., 1.10.1939 Warsaw, 701, Oflag VI b, II c
Englicht Jacek, 2/lieut., 286, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Epstein Aleksander, s. Karol, b.17.10.1911 Warszawa, 2/lieut. 58 inf. reg., 19.09.1939 Ilowo,  p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Epstein Leon,  s. Zofia, b. 24.09.1911 Lublin, 2/lieut. . 21 cav. reg., 19.09.1939 Kozienice, p.o.w. Oflag ll c
Epstein Stanislaw, 2/lieut., 15847,  p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Erlich Johan s. Benedykt, b. 25.03.1896 Praga, capt., dr. med.,  26 field hosp. 28.09.1939 Warsaw, p.o.w., Oflag Vl b
Fajerman Henryk, 2/Ijeut., dr. med., Oflag VI b
Falkner Marian, lieut., p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Fallhandler Jakob, s. Leib & Helena, b.24.10.1897 Lukow, lieut., dr. med., 9 field hosp., 06.09.1939 Grudziad, p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Falzman Karol, s. Aleksander, b. 1913 Lodz, lieut., p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Fastnacht Mieczyslaw, major, dr. med., 1149/IIE, p.o.w. Oflag ll e
Feier Adam, 2/lieut., 15364, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Feinstein Mieczyslaw s. Gedalia, b. 22.12.1908 Lida, 2/lieut. 77 inf. reg., 10.09.1939 Przysucha, 856,  p.o.w.  Oflag ll c
Feld Hirsch (Henryk), 2/lieut., 596, Oflag VI b
Feldman Marian, 2/lieut., 596,  p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
? Feldblum Kazimierz, b. 18.06.1888, capt., dr. med, died 09.03.1941 Oflag VI b
Feldman Jakub, s. Samuel, b. 24.11.1909 Pinsk, 2/Iieut.,Oflag VI b
Fell Marek, s. Salomon, b. 15.05.1894 Horodenko, 2/lieut., 21.09.1939 891, Q.M. 6 div. p.o.w. Oflag ll c
Fellman Edmund, 2/lieut., 1154, Oflag II E & VI b
FelIman Marian, 2/Iieut., 16533, Oflag VII a
Filinger Mieczyslaw, 2/lieut., 15534, p.o.w., Oflag Vll a
Finkenstein Jakub, s. Joachim, b. 29.09.1898 Zloczow, Iieut., 06.10.1939 Wola Gulowska, Oflag II c
? Firszt Adam, s. Ignacy, b.1910, 2/lieut., died 3.3.1942 Stargard
Fischer Marian, s. Heinrich née Gotlieb, b. 21.02.1902 Stanislawow, 2/lieut., 156 inf. reg., 16.09.1939 Dachnow, p.o.w. Oflag ll c
Fitzner Jerzy, 2/lieut.,  b. 1918, p.o.w. Oflag ll e
Flamm Walter, 2/lieut.(rez), intern.  Hungary 
Flecker Oskar, lieut. (res.), intern. Hungary
Fleischman Oskar, s. Adolf & Roza, b. 26.10.1899 Lwow, lieut. 36 mt. reg., 20.09.1939 Radom, Oflag II c
Fogel Adam, s. Joachim (Chaim), b. 04.08.1910, 2/lieut. jnf., 01.10.1939 Warsaw, 723, Oflag II c
Frankiel Aleksander, S. Salomon & Karola, b. 26.11.1895 Krakow, 2/lieut., 18.091939 Wysokie, Oflag II c
Freiwald Ryszard, 2/Iieut., inf., Oflag VI b
Frendler Izaak, b. 21.07.1886 Plock, Iieut., dr. med., 13.09.1939 Zielona, Oflag II a & VI b
Freund Filip, s. Stefan & Julia, b.08.04.1898, 2/lieut. 64 inf. reg., 20.9.1939 Bzura, 119, p.o.w., Oflag ll c
Freyberger Marian, capt., 49086,   p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Friedfeld Herman, lieut., dr. med.,  intern.  Hungary
Fruchtman Izak, s. Moritz & Maria, b.22.12.1898 Wisnicz, 2/lieut., 06.10.1939 Gulow, 7451, Oflag II c
Frydberg Chaskiel, s. Hersz, b. 27.07 1911, 2/lieut. navy, 2.10.1939 Hel, p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Fullenbaum Ignac, s. Filip, b. 25.11.1890 Wilno, major, Oflag VI b
Furmanowicz Leon , capt., 52, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Fuss Wladyslaw vel Oziasz, 2/lieut., 40452, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Galpern Hirsz, b.1903. lieut.(res.) p.o.w. in  Pawliszczew Bor camp in the U.S.S.R.
Garblicht Bronislaw, 2/Iieut., Oflag VIII A & VII a
Geduldig Wiktor, s. Jozef, 2/lieut., pharm., 642/VI E, Oflag VI b
Geisler Stefan, lieut., 590, p.o.w. Oflag VII c & Vll a
Geisler Waclaw, 2/lieut., 603/VI E, Oflag VI b
Gelbar Jozef, s. Henryk, b.1910 Lwow, cad/off, 18 inf., div., 129, Oflag XVIII b
Gelcer Elias, s. Zalman, b. 1901, 2/lieut. 78 inf. reg., 1895, Oflag VIII. a transf. 13.6.1940 Oflag VII a
Gepner Zygmunt  (Izajasz), b. 1904, lieut, 32526, Oflag VII a
Geppert Leon, lieut., 1826 p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Gersz Kazimierz, 2/ lieut., 647, Oflag VII c & VII a
Getrau Chaim, s. Majer & Salomea, b. 29.03.1905 Lwow, corp. warr. off., 193/18/B, Oflag II c
Ghelb Albin, s. Stanislaw, b. 25.5.1907, lieut. dr. med. san. comp. 603, Oflag IX B
Getzler Aron, 2/lieut. (res.), intern. Hungary
Gitler Tobias, s. Izaak, b. 13.02.1909, 2/lieut., dr. med., 9 eng. batt., Oflag X A & VII a
Glasman Aron, b. 01.08.1898 Warsaw, 2/lieut., dr. med., 897, Oflag VI b
Glatman Wolf, s. Hersz, b. 03.08.1916 Ozorkow, 2/lieut., p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Glazer Franciazek, 2/lieut., 32475. Oflag VII c & VII a
Gliksman Lew (Feliks), s. Aron, b. 07.01.1915 Lodz, cad/off  10 inf. reg., 1443, p.o.w. X a & Oflag Vll a
Gliksman Stanislaw, s. Jozef, b. 07.11.1904, 2/lieut., 20 inf. reg., p.o.w. Oflag XI b & Vl b
Goldbaum Stanislaw, b. 1914, 2/ lieut. 32466, Oflag VII c & VII a
GoIdcwajg Dawid, 2/lieut., 32515, Oflag VII c & VII a
Goldberg Samuel, capt. (res.), intern. Hungary
Golde Kazimierz, 2/lieut., 32551, p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Goldenberg Jozef, cad/off,  151, p.o.w. OflagVl b
Goldmacher Marian, 2/lieut., 32551, p.o.w. Oflag VII c & Vll a
Goldman Heinrich, s. Zygmunt, b.  06.12.1916, 2/lieut. 51 l. art. reg., 14.12.1939 Warsaw, p.o.w. Oflag II b & Vl b
Goldman Henryk, 2/lieut., 32031, Oflag VII c & VII a
Goldman Mieczyslaw, s. Zygmunt, b. 26.12.1897 Warsaw, lieut., dr. med., field hosp. 203, Oflag XI a & VI b
? Goldman Schorsch, b. 1906, 2/lieut. died 13.9.1939
Goldspiegel Ludwik, b. 1905, lieut., p.o.w. Oflag ll a & II c & VI b
Goldwasser Jozef, s. Izrael, b. 16.08.1886 Staszow, lieut., dr. med., 4 comp. med. p.o.w. Oflag IIa & Vl b
Gorowski Stanislaw, capt., dr. praw, intern. Hungary
Gotlitz Josef, s. Dawid, b. 30.07.1912 Przasznysz, 2/lieut., 5 inf. div., p.o.w. Oflag X a & Vl b
Graff Eugeniusz, 2/lieut., 15403, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Gravender Henryk, b. 1890 Gabin, cad/off, Home Army (A.K.) Warsaw uprise, 47718, Stalag XI a
Grinberg Abraham, s. Mordka & Klara, b. 25.01.1903 Warsaw, lieut. 15 inf. reg., 10.11.39 Lodz, 158 18/B, Oflag II c
Gruber Henryk, lieut. (res.) ,dr. med.,  intern. Hungary
Grudzinski Jerzy, s. Rubin & Anan, b.28.12.1900 Lodz, 2/lieut., dr. med., field hosp. 203, p.o.w.  Oflag ll c
Grunblat Szaul, s. Abraham, b. 31.10 1916, cad/off, 37 inf. reg., p.o.w.  Oflag Vll a
Grunwald Michal vel Mosze, 2/lieut., p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Grunwald Michal, 2/lieut., 589/VI E, Oflag VI b
Grycmacher Jerzy, 2/lieut., 224, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a & XVIII c
Grzeda Teodor, capt., Oflag IX b
Gussman Maksymilian, 2/lieut., 198, p.o.w. Oflag VIIc & Vll a
Guttman Leo, S. Bernard (Berek), b. 28.05.1893 Kolo, lieut, dr. med., field. hosp. 216, Oflag II c
Guttner Zygmunt, 2/lieut.. Home Army (A.K.), Oflag XI b
Guzik Henryk, b. 1922 Warsaw, cad/off, Home Army (A.K.) Warsaw uprise, 47440, Stalag XI a
Haber Henryk, capt., 456/VI E, p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Hadrych Gwidon, 2/ lieut., 938/XI A, Oflag VI b
Hajmlich Aleksander, lieut., p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Hamburger Boleslaw, s. Stanislaw née Lipman, b.11.05.1905 Kalisz, 2/lieut.,  1 mil. train n. 6, 1262, Oflag ll c
Hamburger Jozef, 2/lieut., 32083, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Hammerschmied Adolf, s. Elias, b. 23.10.1893 Rawa Ruska, 2/lieut., 75 inf. reg., p.o.w. Oflag IIa & Vl b
Harband Iser, s. Dawid née Blaustein, b. 28.02.1889 Tarnopol , 2/lieut. 16 inf. reg., 76, p.o.w. Oflag  ll c.
Harkavi Leon, major, dr. med., 265/VI E, p.o.w. Oflag ll c
Harland Henryk, major, 781/XI B, Oflag VI b
Harlinger Ludwik, ,capt., p.o.w., OflagVl b
Hartfield Emil, 2/lieut., 32541, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Hartman Leon, 2/lieut. 167/ XVIII B
Hartwich Bernard, 2/lieut, 782/ XI B, Oflag VI b
Haslinger Ludwik, capt., 456/VI E, Oflag VI b
Hasselbush Jerzy, 2/lieut., 16596, Oflag VII a
Hassenberg Jerzy, s. Leon, b. 1900 Warsaw, 2/lieut., 1264, 1 bat. sapper Modlin, p.o.w. transf. 13.6.1940, Oflag Vll a
Hauptman Majer, s. Emanuel, b. 29.11.1900 Czestochowa, 2/lieut.15 inf. reg., p.o.w. Oflag ll c
Hausman Adolf, major, dr. med., 67/VI E,  p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Hausmann  Jozef, 2/lieut., 42535, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Haysman Izaak, s. Moszek Hersz, b. 14.12.1904 Grabowiec,1 l. art. reg., p.o.w. Oflag X a & Vl b
Heber Henryk, capt., Oflag VI b
Hejnlich Aleksander, lieut., 992/VI E, Oflag VI b
Heilpern Maksymilian, capt., dr.praw, intern. Hungary
Herman Adam, capt., dr praw, intern. Hungary
Herman Eugeniusz, 2/Iieut., OfIag VI b
Herman Leon, 2/lieut., 16345, p.o.w. Oflag VII a & Vl b
Herszson Benjamin,  s. Mendel, b. 19.09.1910 Lodz, 2/lieut. 6 inf. div., 744, Oflag II c
Hertlein Aleksander, major, 972/XI B, Oflag VI b
Hetlinger Ryszard, 2/ lieut., 32584, Oflag VII A
Hirsch Simon, s. Rafal, b. 03.01.1901 Lodz, 2/lieut. 26 l. art. reg., p.o.w.  Oflag Vl b
Hirschfeld Zbigniew, lieut., 1230, Oflag II E
Hlader Henryk, s. Mendel , b. 14.12.1913 Krakow, cad/off, 74 inf. reg. p.o.w., Oflag X a & Vl b
Hochfeld Stanislaw, s. Wilhelm, b. 13.09.1893, major, Oflag II d & VI b
Holcberg Bejamin, s. Baruch & Sabina, b. 06.02.1910 Lublin, 2/lieut. 64 inf. reg., p.o.w.  Oflag Xa &  Vl b
Holfeld Jozef, lieut., 16743,  p.o.w. OflagVll a
Honheiser Henryk, lieut., 8, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
I, J
Irlicht Adolf, s. Aleksander & Helena, b. 23.12.1899, lieut., dr. med., 23. IX B, Oflag II c
lzraelewicz Juliusz, s. Emma, b. 25.02.1900 Grodek, 2/lieut. 79 inf. reg., 78, Oflag II c
Jacobson Zygmunt, off. asp., dr.med., Cracow, Oflag IX b
Jakob Mieczyslaw, 2/lieut., Home Army (A.K.), Oflag XI b
Jakubowicz Leon, 2/lieut.,  570/VI A,  p.o.w. Oflag Vll b
Jakubowski Leon, 2/lieut., 579/VI E, p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Jasinowski Michal, s. Aron née Grynberg, b. 20.07.1907, 2/lieut., 18 I. art. reg., Oflag II c
Jasinski Bernard, capt., 15718,  p.o.w. Oflag Vll b
Jazieniecki Marian, lieut., dr. med., 32248,  p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Kahane - Kochanski Stanislaw, s. Ignacy, b. 20.6.1907 Lwow, lieut. 24 inf. reg., 19540,  p.o.w. Oflag Il c
Kahn Ludwig, capt., intell., Oflag VI B
Kantorowicz - Perelman Aron, s. Jehoszua & Chaja, b. 18.12.1906 Wlodzimierz, lieut. armour batt., 7417, Oflag II c trans. Stalag XXI/A
Karfiol Zygmunt, lieut., dr. med., Bielsko, Oflag VI b
Karp Ludwik, 2/lieut., 15430, Oflag VII a
Karpf Antoni, s. Wolf, b.12.02.1912 Rzeszow, lieut., p.o.w. Oflag IV c & Vl b
Karpf Tobiasz, off. Asp., from Rzeszow, Oflag
Kasprzycki - Althamer Mieczyslaw, 2/lieut., p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Kelhoffer Samuel, s. Marceli & Mina, b. 04.10.1899, 2/lieut.,25 cav. reg., 324, p.o.w. Oflag ll c
Keller Waclaw, 2/lieut., art., Oflag VI b
Kikinis Emil, capt., intern. Hungary
Kindler Dawid, s. Simon, b. 27.01.1902 Sokal, 2/lieut., dr. med.,  203 field hosp., p.o.w. Oflag Xl a
Kintopf Lucian, capt., Home Army, (A.K.), Oflag X c 
Kirszenstein Witold, lieut., 86, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Klaiman Johanan, s. Stanislaw née Ackerman, b. 1.2.1892 Krasnystaw, capt., dr. med.,  p.o.w. Oflag IIa & Vl b
Klajman Jan, lieut., 455/IIE, p.o.w. Oflag ll c
Klar Monik, s. Benedykt, b. 22.2.1916 Lipno, 2/lieut., p.o.w.  Oflag x a & Vl b
Klauzner Jozef, capt., 65, Oflag VII a
Klein Josef, lieut., 746/IV C, Oflag II e
Kleinberg Ignacy, b.1894, 2/Iieut., dr.med., 16357, Oflag VII a
KIeinberger Israel, s. Pinkas, b. 30.12.1896 Krakow, 2/lieut, dr. med., Oflag Xl a & VI b
Klinger Roman, 2/lieut., Oflag VI b
Knauft Feliks, lieut., Oflag VI b
Knaul Maksymilian, s. Dawid, b. 19.04.1907 Krakow, lieut., dr. med. 56 inf. reg., Oflag X a & VI b
Kobalanski Jozef, capt., Oflag VI b
Kofler Oskar, s. Seweryn, b. 08.03.1897 Buczac, capt. 16 inf. reg., 11.09.1939, 850, p.o.w. Oflag II c
Koltunowicz Michal, lieut., 326, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Kon Mieczyslaw, s. Samuel, b. 02.10.1894 Czestochowa, lieut. col., dr med., 10 inf. div., Oflag VI b
Konczynski Jerzy, capt., M.P., intern. Hungary
Konig Tadeusz, s. Karol, b.25.11.1908 Rzeszow, lieut. 66 inf. reg., 886, p.o.w. Stalag IXA, trans.Oflag Vl b
Konstantin Eugeniusz, capt., dr. med.,  intern. Hungary
Kornberg Ignacy, lieut., dr. med.,  intern. Hungary
Kowalski Jakub, s. Moses, b. 17.04.1910 Konin, 2/lieut., 41 l. art. reg., p.o.w. Oflag ll c
Kranz Jozef, 2/lieut., 73, p.o.w. Oflag V a
Krieger Jerzy, lieut., Home Army (A.K.), Oflag XI b
Krieger Jozef, 2/lieut., p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Krol Henryk, b. 13.10.1904 Wegrow, 2/lieut. Home Army (AK.) Warsaw uprise Stalag XI A
Kurzman Ignacy, 2/lieut. warr. off., 27480/VIII A, Oflag VI b
Labedz Daniel Piotr, 2/lieut., Oflag VI b
Labedz Leon, 2/lieut. Oflag IX b
Lamprecht Henryk, s. Teodor, b .30.04.1911 Sosnowiec, 2/lieut., 30 inf. reg., 997, p.o.w. Oflag XVIIIA & ll c
Landau Jakub, s. Saul, b. 1896, 2/ lieut., 2337, Oflag VII a
Landau Jozef,  s. Icek, b. 1905 Radom, 2/lieut., 462, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Landy Jan, lieut, Oflag II c
Langer Adam, 2/ lieut., 16028, Oflag VII a
Langman Wolf, b.1900, 2/lieut., dr. med, Distr. H.Q., 827/VI E, p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Langwald Aleksander, 2/lieut., 10375, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Lebowicz Leon, s. Oskar, b. 12.10.1903 Sosnowiec, 2/lieut. 26 inf. reg., 165, p.o.w.  Stalag II A - Oflag  ll c
Lehrhaft Wiktor, s. Samuel & Adela,  b. 11.09.1891, 2/lieut. 79 inf. reg.,162,  p.o.w.  Oflag XI A & ll c
Lenhardt Tadeusz, 2/lieut., 15966, Oflag VII a
Lerner Mieczyslaw, b. 20.10.1897 Czestochowa, 2/lieut., dr. med., 402 field hosp., p.o.w. Oflag  XII & Vl b
Leszno Jakub, lieut, dr. dent., Oflag VI b
Lew Abraham, s. Mendel & Roza, b.12.06.1904 Przemysl, lieut., 29 inf. reg., 445, p.o.w. Stalag II B - Oflag ll c 
Lewel Izydor, 2/lieut. inf., 490/Il A, Oflag VI b
Lewi Stanislaw, 2/lieut., 16575, Oflag VII a
Lewin Moszek, s. Abram & Lora, b. 29.09.1885 Pulawy, lieut., dr. med.,  27 batt. sapper., p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Lewinger Aleksander, s. Henryk, b. 28.3.1904 Wadowice, 2/lieut., 33 inf. reg., 50, p.o.w. Stalag II B & Oflag ll c
Lewinger Mieczyslaw, s. Henryk b. 08.11.1907, 2/lieut. 41 inf. reg., 51, p.o.w. Stalag II B & Oflag ll c
Lewitin Jakub, 2/lieut., p.o.w.  Oflag ll c, escaped from the prisoners camp
Lewkowicz Ferdynand, s. Bernard, b. 12.3.1909 Krakow, 2/lieut. art. p.o.w. Oflag  XVlllc-Stalag Xllla
Lewqelt  Izydor, 2/lieut., p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Lichter vel Swiatlowski Ignacy, 2/lieut., 15472, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Liebfeld Alfred, s. Stanislaw née Weinberg, b. 29.04.1900 Warszawa, 2/lieut., eng., 2132/II B, p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Liebfeld Jerzy, capt., 1436/Il B, Oflag VI b
Linke Mieczyslaw, s. Herman, b. 13.02.1892 Wloclawek, lieut., dr. med., 4 Div., Oflag XI b & Vl b, wounded
Lipski Adam, lieut., Gdynia, Oflag VI b
Lipski Wlodzimierz, 2/lieut. from Wilno
Litwin Jozef, s. Rafael & Maria b. 16.11.1911 Tarnow, 2/lieut., 984, p.o.w. Oflag ll c, escaped on 18.08.1940
Loc Rafael, s. Jakow, b. 27.09.1907 Slonim, 2/lieut (res.) inf., lawyer, 75 inf. reg.; p.o.w. Germany Oflag - Waldenberg Stalag II B – Offlag II C
Lochowaki Szymon, 2/lieut., 15256, Oflag VII a
Loffelhold Dawid, s. Joachim, b. 16.08.1889  Krakow, lieut (res.), dr. med., Miechow, 5 Distr. Hosp., p.o.w.  Oflag XA & VI b
Lowenstein Artur, s. Lorenz & Roza, b.10.10.1897 Krakow, lieut., p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Lubelfeld Jerzy, capt., p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Majblum Szymon, s. Stanislaw & Roza, b.18.09.1903 Potok, 2/lieut., p.o.w. Oflag II a & ll c
Majer Salomon, lieut., dr. med., 756/VI E, Oflag VI b
Majzner Kazimierz, lieut., 15801, Oflag VII a
Majzner Zdzislaw, 2/lieut. Home Army (A.K.), Oflag XI b
Mandelbaum Henryk, capt., dr. med.,  intern. Hungary 
Margulies Rachmiel, lieut, 792/VI E, Oflag VI b
Markowski Jakub, lieut., 151/XA, Oflag VIE
Markus Mieczyslaw, s. Zygmunt, née Grinfeld, b. 27.10.1896 Slupce, 2/lieut. 43 inf. reg., p.o.w. Oflag ll c
Marmelstein Efraim, s. Wolf & Ada, b. 15.06 1908 Lwow, 2/lieut., 3 cav. reg.. p.o.w. Stalag II B - Oflag ll c
Marzynski Dawid, s. Daniel, b. 16.10.1901 Pabianice, 2/lieut. 79  inf. reg., 1418, p.o.w. , stalag II - Oflag ll c
Matzenauer Karol, lieut., 975, Oflag VII a
Maudet Zdzislaw, 2/lieut., art., Oflag VI b
Mayblum Antoni, lieut., dr. med.,  internée Hungary
Meisels Wojciech, 2/lieut., pharm., Lwow, Oflag IX b
Meisler Izak, 2/lieut., 864, p.o.w.  Oflag II a & Vll a
Meisner Jan, capt., dr. med., 722/ VI E, Oflag VI b
Meister George, lieut.,Oflag II a - VII a
Melcer Eliasz, 2/ Iieut.,1895, Oflag II a-VI b
Menkes Bernard, 2/lieut., 32658, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Mester Henryk, b. 10.8.1917 kowal, 2/lieut/mgr. Home Army (A.K.), Warsaw Uprise, Stalag Xl a
Methal Mojzesz, 2/lieut., 15495, Oflag VII a
Metanowski Justyn, lieut. (res.), dr. law, intern. Hungary
Methal Mojzesz, 2/lieut., 15495, p.o.w. Oflag  Vll a
Metzger Hieronim, major, dr. med.,  140/VIE, p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Midloch Bronislaw, major, dr. med., 197/VI E,  p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Minc Jozef, 2/lieut., 1683/XIB, p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Mintz Henryk, lieut. .(res.), dr. med.,  intern. Hungary
Minzberg Franciszek, 2/lieut., 347, Oflag VII b
Mond Stanislaw Bernard, major general, 15002, Oflag VII a
Muller Dawid, 2/lieut., Lwow, Oflag VI b
Muskatenblit Wojciech, capt., intern. Hungary
Nachman Henryk, lieut., 336/II A, p.o.w. Oflag II e - Vl b
Nagoszewer Jozef, s. Naftali & Fela, b. 26.09.1905 Lomza, lieut., 6eng. div., 364, p.o.w. Stalag II b -  Oflag ll c
Natanson Ludwik, s. Edward, b. 16.08.1905 Warszawa, lieut., 37 inf. reg., 08.09.1939 Terespol, 519, Stalag II B -  Oflag ll c.
Nesterowicz Ignacy, 2/lieut., 499, p.o.w. Oflag ll e
Neufeld Stanislaw, 2/lieut., 32705, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Neugebauer Jan, capt/, 16216, Oftag VII a
Neugebauer Tomasz, lieut., 1059, Oflag VI a
Neuman Aleksander, 2/lieut., dr. med., intern.  Hungary     
Neyman Mieczyslaw, lieut., 44 inf. reg., Oflag VI B
? Niedental Adam, b. 31.07.1898, 2/lieut., p.o.w. Oflag Vl b, died 27.09.1944
Niekelburg Aron, s. Jozef, b.14.08.1910 Lodz, 2/lieut., dr. med., 7 I. art. reg, Oflag X a - Il b
Nuckowski Ignacy, major, dep. mil. prosecultor, Oflag VI B
Olicki Alfred, 2/ Iieut.,Oflag IX B
Opoka - Lowenstein Stanislaw, capt., dr. philosophy, intern. Hungary
Orlowski Samuel, s. Mendel, b. 06.01.1904 Pultusk, lieut. 53 mt. reg., 384, Stalag II B - Oflag II c
Ostrowski - Szpigel Jozef, lieut., 1665/ Xl B, p.o.w. Oflag ll b
Palenker Marian, b.1901 Krakow, lieut. 6l.art. reg., p.o.w., Oflag ll  c
Pancewicz Ignacy, lieut., 1115, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Parzenczewski Wolf, 2/lieut.
Pasternak Marian, 2/lieut., 211, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Penzias Ignacy, capt., intern. Hungary
Perelsztein Szlomo, lieut., med. services, p.o.w. Stalag VIII B - OflagVl b
Perlmuter Benjamin, s. Majer & Roza, b. 22.03.1898 Plock, 2/lieut. 101 bat. sapper, p.o.w. Oflag ll c
Pfisteter Sergiusz, s. Eugeniusz née Lichtenstein, b. 6.9.1904, capt., Oflag Xl A – VI b
Piekarczyk Aleksander, eng., 2/lieut., p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Pineles Hersz, s. Abram, b. 12.05.1898 Lwow, lieut., 15 inf. reg., Oflag X A, VI B
Pineles Marek, s. Abraham, b. 1894 Lwow, 2/lieut., 5 inf. div., dr. med., Oflag II c
Plater Ludwik, 2/lieut., eng., 245, Oflag VIIA
Polaczek Rafael, 2/lieut., 921/VE,  p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Pomaranski Jakub, 2/lieut., 32424, 9flag VII a
Popper Alfred,  major, eng., intern. Hungary
Possinger Wladyslaw, 2/lieut., 438, Oflag VII a
Potasz Rafael, s. Majer, b. 01.8. 1911 Bedzin, 2/lieut. 14 inf. reg., p.o.w., Oflag XII a - Vl b
Poznanski Marian, 2/lieut., 255, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Preiss Ludwik, 2/ lieut., 789/VI E, Oflag VI b
Prufer Bronislaw, 2/lieut., Home Army, (A.K.), Oflag X c
Pytlik Bernard, 2/lieut., 15903, Oflag VII a
Raabe Zdzislaw Henryk, 2/ lieut., 6 inf. div., Oflag VI b
Rabinowicz Benjamin, s. Ajzyk, b. 03.03.1910 Grodno, lieut. 44 inf. reg., p.o.w., Oflag Vl b
Rachfal Jozef, lieut., 541/VI E, Oflag VI b
Rachman, lieut., dr. med., Oflag II c
Rachwal Jerzy, 2/lieut., 130, Oflag VII a
Rachwal Pawel, capt., 16233, Oflag VII a
Rajchert Aleksander, lieut., Home Army, (A.K.), OfIag Xl b
Rapaport Marian (Majer), s. Chil, b. 28.02.1910 Lodz, leut. 20 inf. reg., 337, Stalag II B - Oflag II c
Rappel Mikolaj, lieut., dr. dent., Oflag VI b
Rauch Maurycy, capt. (res.), dr. med.,  intern. Hungary
Kofler Henryk, lieut., dr. law,  intern. Hungary
Reiman Jozef, 2/ lieut., Oflag VII a
Reiner Zenon, 2/lieut., dr. med.,  intern. Hungary
Reiss Leopold, major, dr. med.,  173/VI E, p.o.w. Oflag VI e - Vl b
Reiss Wladyslaw, 2/lieut. inf., Oflag VI b
Richter Karol, 2/lieut., 980/VI E, Oflag VI b
Rick Jozef, 2/lieut., dr. dent., Oflag VI c
Roder Heinrich, s. Mandel, b. 1913 Krakow, cad/off., Oflag X a
Rodewald Emil, lieut., 16041, Oflag VII a
Roman Maksymilian, lieut., dr. praw, intern.  Hungary
Rosenbaum Izaak, lieut..(res.), intern. Hungary
Rosenberg Aleksander, s. Rachil & Maria, b. 09.020.1889 Warszawa, 2/lieut., 223, p.o.w., Stalag II b -   Oflag ll c
Rosenberg Witold, lieut., 630, Oflag VII a
Rosenblat Wladyslaw, s. Filip, b. 12.02.1889, 2/lieut. 14 inf. reg.,  p.o.w. Oflag II b - Vl b
Rosenblum Adam, s. Michal, b. 31.12.1911 Lodz, lieut., 679, p.o.w., Oflag Vll a
Rosental Samuel, 2/lieut., dr. med., 71 inf. reg., p.o.w.  Oflag Vll a
Rosental Teodor, s. Eliasz & Laura, b. 18.12.1902 Lodz, lieut., 1353, p.o.w., Stalag II b -  Oflag ll c
Rosenwein Tadeusz, s. Chaim, b. 25.04.1898, 2/lieut., dr. med.,  202 field hosp. , p.o.w. Oflag II a - Vl b
Roth Ludwik, capt., 1646/II A, p.o.w. Oflag ll e
Rotschild Adam, 2/lieut., 628/VI E, Oflag VI b
Rotter Artur, 2/lieut., (res.), intrn.  Hungary
Royko Samuel, 2/lieut., 546, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Rozaner Hersz, s. Dawid & Ida, b. 17.03.1887 Przasznysz, capt., dr. med., 173/VI E, p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Rozaner Izaak, capt., 412, p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Rozeman Wilhelm, capt., 15151, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Rozenwert Jerzy, 2/lieut., 32762, p.o.w., Oflag Vll a
Rubinowicz Benjamin,  s. Ajzyk, b. 03.03.1910 Grodno, lieut. 44 inf. reg., dr. med., Oflag X c - VI b
Rubinstein Jerzy,  s. Ignacy, lieut., 15285, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Ryfczes Alfred, 2/lieut. (res.), intern. Hungary
Salomon Zygfryd, 2/lieut, 16604, Oflag VIIl a – VIl a
Salomonowicz Jan, s. Chaim, b. 06.09.1896 Lodz, lieut. 28 inf. reg., p.o.w., Oflag II d - Vl b
Salzman Ignacy, capt., 685/VI E, p.o.w. Oflag Vi b
Samberger Jozef, 2/lieut., 1677, p.o.w. Oflag II e - Vl b
Sandauer Ignacy, lieut., mag. In law, intern. in Hungary
Sanicki Leopold, lieut., dr. med., 51, p.o.w. Oflag Vl e
Sarafin Leon, 2/lieut., 16411, Oflag VII a
Sas Adolf, lieut., dr. med., 183, Oflag VI e
? Sawicki Marian, b. 09.2.1930 , 2/lieut., p.o.w. Oflag Vl b., died 08.11.1942 Dortmund
Schafer Ryszard, 2/lieut., 537, p.o.w. Oflag II e - Vl b
Schenkel Naftali, 2/lieut. Dr. med., intern. in Hungary
Scheur Szymon, s. Batia, b. 18.09.1897 Krakow, 2/lieut., 16 inf. reg., 202, p.o.w. St. II b - Oflag ll c
Schifman Adolf, capt., dr. med., 161, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Schmer Josef, 2/lieut., intern. in Hungary
Schoen Juliusz, capt., p.o.w. 463/VIE, Oflag VI e - Vl b
Schoenthaller Zenon, airman, Oflag X c
Schon Edward, lieut., mgr.,  p.o.w. 115, Oflag Vll a
Schonbrum Mikolaj, s. Pines & Paulina, b. 21.06.1897 Warzsawa, 2/lieut., 224, p.o.w.  St. IIb - Oflag ll c
Schreder Juliusz, 2/ lieut., Oflag VII c – VII a
Sendler Mieczyslaw, b. 16.9.1910 Piotrkow, 2/lieut. 70 inf. reg., p.o.w.  Oflag Vl b
Ser Israel, s. Mendel, b. 16.10 .1908 Lodz, 2/lieut., dr. med.,  p.o.w., Stalag Xlll a – Oflag XB
Serejski Maurycy, 2/lieut., intern. in Hungary
Sewnor Edmund, lieut., eng., Oflag VI b
Silberschatz Samuel, s. Leib, b. 11.2.1913 Lodz, lieut. p.o.w. Oflag X a - Vl b
Silberstein Lazar, 2/lieut., 32444, p.o.w. Oflag VII c - Vll a
Silberstein Lazar, s. Baruch, b.19.08.1914 Krakow, cad/off.,12.inf. reg., p.o.w., Oflag II e - Vl b
Skalski Sylwiusz, 2/lieut., 32139, p.o.w. Oflag VII c - Vll a
Skurnik Srul, s. Moszek, b. 18.03.1913 Warszawa, 2/lieut., p.o.w., Oflag X a - Vl b
Slonimski Ludwik, s. Karol, b. 31.08.1882 Warszawa, capt., dr. med.,  p.o.w., Oflag Vl b
Slowatys Abraham, s. Szymon & Felicja, b. 15.11.1908 Lomza, lieut., 491, p.o.w. St. II b - Oflag ll c
Slowes Salomon, b. 1909., dr. med., 301 field hosp., p.o.w. in Pawliszczew Bor, U.S.S.R.
Solowiejczyk Jakob, capt., dr. med., 342, p.o.w. Oflag Vl e
Sonnenberg Edmund, 2/lieut., p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Spanauf Emil, lieut, dr. dent., Krakow, Oflag VI b
Spielrein Abraham, capt., dr. med., intern. in Hungary
Spigiel - Ostrowski Jozef, b. 1899 Lodz, lieut, 15.9.1939 Warsaw, 1655, Oflag II c
Spira Maurycy, major, dr. med., 139, p.o.w. Oflag Vl e
Springer Marian, 2/lieut., 15914, p.o.w. Oflag VIII a - Vll a
Staler Bernard, lieut. 24 inf. reg., Oflag VI b
Stark Edmund, major, Oflag VI b
Starkschal Jozef, s. Adolf & Bluma, b. 27.08.1919 Tarnopol, 2/lieut, St. II b Oflag II c
Starkschal Josef, s. Josef & Bluma, b. 1910 Tarnow., capt., p.o.w., Oflag ll a
Starzynski Juliusz, lieut., dr. med., 32525,  p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Stecki Samuel, s. Leon & Matylda, b. 01.06.1905, 2/lieut.15 inf. reg., p.o.w. Oflag ll c
Stein Jakub, 2/lieut., Home Army (A.K.), Oflag X c
Stein Wladyslaw, s. Jakub, b. 08.02.1906, lieut., 45 inf. reg., p.o.w., Oflag XII a - ll c, wounded
Steinbach Ignacy, s. Moses, b. 14.06 1913 Lwow, 2/lieut., p.o.w. Oflag ll c
Steinberg Jakub, capt., dr. med., 352,  p.o.w. Oflag Vl e
Steinberg Leon, b 1889, 2/lieut., pharm., field hosp. 504, 864/VI E, Oflag VI B
Steiner Edward, lieut., 650/VI E, Oflag VI e - VI b
Steinert Karol, 2/lieut., 623/VI E, Oflag VI e - Vl b
Steinhauer Wiktor, capt., dr. med.,  99, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a – VII c
Stelmach Marian, 2/lieut., 215, p.o.w. Oflag vll a
Stenbach Ignacy, s. Moses & Regina, b. 14.06.1913 Lwow, 2/lieut., 726, St. II b - Oflag II c
Stenzel  Ignacy, capt., p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Stenzel Leon, 2/lieut., mgr., 299, Oflag VII a
Stiller Henryk, 2/lieut., Oflag VI b
Stolarski Jan., warr. Off., intern. in Hungary
Suchodolski Zbigniew, 2/lieut., Oflag VI b
Sukiennik Boleslaw Jan, 2/lieut. 17 inf. reg., Oflag VI b
Sukiennik Boleslaw, 2/lieut., 650/VI E, Oflag VI e-VI b
Szafer Salomon, s. Aron, b. 10.11.1905 Lwow, 2/lieut., p.o.w. Oflag ll c
Szajnbrun Mikolaj,  b.21.06.1897 Warszawa, lieut.16 uhlan reg. p.o.w., Oflag ll a
Szefler Leon, s. Marceli, b. 28.09.1909 Lodz, 2/lieut., art., p.o.w., Oflag Xl b 
Szeps Ignacy (lcchak), s. Jakub & Nora, b. 10.05.1904, 2/Iieut. 20 inf. reg., 821, Oflag II C
Szer Ignacy, capt., p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Szereszewicz Adolf, 2/lieut., p.o.w., Oflag II e - Vl b
Szlamowicz Daniel (Dawid), s. Israel, b. 04.05.1902 Lodz, 2/Iieut, Oflag XII a
Sznajder Tadeusz, lieut., 849, Oflag VII a
Szostak Juliusz,  s. Antoni née Stern, b. 08.01.1902., major, inf., p.o.w., Oflag Xl b
Szpigiel Jozef, s. Jozef, b. 17.09.1899 Lodz, lieut., p.o.w., Oflag Xl b
Szponer Mieczyslaw, lieut. Oflag VI b
Szprecher Icchak, b 1909 Wlodzimierz Wolynski, 2/lieut., 23 inf. reg., p.o.w., Oflag Vl e
Szrejber Lucjan, lieut. inf., Oflag VI b
Sztejnberg Henryk, s. Szaja & Maria, b. 06.01.1912 Warszawa, 2/lieut., 78 inf. reg., 515, p.o.w. St. II b - Oflag ll c
Szubert Henryk, b. 6.1.1903 Warsaw, lieut., Home Army (A.K.) Warsaw uprise, Stalag XI a
Szulc Andrzej, 2/lieut., Oflag VI c
Szulman Wladyslaw, 2/lieut., p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Szyeman Leib, lieut., dr. med., 15920, p.o.w. Oflag Vl e
Szyfman Leib, lieut., dr. med., 773, Oflag VI e
Tanne Ozjasz, 2/lieut., dr. med., intern. in Hungary
Taube Jozef, lieut., 970, Oflag VII a
Taustein Borislaw, 2/lieut., intern. in Hungary
Tchurz Dawid, s. Aron, b. 13.03.1883 Warsaw, capt., dr. med., field hosp., Oflag Xl a - VI b
Teichman - Traugutt Wladyslaw, capt., 16262, Oflag VII a
Temerson Leopold, 2/lieut., eng., intern. in Hungary
Templer Izydor, capt., intern. in Hungary
Tennenbaum Marek, 2/lieut., mag. Pharm., intern. in Hungary
Teszner Ignacy, 2/lieut., eng., 170, Oflag VII a
Thieberg Henryk, capt., dr. med. Oflag VI c
Trau Marek, capt., intern. in Hungary
Trincer Borislaw, 2/lieut., intern. in Hungary
UlIman Jozef, Iieut./col., Oflag VII a
Unger Chuna Mendel, b. 1910, 2/lieut.(res.), dr. med.,  p.o.w. in Pawliszczew Bor, U.S.S.R.
Unger Marceli, lieut., intern. in Hungary
Unger Oswald, s. Jozef & Aliza, b. 06.05.1896, lieut., 54 inf. reg., 788, p.o.w. St. II b - Oflag ll c
Wadecki Marian, s. Adam, b. 26.05.1917 Warsaw, 2/lieut., 521, Oflag II c
Wajnstein Dawid, b. 1910 Lask, 2/lieut., 32855, Oflag VII a
Wajsbach Jozef, major, dr. med.,  p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Wajsbrem Leon,  s. Wolf & Maria, b.06.08.1903, cad/off, p.o.w.  Oflag ll c
Waksman Daniel (Dawid), s. Jakub, b. 20.11.1903 Lublin, 2/lieut. 41 inf. reg., St. Il b - Oflag II c
Walfisz Mieczyslaw,  s. Abram & Roza, b. 16.06.1895 Warszawa, lieut., 33 inf. reg., 1181, p.o.w. Oflag ll c
Wallenburg Wladyslaw, 2/lieut., 15600, Oflag VI a
Wars Boleslaw, 2/lieut., 32759, Oflag VII a
Warth Karol, s. Arnold, b. 05.07.1901, capt., Oflag II a - Il c
Wdowicki Leon, 2/ lieut., 282, Oflag VII a
Wdowinski Michal, 2/lieut., 578, p.o.w. Oflag ll e – II c
Wechsler Filip,  s. Salomon, b.15.11.1904 Tarnopol, 2/lieut., jenie, Oflag ll c
Weideman Feliks, lieut., 240, p.o.w. Oflag ll e – II c
Weinberg Emanuel, major, dr. in law, intern. in Hungary
Weinberg Henryk, 2/ lieut., 794, Oflag II e -VI b
Weinberger Wlodzimierz, 2/lieut., 62/XI A, Oflag VI b
Weinert Jerzy, lieut. inf., 567/XB, Oflag VI b
Weinstein Kazimierz, lieut., 770/VI E, Oflag VI b
Weis Zdzislaw, cad/off, Oflag XII a
Weisbuch Jozef, major, dr. med., 15733, Oflag VII a
Weiss Marian,  s. Bernard & Gusta, b. 09.02.1901 Podwoloczysk, 2/lieut., 26 inf. reg., 567, p.o.w  St. II b -  Oflag ll c
Weiss Stefan,  capt., 225/XII A, p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Weiss Zygmunt, s. Eugenii, b. 04.04.1903 Warszawa, 2/lieut., 144 inf. reg., p.o.w.  Oflag ll c – II b
Weiss Zygmunt, capt., 368/VI E, Oflag VI b
Weksler Izak, Jakub, b.1893., 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med.,  p.o.w. in Pawliszczew Bor, U.S.S.R.
Wenzel Edmund, 2/lieut., 15934, Oflag VII a
Werth Karol, s.Arnold, b. 1901, capt., p.o.w. Oflag ll c
Wildstein Szymon, 2/lieut., dr. med. Intern. In Hungary
Wilk ldzi, 2/Iieut.,15934, Oflag VII a
Wilmer Samuel, lieut, dr. med., Lodz, Oflag VI b
Wilner Anatol, s. Leon, b. 18.09.1902, Warszawa, 2/lieut., 32 inf. reg., 20.9.1939 Sierpc, 1373, p.o.w. Oflag ll c
Winer Hersz (Henryk), 2/lieut., pharm., 900/VI E,  p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Winer Jonasz, 2/lieut., intern. in Hungary
Winter Bronislaw, 2/lieut., 32009,p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Wizental Romuald, s. Marian, b. 07.02.1910 Sosnowiec, 2/lieut., 27 inf. reg., p.o.w., Oflag X a - ll c
Wolf Florian, capt., 15163, OfIag VII a
Wolfstein Salomon, lieut., intern. in Hungary
Woznicki Karol, lieut., Gdynia, Oflag IX b
Wygodzki Majer, lieut., dr.med., Warsaw, Oflag VI b
Zakheim Zalo, s. Wolf. b.29.11.1914 Lodz, warr. off., 10 inf. reg., 1559, p.o.w.  Oflag X a - Vl b
Zalcensztajn  Edmund, s. Jozef & Regina, b. 09.11.1891 Drohobycz, lieut., dr. med., 04.09.1939 Warsaw, 849/IX B, p.o.w., Stalag II b -  Oflag ll c
Zalcman Henryk, s. Wolf, b.12.02.1904 Warsaw, capt., dr.med., Oflag XI b
? Zamecki Johanan, s. Julia, b. 13. 07. 1890, lieut., p.o.w. Oflag Vl b, died 20.03. 1944
Zauner Emil, 2/lieut., 963, Oflag VII a
Zawidowski, vel Weissman Jerzy, 2/lieut., p.o.w. Oflag Xl b
Zeidel Edward, capt.,358/VI E, p.o.w. Oflag Vl b
Zeitleben Stanislaw, 2/lieut., Oflag XI b
Zellman Eugeniusz, 2/lieut., 16865, Oflag VIIa
Zelman Henryk, 2/lieut., Home Army (A.K.), Oflag XI b
Zelnik Henryk, 2/lieut., ma. In law, intern. in Hungary
Zelniker Adam, b. 1899, 2/lieut., 316/XI B, Oflag VI b
Ziegler Leopold, 2/lieut., 1129, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Zimmerman Alfred, 2/lieut., intern. in Hungary
Zuckerman Leon, s. Jozef, b. 09 11.1891, lieut., 5  l. art. reg., 615, p.o.w. Oflag XII a – VI b -  ll c
Zuk Henryk, b. 30.1.1914 Warsaw, 2/lieut, Home Army (A.K.), Warsaw uprise
Zylber Aleks, s. Simon, b. 10.07.1898 Lodz, 2/lieut., 77 inf. reg., 7772, p.o.w. Oflag ll b – II c
Zylber Leon, lieut., 32576, p.o.w. Oflag Vll a
Zylber Mieczyslaw, 2/lieut., 107, p.o.w. Oflag X a -  Vl b
? Zylberberg Godel, s. Aron, 2/lieut., p.o.w. Oflag X a - Vl b
List No. 3
Remarks To List No. 3
List No. 3 presents a list of 357 Jews - officers in the Polish Armed Forces in Exile, i.e. in those military formations created after the September 1939 defeat, that were under the authority of the Polish Government in Exile:
The Polish Army in France.
The Podhalanian Brigade in Norway.
The Independent Carpathian Gunners Brigade in North Africa.
Anders Army in the U.S.S.R.
The Polish Army East and 2nd Corps in Italy
P.A.W. - 1st Corps in the Normandy landing, Arnheim assault, Polish Air Forces in England, and in the Navy.
The list, which consists of names of officers - Jews, is based on authentic and reliable sources, and includes the following personal data: 
? Family name and first name.
? Date and place of birth.
? Military rank, service branch, formation, assignment.
? Honorary decoration, and death circumstances.
In some cases important details, such as officer assignment, etc. are missing.
The list is not an entire, comprehensive register of Jews who served in the Polish Army in Exile for the following reason: In order to be enrolled in the Army many Jews did not admit to their Jewish origin. They changed their names to those with a Slavic-Polish sound and declared themselves to be Polish.
Officers’ names that were killed in action, or died of wounds, and in service or missing are marked with a hexagon mark “Star of David”.
? Abramowicz Leon, b. 1906, 2/lieut. (res.), fell in action 5.07.1944, Loretto, Italy. dec. C.V.
Adlersztajn Jerzy, 2/lieut. (res.), 2 corps.
? Ajsenberg Mojzesz vel Fabre Lucien, capt., active in the Polish Resistance Movement in France, decorated Croix de Guerre Avec l'Etoile de Vermeil.
? Anszer Zygmunt, b. 1917 Kielce, cad./off. 1 arm. div fell in action 3.11.1944, Holland.
? Antracht Julian, 2/lieut. (res.), died in service 23.02.1942, Anders Army
? Asman Ludwik Karol, 2/lieut. (res.), fell 4.05.1942, Polish A. F. United Kingdom.
Bachman Jerzy, lieut.(res.), 2 corps Italy, dec. C.V.
Balk Jerzy Eugeniusz, lieut. (res.), dr. med., P.A.E.-2 Corps.
Baruchowicz Ludwik, b. 1897, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., P.A.E.-2 Corps.
Baser Henryk, lieut. (res.), France 1940, dec. C.d G.
Baum Juliusz, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med..,P.A.E-2 Corps. 
Baumgarten Stanislaw, b. 1917, capt. (res.) art., P.A E- 2 Corps.
Berensztein Feliks, b.1895, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., P.A.E.-2 Corps.
Berensztein, aspirant, dr. med., 101 l.art. reg., 1 Gren. Div., France 1940
Berger Henryk, capt. (res.), dr. med., P,A.E.-2 Corps.
? Bergman Jerrzy, 2/lieut., pilot, fell in action 18.07, 1944. P.A.F., Great Britain
Bergson Tomasz, 2/lieut., 2 Grenad. Div., France 1940
Berkowicz Mosze, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., P.A.E.-2 Corps.
Berwald Leopold, capt. (res.) .P.A.E.- 2 Corps
Binder Jerzy, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.-2 Corps. 
? Binder Michal, b. 1919 Lwow, cadet/off., died in sevice 9.03.1944, Anders Army, U.S.S.R.
Binensztok Erwin, aspirant, 2 Gren. Div., France 1940, dec. C.d G.
Blum Aleksander, capt. (res.), 2 Gren. Div.,France 1940, dec. C.d.G.
Blumhoff Kazimierz, b.1902, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., P.A.E.-2 Corps
Blutrajch Serafin, lieut. (res.), dr. med., P.A.E.-2 Corps
Bochenek Ignacy, b. 1910 Czestochowa, 2/lieut. (res.) inf., P.A.E.-2 Corps
Borowicz Edward, lieut. (res.), 1 Gren. Div., France 1940
Borowski, lieut. (res.), dr. med., 1 Gren. Div., France 1940
? Brandszted Jan, 2/lieut., pilot, fell in action 2.01.1945, P.A.F. Great Britain
Brant Henryk, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., P.A.E.-2 Corps.
Braun Bronislaw, lieut. (res.), dr. med., P.A.E.- 2 Corps
Braun Jerzy, lieut. (res.), 2 Corps, Monte- Cassino battle, dec. C.V.
Braun Stanislaw, b.1898, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.-2 Corps
Bromberg Abram Icek, b. 1898, chaplain-rabbi, P.A.E.
Bruckner Adolf Jerzy, b. 1901, lieut. (res.), dr. med., P.A.E.-2 Corps
Brzezinski Szlomo, 2/lieut.(res.), dr. med. P.A.E.
Bucksbaum, 2/lieut.inf., 1 Gren. Div., France 1940
Cukierman Izydor, 2/lieut, dr.med., P.A.E.-2 Corps
Cyfrus Jerzy, 2/lieut. (res.) inf., P.A.E.-2 Corps
? Czertok Leon, b. 1910 Lida, 2/lieut., 1 Armour. Div., fell in action 31.12.1944
Dawid Henryk, 2/lieut., 4 inf. reg., 2 Gren. Div., France 1940
? Dornsztrach Benjamin, s. Zerach, 2/lieut. (res.), 2 Gren. Div., died in ser vice France 1940.
? Edelman Henryk, s. Samuel b.1904, Lodz, lieut. (res.), died in service, U.S.S.R. Lugowaja 28.02.1942
Eksztajn Aleksander, lieut. (res.), 2 Corps, Monte Cassino battle, dec. C.V.
Eloktorowicz Aleksander, capt. (res.), Polish Army France 1940
Elwinger Ryszard, 2/lieut.(res.), P.A.E.-2 Corps.
Enoch Izydor, lieut. (res.) inf., P.A/E- 2 Corps.
Erlich Prysner Szymon, 2/lieut,dr. med., 2 Corps, Monte Cassino, dec. C.M
Erlich Seweryn, lieut. (res.), P.AE.-2 Corps
Fajgelson, aspirant, dr. med., 2 Gren. Div. France 1940
Fajnbuch Abraham, lieut (res.) inf., 2 Corps,Monte Cassino battle, dec .V.M.
Fajner Jerzy, 2/lieut. (res.) 1 Gren. Div., France 1940
? Farbsztajn Moszek, b. 1918, cadet/off., died in service 8.11.1941, U.S.S.R. Tockoje 
Federgraun Jakub, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.-2 Corps
? Feil Izak Jozef, b. 1912, 2/lieut., navigator, perished in action 13.06.1944 Gelsenkirchen (sea)
Fernsztajn Ludwik, capt., P.A.E.-2 Corps, dec. C.V.
Ferster Pawel, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.-2 Corps, dec. C.V.
? Fijalkowski Jerzy, b. 1917 Ostrow Maz., lieut., (res.), died in service 28.04.1945 Donington, Great Britain
Fiszbach Marian, 2/lieut. (res.)., P.A.E..-2 Corps
Fiszer Mendel, aspirant, dentist, 2 Gren. Div., France 1940
Flafon Jakub, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A/E/-2 Corps, dec. C.M.
? Flambach Henryk, lieut. (res.), fell in action on vessel Caparcona 13.05.1945.
Flanc Leon, lieut. (res.), P.A.E.-2 Corps
Flaum Jerzy Stanislaw, lieut. (res.),1 Gren. Div., France 1940
Flor Artur, 2/lieut. (res.)., P.A.E.-2 Corps
? Frenkiel Boleslaw, b. 1912 Boryslaw, 2/lieut., 1 armour. Div., fell in action 2.05.1945, Germany.
? Fresz Julian, b. 1907 Koblencja, lieut., 1 Gren. Div., fell in action, France 1940 
Fridestal Roman, 2/lieut. (res.), 2 Gren. Div., France 1940
Friedman Arnold, b.1911, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., 2 Corps
Furman Mieczyslaw, 2/lieut.,4 inf. reg., 2 Gren. Div., France 1940
Fus Leon Henryk, b. 1906, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., P.A.E.-2 Corps.
Gartner Aleksander, lieut., pilot, P.A.F., Great Britain
Gelbert Lucjan, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., P.A.E.
Gelbert Zygmunt, capt., dr. med., 2 Gren. Div., France 1940
? Geller Zygmunt, b. 1894 Lwow, lieut., fell in action 3.04.1942, Great Britain
Gerszonowicz Abram, b. 1913, Lodz, 2/lieut. (res.), eng., P.A.E.
Gerten Jozef, b. 1904, capt. (res.), dr. med., P.A.E.-2 Corps
Ginsbart Julian, capt., navy, Great Britain
Ginsburg Abraham, lieut. (res.), France 1940., dec. C.d.G., C.V.
Gitler Nachum, 2/lieut., dr. med., 2 Corps-Italy., dec. C.V.
Glicenstein Maurycy, 2/lieut. (res.), inf., P.A.E.
Gliner Wilhelm, 2/lieut. (res.), 1 Gren. Div. France 1940
Glinski M. , 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., 2 Gren. Div., France 1940
Gold Mieczyslaw, 2/lieut. (res.), reconn. off., 2 Gren. Div., France 1940
Goldbrum Maurycy, b. 1913 Warsaw, 2/lieut. (res.), eng., 2 Corps. Italy
? Goldhaar Jerzy, b. 1915 Bialobrzeg, capt., pilotr, fell in action 20.02.1945, Azory
Goldrat Henryk, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.
Goldszmid Adolf, 2/lieut., P.A.F., H.Q., Great Britain
Gotlieb Gabriel, b.1893, capt., dr. med., 202 h. art. reg., 202 Gren. Div.
? Graber Adam, b. 1896, Warsaw, lieut., dr. med., fell in battle 8.05.1944. Monte Cassino
? Grinbaum Mieczyslaw, 2/lieut., 1 parach. b rigade, fell in action 09.1944 Arnheim, Holland
Grinberg Aleksander, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.-2 Corps
Grinberg Henryk, lieut. (res.), France 1940, dec. C.d.G.
Grinberg Mosze, 2/lieut. (res.), France 1940, dec. S.C.M.
Grinberg Mosze 2/lieut. , (res.), P.A.E.-2 Corps
Grinfeld Erwin, capt. (res.), P.A.E.
Grunberg Michal, 2/lieut., 4 inf. reg., 2 Gren. Div., France 1940, dec. C.d G
Gudkind Edward, 2/lieut., reconn. off., 202 h. art. reg. 2 Gren.Div.
Gwozdz Izydor, capt., 2 Gren. Div., France 1940.
Haber Beno, 2/lieut. (res.)., P.A.E.-2 Corps
Hajnman Roman, 2/lieut. (res.), France 1940, dec. C.V.
Halpern Artur, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.-2 Corps
? Hammer Herman Hersz, b. 1897, Plock, capt., dr. med., died in service Palestine (Eretz-Israel) 1945
Handelsman Jozef, lieut. (res.), France 1940, dec. C.V.
Hanoch Wladislaw, 2/lieut. (res.), 2 Gren. Div., France 1940
Harem Alfred, 2/lieut. (res.), 1 Gren. Div., France 1940
Hartman Henryk, 2/lieut., 2 Corps, Monte Cassino, dec. C.V.
? Hazenfus Bernard, s. Jozef b. 1896, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., died in service 12.03.1042, Anders Army, U.S.S.R. 
Helcer Leon, 2/lieut.,1 Gren. Div., France 1940
? Helcman Stanislaw, b.1911 Minsk (U.S.S.R.), 2/lieut., 2 Corps, died of wounds 24.05.1945 Bologne, Italy
Heler Jerzy, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E - 2 Corps
? Helman Dawid, b. 1921, 2/lieut., died in sevice 28.06.1942, Anders Army U.S.S.R.    
? Hennenberg Zdzislaw, b. 1911 Warsaw, capt., pilot, died in service 12.02.1941, Great Britain
? Hertz Leon Ignacy, b. 1911 Lodz, capt., eng., fell in action 9.08.1944 Langannerie, France
Higesberger Henryk, 2/lieut., 2 Gren. Div., France 1940., dec.C.d.G, C.V.
? Higesberger Zbigniew, b.1909 Piotrkow, 2/lieut., eng., died of wounds 14.05.1946,dec.C.d G.
Hildebrand Jozef, b.1898, major art., P.A.E.-2 Corps. Italy
Hildebrand Julian, b. 1889, major (res.), eng., P.A.E.- 2 Corps.
? Hirsch Zdzislaw, capt., pilot, fell in action 6.02.1945, Great Britain
? Hirschband Robert, b. 1889, major, squadron comm., P.A.F., fell in action 2.06.1942, Great Britain, dec. O.B.E.
Hirsz Stanislaw,  2/lieut.(res.), 6 inf. reg., 2 Gren. Div., France 1940
? Hochbauer Dawid, b. 1893, 2/lieut., dr. med., died in service, Margidan U.S.S.R.
Hoffbauer, 2/lieut. (res.), 1 Gren. Div., France 1940.
? Horn Leon, b. 1891 Brzezany, capt., died in service, Pert, 11.02.1942 Scotland
Horowitz Jozef, 2/lieut., dr. med., 2 Corps., dec. S.C.M.
? Huttner Julian, b. 1915 Vien, 2/lieut., fell in action 18.11.1944, Bologne.
Jakubowicz Adam, b. 1889, capt. (res.), dr. med., P.A.E., 2 Corps
Jakubowicz Josef, 2/lieut. (res.), 1 Gren. Div., France 1940
? Janowski Dawid, b. 1900, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., fell in action Cassemassima, 2 Corps-Italy
Jedwab Henryk, 2/lieut. (res.)
Jelniewicz Elchanan, 2/lieut.,dr. med., 2 Corps, dec. S.C.M.
Kacner Jozef, lieut. (res.), dr. med., P.A.E.
Kagan Grzegorz, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.- 2 Corps
? Kagan Leon, b. 1893 Miedzyr/ieut. (res.), dr. med., died in service 22.04.1942, Kermine, U.S.S.R.
Kahane Szlomo, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.- 2 Corps
Kajzman M. , dr. med., dentist, 2 Gren. Div., France 1940
Kalter Jehuda, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.-2 Corps.
Kanarek Jerzy, capt. (res.), dr. med., France 1940, dec. C.V.
Kantor Szymon, cad/off., dr. med., P.A. France 1939/40
Kapinski Dawid, cad/off., dr. med., P.A. France 1939/40
Karasik Zalman, lieut. (res.), P.A.E.
Karnas Jozef, lieut. (res.), 2 Corps, dec. C.V.
Kastner Adam, 2/lieut., signal off., 2 Gren. Div., France 1940
Katz Meilach, lieut. (res.), P.A.E.- 2 Corps
Katz Samuel, aspirant, 1 Gren. Div., France 1940
? Katz Szlomo, b. 1893, Sambor, capt. (res.), died in service 28.08.1944, Palestine (Eretz Israel).
Kiczek Stanislaw, 2/lieut. (res.)., dr. med., P.A.E.-2 Corps
Kimerlich Gustaw, lieut.,dr. med., P.A.E.-2 Corps
Klajner Arnold, lieut, pilot, P.A.F. Great Britain. dec. V.M.& C.V.
Klajnman Dawid, 2/ lieut. (res.), P.A.E.
? Klausner Ludwik, b. 1891 bochnia, lieut., died in service 20.09.1943 Palestine (Eretz-Israel), bur. Nachlat Benjamin cem.
Klauzner Bruno, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.
Klaz Zygmunt, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.
Klec Maurycy, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.
Kleinberg Herman, lieut. (res.), P.A. W., dec. C.V..
Kleinman Jechezkiel, 2/ lieut., dr. med., dec. C.V
Kleinrecher Mieczyslaw, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.-2 Corps
Klepacz Marceli, b. 1907, capt. (res.), dr. med., P.A.E.-2 Corps
Klepfisz Heszel, b. 1910, major, chaplain-rabbi, P.A.W. Great Britain
? Klugman Chaskiel,dr. med., fell in action, Falaise, France 1945
? Kneppel Salo, b. 1922, 2/lieut., fell in action 18.08.1944, Langennerie, France.
Knobel Marcin, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.
Kobrynski Jerzy, lieut. (res.), France 1940, dec. C.V.
Koch Adolf, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., P.A.E.-2 Corps
Kogan Jakow, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., P.A.E.-2 Corps
Kol Ludwik, 2/lieut., France 1940, dec. C.V
Kolar Beno, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.- 2 Corps
Kon Fiszel, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.- 2 Corps
Kon Grzegorz, lieut., pilot, P.A.F., Great Britain, dec. C.V.
? Kon Jozef, b. 1896 Warsaw, 2/lieut., died in service 31.03.1945 Palestine (Eretz-Israel), bur. Rehovot cem.
Kon Leon, b. 1891, lieut. (res.), dr. med., P.A.E.- 2 Corps
Kon Leon, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., P.A.E.-2 Corps 
Kon Leopold, 2/ lieut. (res.), P.A.E.
Kon Szemel, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.-2 Corps
Kon Wladyslaw, capt., navy, Great Britain
Konig Jozef,  2/lieut (res.), P.A.E.- 2 Corps, dec. C.V.
Korlanski Zygmunt, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., P.A.E.-2 Corps
Kotowicz Szmuel, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.-2 Corps
Kozusznik, lieut. colonel, navy, Great Britain
Krakowski Artur, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., P.A.E.-2 Corps
Kresper Chaim,, aspirant, Ind. Riffle Brig., Narvik 1940, Norway
Krieger Bernard, b. 1900, capt. (res.), sapper, P.A.W.
Kriger Herman, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.-2 Corps
Krynski Jan, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., P.A.E.- 2Corps
Kubecki Romuald, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.
? Kucharski Stefan, 2/lieut., pilot, P.A.F, fell in action 9.04.1945 Great  Britain
? Kuhner Leopold, b. 1911, cadet/off., Indep. Carp. Brig., fell in action Tobruk, Libja
Kupferman Dawid, capt. (res.), P.A.E.
? Kurz Bronislaw, b. 1920 Tarnopol, 2/lieut., dr. med.,died of wounds 25.08.1945 Menteville, France
Kurzer Leopold, b. 1914 Lwow, lieut. (res.), dr. med., 2 Corps-Italy
Kurzweil Bronislaw, b. 1896, lieut. (res.), army column serv., P.A.E.
Lach Zvi, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., P.A.E.-2 Corps
Landau Marceli, 2/lieut. (res.), 1 Gren. Div., France 1940, dec.C.V.
Landfisz Szaul, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., P.A.E.-2 Corps
Landrot Stefan (Szymon) , lieut. (res.), P.A. France 1940
Langer Julian, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.-2 Corps, dec. S.C.M.
Langleben Michal, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med. 1 Gren. Div., France 1940
Langrot Jerzy, lieut., 1 Gren. Div., France 1940, dec. C.V.
? Laulicat Hirsz, b. 1910 (1900), 2/lieut., P.A.E, died in service 7.09.1940, bur. Jewish cem. Rehowot - Palestine
? Laulicht Zygmunt (Zwi), b. 1910 Oswiecim, 2/lieut. died in service 7.09.1944 Palestine
Lawec Jakub, lieut. (res.), P.A.E.-2 Corps
Lebkuchle Adolf, 6 inf. reg., 2 Gren. Div., France 1940
Lejtner Jozef, 1903, capt. (res.) inf.,P.A.E.-2 Corps
? Lew Feliks, b. 1904 Przeworsk, lieut.(res.), died of wounds 6.06.1941 Perth, Scotland
Lewinter Ignacy, lieut., P.A.F., H.Q., Great Britain
Liber Dawid, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.-2 Corps
? Liberman Jakow, s. Kalman b. 1915, Krakow, 2/ lieut, killed in action Monte Cassino battle 12.06.1944
? Liblikman, A., lieut., pilot, fell in action 22.07.1944, Great Britain
? Lichtensztajn Mojzesz, s. Mieczyslaw b. 1888, capt., dr. med., fell in partisan detachment 1944
Lifszyc Jozef, lieut, dr. med., P.A.E.-2 Corps
? Ligota Lilienthal Mieczyslaw, b. 1896, Krakow, 2/lieut., dr. med. killed in action 15.11.1942, Iraq
Lilian Brzedowski, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.-2 Corps
Lindenburg Ludwik, b. 1891, lieut. (res.) inf., P.A.E.-2 Corps
? Lipschutz Jakow, b. 1895, lieut., died in sevice 30.09.1942, Aschabad U.S.S.R.
Litmanowicz Israel Jakub, b.1903, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., P.A.E.-2 Corps
Lochman Jozef, 2/lieut. (res.) 1 Gren. Div., France 1940
Lutenberg Motel, 2/lieut. (res.)., P.A.E.-2 Corps.
Madender Izydor, capt. (res.), dr. med., Anders Army, P.A.E.
? Majer Eugenjusz, b. 1898 Tomaszow Maz., 2/lieut. (res.), died in service 1942 U.S.S.R.
Majer Wilhelm,2/lieut., dr. med. 1 Gren. Div., France 1940
Majer, lieut. 1 Gren Div., France 1940
Majsels Maurycy, b. 1904, dr. med., nom. 1945, Great Britain
Majtlis Ignacy, lieut-pilot, P.A.F., Great Britain, dec. C.V.
Mantel Emil, lieut. 2. Corps. Italy, dec. V.M.
? Marenholc Marian, 2/lieut., O.W.P.P. s. ”Zywiciel” detachment, fell in battle 30.04.1944, Warsaw
Margolis Norbert, 2. lieut., dr. med., P.A.E.
Markus Henryk, 2/lieut. (res.), Anders Army, P.A.E.
Melcer Hersz, b. 1906, major, chaplain-rabbi, P.A.W.
Mendelson Marcin, 2/lieut., 2 Corps-Italy
? Mendschein Jerzy, lieut.-pilot, fell in action 21.02.1943,P.A.F., Great Britain
? Messner Emil, b. 1897, lieut-eng., died in service 9.05.1941, Great Britain
Milgrom Szmuel, 2/lieut., dr. med., P.A.E.
Mocner Adolf, lieut. (res.)., Anders Army, P.A.E.
Mojsiewicz Norbert ,2/ lieut., eng., 6 inf. reg. 2 Gren. Div. France 1940
Montinband Mieczyslaw, 2/lieut., dr. med., P.A.E. 
Mor Maksymilian, 2/lieut. (res.)., P.A.E.
Mor Martin, capt. (res.), dr. med., P.A.E.
? Mordkowicz Szlomo, s. Israel, 2/lieut., fell in action 5.06.1944 Monte Cassino-Italy
? Muszynski Emanuel, b. 1902 Kracow, fell in action 1.06.1944 Monte Cassino-Italy
? Najder Marcel, lieut. -pilot, fell in action 21.02.1943, P.A.F. Great Britain
Najman Waclaw, 2/lieut., P.A.E.
Nauberg Roman, 2/lieut., topogrraphy off., 1 Gren .Div. France 1940, dec. C.V.
Nement, 2/lieut., dentist, 1 Gren .Div., France 1940
Neuberg Eugeniusz, lieut., 5 inf. reg, 2 Gren. Div., France 1940, intern. Swiss, p.o.w. Oflag VI b
Niemczyk Menasze, lieut., dr. med., P.A.E
Palek Icchak, b. 1906, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., P.A.E.
? Palmach Henryk, b. 1894, lieut., died of wounds 13.05.1945 battle ship Cap Arcona
Pancer Maurycy, lieut. (res.), 2 Corps-Italy, dec. C.V.
Pappe Adams Maksymilian, b. 1895, capt. (res.), dr. med., P.A.W., 
Parnes Henryk Ryszard, b. 1913, 2/lieut (res.), dr. med., Great Britain
Patron Michal, lieut. (res.), P.A.E.
Perelman Eliahu, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., 2 Corps-Italy, dec. S.C.M.
? Piekman Stanislaw, b. 1904 Warsaw, cadet/off., fell in action 31.06.1940, Narvik, Norway
Pik Jermijahu, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., P.A.E.
Plesner Rafal, b. 1888, lieut. (res.), eng., P.A.E.
Pohorille Marek, b. 1901, 2/lieut. (res.), pharm., P.A,E.
? Posner Eliasz, navigator, shoot down over the Channel 1942, P.A.F. Great Britain
? Presch Julian Leon, b. 1907, capt. art., fell in action, France 06.1940, Eysiness-Bordeaux
Presman Salomon, cadet/off, dr. med., France 1939
Presser Henryk, b. 1892, major, dr. veter., P.A.W., Great Britain
Puczimak Awidon, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.
Puranski Henryk, 2 (res.), P.A.E.
Purisman Lazar, b. 1914, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., Great Britain
Puszt Henryk, capt. (res.), dr. med., P.A.E.
Puzaryk Marian, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.
Rabinowicz, 2/lieut. 1 Gren. Div., France 1940
Rajbaum Aron, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.
Rajchel Icchak, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.
Rajser Norbert, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.
Rajsman Joel, 2/lieut., 2 Corps-Italy, dec. C.V.
Rajson Szaul, 2/lieut. 2 Corps-Italy, dec. C.V.
Rakower Marek, lieut. 2 Corps -Italy, dec. S.C.M.
Rapaport Szmuel, 2/lieut., 2 Corps-Italy, dec. V.M.
Reicher Adam, 2/lieut.,P.A.E.
? Reinhold Jozef, b. 1922 Kracow, cadet/off, parachute brigade, fell in action 9.05.1944 Traworth, Great Britain
Reiss Julian Leonard, b. 1940, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., P.A. France 1940
Richtetr Adolf, 2/lieut., dr. med.,1 Gren. Div., France 1940
Rohatyner Jakov Jerzy, b.1904, 2/lieut. 2 Corps-Italy, dec. S.C.M.
? Rosen Juliusz, b.1920, lieut, fell in action 12.09.1944, Bologna-Italy
Rosenblat Bronislaw, 2/lieut., dr. med., P.A.E.
Rosengart Ignacy, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.
Rosengarten Pinkas, b. 1912 Nowy Sacz, capt., chaplain-chief rabbi 2 Corps-Italy
? Rosse Marek, b. 1905 Wilno, P.A.E, died in service 13.09.1942, Palestine (Eretz-Israel)
Roszet Henryk, capt. (res.), dr. med., Corps-Italy, dec. C.V.
Roter Mieczyslaw, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.
Rotman Benjamin, 2/lieut., 2 Corps-Italy, dec. S.C.M.
Rotszyld Eliezer, 2/lieut., dr.med., 2 Corps-Italy, dec. Br.C.V.
Rubber Natan, major, chaplain- rabbi, P.A. France
Rubinowicz Benjamin, 2/lieut., P.A. France 1940
? Rubinrot Andrzej, b. 1913 Warsaw, cadet/off., killed in action 17.03.1943, drawned with torpedo-s/s Empress of Canada
Rubinsztajn Jozef, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.
Sale Majer, b. 1908, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., P.A.W. Great Britain
Salomon (Fridberg) Jozef, 2/lieut., P.A.F., Great Britain
Salomonowicz Apolinary, 2/lieut. 5 inf. reg., 2 Gren. Div., France 1940, dec. C. d G.
? Sandor Mosze, aspirant, 1 Gren. Div., France 1940, killed in action, dec. V.M.
Schafer Beno, b. 1906, 2/lieut. dr. med., P.A.W., Great Britain
Schindler Tadeusz, b. 1904, 2/lieut., dr, med., P.A.E.
? Schneider Julian, b. Lwow, major, dr, med., died in service 2.04.1944 Perth. Scotland, P.A.W.
? Schon Borys, b. 1909 Sosnowiec, 2/lieut., died in service 18.01.1945, Ramleh Palestine, P.A.E.
Sekler Jakub, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med.,P.A.E.
Silber (Zylber) Adolf, capt., dr. med., P.A.E.
Silber Adolf, b. 1893, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., P.A. E
Sokolow Chanoch, 2/lieut., P.A.W., Great Britain, dec. C.V.
Solowiejczyk Mosze, capt. (res.), dr. med., 2 Corps-Italy.
Somerfeld Frideryk, 2/ lieut. (res.), dr. med. . P.A.E.
Spicer Marceli, 2/lieut., dr. med., 2 Corps-Italy, dec. S.C.M.
? Steinmasser Zygmunt, b. 1919 Krakow, lieut, fell in action 1.10.1944, Lommel, Belgium, P.A.W.
? Stenzel Stefan, b. 1884, 2/lieut. (res.), died in sevice 31.03.1942, Anders Army, U.S.S.R.
Stombach Henryk, cadet/off. dr. med., P.A. France 1939/40
Szaafran Zygmunt, 2/lieut.,1 Gren. Div., France 1940
? Szajn Borys, 2/lieut.(res.), died in service 5.04/1945, P.A.E. bur. Ramleh- Palestine (Eretz- Israel)
Szelder Kazimierz, 2/lieut. (res.), 2 Corps-Italy, dec. C.V
Szencer Henryk, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.
Szer Icchak, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.-2 Corps
Szer Icchak, 2/lieut. P.A.W., Great Britain., dec. C.V.
Szewski Jakov, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.
? Szlaferman Maurycy, b. 1887, capt. (res.), dr. med., died in service 6.07.1942 Anders Army, U.S.S.R.
Szlosman T. , aspirant, dr. med. 2 Gren. Div. France 1940
Szonfeld Jozef, 2/lieut. 6 inf. reg., 2 Gren. Div. France 1940
Szpalfensztein Jerzy, major, 1 Gren Div., France 1940
Szpaltensztajn Henryk Jerzy, major, 1 Gren. Div. France 1940, dec. C.d G. Zpanauf, 2/lieut., dr.-dentist, 1 Gren. Div., France 1940
? Szperber Adam Waclaw, b. 20.5.1920 Kracow, 2/lieut., armour. Div., P.A.W, fell in action 1.10.1944, Belgium, Lommel
Szperka Henryk, 2. lieut. 4 inf. reg., 2 Gren. Div., France 1940
Szpern Zygmunt, 2/lieut., 1 Gren Div., 1940 France
Szpilman Henryk, lieut., dr.med., 2 Corps.-Italy, dec. S.C.V.
Szpiro Hersz, aspirant, dr. med., 2 Gren. Div., France 1940
Szrajber Aleksander, 2/lieut., P.A.F., Great Britain,
Szrajer Kazimierz, 2/lieut.-pilot, P.A.F., Great Britain. dec. V.M.
? Sztajminger Aleksander, b. 1908, capt., fell in action 1944 Holland. P.A.W.
Sztajn Salomon (Szlomo), 2/lieut, dr. med., 1 Gren Div., P.A. France 1939/40
Sztajnbach Zygmunt, 2/lieut. (res.), P.A.E.
Sztajnberg Meir, capt., chaplain-rabbi, P.A.E.
Sztajnborn Tadeusz, lieut. (res.), 2 Corps-Italy, dec. S.C.M.
Sztater Maksymilian, lieut. (res.), dr. med., P.A.E.-2 Corps
Szterling Henryk, lieut. (res.), P.A,E,
Sztucman Ferdynand, 2/lieut. P.A.W., Great Britain, dec. C.V.
Szulc Jakub, cadet/off., P.A. France 1939/40
Szulcinger Szymon, lieut. (res.), P. A. E.
Szunchaut Jozef, lieut. (res.), P.A.E.
Szwager Norbert, 2/ lieut. (res.), P.A.E.
Szwajs Stanislaw, 2/lieut., dr. med., P.A.E.-2 Corps
Szwarcman Jozef, 2/lieut., dr. med., 2 Corps-Italy, dec. C.V.
Szyndler Tadeusz, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med. P.A.E-2Corps 
Tajchman Lucjan, 2/lieut. P.A.E.-2 Corps
Tajchner Markus, 2/lieut. P.A.E.-2 Corps, Italy
Tarlowski Eliezer, 2/lieut., P.A.E.-2 Corps
Taub Jozef, 2/lieut, dr. med. P.A.E.-2 Corps, Italy
Taubles Jakub, 2/lieut. dr. med., P.A.E. -2 Corps 
Teichberg Chaim Ajzyk, b. 1912, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., P.A.W., Great Britain
Tencer Maks, b. 1909, 2/lieut. (res.), dr. med., P.A.W., Great Britain
Tenenbaum Juliusz, 2/lieut., P.A.E.-2 Corps 
? Tor Nikodem, b. 1899, Zdunska Wola, dr. med., died in service 16.04.1942 U.S.S.R., Anders Army
? Trocki Adolf, b. 1915 Wilno, lieut.-eng., Armor. Div., fell in action 16.08.1944, Langennerie, France 
Tuchnan Sender, cadet/off., dr. med. P. A. France 1940.
? Ungier Leon, b. 1913, Lwow, 2/lieut., 2 Corps, fell in action 29.01.1945, Loretto, Italy
Wassung Aleksander, lieut., 4 inf. reg., 2 Gren. Div., France 1940
List No. 4
Remarks To List No. 4
1,314 Jews - officers in the Polish People's Army are recorded on list No. 4.
The list is not an entire comprehensive register of Jews-Officers who served in P.A.A.  Many Jews did not admit to their Jewish origin. Some of them changed their names and declared themselves to be Polish.
The list include the following details if known, and in the following order.
? Family and first name.
? Date and place of birth (if known).
? Military rank.
? Unit.
? Date and place of death 
In the P.P.A. an additional officers rank was introduced - on the Red Army model - namely: Warrant officer.
Almost all of them graduated officer’s schools or courses, and served as platoon commanders, educational - political dep. company command., tank commanders, in junior medical services and other military - administration services.
The percentage of Jews - officers in the ed - polit. corps was significant. They were brave and dedicated to the aim “against the Nazi Foe” 
“For our freedom and yours”, “With the shortest way to Warsaw”.
Many of them fell in battles, hundreds were wounded. Hundreds were decorated with the highest polish, and Red Army awards.
Adler, lieut., pharm., 1 Army.
Adler Niutek (Natan), b. 1926, 2/lieut., navigator - pilot,1 Air Force reg.
Adler Pinchas, b. 1921, 2/lieut., navigator, 1 Air Force reg.
Ajdelson Stanislaw, warr. off. 4 inf.reg.
Ajgenholz Meir, 2/lieut., 18 inf.reg.
Ajsenberg Josef, 2/lieut., lecturer, 26 inf.reg.
Ajzen Michal, lieut., HQ, 3 inf. div.
Ajses (Ajces) Eliezer, s. Michal, warr. off. 10 inf. reg.
Ajzen (Andrzejewski) Leon, 2/lieut., 1 inf. div.
Ajzenkorn Stanislaw, warr. off., 4 inf. reg.
? Ajzensztajn Michal, b. 1908, warr. off., 6 inf. reg., missing in action 6.8.1944 Pulawy.
Ajzensztajn Szaje, warr. off., comp. comm. 5 inf.reg.
Akselrod Edward, warr. off., 1 tank. brig.
Aksman Stanislaw, warr. off.,comp. comm. 37 inf. reg.
Alef - Bolkowiak Bolek, Colonel, H.Q. 1 Army.
Allers Henryk, 2/lieut., comp. comm. 9 inf.reg.
? Allwajl Jakub, s. Hilel, b. 1898 Lwow, lieut., 2 inf.reg., killed in action Lenino battle 12.10.1943.
Alster Szymon, 2/lieut., 3 inf.div.
Alster Antoni, lieut., partisans unit.
Alter Jakub, s. Hilary, lieut., 6 inf.reg.
Antopolski Hertz, lieut. comp. comm. 1 tank. brig.
Anuszewicz Leonard, 2/lieut., 5 h. art. brig. battery comm.
Apisdorf Jakub, warr. off. filming unit, 1 Army.
Aratyn Henryk, lieut., 4 res. inf. reg.
? Aronowicz Marian, warr. off., comp. comm., 2 inf. reg., missing 12.10.1943 Lenino battle.
Arnold Adolf, dr. med., capt., 1 Army.
Asz / Bogucki, warr. off., ed.- pol. officer, 1 Army.
Aszkenazy Boleslaw, 2/lieut., 2 inf. reg.
Aszkenazy Henryk, lieut., transport batt. dep. comm. 1 Army.
August Bernard, s. Mozes, warr. off. 2 inf. div.
Aufrichter Jakub, 2/lieut., comp. comm. 5 inf. reg.
? Auerbach Mieczyslaw, s. Marek, b. 1919, warr. off., 8 inf. reg., killed in action 19.4.1944 Warsaw.
Auster Ignacy, capt., dr. med., inf. reg.
Awinowicki Zygmunt, warr. off. dep. comp. comm. 6 inf. reg.
Atlas Szmon, warr. off., dep. batt. comm. 8 inf. reg.
Babicz Avraham, capt., batt. comm. 1 h. art. reg.
Baczko Bronislaw, 2/lieut., dep. comp.comm. 9 inf. reg.
? Baczko Zygmunt, s. Marcel, b. 1923, Minsk Mazowiecki, capt., missing 22.4.1945, Germany.
Badian Norbert, capt., staff-off. 1 inf. reg.
Bajer Jan, s. Aaron, 2/lieut., 1 inf. reg.
Bajer Jozef, 2/lieut., comp. comm. 35 inf. reg.
Bajer Leonard, lieut., dep. comp. comm. 33 inf. reg.
Bajtel Jozef, 2/lieut., Instructor, 5 inf. reg.
Bajtel Ludwik, lieut., dep. comm. 20 transp. batt. 
Bal Jan, s. Tomasz, lieut., platoon comm., 2 inf. reg.
? Balawender Stanislaw, s. Jozef, b. 1918, warr. off., 6 inf. reg., killed in action 16.4.45 Oper. Brand. Berlin.
Balbin Adam, s. Julian, warr. off., 3 inf. reg.
Balbin Szymon, warr. off. dep. comp. comm. 1 inf.div.
? Bandal Wlodzimierz, s. Szymon, b. 1914, Wilno, capt., 1 inf. reg., died of wounds 13.9.1944 Michalin
Barabasz Herman, 2/lieut. 1 Army.
Baral Lucjan, 2/lieut., 1 inf. reg. 
Baranowski Mendel, lieut., batt. comm., 20 anti. air art. brig.
Barchasz Henryk, capt., dep. comm., 3 tank. brig.
Barcz Michal, warr. off., 1 inf. div.
Bardach Juliusz, Colonel, Chief of Staff, 2 inf. div.
? Bardanowski Aleksander, 2/lieut., killed in action Jastrun 1945, oper. Pomer. Wall.
Barkulski David, warr. off., 1 tank. brig.
Barski / Bodne, lieut., mil. attorney.
? Bartel Tadeusz, s. Witold, 2/lieut., 22 l. art. reg., died of wounds 13.5.1945 Leban, Oper. Brand. Berlin.
Bartman Maksymilian, 2/lieut., dep. comp. comm., 3 inf. div.
Bartol Edward, 2/lieut., 1 tank. brig.
Bass Anatol, capt., comp. comm., 4 antitank art. reg.
? Batchan Ignacy, s. Jan, b. 1897, warr. off., 8 inf. div., killed in action 16.4.45. Oper. Brand. Berlin. 
Bauerenfeld Leon, warr. off., dep. comp. comm. 7 inf. reg.
Baumgard David, warr. off., dep. comp. comm. 4 inf. div.
Baunder Wolf, warr. off., platoon comm. 8 inf. reg.
Berezowski Maksymilian, lieut., 1 tank. brig.
Bergelson Boleslaw, 2/lieut., 1 tank. brig.
? Berger Iszai, s. Szaje, b. 1917 Chelm, lieut., platoon comm., 10 inf. reg., died of wounds 3.3.1945 Oper. Pomeranian Wall 
? Berger Josef, b. 1910 Zamosc, 2/lieut., killed in action 1945 Markisch Friedland
Berger Ludwik, 2/lieut., 8 inf. reg.
Bergman Ignacy, warr. off., platoon comm., 2 inf. reg.
Berman Bernard, capt., dep. batt. comm. 12 inf. reg.
Berman Czeslaw, 2/lieut., platoon comm., 1 inf. reg.
Bernblum, capt., dr. med., 1 Army.
? Berstler Henryk, s. Adam, b. 1918 Boryslaw, War. Off., tank. comm. 2 tank. brig., died of wounds 20.8.1944 hosp. 616.
Bester Abraham, 2/lieut., comp. comm., 4 inf. reg.
Bester Roman, 2/lieut. platoon comm., 4 inf. reg.
Betner Jozef, officer, 1 mortar reg.
Better Fred, lieut., comp. comm., women batt., 1 inf. div.
Betycki (Grinberg) Leon, warr. off., dep. comp. comm., 3 field art. reg.
Bialik Arnold, 2/lieut., tank comm., 4 tank. brig.
Bielewicz Antoni, lieut., chem., 1 inf. reg.
Bielicki (Schapiro) Zygmunt, capt., dr. med. 1 Army.
Belmies Jakub, 2/ lieut., field art. regiment No 2.
Bielous Julian, capt., dep. comm. 17 anti-tank art. brig.
? Bielski Michal, 2/lieut., 16 tank brig., missing 22.4.1945 Bautzen.
Bilgoraj Szymon, 2/lieut., platoon comm. 1 inf. reg.
Bilig Wilhelm, lieut., ed-pol. officer.
? Biling Adolf, s. Eliahu, b. 1900, capt., dr. med. 8 inf. reg., missing Warsaw, September 1944.
Birenbach Pawel, 2/lieut., platoon comm. 33 inf. reg.
Birowski Zdzislaw, 2/lieut., dep. comp. comm., 3 inf. reg.
Blacharski Jozef, lieut., officer 1 Army.
Blander Alfred, warr. off. dep. batt. comm., 4 inf. reg.
Blank Jerzy, warr. off., dep., batt. comm., 9 inf. reg.
Blech Jozef, s. Jakub, 2/lieut., H.Q. 5 inf. reg.
Blicer Ignacy, 2/lieut. Interpreter, HQ 12 inf. reg.
Bloch Borys, capt., batt. comm. 10 inf. reg.
Bloch Leon, s. Adam, 2/lieut., 1 mortars reg.
Bloder Henryk, 2/lieut.
Blum Eryk, s. Zelig, 2/lieut., dep. batt. comm., 34 inf. reg.
Blum Ignacy, 2/lieut. dep. comp. comm. 1 inf. reg.
Blum Tadeusz, warr. off., workshop comm., 22 s.-prop. art. reg. 
Blumenfeld Stanislaw, 2/lieut., platoon comm. 33 inf. reg.
Blumenkranc Jozef, 2/lieut., dep. comp. comm. 1 inf. div.
Bochenek Henryk, 2/lieut., editorial board “Soldiers Voice” secretary.
? Bocian Berek, s. Hersz, b. 1921 Sochaczew, 2/lieut., 11 inf. reg., killed in action 20.4.1945 Podstam (Berlin). 
Bodner (Barski), lieut. Attorney
Bodzanowski Jerzy, warr. off., 1 anti-air.craft art. div.
Bojko Roman, warr. off., instructor, 9 field art. reg.
Bojko Szymon, capt., mil. attorney 1 Army.
Bok Pawel, 2/lieut., comp. comm. 26 inf. reg.
? Bokser Mosze, b. Drohobycz, 2/lieut., killed in action 1944 by crossing Vistula river.
Bokserman Icchak, 2/lieut., 10 inf.reg.
Bolotny Jakub, 2/lieut., comp. comm. 5 inf. reg.
Bomze Jerzy, lieut. 4 tank. brig.
? Bondal Wlodzimierz, s. Szymon, b. 1914 Wilno, capt., 1 inf. reg., died of wounds 13.9.1944 Michalin.
? Bondar Leon, b. 1914 Wilno, 2/lieut., 9 inf. reg., died of wounds 24.1.1945.
Borejsza (Goldberg) Jerzy, capt., 1 Army.
Borkowicz (Berkowicz) Leonard, Colonel, comm. 3 inf. reg. 1 inf. div.
Borowski Wiktor, 2/lieut. lecturer, 4 inf. reg.
Bortner Franciszek, capt., batt. comm. 3 inf. div.
Bortner, lieut. dep. comp. comm, 1 inf. reg.
Boruch Ludwik, 2/lieut. comp. comm., 18 inf. reg.
Bozykowski Borys, warr. off., 12 inf. div.
Bozykowski Mosze, s. Berek, warr. off., platoon comm. 12 inf. div.
Bradel Edward, s. Karol, warr. off., dep. comp. comm., 5 inf. reg.
Brandel Maksymilian, lieut. 5 inf. reg.
? Brandes Leopold, s. Hipolita, b. 1904 Zawiercie, 2/lieut., 1 inf. reg., missing 12.10.1943 Trygubowo, Lenino.
Brandstadter Leon, s. Julian, 2/lieut., platoon comm. 2 inf. div.
Brandwajn Adolf, warr. off., 5 inf. reg.
Brandwajn Jerechmiel, lieut., translator HQ 4 inf. reg.
Brandwajn Maurycy, warr. off., platoon comm. 3 inf. reg.
? Braselitan Henryk, s. Jakub, b. 1912 Sambor, warr. off., 2 inf. reg., killed in action 2.9.1944 Anielin.
? Braum Izaak, s. Herman, b. 1913 Nowy Targ, warr. off. 2 inf. reg., died of wounds 12.10.1943 Lenino.
? Braun Hirsz, s. Jozef, b. 1912 Doly (Miechow), warr. off., 4 res. inf. reg., murdered 14.10.1944 Bialystok.
Braun Michal, lieut. - colonel, quartermaster 1 inf. div.
Braun Mosze, 2/lieut., 1 inf. div.
Brawerman Emanuel, warr. off., dep. batt. comm.. 15 anti-air.craft art. reg.
Brechner Emanuel, lieut., dr. med., med. comp. 8 inf. reg.
Brikner Czeslaw, warr. off., platoon comm. 33 inf. reg.
? Brings Marek, s. Zanwel, b. 1.9.1907 Jaslo, 2/lieut. 17 inf. reg., died of wounds Michalin.
Brink Stanislaw, warr. off., chem. platoon comm. 4 inf. reg.
? Broch Aleksander, s. Stanislaw, b. 1923 Sosnowiec, warr. off., killed in action 15.3.1945 Kolobrzeg.
? Broch Edward, s. Marek, warr. off., 2 inf. reg., missing 2.8.1944 crossing Vistula.
Broch Jakub, 2/lieut., comp. comm. 3 inf. reg.
Broda Adam, lieut., dep. comm., 6 field art. reg.
Brodt Aleksander, s. Jozef, warr. off. platoon comm., 1 inf. reg.
Brok - Kaufman Bronislaw, warr. off., field theater comm. 1 Army.
Bromberg Adam, 2/lieut., lecturer, 3 inf. reg.
Bron Michal, capt., dep. comm. 5 inf. reg.
Brones Mieczyslaw, 2/lieut., 1 Army.
Broniatowski Mieczyslaw, capt., H.Q. 1 Army.
? Brudinger Mieczyslaw, s. Ozjasz, 2/lieut., killed in action 12.10.1943 Lenino, battle.
Brus Wlodzimierz, 2/lieut., 1 Army.
Bruzda Marian, lieut., dep. batt. comm., 4 (res.), inf. reg.
Brylant Henryk, s. Mieczyslaw, 2/lieut., battery comm., 34 inf. reg.
? Bulkowsztajn Borys, s. Piotr, 2/lieut., 12 inf. reg. died of wounds 17.2.1945 Zlotow.
Butejkis Borys, major, chief intellig. 3 inf. reg.
Cajmer Jan, 2/lieut., band master 1 inf. div.
Chaba Henryk, capt., 25 art. reg.
Chajn Leon, lieut., 1 inf. reg.
Chalfen, lieut., dr. med. 3 inf. reg.
Chazanowicz, 2/lieut. 1 Army.
Chejman Borys,
Chencinski Jozef, warr. off., 5 h. art. reg.
Chmielarz Noach, warr. off.,chem. platoon 4 inf. reg.
Cholanda Icchak, 2/lieut., 31 inf. reg.
Chonikman Mieczyslaw, capt., chief of staff 2 batt., 1 inf. reg.
? Cudny Henryk, 2/lieut. 13 inf. reg., killed in action 20.4.1945 Rietschen. 
? Cukier Mieczyslaw, s. Nachum, 2/lieut. 9 inf. reg., died of wounds 23.4.1945 Klepin.
Cukierman Abraham, lieut., techn., battery dep. comm.1 self - propel. art. reg.
Cukierman Jerzy, warr. off., dep. comp. comm. 3 inf. reg.
Cukierman Michal, s. Eliahu, warr. off., 1 mortars indep. reg.
Cukierman Szalom, lieut., 8 field art. reg.
Cukierman Szlomo, s. Jakub, warr. off., 2 inf. reg.
Cukierman Zelig, 2 warr. off., 8 field art. reg.
Cwejman Israel, s. Wolf, lieut., staff off. 10 inf. reg.
Cykman Jozef, warr. off., 12 inf. reg.
Cymer Loen, s. Grzegorz, 2/lieut. comm. 45 mm guns comp., 4 inf. reg.
? Cymerman Chaim, s. Lowa, 2/lieut., comp. comm., 32 inf. reg., killed in action 28.4.1945 Bautzen.
? Cymerman Lucjan, s. Ignacy, warr. off., 5 inf. reg., killed in action 26.8.1944 Bagno (d. Grabow).
Cymerman Michal, Warr.Off., platoon comm., 18 inf. reg.
Cynk Mieczyslaw,, warr. off., 40 field art. reg.
Cynkin Tadeusz, warr. off., platoon comm., 3 inf. reg.
Cynowiec Jozef, 2/lieut., 1 Army.
Cyper Jakub, 2/lieut., comp. comm.,18 inf. reg.
Cyper Jerzy, warr. off., platoon comm., 8 inf. reg.
Cyrulnik Israel, med. off., 1 eng. reg.
? Czaczkies Jerzy, s. Israel, b. 1921 Lublin, capt., 37 inf. reg., killed in action 22.4.1945 Neudorf.
Czarny Israel ,s. Szaje, 2/lieut., paymaster 38 inf. reg.
? Czerkies Romuald, s. Adam, b. 1923 Lasko, warr. off., 1 inf. reg.,killed in action 10.9.1944 Warsaw.
Dajbog Noach, s. Jakub, 2/lieut.,platoon comm., 2 inf. reg.
Dawidowicz Daniel, capt., battery comm. 1 heary art. reg. 
? Dawidowicz Juliusz, s. Aleksander, warr. off., 4 inf. reg., killed in action 12.4.1944 Warsaw.
Dawidowicz Maksymilian, s. Michal, warr. off., battery comm., 4 inf. reg. 
Dawidowicz Zygfryd, warr. off., senior male nurse, 1 tank. brig.
Dec Eljahu, s. Ignacy, 2/lieut., signal platoon comm., 32 inf. reg.
Dederman Iser, 2/lieut., platoon comm., 4 inf. reg.
Demner, warr. off. 
Dencis Moshe, s. Abraham, capt., batt. comm. 5 inf. reg.
Dernes Bronislaw, lieut., comp. comm. 40 field art. reg.
Deska Henrk, 2/lieut. dep. batt. comm., 32 field art. reg.
? Dobromil Jozef, s. Ignacy, 2/lieut., 3 inf. reg., killed in action 14.9.1944 Rembertow.
Dodik Michal, lieut., 1 Army.
Dodin Stanislaw, 2/lieut., dep. comp. comm., 1 inf. reg.
Donner Henryk, 2/lieut., comp. comm., 6 inf. reg.
Dornfeld (Darski) Henryk, lieut., 3 inf. div.
Dreling Aleksander, capt., batt. comm. 1 eng. reg.
Drezdner, lieut., dr.med. 1 Army.
Drobner Mieczyslaw, 2/lieut., instructor - publisher, 3 inf. div.
? Drozdziarz Henryk, s. Michal, 2/lieut., killed in action 14.21945 Wieloboki. 
Drzewiecki (Holcer) Jan, lieut., comp. comm. women batt., 1 inf. div.
Drzewiecki (Holcer) Michal, lieut., storm. batt.
Dunajewski Henryk, 2/lieut., dep., comp. comm., 7 inf. reg.
Dunkerman Dawid, s. Jakub, 2/lieut., dep. comp. comm. 3 inf. reg.
Dutlinger Janusz, lieut., dep. comm. 10 mortar reg.
Dutlinger Zygmunt, 2/lieut., 1 Army.
Dynia Chaim, s. Mosze, lieut., propaganda instructor., 32 inf. reg.
Dyzenhaus Loen, 2/lieut., dep. comp. comm., 1 inf. reg.
Dziadyk Leonard, lieut., 1 Army.
Dzierzgowski Grzegorz, capt., dep. head military dpt. of Polish Patriots in U.S.S.R.
Edelsberg Adam (Aron), s. Leon, warr. off., platoon comm. 3 inf. reg.
Ehrlich Stanislaw, lieut., lecturer 1 inf. div.
Ehrlich, warr. off., dep. comp. comm. 2 eng. batt.
Eichner, lieut., dr med., 4 inf. reg.
Eidelhait Michal, capt., dr. med., chief physician 5 inf. reg.
Eidenheit Jakub, 2/lieut., h. machine gun. comp. comm. 4 inf. reg.
Einstein Henryk, s. Adolf, 2/lieut., senior nurse 19 eng. batt., 8 inf. div.
? Ekier Leon, s. Azriel, b. 1925 Lwow, warr. off., 4 inf. reg., killed in action 1.5.1945 Linum.
Ekier Wladyslaw, warr. off., platoon comm. 4 inf. reg.
? Ekster Mozes, s. Szlomo, 2/lieut., 11 inf. reg., killed in action 29.1.1945 Zlotow Oper. Pom. Wall.
? Elengaupt Walenty, s. Eliahu, b. 1912 Antonowka, lieut., 12 howitzer brig., died in service 2.5.1945 Rhinow.
Elman Mateusz, 2/lieut., comp. comm. 26 inf. reg.
Elsas Ernst, 2/lieut., 2 signal batt.
Emer Icchak, warr. off., platoon comm. 12 inf. reg.
Endler Marian, 2/lieut. dep. comp. comm. 37 inf. reg.
Enerlich Stanislaw, 2/lieut. 5 inf. reg.
Enoch Oskar, capt., dep. chief of staff 5 h. art. reg. 
Entenberg Franciszek, s. Zelik, warr. off., dep. comp. comm. 3 inf. reg.
Epsztein Edward, 2/lieut., dep. comp. comm., 35 inf. reg.
Erde Michal (Mozes), 2/lieut., dep. comp. comm. 33 inf. reg.
Erdman Stanislaw, s. Michal, 2/lieut., dep. comp. comm. 32 inf. reg.
Erlich Joachim, lieut., dep. batt. comm. 3 field art. reg.
Erlich Leon, s. Michal, warr. off., platoon comm., 3 inf. reg.
Erlich Leon, s. Ruben, warr. off., 8 inf. reg.
Ertel Romuald, lieut., comp. comm., 1 inf. reg.
Faber Bernard, 2/lieut., 1 inf. reg.
Faber Chaim, lieut. dep. batt. comm. 51 eng. batt..
? Fajtek Izia, s. Jehuda, b. 1923, warr. off., died of wounds 15.5.1945, 43 field hosp., Oper. Brand. Berlin.
Fajtlowicz Jakub, warr. off., comp. comm. 3 inf. reg.
Falber Jerzy, 2/lieut., 1 inf. div.
Falber Jerzy, lieut. 20 anti-tank art. reg.
Falberg Grzegorz, capt., dep. comm. 20 a tank art. reg. 
Falik Dawid, 2/lieut., dep. comp. comm., 35 inf. reg.
Falik, lieut., dr. med. 3 inf. div.
Falk Michal, 2/lieut., comp. comm. 8 inf. reg.
? Falk Wieslaw, s. Jakub, b. 1920 Lublin, Cadet Off., 1 eng. batt., died of wounds 9.3.1945, mil. Hosp.
Falkowicz Stanislaw, 2/lieut. dep. comp. comm. 1 inf. div.
Falkowski Mieczyslaw, Warr., Off., 3 inf. reg.
Fast Jerzy, s. Henryk, 2/lieut., instr. officers school Riazan.
Federber Stanislaw, 2/lieut., platoon comm., 5 inf. reg.
Feigin Anatol (Natan), lieut., 3 inf. reg.
Fejgman Hersz, 2/lieut., med platoon comm. 5 inf. reg.
Fejgman Mosze (Michael), Major, batt. comm. 2 field art. reg.
Feldman Adam, 2/lieut., platoon comm. 1 eng. reg.
? Feldman Leon, s. Sakowicz, b. 1924, warr. off., died of wounds 4.5.1945. 
Feldman Marek, 2/lieut., platoon comm.,8 inf. reg.
Feldstein, warr. off., dep. comp. comm. 5 inf. reg.
Fergenbaum Eliahu, warr. off.
Ferstman (Konwizor) Mieczyslaw, lieut., Head Q. 2 inf. div.
Ferstman Konrad, capt., chief of staff 2 inf. reg.
Fettet Stanislaw, 2/lieut., dep. comp. comm. 5 inf. reg.
Fichtel Franciszek, lieut., interpreter, 18 inf. reg.
? Fiks Mosze, s. Leib b. 1914 Tuczyn (d. Rowno), 2/lieut., 4 inf. reg., killed in action 2.8.1944 Pulawy, bur. Pulawy.
Finkelstein Leon, Major, dep. comm. officers school., Moscow.
Firtel, 2/lieut., 1 Army.
Fisch Pawel, warr. off., secretary Q.M. 1 eng. reg.
Fisz Bernard, warr. off., chem. serv., 5 inf. reg.
Fiszer Bernard, warr. off., battery comm., 1 inf. reg.
Fiszer Bernard, 2/lieut., dr. med., 3 inf. reg.
? Fiszer Szulim, s. Hersz b. 1912, platoon comm., killed in action 7.2.19145 Nadarzyce, Pom. Wall, 3 inf. reg.
Flajszer Walenty, warr. off., platoon comm. 18 inf. reg.
Flak Stanislaw, warr. off., dep. comp. comm. 1 eng. reg.
Flam Bernard, 2/lieut. comp. comm. 3 inf. reg.
? Flamenbaum Jan, s. Karp, capt., 1 a. air. art. reg., killed in action 26.1.1945, Bydgoszcz.
Flamenbaum Josef, 2/lieut., dep. comp. comm., 6 inf. reg.
? Flank Ernst, s. Artur, b. 1916, 2/lieut., 8 inf. reg., died in service, 21.2.1945 Jaroslaw.
Flaszner Henryk, s. Natan, 2/lieut., arms tech., 3 inf. reg.
Flat Benzion, s. Hebel, warr. off., 2 inf. reg.
Flato, Colonel, Chief. Intelligence HQ Polish Army.
Fleischhakier, warr. off., dep. comp. comm., 3 inf. reg.
Fleming Marian, 2/lieut., comp. comm., 4 inf. reg.
Fliegel Stanislaw, 2/lieut., HQ 8 inf. reg.
Fliegelman Zygfryd, capt., dr. med. field hosp. 1 Army.
Fliker Henryk, lieut., dep., reg. comm., 5 h. art. reg.
Fogiel Jerzy, lieut., dep. batt.comm., 35 inf. reg.
Fogiel Leon, s. Aszer, 2/lieut., batt. chief of staff, 8 inf. reg.
Fonwejc Tadeusz, s. Leonid, 2/lieut., 1 art. reg.
Forbert Tadeusz, Warr. Off, photog., film unit 1 Army.
Forbert Wladyslaw, 2/lieut., photog., film. unit, 1 Army.
Ford Aleksander, theatr & film direct. 1 Army.
Frajd Michal, s. Berek, warr. off., 1 mortar reg.
Freidkin Edward, s. Icchak, warr. off., secretary HQ 12 reg.
Fremd Jehezkiel, 2/lieut., dep. comp. comm. 5 inf. reg.
Frenkel Herman, Warr. Off, . platoon comm., 3 inf.reg. 
Frenkel Marian, warr. off., platoon comm., 11 inf. reg.
Frenkiel Henryk, s. Wilhelm, lieut., 1 inf. reg.
Frenkiel Stanislaw, lieut., dr. med., 4 tank. brig.
Freund, lieut., adm. off. 1 Army.
Freunderheim Mieczyslaw, capt., 1 Army.
Frey Jakub, s. Henryk, warr. off., platoon comm., 18 inf. reg.
Freyman, warr. off. lecturer.
Fridman Icchak, s. Szmuel, lieut., eng., staff-off., 2 field art. reg.
Fridman Julian, warr. off., dep. comp. comm., 3 inf. reg.
Fridman Michal, capt., dep. reg. comm. 5 field art. reg., 3 inf. div.
Fridman Pinchas, warr. off., comp. comm., 7 inf. reg.
Friedel Julian, warr. off., 39 field art. reg.
Friedel Mikolaj, 2/lieut., platoon comm., 35 inf. reg.
Friedfeld Bronislaw, warr. off., platoon comm., 11 inf. reg.
Friedlender Emil, warr. off., platoon comm., 3 inf. reg.
Friedlender Henryk, capt., techn. dep. comm. 10 haub. reg.
Friedlender Szymon, s. Filip, 2/lieut., 8 inf. reg.
Fritzhund Marek, 2/lieut., lecturer, 8 inf. reg.
From Szmuel, 2/lieut., platoon comm., 1 tank brig.
Froman Maksymilian, warr. off., comp. comm., 4 inf. reg.
Frosz Eliahu, warr. off., 2 Army.
Frumes Leon, warr. off., med. serv., 37 inf. reg.
Frydlender Rafal, lieut., assist, chief of staff 1 inf. reg.
Frydman Konstanty, lieut., chief of staff., 2 signal batt.
Fuchs Dawid, warr. off., med platoon comm., 3 inf. reg.
Fuks Julian, warr. off., 11 inf. reg.
? Fuks Mosze, s. Lejba, lieut., 2 inf. div., killed in action, August 1944 Pulawy.
Fuks Szmuel, warr. off., dep., comp. comm., 1 inf. reg.
Fuksz Fajwisz, s. Jozef, Warr.Off., dep. comp. comm., 5 inf. reg.
Furman Michal, 2/lieut., 1 art.reg.
? Gajb Bronislaw, s. Leon, warr. off., platoon comm., 12 inf. reg.,killed in action 10.1.1945, Warsaw.
Galicki Benjamin, lieut., dep. comm . 31 sign. batt. 
Galicki Leopold ,s. Ignac, warr. off., signal platoon comm., 32 inf. reg. 
Galus Lidwik, warr. off., instr., 35 inf. reg. 
Ganzel Karol, warr. off., dep. batt. comm. 1 eng. reg. 
Garbe Leonard, 2/lieut., comp. comm., 35 inf. reg. 
Garbulski Michal, s. Nachum, warr. off., 3 inf. reg.
Gebler Alfred, warr. off. instr., 7 inf. reg. 
Gebler, capt., dep. comm., 13 inf. reg. 
Gedun Icchak, lieut. comp. comm., 7 inf. reg. 
? Geller Janusz, warr. off. s. Josef, warr. off., 9 inf. reg., killed in action 18.9.1944 Warsaw.
Gerhard Jan, lieut - Colonel, reg. comm.
German Jacov, 2/lieut., comp. comm., 5 inf. reg.
Gesow, major, dr. med., dep. field hospital comm.
Getloch Aron, warr. off., 1 Army. 
Getzel Joachim, warr. off., dep. comp. comm., 8 inf. reg.
Giller Borys, Colonel, chief of staff, 2 eng. reg.
Gilson Jacob, capt..
Ginsburg Michael, s. Leon, 2/lieut., 2 inf. reg.
Ginsburg Michal, 2/lieut., batt. comm., 2 field. art. reg. 
Ginzberg Jan, 2/lieut., officers club comm., 2 inf. reg. 
Gitlin Borys, lieut., eng. comp. comm., 3 inf. reg. 
Glasgold, 2/lieut., officer, Riazan, officers school.
Glatter Karol, 2/lieut., comp. comm., 2 inf. reg. 
Glatter Kazimierz, warr. off., dep. comp. comm. 2 inf. reg. 
Glazer Artur, warr. off., platoon comm., 3 inf. reg. 
Glazer Herman, capt., liason off., 2 field art. reg. 
Gleich Karol, 2/lieut., dep. comp. comm., 1 inf. reg. 
Glezman Michal, warr. off., dep. comp. comm., 2 inf. reg. 
? Gliksman Aleksander, s. Josef, capt., comp. comm., 1 inf. reg., killed in action 19.10.1944 Falenica, bur. cem. Aleksandrowo.
Glowner Gustaw, warr. off., platoon comm. 2 inf. reg. 
Godik Wladyslaw, 2/lieut. actor, field theatre, 1 Army.
Godlewski Henryk, warr. off., dep. comp. comm., 3 inf. reg. 
Goetz Leon, capt..
Golan Bogdan, warr. off., dep. comp. comm., 33 inf. reg.
Golc Herman, lieut., mortar batt. comm., 12 inf. reg.
Goldberg Edward, lieut., med. off., 8 inf. reg.
Goldberg Henryk, S. Eliahu, 2/lieut., indep. mortar reg.
Goldberg Herman, 2/lieut., dep. comm. 22 self - propelled art. reg., 1 tank. corps.
Goldberg Ichak, 2/lieut. dep. comp. comm. 7 inf. reg.
Goldberg Jakub, 2/lieut., 3 inf. div, . 
Goldberg Szmuel, warr. off., med. platoon comm., 8 inf. reg.
Goldberger Leopold, 2/lieut., 1 Army.
Goldes - Goldys Michal, 2/lieut., storm. reg.
Goldfein Mieczyslaw, warr. off., platoon comm., 12 inf. reg.
? Goldfinger Leon, s. Maks, warr. off., platoon comm., 4 inf. reg. died of wounds 27.4.1945 Kremmen - Berlin.
Goldlust Josef, warr. off., secr. H.Q. 3 inf. div.
Goldman Benon, warr. off., dep. comp. comm. 5 inf. reg.
Goldman Henryk, 2/lieut., dep. comm. 1 M.P. batt.
Golman Eliasz, warr. off., dep. batt. comm., 13 l. art. reg.
Gondowicz Marian, capt., lecturer, 19 tanks. reg.
Gopak Borys, s. Michal, 2/lieut., 4 med. batt.
Gora Jozef, 2/lieut. dep. Q.M, 7 inf. reg.
Gorecki Jan, capt., polit.dpt., 1 inf. div.
Gorodecki Sergiusz, capt., liason off. 18 inf. reg.
Gorodecki Szmuel, capt., dep. chief of staff., 3 howitzer reg.
? Gotszalek Wlodzimierz, warr. off., 1 tank. brig., killed in action 15.3.1945 Reda, Oper. Pomeranian Wall.
Gott Emil, 2/lieut., lecturer, 33 inf. reg. 
Graba Dawid, warr. off., platoon comm., 8 inf. reg.
Grabowski Eliahu, capt., dep. chief of staff, 1 h. art. reg.
Grabowski Roman, 2/lieut., staff off., 1 inf. div.
Graff Kazimierz, 2/lieut., comp. comm. 4 inf. reg.
Grater Abraham, warr. off.,eng. platoon comm., 18 inf. reg.
Grauer Emanuel, warr. off., 4 anti - tank art. reg.
Grauer Ozjasz, s. Nochama, warr. off., machine guns comp. comm., 18 inf. reg.
Grausam Tadeusz, 2/lieut., paymaster, 5 inf. reg.
Gromb Dawid, warr. off., comp. comm., 8 inf. reg.
Grosfeld Leon, warr. off., 1 Army.
Grosglik Leon, 2/lieut., quatermaster, 1 Army.
Groskopf Jozef, warr. off., dep. comp. comm., 2 inf. reg.
Grosman Michael, warr. off., platoon comm., 5 inf. reg.
Gross - Gronowski Jan, Major, dr. med., Army med-services dep. comm.
Grosz - Medres Wiktor, General, P.P.Army H.Q. 
Groza Lew, s. Aleksander, 2/lieut., batt. comm., 10 inf. reg.
Grubman Chaim, s. Szmuel, capt., 2 res. eng. reg.
Gruda - Gliksman Konrad, 2/lieut., 1 Army.
Gruda Mieczyslaw, 2/lieut., platoon comm., 3 inf. reg.
Grudzinski Mieczyslaw, 2/lieut., dep. comp. comm., 1 inf. reg.
Grunwald Stefan, 2/lieut., comp. comm., 18 inf. reg.
Gruszczynski Krzysztof, warr. off., edit. field periodic “Do Boju”, 4 inf. div.
Grylak Aleksander, lieut., dep. comm., 41 field art. reg.
Grym Rudolf, warr. off., platoon comm., 4 inf. reg.
Grynberg Matis, 2/lieut., 1 inf. div.
Grynszpan - Groniewicz Michal, 2/lieut., 1 Army.
Gudes Baruch, 2/lieut., batt. adjutant, 33 inf. reg.
Gudys Szmuel, s. Meir, warr. off., 1 inf. reg.
Gunsberg Jan, off. club, comm., 2 inf. div.
? Gurfinkiel Jefim, s. Borys, 2/lieut., batt. comm., 2 field art. reg., killed in action 11.2.1945 Miroslawiec.
Gurman Leon, warr. off., batt., liason off.
Gurwicz Szmuel, s. Szlomo, capt., 1 inf. reg.
? Gutera Jozef, b. 1913, 2/lieut., 2 inf. reg., died of wounds 1.11.1944 Otwock, bur. Andriolli str. Cem. 
Guss Szmuel, b. 1919, lieut. h.art.reg. 120mm
Guterman Dawid, warr. off., dep. comm. 3 transport reg.
Guterman Jozef, warr. off., lecturer, 2 inf. reg.
Guterman Michael, lieut., 1 indep. batt. chemic services.
Gutharc Baruch, warr. off., dep. comm. field post. center.
? Gutkowski Henryk, b. 1925, 2/lieut., 1 mot. inf. brig. killed in action 19.4.1945 Odenitz, Oper. Pomer. Wall. 
Gutman - Zygmunt, 2/lieut., sturm batt.
? Gutman Boleslaw, b. 1914, 2/lieut., 16 inf. reg., killed in action 17.2.1945 Nadarzyce, oper. Pomer. Wall.
Gutowski Aleksander, warr. off., battery comm. 4 inf. reg.
? Gutowski Gustaw, s. Julian, warr. off., killed in action 23.4.1945 Lublin, buried Biala Str. Cem.
Gutt Tadeusz, s. Wladyslaw, warr. off., 3 inf. reg.
Gutt Wladyslaw, 2/lieut., dep. batt. comm., 38 field art. reg.
Haber Maksymilian, warr. off., inf. reg.
Hajchman Wwlodzimierz, warr. off., armament tech., 32 inf. reg.
Hajnicz Artur, warr. off., lecturer, 2 inf. reg.
Hakman Michal, s. Szlomo, 2/lieut., batt comm., 10 inf. reg.
? Hakmer Leopold, s. Edward, 2/lieut., 30 inf. reg., killed in action 27.4.1945 Panschwitz, Oper. Bautzen - Elba.
Halbersztadt Wladyslaw, warr. off., dep. signal comp. comm., 9 inf. div.
Halicki Stefan, Major, dep. chief pol. dpt. Bydgoszcz.
Halicz Emanuel, warr. off., dep. comp. comm., 5 inf. reg.
Halman Pawel, warr. off., platoon comm., 5 inf. reg.
Halpern Stefan, 2/lieut., platon comm. 1 inf. reg.
Halski - Halpern Mieczyslaw, lieut.- colonel.
Halski Zygmunt, warr. off., juridical service, mil. prosecutor, 1 div.
Hamer Maksymilian, warr. off., inf. reg.
Hamerski Tadeusz, warr. off., dep.comp. comm., 8 inf. reg.
? Handelsman Leonid, s. Szaja, b. 1924, 2/lieut.,2 tank. brig. missing 19.4.1945 Oper. Bautzen - Elba.
? Handler Zdzislaw, s. Eugeniusz, 2/lieut., 18 inf. reg., killed in action 13.10.1944 Warsaw - Brodno, bur. Warsaw, M.C. Powazkowska str. G. 6.
Hartblei Mieczyslaw, lieut., Lecturer, 7 inf. reg.
? Hartfelder Zygmunt, s. Jan, b. 1923 Jaroslaw, 2/lieut., 17 inf. reg., killed in action 20.4.1945 Sdier Op. Bautzen - Elba.
Hartowicz Aleksander, s. Julian, capt., batt. comm., 2 field art. reg.
? Hauptman Kazimierz, s. Jan b. 1899 Stanislawow, warr. off., 39 h. art. reg., missing 30.10.1944 Warsaw.
Hauser Henryk, 2/lieut., batt. comm., 8 inf. reg.
Hausner, lieut. 1 h. art. reg.
Hebel Jerzy, warr. off. platoon comm., 5 inf. reg.
Hechber Michal, s. Lejb, 2/lieut. platoon comm., 12 inf. reg.
Hecht Marceli, capt., dr. med., 2 inf. reg.
Heffer Jakub, warr. off., 1 inf. div.
Hejman Borys, lieut., dep. batt. comm., 8 inf. reg.
Held Kazimierz, 2/lieut., chemist., 11 inf. div.
Helfer Leon, s. Szmuel, lieut., 45 mm batt. comm., 10 inf. reg.
Helin Izydor, 2/lieut., dep. comp. comm., 1 tank brig.
Helinski - Kenigsgelb Mieczyslaw - Maurycy, lieut., dr. med., 3 h. art. reg.
Heller Emanuel, lieut., dr. med., 3 inf. reg.
Heller Jan, 2/lieut., 18 inf. reg.
Helman Mosze, s. Jozef, warr. off., 2 inf. reg.
Helstein Tadeusz, s. Jan, lieut., veterinary surgeon, 38 field art. reg.
? Hemar Hersz, b. 1887 Plock, killed in action 1945.
Hen Jozef, warr. off., reporter “Zwyciezymy”.
? Henachowicz Chanoch, s. Szefet, b. 1916 Sieradz, warr. off., 1 a. tank. art. reg., killed in action 15.8.1944 Ostrow bur. Magnuszew.
Hercwolf Stefan, warr. off., field backery comm., 3 inf. reg.
Herer Wiktor, warr. off., lecturer, 3 field art. reg.
Herszkowicz Jacek, warr. off., 3 inf. reg.
Herzig Alfred, lieut.,Dr. med., 40 field inf. reg.
? Herzig Eliasz, s. Zecharia b. 1921 Przemysl, 2/lieut., killed in action 2.5.1945 Ozarow.
Herzog Leon, s. Emil, lieut., instructor in 3 armour-brig.
Herzog Leon, lieut., lecturer 5 inf. reg.
Hibner Juliusz, lieut.-colonel, reg. comm. 32 inf. reg., dec. Virtuti Militari.
? Hieller Jechezkiel, s. Rubin, warr. off., 2 inf. reg., killed in action.
Hildenbrandt Henryk,
Hilf Jakub, warr. off., 1 inf. div.
? Hiller Stanislaw, s. Edmund, b. 1904, lieut. 1 mot. inf. brig., died of wounds 27.4.1945 field hosp. Ruszow.
Himmel Bernard, capt., dr. med. 1 Army.
Halpern Oskar, s. Elimelech, warr. off., platoon com., 5 inf. reg.
? Hochberg Roman, s. Jeremi b. 1920, lieut. 2 tank. brig. died on wounds 22.4.1945, Oper. Bautzen - Elba.
Hochman Abram, s. Matjasz, warr. off., a. tank.art. batt. comm., 12 inf. reg.
Hoffman Erwin, 2/lieut., transp. comp. comm., 7 inf. reg.
Hoffman Pawel, lieut., 1 Army.
Hoffman Zygmunt, 2/lieut., 1 Army.
Hoffman Zygmunt, lieut., dr. med., 1 inf. div.
Hofszteter, capt., dr. med. 3 inf. div.
Hojda Szlomo, s. Meir, warr. off., 8 inf. reg.
Holder Henryk, capt. prosecutor, 1 Army.
Holland Henryk, lieut., corresp. “Zwyciezymy”. 
Honigsfeld Israel, lieut. mortars battery comm., 3 inf. reg.
Hojda Szlomo, warr. off., platton comm., 8 inf. reg
? Hopak Borys, s. Michal b. 1922, lieut., 13 inf. reg., died March 1945, Oper. Pomer. Wall.
Hopenheim Edward, s. Abram, lieut., 2 reg.
Hopman Michal, 2/lieut.,1 inf. reg.
Horecki - Holenberg Juliusz, platoon comm., 4 inf. reg.
Horniker Jozef, 2/lieut., 1 inf. div.
? Horowitz Adolf, s. Dawid, b. 1918, Krakow, warr. off., 2 inf. reg., killed in action 16.4.1945 on the Oder River.
Horowitz Izaak, 2/lieut., dep. batt. comm., 31 a. tank. art. reg.
Horowitz Seweryn, lieut., 3 inf. reg.
? Horowitz Witold, s. Jakub b. 1925 Cracov, 2/lieut., 7 inf. reg., killed in action 29.4.1945.
Hubert - Huberman Henryk, warr. off., 2 field art. reg.
Hubert Michal, 2/lieut., 12 inf. reg. 
Ickowicz Jerachmiel, lieut., Border Huard.
Jablonski Eliahu, 2/lieut., mortars battery comm., 6 inf. reg.
Jablonski Michael, s. Szymon, warr. off., 3 inf. reg.
? Jachimowicz Eliezer, s. Jakub b. 1916 Tarnow, warr. off. platoon comm., 3 inf. reg., killed in battle 14.9.1944 Warsaw -Praga.
Jachimowicz Mikolaj, capt., dep. comm., 4 tank. brig.
Jackowski Aleksander, lieut., Inspector, adm. 1 Army.
Jagiel - Ritter Roman, capt., 1 inf. reg., 1 inf. div.
Jahnberg Szymon, warr. off. platoon comm., 18 inf. reg.
? Jakubowicz Jozef, s. Leopold, 2/lieut., killed in action 1944 Deblin.
Jakubowicz Jozef, s. Wilhelm, warr. off., platoon comm., 5 inf. reg.
Jakubowicz Michael, warr. off., h.. mach. gun. platoon comm., 4 inf. reg.
Jankile Dawid, s. Maksymilian, warr. off.
Jarzebski Dawid, 2/lieut., paymaster 3 inf. reg.
Jastrun Mieczyslaw, 2/lieut., 1 Army.
Jaworski Michal, Colonel, chief chem. services 1 Army.
Jekiel Michal, lieut., lecturer 8 inf. reg.
Jenner Adam, warr. off., dep. comp. comm. 3 inf. reg.
? Joles Stanislaw, s. Michal b. 1910 Grodek Jagielonski, killed in action 26.8.1944, bur. mil. cem. Garwolin.
Jolles Szymon, 2/lieut., 2 inf. reg.
Jonus Jakub, capt., intell. chief, 3 inf. reg.
? Judaszko Wolf, s. Mojzesz b. 1922 Warsaw, lieut., 10 inf. reg., killed in action 30.4.1945 Bradikow Oper. Brand. Berlin.
Judin Aleksander, lieut., 20 batt. anti-air. art. reg.
Jurkowski, 2/lieut., 1 Army.
? Juzefow Israel, s. Wolf b. 1903 Wierkowice, lieut., 8 inf. div., killed in action 15.4.1945, Oper. Brand. Berlin.
Kaberda Szymon, s. Marek, warr. off., 6 inf. reg.
Kalisz Szlomo, warr. off., med. off., 2 tank. brig.
Kalmanowicz, lieut., dr. med., 2 Army.
Kalowski Robert, lieut., Q.M., 1 Army.
Kamerski Stefan, warr. off. lecturer, 3 res. Inf. reg.
? Kamienny Aleksander, s. Eliezer, warr. off., 2 inf. div., killed in action 3.8.1944 Pulawy, bur. Pulawy cem.
Kaminer Stanislaw, b. 1898, 2/lieut., killed in action.
Kanel Jakow, lieut., dep. comm., 11 howitzer brig.
Kanski Marek, warr. off., dr.med., 39 field art. reg.
Kantor Marian, lieut., dep. comm., 6 field art. reg.
Kantor Michal, 2/lieut., platton comm., 12 inf. reg.
Kantor Stanislaw, 2/lieut., dep. batt. comm., 4 tank. brig.
Kantorowicz Natan, warr. off., chem. lab. comm.
Kantorowicz Oskar, s. Jacob, 2/lieut., 1 inf. reg.
Kaplan Pinchas, lieut., quarter master, 1 armoured corps.
Kapwald Edmund, s. Szlomo, 2/lieut., 16 tank.brig.
Karliner Oskar, lieut., mil. attorney, 2 Army.
Karlsbad, warr. off. dep. comp. comm., 7 signal comp.
? Karst Stanislaw, s. Michal, b. 1906, 2/lieut., 10 inf. reg., killed in action 2.2.1945 Jastrow, Oper. Pomeranian Wall.
Katz Icchak, 2/lieut., platoon comm., 4 tank. brig.
? Kaszado Adolf, s. Emil b. 1919, warr. off. 2 inf. reg., killed in action 12.10.1945 Lenino.
Kasztelanski Maksymilian, 2/lieut., dr. med., 2 indep. art. reg.
Katarski Henryk, warr. off., dep., comp. comm., 8 inf. reg.
? Katowski Eljasz, s. Jankiel, b. 1921, 2/lieut., killed in action 1945 Kolobrzeg.
Keller Zygmunt, lieut., staff officer, 4 inf. div.
Kelner Kazimierz, warr. off., lecturer, 6 inf. reg.
Kelner Stanislaw, 2/lieut., comp. comm., 3 inf. div.
? Kerin Borys, b. 1913 Luck, 2/lieut., 1 inf. reg., killed in action 31.10.1944 Jastrow.
Kerner Feliks, 2/lieut., anti tanks guns, 4 inf. reg. dep. comp. comm.
? Kerner Stanislaw, b. 1919, 2/lieut., eng. batt., 3 inf. div., killed in action 13.2.1945 Nadarzyce, Oper. Pomeran. Wall.
Kessler Antoni, warr. off., prop. instr., 8 inf. reg.
Kessler Antoni, s. Anzelm, b. Jaroslaw, lieut/col.
Kessler Juliusz, warr. off., dep. comp. comm., 12 inf. reg.
Kessler Juliusz, s. Anzelm b.1902,Lwow, capt. (res.), dr.l.
Kielmanowicz Senek, s. Abusz, 2/lieut., paymaster 8 inf. div.
Kiermisz, 2/lieut., ed. pol. off. 1 Army.
Kilman Wladyslaw, s. Leon, 2/lieut., 6 inf. reg.
Kiperling Jozef, 2/lieut., senior med. off., 39 field art. reg.
Kirsz Arnold, warr. off., platoon comm., 1 eng. reg.
? Kirszenbaum Michal, s. Szymszon, 2/lieut., 2 inf. reg., missing 2.8.1944 crossing Vistula.
Kirszenblat Dawid, warr. off., 5 inf. reg.
? Kisin Fiszel, s. Szmuel, warr. off., 1 inf. reg., killed in action 13.9.1944 Warsaw - Praga.
Klajncwajg Zygmunt, s. Jakub, lieut., 3 inf. reg.
Klang Jakub, 2/lieut., 1 Army.
Klaper Ignac, lieut., dep. batt. comp., 35 bridges batt.
? Klapwald Edmund, s. San b. 1922, 2/lieut., 16 tank. brig., killed in action 18.4.45 Niesky, Oper. Bautzen - Elba.
Klaus - Klus Wilhelm, warr. off., dep. comp. comm., 1 inf. reg.
Klebaner Abraham, capt., chief of staff., 9 indep. roads paring. batt.
Klecki (Kaplan) Pinchas, lieut., Q.M., 4 tank brig.
Klein Jakow, s. Aszer, 2/lieut., comp. comm., 2 inf. reg.
Kleinberger Alfred, 2/lieut., dr. med. 8 inf. reg.
Kleinberger Bernard, 2/lieut., lecturer, 33 inf. reg.
? Klejner Izaak, s. Mosze, b. 1913, warr. off., platoon comm. 4 inf. reg., killed in action 2.3.1945, Borujsk, Oper. Pomeranien Wall.
Klejzen Stanislaw, capt., 9 inf. reg. dep. comm.
Klenerer Romuald, lieut., dep. comp. comm., 4 tank. brig.
Klibanski Marek, officer, 2 art. reg.
Kliger Anatol, s. Chaim, warr. off., 2 inf. reg.
Klinger Jerzy, s. Kuna, warr. off., 1 inf. reg.
Knap Robert, warr. off., ass. chief of staff, 1 eng. brig.
Knapp Josef, lieut.
? Kniezner Wilhelm, s. Wladyslaw b. 1901, warr. off., 8 res. reg., killed in action 11.4.1945 Lubaczow, Oper. Brand. Berlin.
Knoll Dawid, lieut., off., 3 inf. div.
Koch Michal, warr. off.,comp. comm., 8 inf. reg.
Kochan - Kaham Marek, s. Chaim, warr. off., 14 inf. reg.
? Kochan Wladyslaw ,s. Dawid, warr. off., died of wounds 18.4.1945, hospital No 2.
Kochane Michal, s. Wolf, lieut., 1 inf. reg.
Kociumbas Jozef, warr. off., dep. comp. comm., 8 inf. reg.dep.
Koff Henryk, warr. off., 11 inf. reg.
Kofter Iser, 2/lieut., h. gun.mach. comp. comm., 4 inf. reg.
Kogan Grzegorz, capt., chief of staff, 8 bridges batt.
? Kohen Jozef, b. 1898, 2/lieut., killed in action 1945.
Kolb Adolf, capt., dep. comm. (ed. pol.), 4 indep. heavy tank brig.
Kole Julian, lieut., head ed. pol. dpt., 4 inf. div.
Koller Jozef, warr. off., dep. comm. transp. comp. 
? Kolmys Jan, s. Natan, 2/lieut., 1 inf. reg. died of wounds 14.9.1944.
Komar Stefan, warr. off., dep. h. mach. gun comp. comm., 4 inf. reg.
Komar Waclaw, Major General, commander in chief security corps.
Kominski Meir, capt., ass. oper. dpt. chief., 1 Army H.Q.
Kon - Konar Julian, 1 inf. reg.
Konar Stanislaw, 2/lieut., comp. comm. 1 inf. reg.
Koninski Eliasz - Edward, lieut., dep. comm., 10 inf. reg.
Koniuchowski Szmuel, 2/lieut., sturm batt.
Konopka - Goldman Witold, lieut., dep. head. polit. dpt., 1 Army.
Konopka Henryk, warr. off., comp. comm., 5 inf. reg.
? Kontys Jan, s. Natan b. 1920, 2/lieut., 1 inf. div. died in service 14.9.1944.
Kopak Boris, s. Michal, 2/lieut., 13 inf. reg.
Koppel Emil, warr. off., intend. off. 13 inf. reg.
Koppel Grzegorz, 2/lieut., 32 inf. reg.
Korman, 2/lieut., dr. med., dep. comm., 1 Army, hospital.
? Korn Leon, s. Elimelech, warr. off., 6 inf. reg., killed in action 11.2.1945 Nowe Laski, Oper. Pom. Wall.
Kornecki Adam, lieut., storn batt.
Kornhaber, warr. off., dr. med., 1 inf. reg.
Kornstein Salo - Szlomo, warr. off.,senior med. assist., 5 inf. reg.
? Korzec Zajfel, s. Szlomo b. 1919, warr. off., 4 inf. reg., killed in action 2.3.1945 Borujsk, Oper. Pomeranian Wall.
Koss Szalom, warr. off., comm., h. mach. gun. platoon, 3 inf. reg.
Kost Jakow, s. Icchak, lieut., lecturer, 13 self propelled art. reg.
Koton Eliahu, warr. off., platoon comm., 3 inf. reg.
Kotowicz - Kornhaber Donat, lieut., off. 1 inf. div.
Kotowicz, lieut. dr. med., 3 inf. div., 
Kowalski - Kohn Mieczyslaw, General Army, dr. med., chief med. services.
Kowalski Ignacy, capt., dep. 3 hauwitzer brig. comm.
? Kozlowski Julian, s. Adam b. 1921, 2/lieut., 3 tank. brig., killed in action 18.4.1945 near Niesky, Oper. Bautzen - Elba.
? Kozlowski Julian, s. Jakub b. 1921, warr. off., 11 inf. reg., killed in action 6.2.1945, Dobrzyce Oper. Pomer. Wall.
? Kraft Stanislaw, s. Edward b. 1919, warr. off., 3 inf. reg., killed in action 21.4.1945 Sersdorf Oper. Brand. Berlin. 
Krakowski Jozef, 2/lieut., dep. batt. comm., 3 inf. reg.
Krakowski Stefan, lieut., H. Q. Air Force.
Krakus Stefan, lieut., 2 inf. div.
? Kral Eugeniusz, b. 1926, 2/lieut., 40 l. art. reg., killed in action 19.4.1945 Leschau, Oper. Brand. Berlin.
Kramer Pawel, warr. off., comp. comm., 4 inf. reg.
Kratko Zygmunt, warr. off., 1 tank corps. 
Kraus Dawid, lieut., storm batt. 
? Kraus Michal, s. Abram b. 1910 Warsaw, warr. off., 2 inf. reg., killed in action 2.2.1945 Rudki, Oper. Pomeranian Wall.
Krause Feliks, lieut., batt. comm., 2 field art. reg.
Krauze Leonard, warr. off., Q.M. off., 4 anti. tank.art. brig.
Krigier Mieczyslaw, s. Abraham, lieut., lecturer, 3 inf. reg.
Krikus Jerzy, warr. off., eng., batt. dep. commander.
Krinicki Israel, s. Jakub, lieut., 8 inf. div.
Kronman Eugeniusz, warr. off., field newpaper “We shall win” editor.
? Kruglak Henryk, b. 1922 Luck, warr. off., 3 inf. reg., died of wounds 20.2.1945 Sosnica, Oper. Pomeranian Wall.
Krupinski Jerzy, lieut., ed.-polit. adm. 2 Army.
Krwawicz Borys, warr. off., dep. comp. comm., 1 inf. reg.
? Krzak Jakub, s. Julian, warr. off., 1 inf. reg., died of wounds 15.5.1945 Moscow.
Krzemien - Fogelfenger, Major (res.), 4 inf. reg., dep. comm.
Krzemien Leszek, lieut., 1 armour. corps.
Kubar - Rapaport Wiktor, warr. off., secretary field - bulletin “Zwyciezymy”.
Kucewicz Eliahu, s. Szymon, warr. off., 5 inf. reg.
Kucher Henryk, 2/lieut., comp. comm., 35 inf. reg.
? Kuczynski Michal, s. Chaim b. 1914 Lodz, warr. off., 2 inf. reg., killed in action 3.3.1945 Prochnow.
Kudisz Henryk, s. Josef, lieut., dr. med. med. comp. comm., 8 inf. div.
? Kufel Gerszon, b. 1917 Warsaw, 2/lieut., killed in action 1945.
? Kujawski Michal, s. Szlomo b. 1920, warr. off., 1 inf. div., died 12.2.1945 Oper. Pomer. Wall.
Kuncman Michal, 2/lieut., 4 (res.), inf. reg.
Kunderman Edward, warr. off., platoon comm., 3 inf. reg.
Kuperman Michal, warr. off., platoon comm., 3 inf. reg.
Kuperwaser Michal, warr. off., platoon comm., 3 inf. reg.
Kurc Jozef, warr. off., 2 inf. reg.
? Kurc Nachum, s. Hersz b. 1916 Chrzanow, warr. off., 1 inf. reg., killed in action 12.9.1944. Warsaw Praga, bur. Warsaw Wawer.
Kuropatwa Aleksander, s. Mosze, warr. off., 3 inf. reg.
Kurzebski Wladyslaw, warr. off., comp. comm., 5 inf. reg.
Kusmider Henryk, 2/lieut., 1 inf. div.
Kuszner Henryk, 2/lieut., dep. comm., mortar batt., 18 inf. reg.
Kutner Pinkus, warr. off., 3 inf. reg.
? Kwas Pawel, s. Nisan b. 1913 Warsaw, warr. off., 6 inf. reg., killed in action 22.8.1944 Anielin.
Lach - Cukierberg Mateusz, lieut., 1 tank. brig.
? Lachman Filip, s. Szmuel b. 1920 Sulejow, warr. off., 7 inf. reg., killed in action 11.3.1945 Kolobrzeg.
Lachman Ryszard, s. Zygmunt, warr. off., paymaster 8 inf. div.
Landsman Borys, lieut., staff off., 6 inf. reg.
Ladnsberger Henryk, s. Eliahu, lieut., 1 mortar reg.
Lajchman Israel, lieut., quarter master, 1 a. air art. div.
Lajferman Szymon, lieut., quarter master, 4 tank. brig. 1 armour. corps.
Laks Mieczyslaw, lieut., pilot.
? Lampel Aleksander, s. Adam b. 1909 Rzeszow, warr. off., 6 inf. reg., killed in action 20.8.1944 Zakrzew/Magnusze.
Lamprecht Leon, lieut., sign. off. 1 a. air. art. reg.
Lancut Dogowert, Major, chief of staff, 2 field art. reg.
? Landa Tadeusz, s. Jan b. 1914 Tarnopol, warr. off., 7 inf. reg., killed in action 19.3.1945 Kolobrzeg, bur. Mil. Kolobrzeg.
Landau Boleslaw, 2/lieut., 28 inf. reg. 
Landau Dawid, 2/lieut., tank platoon comm., 4 tank. brig.
Landau Julian, s. Stanislaw, lieut., 8 inf. div.
Landberger Wlodzimierz, 2/lieut., 1 field art. reg.
Lande Stanislaw, lieut., lecturer, 1 field art. reg.
? Landesman Jan, s. Henryk b. 1918 Rzeszow. 2/lieut., 6 inf. reg., died 22.4.1945 Gozdowice, Oper. Pomeranian Wall.
Landsberg Grzegorz, 2/lieut., battery dep. comm., 7 field art.reg.
? Landwirt Eliasz, s. Jakub b. 1906 warr. off., 5 inf. reg., killed in action 21.9.1944 Warsaw.
Lang Brunon, warr. off., 5 inf. reg.
? Lange Arkadiusz, s. Panfil b. 1915 Warsaw, 2/lieut., 4 inf. reg., killed in action 3.3.1945, Jastrow Pomeranian Wall.
Lange Edward, s. Ryszard, 2/lieut., 8 inf. reg.
Langsman Jozef, 2/lieut., chemist., 1 inf. div.
Lapinski Leonid, lieut., 4 (res.), inf. reg.
? Lasman Lejzor s. Hirsz b. 1901 Radom, 2/lieut., 6 inf. reg., killed in action 21.9.1944 Warsaw.
Lason Julian, lieut., 1 Army.
? Lasota Zygmunt s. Ludwik b. 1925 Warsaw, warr. off., 6 inf. reg., killed in action 17.1.1944 Warsaw.
Last Edward, 2/lieut., storm batt.
? Lastman Eliasz, s. Mosze, warr. off., platoon comm., 2 tank. brig., killed in action 19.4.1945 Oper. Bautzen.
Laufer Mosze, warr. off., 8 inf. reg.
? Lazarewicz Henryk, s. Leon b. 1927 warr. off., 6 inf. reg., killed in action 2.3.1945 Oper. Pom. Wall.
? Lebel Henryk s. Icchak b. 1915 Bielsk Podlaski, lieut., 9 inf. reg., missing, September 1944.
Leblank, 2/lieut.,intendancy off. 1 Army.
Leder Jozef, Colonel, intelligence, Army H.Q.
? Lederfarb Mosze, s. Dawid b. 1919 Warsaw, 2/lieut., 6 inf. reg., killed in action 22.8.1944 Zakrzew.
? Lederman Wladyslaw, s. Benjamin b. 1918 Krakow, 2/lieut., 18 inf. reg., killed in action 18.21945 Rudki, Oper. Pomeranian Wall.
Leibl Jozef, warr. off., pharmacist, 8 inf. reg.
Leibler Jakub, warr. off., 4 inf. reg.
? Leicht Bronislaw, s. Jan b. 1923 Nowosiolki, warr. off., 2 inf. reg., killed in action 23.4.1945 Nochten Oper. Bautzen Elba.
? Leitenberg Dawid, s. Natan b. 1921 Sosnowiec, warr. off., 6 inf. reg., killed in action 20.8.1944 Zakrzew bur. Magnuszewo.
Lejbrok Chaim, s. Jehuda, 2/lieut., 5 inf. reg.
Lemanski Leon, warr. off., 2 field art. reg.
? Lempel Daniel, s. Mark b. 1915 Uchanie (d. Hrubieszow), warr. off., 9 inf. reg., died of wounds, March 1945 san. batt. No 3, Oper. Pomeranian Wall.
Lenden Jozef, warr. off., 4 inf. reg.
Lerner Dawid, 2/lieut., 1 inf. reg.
? Les Adam, b. 1912 Boroszczewice, warr. off., 25 inf. reg., killed in action 6.5.1945 Oper. Bautzen Elba.
Lesser, Major, dr med. 1 Army.
Leszczynski - Lichtenstein, lieut., 4 res. inf. reg.
? Lew Meir, s. Izrael b. 1914, warr. off., 33 inf. reg., killed in action 14.4.1945 Lodenae, Oper. Bauten - Elba.
? Lewan Konrad, s. Wiktor b. 1921 warr. off., 7 inf. reg., died of wounds 16.3.1945. 
? Lewel Jozef, b. 1895 Krakow, 2/lieut., killed in action 1944.
Lewenbein Henryk, 2/lieut., 18 inf. reg.
? Lewin Gabriel, s. Gerszon b. 1901 Radom, 2/lieut., 6 inf. reg., killed in action 21.9.1944 Warsaw, bur. MC Wolska Str.
? Lewin Grzegorz, s. Ilja b. 1910 Orsk, 28/lieut., 78 a. tank. art. reg., killed in action 22.5.1945 Weigersdorf.
Lewinter Szalom, 2/lieut., 3 inf. reg.
Lewitin Jakub, lieut., 1 air force reg.
Lewkowicz Adolf, Major, comm. 13 eng. batt.
Lewkowicz Jakub, 2/lieut., platoon comm., 3 inf. reg.
Ley Wlodzimierz, 2/lieut., 10 inf. reg.
? Lezanski Feliks, s. Rafal b. 1924 Witoldowka (Wolyn), warr. off., 10 inf. reg., killed in action 16.9.1944 Warsaw - Praga.
Liberman Arkadiusz, s. Maksym, warr. off., 1 inf. reg.
? Liberman Szmuel, s. Jan b. 1924 Biala Podlaska, warr. off., 3 inf. reg., killed in action 2.2.1945 Grudna, Oper. Pomeranian Wall.
Lich Leon, lieut., 2 field art. reg.
Lichter Berek, s. Chaim, 2/lieut., 38 field art. reg.
Lifszes Leon, warr. off., 1 corps.
? Ligenberg Samek, s. Szmuel, b. 1923 Warsaw, warr. off., 5 inf. reg., killed in action 12.2.1945 Zabieniec Oper. Pomeranian Wall.
Lindenberg Zygmunt, 2/lieut., 4 inf. reg.
Linder Michal, warr. off., 5 inf. reg.
Liokumowicz Szmuel, lieut., 5 inf. reg.
? Liport Ilia, s. Lazar, b. 1922 Odessa, warr. off., 23 h. art. reg., killed in action 12.2.1945 Zlotow, Oper. Pomeranian Wall.
? Lipper Jonas, s. Bernard, b. 1909 Jaroslaw, warr. off., 3 inf. reg., killed in action 2.2.1945 Grudna, Oper. Pomeranian Wall.
? Lipszyc Marian, s. Maksymilian, b. 1896 Czestochowa, warr. off., 18 inf. reg., killed in action 8.2.1945 Nadarzyce, Oper. Pomeranian Wall.
Lipszyc Mosze, warr. off., platoon comm., 4 inf. reg.
? Lipszyc Szlomo, s. Szmuel, b. 1922, lieut., 2 tank brig., killed in action 24.4.1945 Oper. Bautzen Elba.
Lobe Eliahu - Jermiachu, capt., dr. med., 5 inf. reg.
Loewy Dawid, s. Adam, warr. off., 3 inf. reg.
Lubelski Dawid, warr. off., platoon comm., med. serv., 8 inf. reg.
Lubinski Aleksander, 2/lieut., 1 tank brig.
Lublanski Michal, s. Bernard, 2/lieut., 1 mortar reg.
Lublinski Edward, 2/lieut., mil. prosec. 1 Army.
Lubowski Jakub, capt., mil. prosecutor.
Lubski Jakub, 2/lieut., platoon comm., 1 tank brig.
Ludmer Ignacy, lieut., techn. supply, 1 inf. div.
? Luftglas Hirsz, s. Mojzesz b. 1913 Krynica, warr. off., 1 inf. reg., killed in action Lenino battle 12.10.1943.
? Luftglas Izaak, s. Mojzesz b. 1920 Krynica, 2/lieut., 2 inf. reg., killed in action, 26.8.1944 Celownia bur. Garwolin.
Luftman Izaak, translator, H.Q., 4 inf. reg.
Lunski Leon, warr. off., dep. comp. comm., 4 inf. reg.
Lustig Wilhelm, warr. off., 1 inf. reg.
Majblum Ignacy, warr. off., quarter master 4 tank. brigade.
Majbroda Grzegorz, 2/lieut ., comp. comm., 12 inf. reg.
Majcher Henryk, warr. off., dep. mortar batt. comm., 33 inf. reg.
Majer Jozef, warr. off., platoon comm., 12 inf. reg.
Majerczak Benjamin, s. Mosze b. 1917 Wloclawek, capt., batt. comm. 1 armoured corps.
? Majski Jerzy, s. Grzegorz b. 1912 Lodz, capt., killed in accident 4.9.1944 Otwock.
Majster Maksymilian, warr. off., lecturer, 6 field art. reg.
Majtek Aleksander, lieut., 1 Army.
Majzner Bernard, s. Niuta, warr. off., comp. comm., h. mach. guns. 10 inf. reg.
Malczewski Fryderyk, warr. off.
Malinowski Ignacy, warr. off., dep. comp. comm., 4 inf. reg.
Mandel - Karlowicz Ryszard, warr. off., comp. dep. comm., 3 inf. reg.
Mandel Jerzy, 2/lieut., lecturer 1 inf. div.
? Mandel Jerzy, s. Karol, lieut., 1 inf. reg., fell in action crossing Oder river 16.04.1945, Siekierki, bur. Q. 41.
Manelli Adolf, warr. off., 6 field art. reg.
? Mantel Marian s. Adolf, b. 1912 Tarnopol, 2/lieut., platoon comm., 1 tank. brig., killed in action 23.1.1945 near Wloclawek.
Margula Wiktor s. Feliks, 2/lieut., 2 inf. reg.
Margules Jakub, 2/lieut., comp. comm., 12 inf.reg.
Margules Josef, 2/lieut., comp. comm., 4 inf. reg.
Margules Szymon, warr. off., 7 inf. reg.
Mariensztraus Benjamin, s. Nisim, 2/lieut., comp. comm., 5 inf. reg.
Markowicz Stefan, 1 armoured corps.
Markowicz, warr. off., 1 Army, field hospital.
Marmur, warr. off., 5 inf. reg.
Maszler Henryk, capt., dr. med., 1 Army.
Mehl Zygmunt, lieut., ass. chief of staff., 8 inf. reg.
? Mehler Anatol, s. Josef b. 1920, 2/lieut., 12 inf. reg., died of wounds 28.4.1945 Selbelang, Oper. Brand. Berlin.
? Mehler Szymon, s. Jakub b. 1922 warr. off., 3 tank brig., killed in action 25.4.1945 Gross Wielka.
Meisner Borys, warr. off., platoon comm., 8 inf. reg.
Meller Mosze, 2/lieut., comp. comm. 37 inf. reg.
? Melman Ajzyk, 2/lieut., killed in action 1945 Kucke., Oper. Brand. Berlin.
Melman Szymon, warr. off., dep. comp. comm., 5 inf. reg.
Mendelson Feliks, s. Eliahu, warr. off., 2 inf. reg.
Mendelson Wladyslaw, s. Henryk, warr. off., 1 indep. mortar reg.
Menkes Marcin, 2/lieut., comp. comm., 5 inf. reg.
Menkile, warr. off., chem. services, 1 inf. div.
Mensz Wilhelm, 2/lieut., storm batt.
Messing Julian, 2/lieut., comp. comm., 1 tank. brig.
Metal Norbert, s. Dawid, warr. off., platoon comm.
Mett Chaim, warr. off., quarter master, 4 tank. brig.
Miecielica Michal, warr. off., 8 inf. reg.
Mietkowski Mieczyslaw, Colonel, chief ed.pol. dpt. 1 Army.
Milberg Jerzy, warr. off., pharmacist, 4 inf. reg.
? Milcher Henryk, s. Abram b. 1919 Warsaw, 2/lieut., 12 inf. reg., killed in action 11.1.1945, bur. cem., Warsaw, Aleksandrow.
Miller Borys, lieut.
? Miller Michal, s. Jozef b. 1918 Warsaw, warr. off., 1 a. air. art. reg., killed in action 10.9.1944 Anin, bur. MC Powazki.
Milsztein Jakub, 2/lieut., technician, Air Force.
Minc Hilary, Colonel, ed.- pol. HQ, Army.
Minc Leon, lieut., enginéer, transport services.
Minc Stefan, capt., chem. comp., 1 inf. div.
Mirman Ilja, warr. off., 4 tank. brig.
Mirski Michal, warr. off., 1 inf. div.
? Molkin Stefan, s. Jakub b. 1920, 2/lieut., killed in action 22.4.1945, Oper. Bautzen Elba.
Monard Julian, 2/lieut., 4 inf. reg.
Monat Pawel, lieut., 5 h. art. reg.
? Mond Ryszard, s. Adolf b. 1915 Jaroslaw, 2/lieut., 3 inf. reg., killed in action 2.3.1945 Miroslawiec, Oper. Pom. Wall.
? Mondszajn Jerzy, lieut., killed in action 1945.
Monis Marcin, 2/lieut., dep. comm., 34 eng. batt.
? Mordkowicz Szlomo, b. 1922 Sulejow, 2/lieut., 33 inf. reg., killed in action 19.4.1945 Lodenau, Oper. Bautzen Elba.
Moryk Mieczyslaw, s. Eliasz, 2/lieut., 8 inf. reg.
Moskowicz Artur, warr. off., platoon comm., 3 inf. reg.
Mosser Jozef, s. Szlomo, 2/lieut., comp. comm., 2 inf. reg.
Motyl Roman, lieut., dr. med., 1 inf. div.
Muszkat Marian, capt., lecturer, 1 inf. div.
Nadel Oskar, warr. off., platoon comm., 3 inf. reg.
Nadzin - Gutman Stanislaw, lieut., comp. comm. 3 inf.reg.
Naftalewicz Borys, s. Leon, lieut., comp. comm., 12 inf. reg.
Najman Feliks, s. Israel, warr. off., 2 inf. reg.
Narbutt - Rob Ignacy, Colonel, dep. comm., 8 inf. div.
Narenski Jerzy, 2/lieut., 3 inf. div.
? Neufeld Gerard, s. Michal, 2/lieut., 7 inf. reg., killed in action 18.4.1945 Gadno, Oper. Brand. Berlin.
? Neuman Waclaw, s. Mieczyslaw, warr. off., 2 inf. reg., missing 2.8.1944, crossing Vistula river.
Neumanowicz Leon, 2/lieut., comp. comm., 8 inf. reg.
? Niborski Szmuel, s. Zalman, 2/lieut., 1 san. med. batt., killed 20.2.1945 Walcz Oper. Pomer. Wall.
Niedzwiecki Jozef, capt., lecturer, 4 inf. reg.
? Niemowa Michal, s. Maksymilian, lieut., 10 inf. reg., died of wounds 3.2.1945 Oper. Pomer. Wall.
Nisenbaum Jakub, 2/lieut., comp. comm., 4 tank brig.
Nowik Stefan, warr. off., 1 Army.
Nuchman Henryk, warr. off., 1 inf. div.
Nussbaum Klemens, warr. off., ed. pol. instructor.
Nussebaum Nachum, warr. off., 1 inf. reg.
Nuzbaum Mieczyslaw, s. Siemion, warr. off., 1 inf. reg.
Ojchman Borys, lieut., dep. batt. comm., 5 inf. reg.
Okres Bronislaw, warr. off., dep. comp. comm., 8 inf. reg.
? Okret Oskar, s. Pawel b. 1908 Lodz, capt., 5 inf. div., killed in action, Spring 1945, Oper. Brand. Berlin.
Okret Zygmunt, capt., propaganda off 1 Army.
Olanski Michal, warr. off., dep. batt. comm., 21 art. (res.), regiment.
? Oldak Jakub, s. Michal b. 1916 Lwow, warr. off., 1 tank. brig., killed in action 12.2.1945, Wierzchow, Oper. Pomer. Wall.
Olgiser Jacek,  warr. off., platoon comm., med. serv. 8 inf. reg.
Olomucki Borys, Colonel, prosecutor in the office of the General Prosecutor.
Olomucki Jozef, 2/lieut., M.P. off.
Olszewski Jozef, lieut., 1 Army.
? Openheim Andrzej, s. Stefan, warr. off., dep. comm.. 18 a-aircraft art reg. killed in action 22.4.1945 Hennings dorf, Oper. Brand. Berlin.
Orlinski Aron, capt., dep. comp. comm., 5 inf. reg.
? Pacanower Jozef, s. Henryk b. 1921 Krakow, 2/lieut., 3 tank. brig., killed in action 15.4.1945 Gross Dubrau., Oper. Brand. Berlin.
Palka Henryk, 2/lieut., 5 inf. reg.
Papiez Edward, lieut., staff. off., 1 tank. brig.
Pasternak Karol, lieut., dep. batt. comm. 21 self prop. a. tank art. reg.
Pasternak Leon, lieut., field theater comm., 1 inf. div.
Pasternak Michal, warr. off., 2 inf. reg.
Paszt Adam, s. Szymon, 2/lieut., 5 inf. reg.
Pawlak Franciszek, lieut., 5 eng. batt.
Pechner Artur, s. Henryk, capt., dr. med., 1 inf. reg.
? Pempel Pawel, s. Marek, warr. off., killed in action, 3 inf. reg., 23.03.1945 Kolberg.
Perelmuter Borys, warr. off., radiostation, platoon comm.
Perelmuter Leon, s. Efraim, lieut., comp. comm., 3 inf. reg.
? Perelmuter Mojzesz, s. Dawid b. 1920 Biezun, 2/lieut., 14 inf. reg.
Perle Jozef, 2/lieut., plat. comm., 12 inf. reg.
Persiko Izaak, s. Boguslaw, capt., dr. med., 1 inf. reg.
Perski Aleksander, warr. off., battery comm., 1 art. div.
Perski Ludwik, warr. off., field camerman, 1 Army.
Peste Kazimierz, warr. off., dep. comp. comm., 3 inf. reg.
Pfefer Edward, lieut., 1 Army.
Piasecki Stanislaw, capt., dep. reg. comm. 17 inf. reg.
Pilecki Edward, capt., 1 Army.
Pinczuk Jakub, s. Jozef, warr. off., 1 inf. reg.
? Pinczuk Szulim, s. Abraham b. 1918 Glinne (d. Wolyn), 2/lieut., 1 mot. inf. brig., killed in action Odernitz., Oper. Bautzen.
Pistyner - Pistynek Leon, lieut., army ed.- pol. admin.
Planer Emanuel, Colonel, chief of ed.- pol. dpt., Krakow mil. district.
Planter Wiktor, s. Jakub, 2/lieut., eng., 10 inf. reg.
Plawski Eliahu, 2/lieut., 4 inf. reg.
Plaznik Zygmunt, lieut., 1 tank. brig.
Plonski Dorian, 2/lieut., editor “Zwyciezymy”.
Plonski Henryk, s. Aron, warr. off., 5 inf. reg.
Pock Henryk, lieut., batt. comm., 1 field art. reg.
Podlecki Henryk, Major, mil. attorney.
? Podnos Borys, s. Lew b. 1924 Ziembin (U.S.S.R.), lieut., 14 inf. reg., killed in action 5.2.1945 Nadarzyce, Oper. Pomer. Wall.
Polak Szmuel, capt., batt. comm., 5 howitzer reg.
Polanowski Tadeusz, 2/lieut., 1 inf. div.
? Polapow Izaak, s. Abram b. 1910 Sierpuchowka, 2/lieut., 3 tank brig., killed in action 23.4.1945 Lubaczow, Oper. Bautzen.
Polewski Eliahu, warr. off., 1 inf. div.
Pomeranc Icchak, 2/lieut., platoon comm., 8 inf. reg.
Ponarski Mosze, s. Abram, 2/lieut., 5 inf. reg.
? Porth Ryszard, s. Mieczyslaw b. 1923 Lwow, warr. off., 35 inf. reg., killed in action 29.4.1945 Zimpel, Oper. Bautzen - Elba. 
Poznanski Jan, warr. off., 1 field art. reg.
Poznanski Jerzy, warr. off., 1 inf. div.
Prawin Jakub, Colonel, dep. ed.-pol. comm., 1 inf. div.,
Preizner Tadeusz, 2/lieut., quarter master, 8 inf. reg.
Preskorn Feliks, s. Stefan, lieut., 32 inf. reg.,
Pritis Leon, s. Jefim, 2/lieut., field backery comm., 8 inf. reg.
Prusak Jakub, 2/lieut., 15 a. - air. art. reg.
Prutkowski - Nacht Jozef, warr. off., 1 inf.reg.
Przemski Leon, capt., editor “Zolnierz Wolnosci”.
Przyszuski Leon, capt., dr. med.,1 Army.
Pszenica Henryk, capt., 1 Army.
? Pupko Abraham, s. Nuchim b. 1921 Piratyn, capt., 12 inf. reg., killed in action 28.4.1945 Pessin, Oper. Brand. -Berlin.
Rabinowicz Aleksander, warr. off., lecturer, chemic. warfare- officers school.
Rabinowicz Jozef (Iser), 2/lieut., 4 inf. reg.
Rabinowicz Ludwik, 2/lieut., dep. comp. comm., 1 inf. reg.
Rabotnik Mieczyslaw, lieut. - colonel, dr. med., 1 inf. div.
? Raj Herman, s. Dawid, 2/lieut., 8 inf. reg., died of wounds 18.4.1945 Moryn.
Rajczyk Berek, warr. off., platoon com. 4 inf. reg.
Rajewski Michal, lieut., 1 Army.
Rajfer Karol, warr. off., dep. batt. comm., 2 res. inf. reg.
? Rajs Genadi, s. Aleksander b. 1925 Budy (d. Jaslo), warr. off., 3 a. - air. art. reg., killed in action 27.4.1945 Bautzen.
Rajski Leon, warr. off., eng. dep. batt. comm., 4 inf. div.
Rajter Grzegorz, 2/lieut., platoon comm., 4 tank. brig.
Rak, lieut., dr. med. 3 inf. div.
? Ramber Henryk, s. Maurycy b. 1919 Czortkow, warr. off., 27 inf. reg., killed in action 23.4.1945 Nochten, Oper. Brand. Berlin.
Rapaport Jakub, warr. off., 1 Army.
? Rapaport Jozef, s. Ilia b. 1907, 2/lieut., 6 inf. reg., died of wounds 14.8.1944 hospital No 2 Lublin.
? Ratner Marek, b. 1907 Boryslaw, capt., killed in action 1944 Warsaw.
Ratynski - Ratner Bronislaw, lieut., batt. chief of staff, 5 inf. reg.
Rauch Zygmunt, 2/lieut., platoon comm., 4 tank. brig.
? Rawin Miron, s.Eliahu b. 3.3.1917 Orzel (U.S.S.R.), warr. off., 8 inf. reg., killed in action Warsaw, bur. Wolska MC.
? Rawin Stanislaw, s. Eliahu b. 1922, Lodz, warr. off., 8 inf. reg., killed in action 21.9.1944 Warsaw bur. Wolska MC.
? Raziel Henryk, s. Jozef b. 1927 Lodz, 2/lieut., 1 mot. inf. brig., killed in action 15.4.1945 Odenitz.
? Razuwajew Aleksander, s. Abraham b. 1917 Dubrowniki, 2/lieut., 24 a. - tank. art. reg., died of wounds 21.3.1945.
Redlich Boleslaw, lieut.,21 res. art. brig.
Reibenbach, lieut., dep. comm. 1 signal brig.
Reichert Romuald, warr. off., dr. med., 4 tank. brig.
Reisler, Colonel, dr. med., field hospital Sielce.
Reitman Henryk, lieut., air. force brig., “Warsaw”.
Reizman Leonid, warr. off., signal platoon comm., 18 inf. reg.
Rejcher Henryk, warr. off., officers club comm., 3 inf. reg.
? Retman Marek, b. 1917 Boryslaw, lieut., killed in action 1944.
Reznik Pawel, 2/lieut., comp. comm., 1 tank. brig.
Ribner - Rychlik Mieczyslaw, capt., mil. prosecutor.
Riff Jerzy, warr. off., translator, 11 inf. reg.
Ritman Leonid, s. Ichak, warr. off., 18 inf. reg.
Ritter - Jagiel Roman,capt., 1 inf. div., (see J).
? Robin (Rubin) Aron, s. Aron b. 1918, warr. off., 3 inf. reg., killed in action 13.2.1945 Miroslawiec, Oper. Pomer. Wall.
Robin Ajzyk, s. Israel, warr. off., platoon comm., 3 inf. reg.
Rochwerger Jan, lieut., 1 inf. div.
Rogozinski Benjamin, warr. off., staff officer, 4 inf. reg.
Roj Szymon, 2/lieut., 1 inf. reg.
Rojtman Borys, lieut., 40 field art. reg.
Rojzen Arkadiusz, 2/lieut., batt. chief of staff., 4 tank. brig.
Rosenberg - Rosinski Ernest, 2/lieut., 35 inf. reg.
Rosenberg Ignacy, warr. off., platoon comm., 8 inf. reg.
Rosner Michal, 2/lieut., ed. pol. off.
Rossa Leon, lieut., 5 h. art. reg.
Rotbaum Henryk, 2/lieut., 1 chem. defence brig.
Rotfeld Feliks, s. Marcin, lieut., comp. comm., 1 inf.reg.
Roth Henryk, warr. off., instruct. 3 inf. reg.
Roth Tadeusz, 2/lieut., platoon comm., 18 inf. reg.
Rotman - Rotowski Henryk, 2/lieut., 1 chem. batt.
Rotman, lieut., dr. med. 3 inf. reg.
Rotszajn Seweryn, warr. off., 1 inf. div.
Rotter Klemens, 2/lieut., comp. comm. 8 inf. reg.
? Roza Israel, s. Icek b. 1916 Lochow, warr. off., 4 inf. reg., killed in action 17.4.1945 Konigsreetz, Oper. Brand. Berlin.
Rozanski - Goldberg Jacek, capt., 1 Army.
Rozanski - Rosenthal Henryk, capt., 1 inf. div.
Rozanski Czeslaw, warr. off., 2 (res.), inf. reg.
? Rozek Ignacy, s. Markus b. 1912 Lwow, 2/lieut., 12 inf. reg., killed in action 27.4.1945 Potsdam, Oper. Brand. Berlin.
Rozek Tadeusz, s. Markus, 2/lieut., comp. comm., 12 inf. reg.
Rozenbaum, warr. off., military dpt., Moscow U.P.A. in U.S.S.R.
Rozenberg Icchak, s. Abraham, lieut., 10 inf. reg.
Rozenberg Michal, warr. off., 1 inf.div.
? Rozenblat Grzegorz, b. 1911 Drohobycz, warr. off., 4 inf. reg., died in service 20.11.1944 Skalat.
Rozenblum Leon, warr. off., platoon comm., 8 inf. reg.
Rozenker Arkadiusz, s. Samuel, 2/lieut., batt. comm., 34 inf. reg.
Rozenroth Bronislaw, warr. off., platoon comm., 8 inf. reg.
Rozenthal Moryc, s. Jechezkiel, warr. off., 6 inf. reg.
Rozlubinski Edwin, lieut.
Rubanczyk Jakub, warr. off., ed.-pol. off., 1 corps.
Rubilowicz, lieut., dr. med., 1 inf. reg.
Rubin Henryk, lieut., 1 Army.
Rubinowicz Mordechaj, s. Mosze, capt., 1 inf. reg.
Rubinsztein David, 2/lieut., 13 inf. reg.
Rubinsztein Leon, capt., dep. comm. storm brig.
Rudaszewski Michal, s. Abram, 2/lieut., 5 inf. reg.
Rudawski Michal, capt., 4 tank. brig.
Rudnicki Daniel, warr. off., 1 Army.
? Rudolf Zygmunt, s. Leon b. 1920 Monasterzyska, warr. off., 8 inf. reg., killed in action 10.8.1944 Grabow, br. head Warka - Magnuszew.
? Rudz Jakub, b. 1913, Mastowiczyna, lieut., 5 h. art. reg., killed 28.12.1941 Michalin, near Warsaw.
Rum Henryk, warr. off., platoon comm., 5 inf.reg.
Russ Grzegorz s. Ozjasz, warr. off., 2 inf. reg.
Rutenberg Kazimierz, pilot, 1 air. brig.
Rychter Ryszard, warr. off., 4 inf. reg.
Sadykiewicz Michal, capt., dep. reg. comm., 17 inf. reg.
Sak Adam, warr. off., 11 inf. reg.
Salc Herman, warr. off., platoon comm., 12 inf. reg.
Salomon Jakub, warr. off., platoon comm., 5 inf. reg.
Salomonowicz Adam, Colonel, dr med. chief med. 1 Army.
Salpeter Michal, capt., mil. attorney.
Samborski Rudolf, warr. off., 18 inf. reg.
Sandler Anatol, capt., batt. comm., 3 inf. div.
Sandowski Icchak, warr. off., platoon comm. 3 inf. reg.
Sarna Emanuel, warr. off., 1 Army.
Sarnecki, lieut. 1 Army.
Satanowski Robert, Colonel, comm. 49 inf. reg.
Sawicz Teodor, lieut., dep. batt. comm., 24 eng. reg.
Sawicz Wolf, warr. off., dep. comp. comm., 5 inf. reg.
Schapiro - Sawicki, lieut., dep. comp. comm., 8 inf. reg.
? Schiffer - Zeglarski Jakub, s. Jan b. 1897 Rudnik/Nisko, 2/lieut., 16 inf. reg., killed in action 12.2.1945 Rudki, Oper. Pomer. Wall.
Schikler Jozef, warr. off., 1 inf. div.
Schleifer Henryk, lieut., dep. comm., storm batt.
Schleifer Icchak, warr. off., 1 Army.
Schleyen Mieczyslaw, capt., dep. comm., 4 a. tank. art. brig.
? Schnabel Marian, s. Leon b. 1920 Lwow, warr. off., 5 inf. div., missing 22.4.1945 Tauer, Oper. Bautzen - Oder.
Segal Marek, 2/lieut., veterinary surgeon, 8 inf. reg.
Segal Pawel, 2/lieut., medic comp. comm., 5 inf. reg.
? Segal Aleksander, s. Ignacy b. 1915 Warsaw, lieut., 7 l. art. reg., killed in action 6.5.1945 Lobez, Oper. Bautzen - Elba.
Siedman Grzegorz, lieut., chemist. 1 inf. div.
Siekiera Jozef, warr. off., platoon comm., 4 inf. reg.
Sigalin Jozef, capt., H.Q. oper. dpt. 1 Army.
Silber Dawid, capt., 4 tank. brig.
Simiergor Grzegorz, s. Izrael, capt., batt. comm., 10 inf. reg.
Sinica Daniel s. Mosze, lieut. 3 inf. reg.
Siodmak Jerzy, capt., Army polit. H.Q.
Sliwinski - Flamenbaum Boleslaw, lieut., dep. comm.. 13 inf. reg.
Slobodzski Julian, 2/lieut., dep. comm., 39 field art. reg.
Slomnicki Henryk, b. 1920, lieut., platoon comm., 4 tank. brig.
Slomnicki Henryk, 2/lieut., mil. attorney, 1 Army.
Slucki Arnold, warr. off., editor “Do Boju”, 4 inf. reg.
? Slupski Mieczyslaw, b. 1923 Poniatowka d. Dubno, lieut., 26 inf. reg., killed in action 20.4.1945 Bautzen.
? Snasc Grzegorz, s. Szmuel b. 1922 Dubno, 2/lieut., 3 l. art. reg., killed in action 1.3.1945 Nadarzyce, Oper. Pomer. Wall.
Sobol Anatol, lieut., 8 inf. reg.
Sobol Jozef, warr. off. 3 res. inf. reg.
Sobol Pinchas, 2/lieut., technician, 40 l. art. reg.
Solowiejczyk Szlomo, s. Jakub, capt., 2 inf. reg.
Solski - Kuperblum Pawel, 2/lieut., lecturer, 1 tank. brig.
Speizer Albert, 2/lieut., 2 field art. reg.
Sperber Henryk, warr. off., editor “Glos Zolnierza”.
Spirer Henryk, warr. off., quarter - master, 17 a. air art. reg.
Srebrnykamien Alter, lieut., batt. comm., 3 inf. reg.
Sroda Henryk, 2/lieut., dep. batt. comm., 24 h. art. reg.
Stamieszkin Jan, pilot, 1 air force reg..
Starecki - Sztorch Aleksander, capt. 1 Army, Q.M.
Stein Aleksander, warr. off., comp. comm., 5 inf. reg.
Stein Zygmunt, s. Ignacy, 2/lieut., 2 inf. reg.
Stein, lieut., dr med. 1 Army.
Steinbok Szlomo, warr. off., comp. comm., 26 inf. reg.
? Steiner Marian, warr. off., 16 tank brig., missing Spring 1945.
Stempa Marek, 2/lieut., dr. med. 3 inf. reg.
Stern Dawid, warr. off., 8 inf. reg.
Sternik Leon, 2/lieut., 18 inf. reg.
Steslowicz Wladyslaw, s. Adam, capt., chief of staff, 37 field art. reg.
Strasser Leopold, lieut., 1 Army.
Strasser Wilhelm, lieut., 1 Army.
Streit Leon, warr. off., comp. comm., 8 inf. reg.
Stryer Robert, warr. off., 1 Army.
Studenberg Pinchas, warr. off., platoon comm., 2 howitzer reg.
Sukiennik Grzegorz, capt., 39 field art. reg.
Sukno Adam, warr. off., platoon comm., 5 inf. reg.
? Sulewicz Szaja, s. Izrael b. 1920, 2/lieut., 5. l. art. reg., died of wounds 17.2.1945 Kolberg, bur. MC Kolberg.
? Sulkewicz Samuel, s. Jozef b. 1922 Bialystok, 2/lieut., 34 inf. reg., died of wounds 7.6.1945 hosp. Poznan.
Surowicz Julian, 2/lieut., propaganda off., 2 field l. art. reg.
Swarcenbaum Szmuel, s. Jakub, warr. off., platoon comm., 18 inf. reg.
Szac Dawid, 2/lieut., battery comm., 1 art. reg.
? Szafistajn Jechiel, s. Abram b. 1920 Krakow, warr. off., 3 inf reg., missing 13.10.1943, Lenino battle.
? Szajkiewicz Leonid, s. Abraham b. 1924 Pultusk, warr. off., 8 inf. reg., killed in action 21.9.1944.
Szajne Anatol, Major batt. comm., 37 inf. reg.
Szapiro Eliezer, lieut., dep. batt. comm., 12 inf.reg.
? Szapiro Jakub, s. Mosze b. 1910 Sokal, lieut., 26 inf.reg., missing 29.4.1945, Horka, Oper. Bautzen.
Szaraborgin Aleksander, capt., batt., comm., 1 inf. div.
Szarfsztein Jechiel, s. Abraham, warr. off., platoon comm., 3 tank brig.
? Szargiel Marek, s. Rafal b. 1889 Stanislawczyk (d. Brody), 2/lieut., killed in action 1.3.1945 Borujsk Oper. Pomer. Wall.
? Szarpanski Michal, s. Jakub b. 14.10.1917 warr. off., 11 inf. reg., killed in action 3.3.1945 Miroslawiec, Oper. Pomer. Wall.
Szarszpic Herman, warr. off., 9 inf. reg., comp. comm..
Szechner Wilhelm, Major, dep. comm., 7 howitzer reg.
Szechner Dawid, 2/lieut., platoon comm., 35 inf. reg.
Szedrowicz Wladyslaw, s. Waclaw, warr. off., dep. batt. comm., 2 inf. reg.
Szemberg Henryk, Major, dep. comm.., signal officers school.
Szenfeld Szifman, warr. off., 2 howb. reg.
Szenicki Herman, 2/lieut., mortars batt., comm., 10 field art. reg.
Szenker Leon, 2/lieut., chemist., 34 field art. reg.
? Szenkler Zygmunt, s. Ignacy b. 1924 Drohobycz, 2/lieut., 1 tank. reg., killed in action 24.3.1945 Maly Kock, Oper. Pom. Wall.
? Szenwald Lucjan, s. Jakub b. 1909 Warsaw, capt., 1 inf. div., killed in action 21.8.1944, bur. Warsaw, Powazki M.C.
Szenweter Tadeusz, warr. off., 4 inf. reg.
Szer Leon, warr. off., lecturer, 11 inf. reg.
Szer Wlodzimierz, s. Michal, 2/lieut., 1 inf. reg.
Szerer Michal, warr. off., mortars battery comp. 8 inf. reg.
Szerman Anatol, 2/lieut., chemist., 2 inf. reg.
Szklar Borys, s. Lejb, capt., 1 indep. mortars reg.
Szlafsztein Henryk, Major, chief of staff, 33 inf. reg.
Szlagier Leon, warr. off., platoon comm., 12 inf. reg.
Szliferstein Jakub, warr. off., dep. batt. comm., 9 inf. reg.
? Szlimper Leon, s. Herman, b. 14.6.1908. lieut., 1 Div., killed in action on Berlin front, April 1945
Szmeterling Jozef, 2/lieut., platoon comm., 8 inf. reg.
Szmidt Lew, 2/lieut., batt. comm., 8 field art. reg.
Szmidt Stefan, lieut., dr. med., 5 inf. reg.
? Szmulewicz Adam (Abram), s. Mordka b. 1906 Warsaw, warr. off., 2 inf. reg., killed in action 12.10.1943, Lenino battle.
Szmuter Michal s. Szaja, warr. off., comp. comm., 10 inf. reg.
Sznaepf Maksymilian, s. Szymon, warr. off., platoon comm. 1 inf. reg.
Sznajder Jakub, warr. off., 10 field art. reg.
Sznicer Szmuel, lieut., Quarter master women batt.
Szor Zygmunt, lieut., tank platoon comm., 4 tank. brig.
Szpac Wlaydslaw, lieut., 1 inf. reg.
Szpak Jozef Piotr, warr. off., 9 inf. reg.
? Szpigel Gerszon, s. Lowa b. 1910 Lwow, warr. off., 7 inf. reg., killed in action 8.2.1945 Nadarzyce, Oper. Pom. Wall.
Szpilberg Ignacy, 2/lieut., intendanc. Off.
Szpilfogel Markus, warr. off., chemist. 7 inf. div.
Szpilman Konrad, lieut., dr. med. 1 inf. reg.
Szpiner Maks, 2/lieut., platoon comm., 5 inf. reg.
? Szporn Henryk, s. Aron b. 1921 Plonsk, warr. off., 5 inf. reg., killed in action 1.3.1945 Borujsk.
Szpricer Edmund, 2/lieut., batt. comm., 1 art. div.
? Szpytman Stanislaw, b. 1925 Podhajce, 2/lieut., 5 inf. reg., killed in action 27.4.1945 Oranienburg, Oper. Brand. Berlin.
? Szrajner Marian, b. 1921, warr. off., 16 tank. brig., killed in action 22.4.1945 Ferstgen, Oper. Bautzen — Elba.
Szrejter Aleksander, lieut., Q. M., 7 howbitzer reg.
Sztejn Michal, warr. off., 6 bridges batt.
Sztenberg Jan, s. Herman, warr. off., pharmacist, 10 inf. reg.
? Sztern Dawid, s. Izaak b 1913 Lodz, warr. off., 7 inf. reg., died of wounds 11.3.1945, Oper. Pomer. Wall.
Sztern Pawel, warr. off., lecturer, 4 res. Inf. reg.
Sztern Ryszard, warr. off., med. platoon comm., 1 inf. div.
Szternhem Maurycy, warr. off., chemist.
Sztokman Edmund, capt., dr. med., 8 inf. reg.
? Sztokman Emanuel, b. 1909 Warsaw, capt., 6 inf. reg., killed in action 20.9.1944 Warsaw, bur. Warsaw Powazki Cem.
Sztramer Rudolf, warr. off., 21 inf. reg.
Sztyber Jerzy, lieut., batt. comm., 9 inf. reg.
? Szubert Kazimierz, s. Ignac b. 1921 d. Zbaraz, warr. off., killed in action 12.2.1945, Nowe Laski (Walcz).
Szubic Bronislaw, warr. off., 4 inf. reg.
Szulc Leonard, lieut., 1 Army art. H.Q..
? Szulc Zygmunt, s. Herszek b. 1913 Warsaw, lieut., 2 tank. brig., missing 19.4.1945.
Szulczynski (Szulzicer) Stanislaw, capt., batt. comm., 7 inf. reg.
? Szulewicz Szaja, s. Izrael b. 1920. 2/lieut., 2 field art. reg., died of wounds 16.3.45 Kolobrzeg, bur. MC Kolobrzeg.
Szulkin Pawel, Major, liason off, 7 inf. div.
? Szulklaper Leon, s. Hersz b. 1921, 2/lieut., killed in action Oper. Pomer. Wall 6.2.1945 Ilowiec.
Szuman Bronislaw, warr. off., batt. comm., 1 field art. reg. 
Szumski Jozef, 2/lieut., 3 howb. reg.
Szurek Bernard, warr. off., dep. comp. comm., 8 inf. reg.
Szuster Arkady, capt., liason off., 15 anti- air. art. reg.
Szuster Henryk, warr. off., platoon comm., 1 Army.
Szwajcer, warr. off., lecturer, 1 signal reg. 
Szwarc Bernard, warr. off., storm batt.
Szwarc Julian, lieut., pilot, 1 air force reg.
Szwarcbard Grzegorz, capt., liason off., 2 howb. reg.
? Szwarcbaum Szmuel, s. Maurycy b. 1923 Ligota, warr. off., 18 inf. reg., killed in action 18.4.1945 Paulschof, Oper. Brand.
Szwarcenbaum Szmuel, s. Jakub, warr. off., platoon comm.., 18 inf. reg.
Szweicer Marian, warr. off., 1 eng. reg. 
? Szwer Benjamin, b. 1914 Gorki (U.S.S.R.), warr. off., 28 inf. reg., died of wounds 15.1.1945 Chelm.
Szwindling, lieut., dep. comm. 52 inf. reg.
Szydlo Jerzy, warr. off., dep. comp. comm., 3 inf. reg.
Szydlowski Jan, warr. off., 1 inf. div.
Szyfer Marian, s. Aron, warr. off., 38 field art. reg.
? Szyfler Jozef, s. Jan b. 20.9.1908 Horodyszcz, lieut., 55 inf. reg., killed in action 22.4.1945, Oper. Brand.- Berlin. 
Szyfler Zygmunt, warr. off., 5 inf. reg.
? Szylklaper Leon, s. Grzegorz, 2/lieut., killed in action 1945, Oper. Pomer. Wall.
? Szyndel Piotr, s. Jakub b. 1918, Przyszow, lieut., 17 inf. reg., killed in action 22.4.1945 Crosta, Oper. Bautzen. 
? Szyndler Zdzislaw, b. 1923 Lublin, warr. off., 4 inf. div., killed in action 16.3.1945 Kolobrzeg.
Szyr Eugeniusz, Major, dep. head. polit. authority.
Tabak Michal, 2/lieut., lecturer, 2 mortar reg.
Tabakiernik Karol, warr. off., dep. batt. comm., 2 field art. reg.
Tafet Aleksander, warr. off., dep. batt. comm., 5 heavy art. reg.
? Tartakowski Zygmunt, s. Szymon, 2/lieut., 1 inf. reg., killed in action 16.4.1945 Neu Rudnitz, Oper. Brand. Berlin.
Taube Mieczyslaw, lieut. dep. comm., 16 inf. reg.
Taubes Mieczyslaw, 2/lieut., 1 armoured corps.
Techman Stanislaw, 2/lieut., platoon comm., 5 inf. reg.
Tencer Gabriel, warr. off., head chemic. lab., 4 inf. div. 
Tenenbaum Stanislaw, warr. off., quarter-master, 18 inf. reg.
Teperowicz Kazimierz, 2/lieut., dep. comp. comm., 18 inf. reg.
Torunczyk Henryk, Colonel, comm.. 1 storm. reg.
Treigis Edward, lieut. clonel, head intelligence branch, 1 Army art. H.Q.
Tuchehendler Izydor, 2/lieut., platoon comm., 33 inf. reg.
Tur Michal, lieut., quarter master, 8 inf. reg.
Turski Leon, 2/lieut., tank platoon comm., 2 tank. brig.
Turski, capt., mil. attorney.
Tuschmied, capt., dr. med., 5 inf. reg.
Tykocinski Eliezer, 2/lieut., dep. batt. comm., 7 inf. reg.
Tykocki Grzegorz, s. Abraham, 2/lieut., dep. batt. comm., 8 inf. div.
Tyszler Grzegorz, s. Tuwia, capt., instructor, inf. officers academy.
? Unger Stefan, s. Walter, warr. off., b. Krakow, 3 inf. reg., killed in action 1944 Lublin.
Ungier Fridrich, 2/lieut., dep. batt. comm., 9 inf. reg.
Wachtel Jakub, s. Leon, lieut., dep. reg. comm., 2 inf. reg.
? Wajc Jakub s. Benedykt, b. Stryj, 2/lieut., 7 inf. reg., died of wounds 31.1.1945.
Wajcen Marek, warr. off., dep. comp. comm., 1 inf. reg.
? Wajdman Jozef, s. Herman b. 1907 Mazurowka, warr. off., 3 inf. reg., killed in action 26.10.1944 Warsaw.
Wajman, warr. off., 5 inf. reg.
Wajnberg Wladyslaw, lieut., dr. med., 1 tank. brig.
? Wajs Arnold, s. Chaim b. 1909 Boryslaw, 2/lieut., 1 inf. reg., killed in action 1.3.1945, Oper. Pom. Wall.
Wajs Karol (Kalman), capt., Q.M., 1 Army.
? Wajsenberg Marek, b. 1912 Tarnopol, 2/lieut., 1 tank. brig., killed in action 24.1.1945 Jaronowo.
? Wajzbrot Beniek, s. Chaim b. 1912 Wloclawek, warr. off., 11 inf. reg., killed in action 24.4.1945, Neudorf.
Wald Ignacy, warr. off., 1 tank. brig.
Walden Jerzy, lieut., field theater.
Waldman - Wadlewski Boleslaw, 2/lieut., dr. med., 3 inf. reg.
Waldman Michal, s. Grzegorz, warr. off., 6 inf. reg.
Waldman Stanislaw, warr. off., 18 inf. reg.
Wallach Szmuel, lieut., ass. chief of staff, 35 inf. reg.
? Walt - Welt Leopold, b. 1924 Zorbno, warr. off., killed in action 10.2.1945, Oper. Pomer. Wall.
Warecki, capt., staff officer, 18 inf. div.
Warman, Major, medical services dep. comm.., 1 Army.
Wasselberg Roman, s. Jozef, 2/lieut., art. batt. comm., 1 inf. reg.
Wasersztrum Teodor, lieut., dr. med., 2 inf. reg.
? Wasser Leon, s. Dawid b. 1920 Radzilow, lieut., 2 inf. reg., died of wounds 4.3.1945 Oper. Pomer. Wall.
Waza, lieut., batt. comm., 2 field art. reg.
Wazyk Adam, lieut., 1 Army.
Weber Zbigniew, 2/lieut., dr. med. 18 inf. reg.
Weinreb Maurycy, s. Adolf, lieut., 4 tank. brig., 1 armour corps.
? Weinsenblat Stanislaw ,b. 1921 Kolomyja, 16 tank. brig., missing 22.4.1945 Oper. Bautzen.
? Weinstein Adam, s. Jakub b. 12.11.1919 Warsaw, warr. off., 15 air. art. reg., died of wounds 10.2.1945 Wiecbork, Oper. Pomern. Wall.
Weinstein Izaak, warr. off., batt. com., 8 inf. reg.
Weinstern Michal, lieut., 1 Army.
Weinsztok Jozef, s. Markus, 2/lieut., 4 tank. brig.
? Weintraub Bronislaw, s. Julian b. 15.10.1902 Krakow, 2/lieut., 13 inf. reg., killed in action 20.4.1945 Rietschen, Oper. Bautzen - Elba.
Weisfater Aleksander, lieut., dep. batt. comm., 1 art. reg.
Weisfeld Jakub, warr. off., dep. comp. comm..
Wejmer Aleksander, 2/lieut., platoon comm., 35 inf. reg.
? Wejner Lejb, s. Szlomo b. 1911 Mielnica, warr. off., 4 inf. reg., missing 1.5.1945 Linum, Oper. Branden. - Berlin.
Welfeld Zenon, lieut., lecturer, 3 inf. reg.
? Welker Ignacy, warr. off., 1 inf. div., missing.
Welker Jozef, capt., dep. reg. comm., 2 air force reg.
? Welna Edward, 2/lieut., 14 anti tank. art. brig., missing.
Welner, 2/lieut., 1 Army.
Wende - Oks Jan Karol, lieut., 1 inf. div.
Werfel Abraham, warr. off., 1 inf. div.
Werner Henryk, lieut., editor, “We Shall Win" – "Zwyciezymy”.
Wertheim Roman, warr. off., dep. comp. comm., 3 inf. reg.
Wetstein Alfred, warr. off., orchester band comm., 18 inf. reg.
Wetzlich Jerzy, warr. off., dep. comp. comm., 4 inf. reg.
Wider Gustaw, s. Ignacy, 2/lieut., 2 inf. div.
Widowski, capt., border guard
Wieczner Dawid, 2/lieut., comp. comm., 26 inf. reg.
Wieliczker, 2/lieut., dep. comp. comm., 2 eng. reg.
? Wierchowski Samuel, s. Abram b. 1913, 2/lieut., 4 tank. brig., killed in action 10.2.1945 Miroslawiec, Oper. Pomeran. Wall.
? Wiertel Leon, s. Marek, b. 1911 Stanislawow, warr. off., 9 inf. reg., killed in action 20.4.1945 Oper. Brand. Wall.
Wieruszewski Jerzy, warr. off., platoon comm., 5 inf. reg.
Wieruszewski Michal, warr. off., platoon comm., 5 inf. reg.
Wieruszewski Mieczyslaw, 2/lieut., 87 a. air. art. brig.
Wiesioly, capt., batt., chief of staff, 4 inf. reg.
Wilbrand Leon, 2/lieut., platoon comm., 5 inf. reg.
? Wildstein Izydor, s. Ozjasz b. 1925 Tuchow (d. Tarnow), 2/lieut., 5 inf. reg., killed in action 12.3.1945 Wrzoszow, Oper. Pomeran. Wall.
Wilk Artur, 2/lieut., platoon comm., 18 inf. reg.
Wilk Benjamin, warr. off., dep. batt. comm., 4 inf. reg.
Wilk Daniel, s. Leon, lieut., 6 inf. reg.
Wimmerwald, capt., dep. comm., 15 eng. batt.
Winawer Wlodzimierz, lieut., editor, “We Shall Win”
Winer Benedykt, lieut., dr. med., 1 Army.
Winer Jakub, capt., dr. med. senior med. off. HQ 1 Army.
Winkler Adam, 2/lieut., dr. med. dep. comm., 1 Army Hospital.
Winnicki - Bokser Adam, s. Icchak, lieut., platoon comm., 1 inf. div.
? Winter Ignacy, s. Marek b. 7.4.1899, capt., 7 inf. reg., killed in action 23.9.1939.
Winter Nachum, lieut., dr. med., 1 inf. div.
Wislicki Alfred, lieut. 1 Army.
Wiszniewski Szmuel, lieut., batt. comm., 20 a. tank. art. reg.
Wisznowicer - Gruszecki Ludwik, s. Henryk, 2/lieut., dr. med., 8 inf. div.
Wodner Mieczyslaw, warr. off., dep. comp. comm., 3 inf. reg.
Wohl Henryk, warr. off., dep. comp. comm., 5 inf. reg.
Wohl Stanislaw, 2/lieut., 1 Army.
? Wohlman Emil, s. Zygmunt b. 1912 Warsaw, warr. off., 3 inf. reg., killed in action 19.9.1944 Warsaw - Praga.
? Wolf Leopold, b. 1924 Zurawno, warr. off., 9 inf. reg., killed in action 7.2.1945 Sypniewo.
Wolf Zygmunt, warr. off., dep. comp. comm.., 12 inf. reg.
Wolner Kornel, s. Jakub, 2/lieut., platoon comm., 12 inf. reg.
Wolynski Aleksander, warr. off., 1 Army.
Wroblewski Michal, lieut., dep. batt. comm., 1 roads maint. batt.
? Wurcel Szaja, s. Jozef b. 1910 Krakow, 2/lieut., killed in action 12.10.1943 Lenino battle.
? Wysocki Leon, s. Jakub b. 1920 Warsaw, warr. off., 9 inf. reg., killed in action 7.2.1945 Dobrzyca.
Wysocki Marian, warr. off., 4 inf. reg.
Wyszynski Leon, lieut., 1 Army air force.
Zabludowski Mieczyslaw, capt., HQ, 1 inf. div.
Zachariasz Zacharia, s. Chanoch, 2/lieut., 5 inf. reg.
? Zagdalowicz Artu,r s. Artur b. 1921, 2/lieut., 3 tank. brig., killed in action 2.3.1945, Oper. Pomeran. Wall.
Zagorski Leon, warr. off., dep. comp. comm., 5 inf. reg.
Zajdel Bronislaw, warr. off., 9 a. tank. art. reg.
? Zajdel Edward, s. Kazimierz b. 1916 Krosno, 2/lieut., 14 inf. reg., killed in action 5.12. 1945, Nadarzyce, Oper. Pomeran. Wall.
Zajdel Tadeusz, 2/lieut.
Zajdman Mosze, warr. off., platoon comm., 8 inf. reg.
Zajfa Wolf s. Mosze, 2/lieut., 1 inf. reg.
? Zajtyngier Walter, s. Samuel, b. 1904 Oswiecim, 2/lieut., 14 eng. batt., killed in action 23.4.1945 Muskau, Oper. Brand. Berlin.
Zak Albert, warr. off., platoon comm., 8 inf. reg.
Zak Michal, 2/lieut., dep. comp. comm., 18 inf. reg.
Zakrojczyk Maurycy, 2/lieut., platoon comm., 4 tank brig., 1 armour. corps.
Zalman Leopold, warr. off., comp. comm., 33 inf. reg.
Zambrowski Roman, capt., HQ 1 Army.
? Zatyngier Walter, s. Samuel b. 1904 Brzezinka (d. Krakow), 2/lieut., 14 eng. batt., missing 21.4.1945.
? Zelkowicz Jan, s. Michal, 2/lieut., tank. comp. comm., 4 tank. brig., killed in action Spring 1945, Oper. Bautzen.
? Zeman Tadeusz, s. Rudolf b. 1921 Tarnopol, warr. off., 7 inf. reg., died of wounds 10.6.1945 Bizenthal.
Zenkier Aleksander, warr. off., 8 inf. reg.
Zenkier Stanislaw, warr. off., 8 inf. reg.
Zeidlic Marian, warr. off.
Ziegler Michal, 2/lieut., HQ, 8 inf. div.
Ziegman Leon, lieut., HQ, 12 inf. reg.
Zielenice - Zilberstein Leon, Colonel, Polish Patriots Union U.S.S.R.
Zigelheim Wladyslaw, warr. off., platoon comm., 35 inf. reg.
Zigler Emil, lieut., 1 inf. div.
Zilberszac Jerzy, 2/lieut., med. serv., 4 inf. reg.
? Zilberszer Michal, s. Jozef b. 1913 Lublin, 2/lieut., 4 inf. reg., killed in action 17.3.1945 Kolobrzeg.
? Zimmer Gedalis, s. Ber b. 1913 d. Lwow, warr. off., 2 inf. reg., missing 12.10.1943 Lenino battle.
Ziolkowski Jozef, lieut., 1 Army.
Zohar (Zorna) Icchak, b. 1924 Brody, 2/lieut. P.P.A. 9 inf. reg.
Zufszlos Icchak, s. Mosze, warr. off., 2 inf. reg.
Zukierman Zelig, 2/lieut., batt. comm., 8 field art. reg.
Zusman Chaim, capt., dep., 8 mortars reg.
Zwirn Adolf, warr. off., platoon comm., 4 inf. reg.
Zygelman Wladyslaw, 2/lieut., platoon comm., 35 inf. reg.
Zygiel - Sawicki Benjamin - Benedykt, b. 1922, capt., 37 dep. reg. comm., 18 inf. reg.
Zylber, Major, dep. comm., 88 a. air. art. reg.
Zylber, warr. off., dep. comp. comm., 1 tank. brig.
Zylberman Izydor, s. Leon b. 1913 Rabka, 2/lieut.
? Zylberszpic Mieczyslaw, s. Gerszon . 1918 Warsaw, lieut., 1 inf. reg., killed in action 11.9.1944 Warsaw.
Zylberszpic Mosze, 2/lieut., paymaster 3 inf. reg.
List No. 5
Remarks To List No. 5
Jewesses Officers in Polish People's Army
In the I. T. Kosciuszko Division a women battalion “Emilia Plater” was set up. Jewesses were drafted to serve in the unit, and later in the Army.
The majority of Jewesses in the Army were qualified nurses, teachers and med doctors. They served with distinction, dedication and high motivation.
They served in fighting field units, field hospitals as doctors and nurses. They saved lives of many wounded soldiers.
Many of them were decorated with the highest Polish military awards.
Lucyna Hertz, lieutenant in the 9 inf. reg. died of wounds on 24.10.1944.
The list includes also Jewesses Officers who were  p.o.w. in German Stalag IX C Molsdorf and were  liberated by the 3rd American Army.
Altogether we listed in our study 175 Jewesses - officers in the Polish People's Army.
The list includes the following identification details (if known) in the following order.
? Family name. 
? First name.
? Military ranks. 
? Service.
? Assignment.
? Unit.
Adler Genowefa, 2/lieut., senior nurse - surg., hosp. No 62.
Adler Jadwiga, War. Off., nurse, 11 haub. reg.
Altman Halina, 2/lieut, 2 haub. reg.
Arent Anna, 2/lieut., sign. comp. radio oper. 1 inf. div.
Bajtne Natalia, 2/lieut., women batt.
Bengom Izabela, 2/lieut., instruct. 10 inf. div.
Bezbroda Helena, 2/lieut.,pharm. chief, 30 inf. reg.
Bilig Halina, 2/lieut., actress, 1 Army theater.
Bilinska Maria, warr. off., nurse, med. batt., 5 inf. div.
Bilska Leokadia, lieut., instr. 1 inf. div.
Bibrowska Ludwika, capt., dep. batt. comm., women corps.
Bizeska - Freudenheim Henrieta, capt., secretary H.Q. 1 Army.
Blaser Rela, warr. off., senior nurse, 5 inf. reg.
Blumberg Irena, b. 1927 Warsaw, 46832, hosp. A , Warsaw Uprising, p.o.w. Stalag XI a
Borowicz Romana, lieut., 8 inf. reg.
Brejdugart Kalina, 2/lieut, p.o.w. in Stalag IX c Molsdorf, liberated by the 3rd American Army
Brejdugart - Florczak Halina, 2/lieut, p.o.w. in Stalag IX c Molsdorf, liberated by the 3rd American Army
Brok Ewa, 2/lieut., 8 inf. reg., arctress, 1 Army theater.
Brandt Cecylia, warr. off., senior murse, 64 hospital.
Bratman J. , warr. off., instr. 6 inf. div.
Brum Starecka Alicja, 2/lieut., secretary H.Q. 1. a.air.art. div.
Buchwald Maryna, 2/lieut, p.o.w. in Stalag IX c Molsdorf, liberated by the 3rd American Army
Bychowska Izabela, warr. off., 3 inf. div.
Bychowska Eleonora, warr. off., secretary 3 inf. div.
Chylinska Janina, warr. off., 4 a.-tank. art. reg.
Cieslikowska Stefania, 2/lieut., lecturer, 4 inf. reg.
Czanerle Zofia, lieut., 2 a. tank. art. reg.
Danowska Stella, 2/lieut., senior nurse, 5 h. art. reg.
Diamond Halina, 2/lieut., lecturer, 2 tank. brig.
Diksztein Malgorzata, 2/lieut., instruct. 1 Army.
Distenfeld Ida, capt., dr. med. 4 (res.), inf. reg.
Dreling Janina, 2/lieut., senior nurse, eng. reg.
Dresner Karolina, warr. off., senior nurse, H.Q. 1 Army.
Dresner Ester, warr. off., nurse, H.Q. 1 Army.
Duls Chawa, lieut., dr. med. 68 mil. hospital.
Dziadyk Raisa, lieut., lecturer, Air Force.
Efron Renata, Major, dr. med., 1 inf. div.
Ehrlich Krystyna, 2/lieut., 5 inf. div.
Einstein Danuta, lieut., H.Q. 1 Army.
Ejsmont Barbara, lieut., instruc. 1 Army.
Ejsmont Helena, warr. off., senior nurse, 6 field hospital.
Elsner Roma Cecylija, b. 1918 Lodz, 46591, Warsaw uprise, p.o.w. Stalag XI a
Emner Lucyna, lieut., dep. batt. comm.., 11 inf. reg.
Erlich Gustawa, warr. off., senior nurse, 8 transp. batt.
Essig Lidia, 2/lieut., platoon comm., 2 inf. div.
Edlin Wiera, lieut., surg. senior nurse, 1 Army.
Faust Zofia, warr. off., senior nurse, 1 tank brig.
Faber Helena, 2/lieut., senior surg. nurse, 1 inf. div.
Fajfel Maria, warr. off., senior nurse, 5 eng. reg.
Feigelstein Felicja, 2/lieut., senior surg. nurse, hospital No 2.
Feldman Anna, d. Szymon, capt., chemistr., hospital 1 Army.
Fiszer Maria, warr. off., 4 a.-tank. art. reg.
Friedman Helena, warr. off., lecturer, 13 a.-tank. reg.
Furman Anna, lieut., dep. comm., 5 inf. reg.
Geishamer Zofia, 2/lieut., field court secretary 1 armour. corps.
Gelbrund - Bertold Hermina, warr. off., 2 inf. div.
Goldwasser Lidia, lieut., dr. med., 9 inf. reg.
Golis Sabina, warr. off., 1 tank. brig.
Granas Romana, capt., H.Q. 1 Army.
Grinszpan Lena, 2/lieut., ed. pol. off. 1 Army.
Grinsztak - Grinsztock Emilia, lieut., 6 inf. div.
Grosz Irena, capt., 1 Army.
Grylak Leokadia, lieut., paymaster, 1 inf. div.
Gurwicz Halina, lieut., 6 inf. div.
Gutman Roza, 2/lieut./, surg. nurse, 4 med. reg.
Guz - Cywiak, warr. off., lecturer, 7 tank. brig.
Guze Joanna, 2/lieut., 4 inf. reg.
Hacker Maria, 2/lieut., club comm., 1 Army.
Hakman Blanka, Major, dr. med., 6 inf. reg.
Halpern Alieta, 2/lieut, p.o.w. in Stalag IX c Molsdorf, liberated by the 3rd American Army
Haltrecht Natalia, lieut., senior nurse, hospital No 28.
Hanin Ryszarda, lieut., actress, 1 inf. div.
Hausman Irena, capt., dr. med., field hospital No 8.
Herz Helena, b. 1905, 46980, Warsaw uprise, p.o.w. Stalag XI a
? Hertz Lucyna, c. Piotr, b. 1911 Rowne, lieut., 9 inf. reg., died of wounds 24.10.1944, field hospital No 4 Otwocka, bur. MC Otwock.
Imerglik Rena, d. Wilhelm, warr. off., 38 field art. reg.
Iwanicka Eugenia, warr. off., 1 Army.
Jackowska Irena, capt., 1 Army.
Jurgenstein Leokadia, warr. off., 1 Army.
Justman Henryka, lieut., med. comp., 6 inf. reg.
Justman Krystyna, warr. off., med. comp. 6 inf. reg.
Jozefstan Janina, 2/lieut., lecturer, 3 inf. reg.
Klajman Felicja, lieut., senior nurse, 1 inf. div.
Klein Janina, 2/lieut, p.o.w. in Stalag IX c Molsdorf, liberated by the 3rd American Army
Kalinowska Irena, warr. off., 1 inf. div.
Kaminska - Eiger Maria, capt., lecturer, 6 inf. reg.
Kancer Jozefa, 2/lieut., 4 inf. reg.
Kanel Helena, warr. off., nurse, field hosp.
Knobelsdorf Jadwiga, 2/lieut., mil. adm. serv.
Kobus Regina, lieut., 3 tank. brig.
Kolodna Eugenia, 2/lieut., admin. 1 Army.
Kotowicz Renata, d. Benedykt, warr. off., platoon comm, 1 med. batt.
Kowalska Stefania, capt., assault batt.
Krakus Wilhelmina, warr. off., lecturer, 3 cavarly reg.
Kredyt Anna, warr. off., dep. comp. comm., 16 inf. reg.
Krupinska Aniela, warr. off., nurse, 1 Army.
Krzeczkowska - Szyr Eugenia, lieut., assault. platoon comm.
Krynska Eugenia, warr. off., teacher, 1 eng. brig.
Kulig Alina, b. 1904, 46625, Warsaw uprise, p.o.w. Stalag XI a
Kuzminska Dorota, warr. off., senior nurse, 1 inf. reg.
Kuzmicka Felicja, 2/lieut., platoon comm.
Landau Halina, warr. off., lecturer, 1 tank. brig.
Landau Anna, capt., 1 tank. brig.
Lewi - Wonsz Gustawa, warr. off., 1 Army.
Lewicka Henryka, 2/lieut., instructor 1 Army.
Lewin Maria, warr. off., senior nurse, 1 independ. signal brig.
Lewinson Maria, warr. off., 5 inf. reg.
Litwin Eugenia, warr. off., Army H.Q.
Madalinska Anna, lieut., mil. secretary Polish Patriots Union.
Marder - Halicka Eugenia, warr. off., assault batt.
Marianska Jozefa, 2/lieut., lecturer.
Markowska Anna, warr. off., teacher, 12 inf. reg.
Markowska Eugenia, lieut., instructor, 1 Army.
Minc Hermina, warr. off., 1 inf. div.
Minska Olga, warr. off., photog. 1 Army.
Mocker Maria, warr. off., hospital club comm.
Montrol Balbina (Bela), d. Herman, capt., microbiologist 1 Army.
Moszkowska Alicja, Warsaw uprise, p.o.w. Stalag XI a
Natanson Maria, 2/lieut, p.o.w. in Stalag IX c Molsdorf, liberated by the 3rd American Army
Naszkowska Klara, 2/lieut., 1 inf. div.
Okret Zofia, lieut., 1 a.-t. art. brig.
Orthwein Hanna, 2/lieut, p.o.w. in Stalag IX c Molsdorf, liberated by the 3rd American Army
Pawlowska - Torunczyk Romana, capt., 3 inf. div., editor “Na Zachod”.
Panska Helena, 2/lieut., dep. comm. - radio comp.
Pawlak Leokadia, warr. off., instr. 4 inf. div.
Perel Felicja, lieut., secretary 2 inf. div.
Perelmuter Maria, warr. off., off. club comm.
Pinkus Izabela, warr. off., senior nurse, 2 tank. brig.
Pomorska Leokadia, Major, secretary in the 1 corps prosecutor office.
Pamper Maria, lieut., dr. med. 9 inf. reg.
Potocka Franciszka, capt., instructor 1 inf. div.
Pszenicka Stanislawa, warr. off., laborant, field hospital No 64.
Raports Alicja, warr. off., transl. 1 Army.
Rot Berta, capt., dr. med., 3 inf. div.
Rozen Lola, warr. off., paymaster, women. batt.
Rozenbajger Anna, warr. off., nurse, 2 Army.
Rychter Janina, inspector, 7 inf. div.
Sawicz Regina, lieut., instructor.
Sigalin Anna, warr. off., secretary, mil. court 1 inf. div.
Skalicka Anna, warr. off., lector, 3 how. reg.
Stergien Irena, lieut., nurse surg.
Stockinger Maria, 2/lieut., senior nurse, 6 field hosp.
Stock Anna, capt., instructor, 1 amour. corps.
Stockhamer Regina, warr. off., senior nurse, 63 field hosp.
Stolar Alicja, b. 1925 Warsaw, 46597, Warsaw uprise, p.o.w. Stalag XI a
Storkaman Ulka, warr. off., platoon comm.
Swietlik Franciszka, capt., senior nurse, surg. 1 armour. corps.
Strummwasser Eugenia, lieut., 6 inf. div.
Szernskrimer Irena, warr. off., teacher, 5 h.a.reg.
Szerszewska Halina, lieut., med. comp. dep. comm., 2 inf. div.
Szpinak Izabela, 2/lieut., med. comp. dep. comm., 2 inf. div.
Szternis Ruta, warr. off., senior nurse, 4 inf. reg.
Szternszus Giza, lieut., senior nurse, 3 inf. div.
Szuman Stanislawa, lieut., 2 inf. div.
Tremblinska Magdalena, 2/lieut., 4 inf. div.
Walden Stefania, warr. off., actress, 1 Army theater.
Wasser Dorota, warr. off., 9 inf. reg.
Wajsberg Maria, lieut., dr. med. (dentist) 10 inf. div.
? Wejman - Zakrzewska Stefania, d. Jozef, b. 1902 Warsaw, 2/lieut., transp.comp., 1 inf. div., died of wounds 1943.
Werfel Ada, 2/lieut., 1 inf. div.
Werfel Jozefa, 2/lieut., teacher, 1 inf. div.
Winkler Jadwiga, lieut., dr. med., 62 field hosp.
Winter – Sledzinska Jadwiga, 2/lieut, p.o.w. in Stalag IX c Molsdorf, liberated by the 3rd American Army
Wislicka Zuzanna, lieut., senior dr. med., 3 Air Force reg.
Wodnar Esther, lieut., 1 Army.
Wysocka - Ungier Regina, 2/lieut., platoon comm., 8 inf. reg.
Wulf Czeslawa, lieut., platoon comm., 10 inf. reg.
Zablodowska Izabela, warr. off., secr.
? Zaborow Zusia, d. Lew b. 1911 d. Smolensk, warr. off., 16 tank. brig., killed in action 22.4.1945 Oper. Bautzen Elba.
Zaks Rozia, lieut., senior nurse.
Zand Helena, warr. off., 4 inf. div.
Zauerman Dorota, lieut., ed. pol. dep. comps. comm.
Zawadzka Halina, lieut., dep. batt. comm.
Zawadzka Franciszka, lieut., senior purse.
Zawadzka Stanislawa, lieut., senior pol. instructor.
List No. 6
Remarks to List No. 6
List No.6 presents a list of Jews- officers in the Polish Underground Movement. The list consists of  70 names of officers of Jewish descent.
As it was  presented (see p. 33.),    Jews for their own safety, due to the anti-Semitism atmosphere  specially in A.K. and N.S.Z. were  fighting as Poles with adopted names.
The task to identify Jews among  the thousands of  Polish  Underground Fighters, required a huge amount of efforts.
? The list includes the following details (if known):
? Family and first names.
? Date and place of birth.
? Adopted name.
? Pseudonym.
? Member of Polish Organization.
? Military rank and unit.
? Date and Place of death (circumstances).
? Burial site.
The list of Jews-officers in the  Underground  Polish Movement   presented here is not a definite and final list of Jews-officers fighting in Polish Resistance Movement.
In spite of it,  we are presenting it for two main reasons:
1.  In honour of those who fought and  fell in Polish Resistance Movement, specially in the Warsaw Uprising.
2. To present to  our friends and  to those who do not like us, the genuine value of Jewish participation in the struggle of the Polish People  for Independence.
I hope that sometime somebody will be able to complete the list.
? Alperin (Halperin) Stefan vel Kwiatkowski, dr. med., S.O.B., fell in Warsaw Uprising August 1944
? B. Bernard, A.K. platoon command, killed in action in Warsaw Uprising August 1944 on Sienna St., awarded "Virtuti Military" cross, buried Jewish Cemetery in Warsaw
? Blau (Mrs.), dr. med. member of Polish resistance, killed in Krakow 13.3.1943
? Chaskier Artur, b. Radom, eng. member A.K., fell in Warsaw  Uprising, August 1944 on Plac 3 Krzyzy (The 3 Crosses Sq.), buried Warsaw Jewish Cemetery
? Dembowy Franciszek, lieut. A.K., fell in Warsaw Uprising 3 September 1944, buried Jerwish Cemetery Warsaw 
? Eisenman – Kaniewski Julian, dep. comm. G.L. "Wilk" detachment, dell december 1942 in Kielce area
? Fajnsztadt Zelman, ps "Zygmunt", comm.  "Zygmunt" G.L. oartisan unit, killed in battle February 1944 on the bank on Nida river.
? Ferszt Mieczyslaw vel Frankowski Mieczyslaw, b. 1910 Warsaw, ps "Mlot", comm. "Powisle G.L. part. detachment, murdered by Gestapo 28 April 1943 in Mokotow prison
? Findeison Stanislaw Roman, b. 1922, ps "Olszyna", cad./off.,  member "Zoska" batt. A.K., fell in Warsaw Uprising 29.8.1944 on Sapiezynska St., buried Cem. Powazki 1 milt. quart. 
? Fiszer, escaped from p.o.w., 7 Lipowa st. camp in Lublin, comm. of "Emilia  Plater" G.L. detachment, fell in action – autumn 1942 in Lublin area.
? Flinker Leizer vel Zdislaw Kubicki, s. Mosze, b. Kalisz, A.K. killed in Warsaw uprising, 17.8.1944, buried in Warsaw Jewish Cemetery, C.V.
? Florman Cadok vel Kaniowski Tadeusz, ps "Kuba", A.K., comp comm., killed in Warsaw Uprising August 1944, Lwowska St.
? Forst Mosze, comm. "Berek Joselewicz" unit (G.L.) in Bilgoraj area, fell in battle
? Freisleben Bernard, ps. “Bernard”, cad./off. A.K. "Kampinos" detachment, fell in Warsaw Uprising 2.8.1944 on Bielany airfield
? Fridenthal Zofia, ps "Stasia", laison officer A.K., fell in Warsaw Uprising Czemiakow, buried Jerwish Cemetery Warsaw
? Goldys Michal, 2/lieut.
? Gominski Henryk, Z.Z.W., A.K., officer, fell in Warsaw Uprising September 1944 on Towarowa corner Panska St.
? Grinspan Henryk, lieut., comm. A.K. "Zuber" unit, fell in Warsaw Uprising
? Growas Mordechajm Merdek, b. 1921 Warsaw, unit comm. in Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, comm. in "Mordechaj Anielewitch" partisan unit in Wyszkow  Forest, murdered by N.S.Z. gang summer 1943
? Gutman Samuel, vel Godlewski Grzegorz, officer in A.K. unit "Odwet", killed in battle
? Guziewicz ps. “Pinkus”, cad./off., killed 1.8.1944 in Warsaw Uprising on Grojecka st.
? Handelsman Marceli, professor, A.K. staff member, betrayed by N.S.Z., murdered by Gestapo 1944
? Hanisz Stanislaw, first A.L. chief-of-staff in Czestochowa region, fell in battle
? Hercenberg (Hertsenberg) Karol, b. 1915, ps. Karol Lemiszewski, capt. G.L., fell in battle on 27.12.1943 Franciszkow distr. Krasnkow
? Jeger Szmuel, b. 1920 Lublin, ps "Emil", "Zemsta", escaped from p.o.w. camp in Lublin on September 1942, comm. of "Emilia Plater" G.L. part. unit, fell in battle in February  1944 in Wola Przybyslawska distr. Pulawy
? Kaganowicz, memb. in underg. org. in p.o.w. camp on 7 Lipowa St. in Lublin, escaped the camp on 28.10.1941, in coordination with A.L. to Kozlowieck Forest, comm. of part. unit, fell in battle 11.11.1942, highly decorated post – mortem for valour by the Polish Government
? Kahan Halina, b. Brylant, dr. med., fell in Warsaw Uprising September 1944, buried Jerwish Cemetery Warsaw
? Kajtek Marysia, A.L. laison off. in Warsaw Uprising, killed August 1944
? Kinman Leonard, b. 1.11.1898, eng. fell in Warsaw Uprising 2.9.1944
? Kurland Stanislaw Salomon vel Domanski Zbigniew, s. Moryc, b. 1917 Czestochowa, ps. "Josek", "Korab", lieut. Colonel in A.L., killed in action in Warsaw Uprising on 16 Freta St., 26.8.1944
? Kutzner Mieczyslaw, b. 1922, ps. "Walter", lieut., A.L., fell in Warsaw Uprising, exh., buried Powazki mil. quart. 1
? Lanota Edward, ps. "Edward", capt. A.L. fell in Warsaw Uprising on 26 August 1944 on freta St.
? Lederman Henryk, ps "Heniek", off./cad. in A.K. "Zoska" unit, killed in Warsaw Uprising on 5.9.1944 on Drewniana St.
? Leipuner Michal vel Skowronski, ps. "Wladyslaw", dr. med. in A.L., dell in Warsaw Uprising 24.9.1944 on Narutovitca Sq.
? Lipczynski Marian vel Lipszyc Menachem Mendel, unit comm. detach. "Wrzos", fell in Warsaw Uprising
? Makowiecki Jerzy, A.K. Chief of Inform. dept., murdered by N.S.Z. gang in May 1944 in Warsaw
? "Maria", in A.K. liason off., fell in Warsaw Uprising
? Margulies, ps. "Felewk", major A.L., fell in Warsaw Uprising
? Matywiecki Menasze b. Kobryn, ps. "Anastazy", "Nastek", major G.L. staff officer, fell in Warsaw Uprising on Freta St.
? Mernholc Marian, b. 1912, ps. "Wiktor", 2/lieut., member S.O.B. G.L. "Zywiciel" unit, fell in Warsaw Uprising on 30.9.1944, Zoliborz section
? Mendelson Kalme, ps "Kolmyk", lieut. member Z.Z.W. A.K.,, fell in Warsaw Uprising
? Moryc Dawid, Z.Z.W., A.K., lieut. fighter in Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, fell in Warsaw Uprising August 1944
? Nadworski Daniel, b. Warsaw, comm. in "Mordechaj Anielewitch" partisanunit in Wyszkow  Forest, fell in Warsaw.
? Niebrzydowski Zygmunt vel Schenker Zygmunt, ps "Henryk", capt. B. Ch., dr. med. from Miechow, fell in battle
? Nowodworski Dawid, Z.O.B. unit comm. in Warsaw Ghetto Uprising (escaped from the transport to Treblinka in August 1942, returned to warsaw to be the first to tell the truth about the Treblinka death camp), escaped from ghetto to join "Mordechaj Anielewitch" partisan group unit in Wyszkow forest, fell in battle against S.S. unit – June 1943
? Parecki Leon vel Perec Arie, member A.K., lieut. in "Sokol" unit, fell in Warsaw Uprising
? "Pawel", Jewish officer from Hungarian Army, platoon comm. in A.K. unit, fell in warsaw in Warsaw Uprising 22.9.1944 on Czerniakow
? Podolski Ignacy, platoon comm. "Mordechaj Anielewitch" partisan detach., killed  in action betrayed by N.S.Z. in April 1944
? Pohorska Ewa, b. 1918, ps. "Iza", laison off. A.K., fell in 11.2.1944 in Warsaw ghetto ruins
? Robb Norbert (Rozenfarb Ignacy), colonel in G.L. and A.L., Kielce area detach. comm., fell in Warsaw Uprising 24 august 1944
? Romanowicz – Sandler Ignacy, b. 1911, ps "Roman", G.L., chief chemist, arrested by Gestapo in Warsaw on 15.10.1942 and executed
? Rot – Milaczek (?), lieut. Z.Z.W. - A.K., fell in Warsaw Uprising August 1944
? Rozenfeld Benjamin, b. 1915, ps. "Janek", 2/lieut. A.L., fell in Warsaw Uprising August 1944, buried in Warsaw Powazki
? Rozensztaf Marian,  Z.Z.W. – A.K. in "Baska" unit, officer, lawyer, fell in Warsaw Uprising August 1944 on Towarowa St.
? Schenker Jacek, b. 1923, cad./off., B. Ch. Wierzbnik, killed in battle
? Scheutz Waclaw, b. Lwow, member A.K. district staff, chemist, moved to Warsaw in charge of production hand grenades, killed in Warsaw Uprising
? Skoczylas Maks (Moryc), G.L. unit comm. in Pinczow region, wounded November 1942 captured by Germans, murdered in Auschwitz
? Skotnicki Aleksander, ps. "Zemsta", major G.L. and A.L., comm. 2 Lublin region Brigade, fell in battle 18 May 1944 near Wolka Zawieprzycka
? Spiro Josef, eng. partisan in "T. Kosciuszko" oper. group, fell in action on 4.4.1943 in Bilgoraj area
? Szejngut Tobiasz, ps. "Tadek", Z.O.B. – A.L. laison off., fell in Warsaw Uprising September 1944 in Grochow
? Szacki Marek, dr. med. A.K., killed in Warsaw 13.5.1943 on Wspolna St.
? Szner Halina, b. 1923, ps. "Kalina", laison A.K., fell in Warsaw Uprising September 1944 in Grochow
? Szpinkak Adolf, b. 1893, dr. med., fell in Warsaw Uprising 7.8.1944, buried Jerwish Cemetery Warsaw
? Sztajer Ludwik, ps. "Ludwik", lieut., fell in Warsaw Uprising 7.8.1944 in Krasinski Park
? Szwarc Bernard, 2/lieut. A.L. "Grunwald" brigade, platoon comm., wounded in battle, betrayed to the Germans as being Jewish, was shot when trying to escape
? Temczyn Michal, ps. "Znachor", major, dr. med., chief med. in A.L. Lublin distr., fell in Warsaw Uprising
? Warman Abraham vel Warmanski Bronislaw, comm. of Jew. Resist. Org. in Lwow, member of Jewish National Committee in Warsaw, murdered by Gestapo in Warsaw Uprising 1944
? Weisbrod  Konrad, ps. “Konrad”, corp. cad./off. A.K. “Baszta” detach., fell 25.9.1944 in Warsaw Uprising on Goszczynski St.
? Widerszal Ludwik, A.K. deput. Head of infantry dept., betrayed, murdered by N.S.Z. gang May 1944 in Warsaw.
? Wolf Helena, b. 1915 Warsaw, ps. “dr Anka”. dr. med., memb. A.K.,  fell in Starachowice Frest 30.10.1944
Oflags in which Polish Army Officers, Pow's, were Incarcerated
Oflag II A - Penzlau
Oflag II B - Arnswalde
Oflag II C - Waldenburg         Ghetto for Jewish Officers was set up           
Oflag II D - Gross- Born
Oflag II E - Neubrandenburg Ghetto for Jewish Officers was set up           
Oflag IV A - Hochenstein
Oflag IV B - Konigstein
Oflag IV C - Colditz
Oflag IV E - Elsterhorst
Oflag VI B - Dossel Ghetto for Jewish Officers was set up           
Oflag VI E - Dorsten
Oflag VII A - Murnau Ghetto for Jewish Officers was set up           
OfIag VIII A - Kreuzburg/Oberschlesien
Oflag VIII B - Silberberg
Oflag IX B - Wailburg
Oflag X A - Itzehoe
Oflag X B - Nienburg / Weser
Oflag X C - Lubeck
Oflag XI A - Osterrode / Herz
Oflag XI B - Braun schweig
Oflag XII A - Hadamar bei Limburg
Oflag XVIII A -  Lienz / Karnten
Oflag XVIII B -  Wolfsberg
Oflag XVIII C -  Spittal
Stalags  in Which Polish Prisoners of War Were Incarcerated
IA Stablack Konigsberg
lB Hohenstein Konigsberg
IIA Neu Brandengurg Stettin
II B Hammerstein Stettin
II D Stargard Stettin
II E Schwerin Stettin
III A Luckenwalde Berlin
III C Alt Drewitz Berlin
IV A Elsterhorst Dresden
IV B Muhlberg Dresden
IV D Torgau Dresden
IV E Altenburg Dresden
IV G Oschatz Dresden
V A Ludwigsburg Stuttgard
VI A Hamer Westphal
VI B Wartburg Westphal
Dossel-Munster Westphal
VI C Pathom Westphal
VI D Dortmund. Westphal
VI F Minster Westphal
VII A Moosburg Munchen
VII B Memningen Munchen
VIII A Gorlitz Upper Silesia
VIII B Lamsdorf Upper Silesia
VIII C Sagan Upper Silesia
XI A Altengrabow Hanover
XII A Limbur Wiesbaden
XII B Frankenthal Wiesbaden
XIII A Sulzbach Nurenberg
XIII D Nurenberg Nurenberg
VII A Keiserstinbrach Vienne
XVLL C Markt Pongau Vienne
XVLLL A Wohesberg ZaIzburg
XCIII C Keiser Steinbrads Salzburg
XXI A Schildberg Posen/ Kalisz
a. air. art. reg - anti aircraft artillery regiment
adm. - adminstration
A.J.W.V. - Archives Jewish War Veterans
A.K.                          - Armja Krajowa - Home Army
A.L.                          - Armia Ludowa  - People's Army
arm. brig. - armored brigade
art. - artillery
a. serv. col. - army service column
asp. off.                    – aspirant officer (in the police service)
ass. - assistant
a. tank art. reg. - anti tank artillery regiment
att. - attorney
b. - born
batt. - battalion
B.Ch.                       - Bataliony Chlopskie - Peasants' Battalions
B.C.M. - Bronze Cross of Merit
brig. - brigade
br. head - bridge-head
bur. - buried
cad/off - cadet/officer
capt. - capt.
cav. - cavalry 
C.A.W. - Central Military Archives (Warsaw)
C.d.G. - Cross de Guerre
chem. - chemical/chemistry 
C.M. - Cross of Merit
col. - colonel 
comm. - commander
comp. - company
corp. - corporal 
C.V. - Cross of Valour
d. - daughter
dec. - decorated
dent.                        -  dentist
dep. - deputy
dept.                        - department
distr.                         - district
Distr. Hosp. - District Hospital
Div. - Division
D.O.C. - District Officers Cadre
dept. - department
detach.                     - detachment
dr. med. - medical doctor 
ed.-pol. off. - educational-political officer
eng. - enginéer
ensign.                     - ensignée
exh.                          - exhumation
field hosp. - field hospital
gren. - grenadier
G.B. -  Great Britain
G.L.                          – Gwardia Ludowa – People's Guard
haub.                        - howitzer
h. art. reg. - heavy artillery regiment
Hosp. - hospital
H.Q. - headquarters
inf.                           - infantry
inf. reg.                    - infantry regiment
inform.                     - information
intern.                      - internée
intell.                        - Intelligence
J.H.I. - Jewish Historical Institute (Warsaw) 
lieut. - lieutenant 
L. art. reg. - Light artillery regiment
lieut. col. - lieutenant Colonel
2/lieut. - Second lieutenant
memb.                     - member
M.E. - Middle East
mgr.                         - magister pharmacist
Mil. - military
Mil. Hist. Inst. - Military Historical Institute (Warsaw)
miss. - missing
M.O.N. - Ministry of National Defense - Poland
M.P. - Military Police
N.C.O. - non-commissioned officer
N.K.V.D. - People's Commissariat of Interior (Ministry of Interior of the U.S.S.R.)
N.S.Z.                      - Narodowe Sily Zbrojne - National Armed Forces
nom.                        - nomination
O.B.E. - Officer British Empire - award 
off. - officer 
Oflag                        - Officers Lager
oper. - operation
org.                          - organization
P.A.E. - Polish Army East
P.A.F. - Polish Air Force
P.A.Fr. - Polish Army in France
Pal. - Palestina
P.A.W. - Polish Army West
part.                         - partisan
P.G. in E. - Polish Government in Exile
pharm. - pharmacist 
plat. - platoon
Pom. Wall - Pomeranian Wall
P.O.W.             - Prisoner of War
P.O.W.N.                 - Polish Resistance Organization in France 
P.P.A. - Polish People's Army
P.P.S.                      - Polska Partia Socjalistyczna - Polish Socialist Party
proff. - professional 
ps.                            - pseudonym
pte. - private
publ.                         - published
Q.M. - quartermaster
quart.                       - quarter
r.c. - reserve cadre
reg. - regiment
res. - reserve
ret.                           - retired
R.O.P.W.M. - Rada Ochrony Pamieci Walk i Meczenstwa   - Council for the Protection of     Memory, Combat & Martyrdom
s. - son
S.C.M. - Silver Cross of Merit
sign. - signal
S.O.B.                     -  Socjalistyczna Organizacja Bojowa - Socialist Fighting Organization
s. prop. a. tank art. - self propelled anti tank artillery
St. - Stalag              - Mannschaftsstamm Lager (P.O.W. Camp)
surg. - surgeon
trans.                        - transfer
under.                       - underground
U.K. - United Kingdom
Un. P.P. - Union Polish Patriots in the U.S.S.R.
U.S.S.R. - Soviet Union 
V.M. - “Virtuti Militari Cross”
warr. off. - Warrant officer
W.I.H. - Wojskowy Instytut Historyczny (Military Historical Institute)
WASt                       - Deutsche Dienstelle 1939-1999
W.R.N.                     - Wolnoscm Rownosc, Niepodleglosc – Freedom Equaliy Independence
Z.W.Z.                       - Zwiazek Walki Zbrojnej - Armed Struggle Union
Z.Z.W.                       - Zydowski Zwiazek Wojskowy  - Jewish Military Union
Z.O.B.                        - Zydowska Organizacja Bojowa – Jewish Fighting Organization
?  - died, killed, murdered, fell in battle, missing 
Books, Published Documents, Pamphlets
Baldwin, Hanson: Battles Lost and Won, publ. Harper and Row, 1966.
Bieganski, Witold: Polskie Sily Zbrojne na Zachodzie 1939-1945, publ. Warsaw 1990.
Cohen, Leopold: Jews in Polish Armed Forces - West (in Hebrew), publ. Tel-Aviv 1971, editor prof. M. Muskat.
Datner, Szymon: Na polu chwaly, publ. Jewish Hist. Inst. Bulletin No 4/128, 1983. 
Datner, Szymon: Zbrodnie Wehrmachtu na jencach wojennych w II Wojnie Swiatowej, Warsaw 1946.
Dunin - Wilczynski: Zbigniew, Wojsko Polskie w Iraku 1942-1943, publ. Museum Niepodleglosci Warsaw 1993.
Duraczynski, Eugeniusz: Poland 1939/1945. Dzieje polityczne, Warsaw 1999.
Gajowniczek, Suzana (editor): Ukrainski Slad Katynia (Ukrainian trace of Katyn), Ministry of Interior Warsaw 1996.
Gerhard, Jan: Grenadierzy, publ. MON Warsaw 1957.
Gilbert, Martin: Second World War. London 1989.
Glinski, Bogdan Jan: Slownik biograficzny lekarzy, farmaceutow ofiar drugiej wojny swiatowej.
Grigg, Johr: 1943. The Victory that never was. Ed. Methusen Ltd. London 1980.
Jablonowski, Marek: Zwiazek Zydow uczestnikow walk w Niepodleglosci Polski (1929-1939), Cyklady 1986.
Kallaur, Mikolaj: Lenino, Pazdziernik 1943, ed. R.O.P.W.M., Warsaw 1996.
Kozlowski Eugeniusz: Agresja na Polske, ed. Wojskowy Przeglad Historyczny No 3-4 Warsaw 1991, publ. Min. of Defence. Military Historical Institute.
Krakowski, Samuel: Jews in Polish Army in September 1939 campaign (in Hebrew) publ. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1987.
Ksiega Poleglych na Polu Chwaly 1943-1945, publ. Military Historical Institute, Warsaw 1974.
Kryska - Karski Tadeusz: Straty korpusu oficerskiego 1939/1945, Londyn 1996.
Lista starszenstwa oficerow WP na Srodkowym Wschodzie Dow. WP, Sztab V 1 march 1942, L.dz. 875/Tjn/V/42.
Loc, Rafael: Jewish - Polish officers who were P.O.W. in Germany (Hebrew) Moreszet No IV, July 1985.
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Archives, Institutes
Centralne Archiwum Wojskowe (Central Military Archives), Warsaw - Rembertow.
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Zydowski Jnstytut Historyczny (Z.I.H.)  - Jewsih Historical Institute, Warsaw.
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R.O.P.W.M. - Rada Ochrony Pamieci Walk i Meczenstwa   - Council for the Protection of     Memory, Combat & Martyrdom, Warsaw.
State Archives in Lublin, Collection A.P. Lublin.
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Wojskowy Instytut Historyczny (Military Historical Institute) Warsaw - Rembertow.
Yad Vashem Archives, Jerusalem.
Author’s Farewell Words
  I am now 84 years old and I doubt in my ability to continue the study and research in praise of the Polish Jews fighting for Poland’s Independence in W.W.II in the ranks of the Polish Armed Forces.
  It was my challenge to transfer the heroic story of Polish Jews fighting the Nazi foe to the posterity.
  It started by chance. Sitting one evening in 1991 with my comrades, with a glass of vodka in hand, we remembered our Lenino battle on October 12th, 1943 and our comrades, Jews who fell in battle, soldiers in our company (the fifth) in our battalion (the second) in our regiment (the first) in the 1st Tadeusz Kosciuszko Division.
  And then one of my colleagues said “capt., you shall do it, you shall immortalize them, those who fell on the way to liberation.”
  And I accepted the challenge. And that’s how it started, in 1991, and 5 volumes of “Jewish Military Casualties in the Polish Armies in W.W.II” with ca. 8,000 names of Jewish soldiers killed in action, died of wounds, missing in battle, died in service, murdered as P.O.W.'s in Katyn crime, murdered as P.O.W.'s in Oflags and stalags in Lipowa and Majdanek camps, and others were published. 
  I did the study basing myself on the most reliable sources with all my devotion, accuracy and consciousness.
  8 years of painstaking work.
  It was for me a revelation. I am an enginéer, and suddenly being an old man to start a new career. A career as a historian and chronicler.
  The volumes were accepted by relevant institutions (Museums, Archives, Libraries, Universities), by scholars, families, comrades in the U.S.A., England, Poland, German by Jewish and non-Jewish institutions with appreciation.
  And then one day they visited me, the General Director, and the editor of the Polish “Bellona” Publishing House, with a proposal. They asked my permission to translate the study into Polish and to publish it in Poland. I asked them “Why?” and their answer: “to fulfill the vacuum of consciousness of the Polish society on behalf of Jewish part in the struggle of the Polish People for their freedom.” I accepted the proposal.
The success encouraged me, and in 1999 I started the study: "Jews - Officers in the Polish Armed Forces”. This study I am presenting to you, dear scholars, students, teachers, now. 
In the study over 4,976 biographies of Jews - officers in the Polish Armed Forces are presented.
It should be that the two studies shall partly fill the vacuum in the knowledge of the Polish generations to come on the part of Jews in the history of modern Poland. 
The tribute of Jewish blood to Polish cause expresses the attitude of Jews to their Polish Motherland.
What a pity it is that the attitude of a considerable part of the Polish society to their Jewish neighbors was as those of a ‘stepmother’.
55 years has passed since the great victory. Poland is an independent great state in the heart of Europe with an excellent perspective for a prosperous future. Only a very small Jewish community lives in Poland.
We Jews, after the Holocaust tragedy, obtained in 1948 our Independent State of Israel. Unfortunately, we are still involved in a bloody conflict with our neighbors. We believe in peace. Peace for the benefit of all parties involved.
I am proud of having the chance to serve as an officer in the Polish Armed Forces, and to fight “for our freedom and yours”.
I was wounded in battle and awarded. 
I shall remember my comrades, Jews and Gentiles, wherever they are.
I am serving as the President of the Association of Jewish War Veterans of Polish Armies in Israel. 
In 1998 we erected a monumental Memorial in honor of 30,000 Jews - who fell while serving in the ranks of the Polish Armies at the Military Cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem.
I believe that my study which reveals the Jewish contribution and sacrifice in the Second World War, previously unknown, will serve as another Memorial of Heroism to the fallen Jewish soldiers who fought in the Polish Armies, and as a kind of Kaddish for those who gave their lives.
Let the Jewish posterity be proud of their ancestors, "Soldiers of Freedom".
Eng. Benjamin Meirtchak, Lieut. Colonel (ret.) 
"Jewish Military Casualties in the Polish Armies in World War II
"...I am proud of the Jews, both officers and men who fought and died in the fierce struggle against the Nazi beast. lt was a good thing to memorialize the names of the thousands of fighters who contributed so much to attain victory over the forces of Evil..."
Prof. Ephraim Katchalski-Katzir
Weizmann Institute of Science.
"...Accept my blessing on the publication on this important study which is a memorial to those Jewish soldiers and P.O.W.'s murdered by Nazis. I am sure that you will continue this holy work and complete the planned series. I don't know anybody besides you who have the ability to do this holy work."
Dr. Shmuel Krakowski
Yad Vashem. Jerusalem
"... It is easy to appreciate the huge effort required to gather together the names of those Jews who sacrificed their lives in the war against Nazis, and thanks to the publication of these volumes their names and personal history will now become known... May your efforts be rewarded and let us hope that you will have the strength to complete the project you have undertaken."
Moshe Bejski
Supreme Court Justice (ret.)
"Benjamin Meirtchak work is a remarkable and an important publication. It is remarkable because it represents a considerable amount of extremely hard and patient work, and it is important because it adds a dimension to our knowledge of the Jewish contribution to the defeat of Nazi Germany.
The military participation of Jews in the struggle against Nazism is less well-known. In this sphere Benjamin Meirtchak is engaged in a work of crucial importance."
Sir Martin Gilbert
Merton College, Oxford
"...Your book is a very special contribution, a kind of Kaddish for those martyrs who gave their lives for God and the Jewish People and did not leave anyone to say Kaddish and mourn for their souls. May you be blessed for the undertaking."
Dr. Pinchas Rosengarten
Chief Rabbi of the Anders Army
 and the Second Polish Corps in Italy
"Many blessings to you..."
Eli Wiesel
 Boston University
"...This is a monumental work worthy of every praise..."
Chaim Lazar
Museum of Combatants and Partisans
"...Your publication will serve as immense assistance in our studies in commemorating Jews-Servicemen in the Polish Armed Formations fallen or murdered in the time of the Second World War...
Andrzej Przewoznik
Council for the Protection of Memory of Combat and Martyrdom
Warsaw, Poland
"...You have established a memorial to the Jewish soldiers who fell in the service of the Polish Army. Thank you for your Holy work."
Jacob Grinstein
Organization of Partisans,
Underground Fighters and Ghetto Rebels in Israel
...Much efforts have been invested in this well thought out work, and I much admire the initiative and accomplishment. This is a significant achievement which reveals the Jewish contribution and sacrifice in the Second World War that was previously unknown..."
Prof. Israel Gutman
Yad-Vashem, Jerusalem
The Holocaust, Martyrs, Heroes Remembrance Authority
"...Let us praise the unique contribution in upholding the memory of Jewish fighters on an important front, that brought about the defeat of Nazi Oppressor..."
Yosef Rav
"Moreshet" Mordchaj Anielevich Study and Research Center
It is only due to the hard and painstaking work carried out over many years by Mr. Meirtchak that has enabled the completion of this important list of soldiers and officers who fell in action in W.W.ll.
This publication is the only Memorial of the heroism of the fallen Jewish soldiers who fought with the Polish Army.
There is nobody left to remember them. We who survived must not forget them."
Henry Morris
 "AJEX", London
Author's Farewell Words to the Second Edition
Dear Reader of the Study,
I am presenting you with the second edition of the study:  "Jews – Officers in the Polish Armed Forces".
Altogether we set 4,976 Jews – Officers. It is the most authoritative and updated work on the subject on Jews – Officers defending and fighting for Poland's Independence.
It took me 3 years to complete this second edition. Even now, the volume is not comprehensive presentation of Jews - Officers in the Polish Armed Forces, but I am in doubt if somebody will be able to add names of Jews – Officers abandoned in our study, to the lists presented.
Dear friends... I am now 87 years old and it will probably be my last study on the subject of "Jews fighting against the Nazis in the ranks of the Polish Armed Forces".
I fulfilled my duty by immortalizing the heroic behavior of Jewish soldiers and officers, my brothers-in-arms, in fighting against the German foe, and I hope that this study will change the existing opinion that Jews were only victims of the Nazis. And if it happens, then I achieved my aim and I thank the Almighty for giving me the privilege, power and belief in doing the right thing – commemorating the Jewish fight against the Nazis in the ranks of the Polish Armed Forces. 
September 2004                                                                 Eng. Benjamin Meirtchak,  Lieut. Colonel (ret.)

ניתן להשתמש בחצי המקלדת בכדי לנווט בין כפתורי הרכיב
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Co(e,t){t>e.firstPendingTime&&(e.firstPendingTime=t);var n=e.firstSuspendedTime;0!==n&&(t>=n?e.firstSuspendedTime=e.lastSuspendedTime=e.nextKnownPendingLevel=0:t>=e.lastSuspendedTime&&(e.lastSuspendedTime=t+1),t>e.nextKnownPendingLevel&&(e.nextKnownPendingLevel=t))}function No(e,t){var n=e.lastExpiredTime;(0===n||n>t)&&(e.lastExpiredTime=t)}function Po(e,t,n,o){var a=t.current,i=Fr(),l=su.suspense;i=jr(i,a,l);e:if(n){n=n._reactInternalFiber;t:{if(J(n)!==n||1!==n.tag)throw Error(r(170));var u=n;do{switch(u.tag){case 3:u=u.stateNode.context;break t;case 1:if(It(u.type)){u=u.stateNode.__reactInternalMemoizedMergedChildContext;break t}}u=u.return}while(null!==u);throw Error(r(171))}if(1===n.tag){var s=n.type;if(It(s)){n=Dt(n,s,u);break e}}n=u}else n=Al;return null===t.context?t.context=n:t.pendingContext=n,t=on(i,l),t.payload={element:e},o=void 0===o?null:o,null!==o&&(t.callback=o),an(a,t),Dr(a,i),i}function Oo(e){if(e=e.current,!e.child)return null;switch(e.child.tag){case 5:return e.child.stateNode;default:return e.child.stateNode}}function Ro(e,t){e=e.memoizedState,null!==e&&null!==e.dehydrated&&e.retryTime